Since the Corona virus lock down and all the harm it is doing to the poor majority, we have decided that we must move away from satire. With the government assuming dictatorial powers, there is very little to laugh at. Britain is now a full blown police state. Consequently several pages have already been deleted and more will follow.
Britain’s elite are self congratulatory about Britain’s allegedly multi cultural and diverse society. Such social entities require police state methods, just as were used to subjugate and control their multi cultural and diverse empire. The psychology, motivation and profits haven’t changed – but the technology has.
Internet censorship in the United Kingdom is conducted under a variety of laws, judicial processes, administrative regulations and voluntary arrangements. It is achieved by blocking access to sites as well as the use of laws that criminalise publication or possession of certain types of material. These include English defamation law, the Copyright law of the United Kingdom,[1] regulations against incitement to terrorism[2] and child pornography.
- David Spiegelhalter, chair1
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Types of markers/categories on the PNC relating to individuals Posted December 17th 2020
Alain Durand made this Freedom of Information request to National Police Chiefs’ Council
This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.
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The request was refused by National Police Chiefs’ Council. Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
I would like to have more information on the types of markers/categories used in the PNC in relation to individuals (as opposed to vehicles, objects etc.). As far as I am aware there are at least two types of ‘markers’ on the PNC: ‘Wanted/missing’ or ‘Locate and trace’.
However there also seems to be further categorisations, for example in the guidance published by the College of Policing in issuing Article 32 Alerts in regards to the Schengen Information System, it is stated that ‘An Article 32 alert is created automatically when an officer records a person as missing on the PNC’. Could you clarify which specific ‘marker’ or ‘category’ this is on the PNC? Just as an example, would someone who has failed to appear (at either the police station or the court) after being bailed be classified as ‘missing’, or ‘wanted’?
If possible, I would like a list of all the possible markers/(sub-)categories that can be listed on the PNC, as well as explanations and details on the situations under which they are used. Please make it obvious which are the ‘main’ markers and which are the ‘subcategories’ that correspond with the individual type of marker. If an official handbook/guideline (or an excerpt from such a document) regarding this matter is available, please kindly provide it to me, regardless of the organisation that issued the document. If there is no such official document, or if the document does not contain all of the information as specified above, one that is written subsequent to this request containing the details as described above would also be acceptable.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
Please confirm receipt of my FOI request, so I know that it has been received properly.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport National Police Chiefs’ Council
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Dear Mr Durand
Please find attached NPCC acknowledgement to your Freedom of Information
Kind regards
Darrell Bunce
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
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3. mailto:[email address]Link to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
I agree that, as per the guidelines, there is ground for requests 2-4 to be treated as one request. However, I believe that Request 1 should be treated as a separate request as it involves a different matter – the PNC, intended for domestic use, as opposed to the SIS II, which is European-wide. Please take the time to re-consider my request and let me know of your decision. Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
I would like to remind you that the deadline fir a response by the NPCC to FOI request no. 000115/16 is today.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
A response from NPCC regarding request 115/16 is now overdue. Please respond as soon as possible or provide a date by which I can expect a response. Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport National Police Chiefs’ Council
Mr Durand
Thank you for your email of yesterday’s date and your email this morning. I hope to draft your response today and you should receive a response no later than Monday afternoon.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Kindest regards.
show quoted sectionsLink to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
Sherry – thanks for your reply.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport National Police Chiefs’ Council
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- 115 16 NPCC Response 24062016.pdf 317K Download View as HTML
Mr Durand
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kindest regards.
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E | [1][National Police Chiefs Council request email]
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3. mailto:[email address]Link to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
I would like to request an internal review of my request. I have also modified it to be as follows:
The data concerned only includes those outstanding alerts uploaded by the UK during the calendar year 2015.
I wish for the NPCC to disclose data relating to outstanding alerts issued under Article 34 on
the Schengen Information System II (SIS II). Please breakdown the data by the following categories, if the information is available: nationality of the individual and age of the individual. If as a result of these categorisations, any exemption would apply, it would be acceptable only to break the data down by age.
