January 2024

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Exceptional Powers – Anglo U.S Elite Tyranny VIII

Posted By: Robert Cook January 26th 2024 rj.cookofnorthbucks@btinternet.com https://www.waterstones.com/author/robert-cook/435753/page/1 March 10th 2024 While Russia was ranked as the number one threat in Germany in last year’s Munich Security Index, it has now slipped back to…

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FERM – Female Exclusionary Radical Males

Or ‘Why Men Need Safe Spaces From Women’ e mail rj.cookofnorthbucks@btinternet.com https://www.waterstones.com/author/robert-cook/435753/page/1 https://bigthink.com/the-past/love-letter-generator-turing-strachey-ai/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-gb The love letter generator that foretold ChatGPT Alan Turing and Christopher Strachey created a ground-breaking computer program that allowed them to express…

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R J Cook Matters II

https://www.waterstones.com/author/robert-cook/435753/page/1 https://www.bookbub.com/hero-books-discounted-ebooks/2?source=pocket_uk_yellow_past_deals_theme_3 June 17th 2024 Q&A How Suzanne Scanlon Recovered In her new book, Committed, Suzanne Scanlon writes about being institutionalized in her youth and how she eventually got out.  Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos:…

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Death After Life In Police State Britain IX

An Orwellian Nightmare rj.cookofnorthbucks@btinternet.com February 20th 2024 Anglo – U.S War Crimes Hypocrisy – R J Cook Mid June 2012, with London Olympics imminent, the WikiLeaks publisher had exhausted every legal avenue in his attempts…