I wish for the NPCC to disclose data relating to outstanding alerts issued under Article 36 for
individuals on the Schengen Information System II (SIS II). Data on Article 36 alerts for
vehicles/containers are therefore not required. Please breakdown the data for Article 36 alerts for individuals by the following categories, if the information is available: nationality of the individual and age of the individual. If as a result of these categorisations, any exemption would apply, it would be acceptable only to break the data down by age.
Please also disclose the total number of article 38 alerts created by the UK in 2015, and break it down by type (e.g. car, passport, ID card).
However, if the cost limit would still be exceeded or if any other exemption would apply, please could you provide a simple total for each of the 3 different types of alerts created by the UK in 2015, without it being broken down.
Furthermore, the link you have provided to the PNC manual (…) seems to be faulty, as the document, apart from the first page, is completely empty – there is not even a blank page, it simply doesn’t exist (although the pdf file indicates that there are more than 600 pages).
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport National Police Chiefs’ Council
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- 115 16 NPCC IR Acknowledgement 27062016.doc.pdf 286K Download View as HTML
Dear Mr Durand
Please find attached NPCC acknowledgement to your request for an Internal
Kindest regards.
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E | [1][National Police Chiefs Council request email]
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Dear Mr Durand
Please find attached the NPCC response to your FOI request 115/16.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Warhurst
Rebecca Warhurst
Deputy Manager
National Police FOI & DP Central Referral Unit
National Police Chiefs’ Council
T. 0844-8929010
A. c/o ACRO, PO BOX 481, PO14 9FS
E. [1][email address]
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Mr Durand
Further to Internal Review response reference 115/16, I have pleasure in
acknowledging a new request as advised within your review.
I will provide a response to you at the earliest opportunity.
Kindest regards.
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E | [1][National Police Chiefs Council request email]
W| [2]
For out of hours press enquiries please call 07803 903 686
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3. mailto:[email address]Link to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
Thank you for your reply to my internal review request (115/16). Upon re-reading the original response to my request I now understand why the information requested in questions 2-4 of my original request cannot be provided. However, I believe that if the data is not broken down at all (i.e. presented simply as one number) then the cost would be far lower. I would therefore like to ask the NPCC to disclose the number of all article 34 alerts and article 36 alerts uploaded by the UK in the calendar year 2015 (Please, however, still present the numbers for the two different types of alerts separately). Please advise me as to whether this will be treated as a new request or as a follow-up.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport National Police Chiefs’ Council
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- 154 16 NPCC acknowledgement 15072016.doc.pdf 80K Download View as HTML
Good afternoon
Please find attached NPCC acknowledgement to your Freedom of Information
Kindest regards.
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E | [1][National Police Chiefs Council request email]
W| [2]
For out of hours press enquiries please call 07803 903 686
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3. mailto:[email address]Link to thisReport Alain Durand Delivered
Dear National Police Chiefs Council,
Re: FOI request 000154/16
Please also include data on the number of article 38 alerts issued by the UK in 2015 – I left this out by mistake in my original request.
Yours faithfully,
Alain DurandLink to thisReport National Police Chiefs’ Council
2 Attachments
- image003.jpg 4K Download
- 154 16 NPCC Response 02082016.pdf 292K Download View as HTML
Good afternoon
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E | [1][National Police Chiefs Council request email]
W| [2]
For out of hours press enquiries please call 07803 903 686
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- 144 16 NPCC Response 02082016 002.pdf 300K Download View as HTML
Good afternoon
Please find attached NPCC response to your Freedom of Information request.
Kindest regards.
Sherry Traquair
Freedom of Information Officer and Decision Maker
National Police Chiefs’ Council, 1st Floor,
10 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0NN
T | 02380 478922
M | 077 685 53447
E | [1][National Police Chiefs Council request email]
W| [2]
For out of hours press enquiries please call 07803 903 686
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Ryan Jarvis left an annotation (20 February 2019)
Hi There,
Not sure if you managed to locate the information you requested however this publicly accessible link provides an overview of the PNC Person Index, Markers and Definitions…
Hope it helps. Link to thisReport
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Julian Assange Political Prisoner of British Police State September 22nd 2020
Use of “normal” risk to improve understanding of dangers of covid-19
BMJ 2020; 370 doi: (Published 09 September 2020) Cite this as: BMJ 2020;370:m32
Accumulating data on deaths from covid-19 show an association with age that closely matches the “normal” risk we all face. Explaining risk in this way could help people understand and manage their response, says David Spiegelhalter
As covid-19 turns from a societal threat into a matter of risk management, it is vital that the associated risks are understood and clearly communicated.1 But these risks vary hugely between people, and so finding appropriate analogues is a challenge. Although covid-19 is a complex multisystem disease that can cause prolonged illness, here I focus solely on the risks of dying from covid-19 and explore the use of “normal” risk—the risk of death from all causes each year—as an aid to transparent communication.
Population fatality risks in terms of normal risks
The population fatality rate tells us the proportion of the total population getting infected and then dying with covid-19 over a specified time. This can be directly obtained from death registrations in which covid-19 is mentioned on the death certificate in England and Wales.2 It will include those dying both from and with the virus, while underestimating the true number of deaths linked to covid-19 because of underdiagnosis in people who did not display classic symptoms, were not tested, and so did not have covid-19 mentioned on the death certificate.
In the 16 weeks (112 days) between 7 March and 26 June 2020, 218 354 deaths were registered in England and Wales, compared with an average of 159 595 for this period over the past five years. This is an absolute excess of 58 759 deaths, corresponding to a relative increase of 37%; 49 607 (84%) of these excess deaths had covid-19 mentioned on the death certificate. Figure 1 shows the age and sex specific population fatality rates on both logarithmic and linear scales, compared with the age and sex specific annual “hazards”—that is, the proportion of people of each age who do not reach their next birthday—obtained from the life tables provided by the Office for National Statistics3 and scaled to 16 weeks.
Fig 1
Observed population fatality rates for 49 607 deaths mentioning covid-19, registered in England and Wales between 7 March and 26 June 2020. The covid-19 death rates create a remarkably straight line on a logarithmic scale (top), indicating an exponential increase of risk with age. The “normal” risk (dashed lines) is the actuarial annual mortality, scaled by a factor 16/52 to reflect the risk over 16 weeks.
The actuarial risks show an early peak related to congenital diseases and birth trauma, then a minimum at around age 9 or 10 and a steady increase, which is remarkably linear apart from a bump in the late teens and early 20s associated with deaths from non-natural causes. This near linearity on a logarithmic scale corresponds to an exponential increase—from age 35, the annual hazard increases at an average 9.7% a year for men and 10.4% a year for women. This means that, in normal circumstances, the average annual risk of death doubles for each seven years of extra age (since a 10% a year increase (1.1) over seven years leads to a total increase of 1.17, which is roughly 2).
The population fatality rates for covid-19 display even stronger linearity on the logarithmic scale. Table 1 shows the death rate during this 16 week period was around 12-13% higher for each year older, corresponding to doubling for every five to six additional years of age, and this relation is consistent from childhood to old age. On average, men experienced around 70% additional risk compared with women the same age. Other countries show a similar gradient.4Table 1
Estimated effects of sex and age on population fatality rates for covid-19 based on 49 607 deaths registered in England and Wales between 7 March and 26 June 2020*
The relation of covid-19 mortality risk with age is slightly steeper than it is for normal actuarial risk, but for ages over 45 the lines are fairly parallel, indicating that the average risk of catching and then dying from the virus were roughly proportional to the average normal risk over the same period.
The risks of catching and dying from the virus vary 10 000-fold depending on age, as shown in the linear graph, and it is challenging to communicate such a massive range. Table 2 represents an attempt to communicate the additional risk of dying from covid-19 in terms of extra days of normal risk, represented by the five year average for these 16 weeks in order to adjust for seasonal effects.Table 2
Deaths registered in 16 weeks between 7 March and 26 June 2020 in England and Wales: 49 607 deaths with covid-19 on death certificate. Five year averages and populations from the Office for National Statistics56
For example, among nearly six million people aged 65-74 in England and Wales, 7319 were registered as dying from or with covid-19 over 16 weeks, a rate of around 124 in 100 000, or 1 in 807. We would normally expect around 26 617 deaths in this age group over this period, and so covid-19 represented a 28% increased risk. This is equivalent to around 31 days’ extra risk of dying during 112 days of the epidemic.
The second row of table 2 shows that three deaths from covid-19 have been recorded among over 7 million schoolchildren aged 5 to 14 (around 1 in 2.4 million), an extremely low risk that represents only 2% of the average normal risk faced by this group. This amounts to around two days’ extra risk of dying during the 112 days of the epidemic. In the same period this age group experienced 138 deaths from other causes.
At the other extreme, 2% (1 in 49) of all those aged over 90 in England and Wales were registered as dying with covid-19 in these 16 weeks; this represents around 4300 times the risk of catching and dying from covid-19 compared with 15-24 year olds. These 10 790 deaths can be compared with the average of 33 722 for this period over the past five years, so the potential exposure to covid-19 represents an additional 32% over normal mortality risk. So living through this 112 day period of the epidemic is as if these people have on average been exposed to an extra 36 days’ risk (32% of 112).
Taken as a whole, 1 in 1192 of the population died and had covid-19 on their death certificate, which represents a 31% increase over the normal risk, equivalent to an extra 35 days over and above the 112 days to which they had been exposed, although this additional relative risk was far lower for under 45s and extremely small for under 15s.
In summary, those 16 weeks (112 days) of the pandemic led to those aged over 55 experiencing around five weeks’ extra risk, while younger people were exposed to steadily smaller amounts: for schoolchildren it corresponded to just two additional days.
These are observed historical rates in the population and cannot be quoted as the future risks of getting covid-19 and dying. The risks of infection will be altered by factors that limit exposure and have dropped as the epidemic has been brought under control. There may also have been some selection of frail elderly people, bringing their deaths forward and leaving a temporarily more resilient cohort.
Infection fatality risks in terms of normal risks
In contrast to the population fatality rate, we might expect the infection fatality rate—that is, the risk of death if infected—to remain fairly stable over time.
In March 2020 researchers from Imperial College London published an influential report containing age specific risks of dying after infection with SARS-CoV-2.7 They estimated an overall infection fatality rate in the UK of 0.9%, with a 95% uncertainty interval of 0.4% to 1.4%, and provided rates and intervals for different age groups, with both sexes combined. Uncertainty intervals corresponded to a relative error of ±55%, showing the caution about these early estimates based on experience in Wuhan and aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
In March 2020 I compared these estimates with the annual actuarial risks shown in figure 1 and found the agreement was reasonable,8 with the covid-19 risk estimates following a similar pattern to the background risk (fig 2, top).
Fig 2
Estimated infection fatality rates with covid-19 superimposed on background annual risk. Top: estimated covid-19 infection fatality rates are from Imperial College London, March 2020. Error bars on the estimated age specific covid-19 mortality assume a relative error of ±55%. Bottom: estimated covid-19 infection fatality rates from MRC Biostatistics Unit analysis, July 2020.
This agreement between the estimated covid-19 risks and the average annual mortality rates suggests that, based on the figures provided by the Imperial College team in March 2020, being infected with SARS-CoV-2 contributes about a year’s worth of extra risk of dying for those aged over 20 and less than half this risk for those aged under 20. There is a simple reality check on this figure. Ferguson et al7 estimated that if the virus went completely unchallenged, around 80% of people would be infected and there would be around 510 000 deaths. So if everyone got infected we would presumably expect 510 000×100/80=637 500 deaths, which is fairly close to the “normal” annual total of around 616 000 deaths in the UK (2018).
Unfortunately, the message that covid-19 risk was about the same as the annual risk (and hence that catching the virus roughly doubles the risk of dying this year) was misinterpreted by some as meaning that it did not increase the annual risk at all. In fact, if the risk of dying this year from covid-19 is p, and the risk of independently dying from something else is also p, then probability theory tells us that the overall risk of dying this year is one minus the chance of surviving both hazards—that is, 1−(1−p)(1−p) or 2p−p2. For low p, this will be very close to 2p, and so it is generally fine to say that covid-19 would roughly double the risk of dying. But if you were frail and had a 60% risk of dying next year, then with infection this would rise to 2×0.6–0.62=0.84, so altogether you would have an 84% chance of dying. (The events may also not be independent: survivors may be weakened by the disease or show increased resilience.)
The true infection fatality rate remains contested, with one review claiming a global rate of 1.04%,9 while another has claimed a range from 0.02% to 0.4%.10 In July, the MRC Biostatistics Unit estimated updated infection fatality rates for the UK (fig 2, bottom).11 These correspond to an overall rate of 1.3% (1.1% to 1.5%), rather more than the early estimates from March, and also show a steeper gradient than the background risk, increasing at 12.8% per additional year of age, precisely that observed for the population fatality rates (fig 1). This steeper gradient suggests that the additional risk from being infected is rather more than the normal annual risk for those over 55, and rather less than the annual risk for those under 55.
All this analysis refers to averages over populations, and although age seems to be the overwhelmingly dominant influence on mortality, clearly other factors affect individual risk. More than 90% of people who have died with covid-19 had pre-existing medical conditions.12 However, it may be reasonable, to a first approximation, to assume these comparisons apply to more highly stratified groups. The idea that covid-19 multiplies the “normal risk” of dying in the following year forms the basis for the analysis of Banerjee et al,13 who assume a fixed additional relative risk from covid-19, such as 0.5 (6 months’ normal risk) to 1 (a year’s normal risk) to be applied to actuarial estimates for one year mortality based on age, sex, and pre-existing conditions.
Importantly, all the risks quoted are the average (mean) risks for people of the relevant age but are not the risks of the average person. This is because, both for covid-19 and in normal circumstances, much of the risk is held by people who are already chronically ill. So for the large majority of healthy people, their risks of either dying from covid-19, or dying of something else, are much lower than those quoted here. Of course, while death is the most serious and easily recorded outcome, information is growing on the number of people experiencing prolonged symptoms of covid-19. This mounting problem presents a whole new challenge for surveillance, risk assessment, and risk communication.
The UK has experienced some of the highest per-capita mortality from covid-19 of any country. The covid-19 population fatality rate over the 16 week (112 day) peak of the epidemic in England and Wales was equivalent to those over 55 experiencing around 5 weeks extra mortality risk above “normal,” and steadily less for younger age groups, reducing to just two extra days for schoolchildren.
The infection fatality rate was estimated back in March to be roughly equivalent to the age specific annual mortality: currently it seems to be slightly more than a year’s worth for over 55s and less than this for under 55s.
Normal risk appears a reasonable comparator for interpreting both population and infection fatality risks, although incorporation in any public facing tool would require careful evaluation, especially in light of the growing concerns about the prolonged impacts of infection. It should always be remembered that these are risks to the individual: there is still a responsibility to consider the potential risks an individual may cause to others.
Key messages
- It is difficult to communicate the huge range of individual mortality risks from covid-19 experienced by people of different ages.
- For the general population, the risk of catching and then dying from covid-19 during 16 weeks of the pandemic was equivalent to experiencing around 5 weeks extra “normal” risk for those over 55, decreasing steadily with age, to just 2 extra days for schoolchildren
- For those over 55 who are infected with covid-19, the additional risk of dying is slightly more than the “normal” risk of death from all other causes over one year, and less for under 55s.
- Analogy with normal risk seems an appropriate and useful tool for risk communication of lethal risk, although it does not deal with longer term harm to survivors.
The David and Claudia Harding Foundation provide funding for the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication.
- Contributors and sources: DS is a statistician who conducted all the analyses, wrote the code to produce the graphics, and wrote the paper.
- Competing interests: I have read and understood BMJ policy on declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to declare.
- Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
This article is made freely available for use in accordance with BMJ’s website terms and conditions for the duration of the covid-19 pandemic or until otherwise determined by BMJ. You may use, download and print the article for any lawful, non-commercial purpose (including text and data mining) provided that all copyright notices and trade marks are retained.
- ↵
- Smith GD,
- Spiegelhalter D
- ↵Office for National Statistics. Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional – [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2020 May 30]. Available from:
- ↵Office for National Statistics. National life tables, UK. 2019.
- ↵Ng J, Bakrania K, Falkous C, Russell R. Covid-19 mortality rates by age and gender: why is the disease killing more men than women?RGA 2020 Jul 10.
- ↵Office for National Statistics. Five-year average weekly deaths registered in England and Wales, by gender and age groupings . 2020
- ↵Office for National Statistics. All data related to Population estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, provisional: mid-2019. 2020.
- ↵Ferguson NM, et al. Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand. 2020.
- ↵Spiegelhalter D. How much ‘normal’ risk does Covid represent? Medium 2020
- ↵Grewelle R, Leo GD. Estimating the global infection fatality rate of covid-19. medRxiv 2020.05.11.20098780.[Preprint.] doi:10.1101/2020.05.11.20098780Abstract/FREE Full TextGoogle Scholar
- ↵Ioannidis J. The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence data. medRxiv 2020.05.13.20101253.[Preprint.] doi:10.1101/2020.05.13.20101253Abstract/FREE Full TextGoogle Scholar
- ↵Birrell P, Blake J, van Leeuwen E, de Angelis D, Biostatistics Unit MRC, COVID-19 Working Group. COVID-19: nowcast and forecast. 2020.
- ↵Office for National Statistics. Deaths involving COVID-19, England and Wales: deaths occurring in June 2020. 2020.
- ↵
- Banerjee A,
- Pasea L,
- Harris S,
- et al
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- Ten-Minute Examination of the Dizzy Patient Department of Otolaryngology et al., Medscape
- Technique to Prevent Long-Term Stroke Damage Shows Promise Medscape
Rule of Six – Report from Evening News September 17th 2020
“This single measure replaces both the existing ban on gatherings of more than 30 and the current guidance on allowing two households to meet indoors,” Mr Johnson said.
“Now you only need to remember the rule of six.”
The government guidance, says when seeing friends and family you do not live with you should:
- Follow social distancing rules
- Limit how many different people you see socially over a short period of time
- Meet people outdoors where practical: meeting people outdoors is safer than meeting people indoors because fresh air provides better ventilation
From today, when meeting friends and family you do not live with you must not meet in a group of more than six, indoors or outdoors – unless you are a meeting as a household or support bubble.
The police will have the powers to enforce these legal limits, including to issue fines (fixed penalty notice) of £100, doubling for further breaches up to a maximum of £3,200.
Anyone organising a gathering (such as a rave or house party) of more than 30 could face a £10,000 fine.
The government guidance urges people to avoid crowded areas with lots of people; and touching things that other people have touched.
For people living in eight boroughs of Greater Manchester (except Stockport and Wigan) they are subject to separate lockdown restrictions banning two households from mixing in each other’s homes and gardens.
More stringent measures are in place in Bolton, where coronavirus cases have spiked and are the highest in the UK.
The government says you should try not to share a vehicle with those outside your household or social bubble. If you need to, try to:
- share the transport with the same people each time
- keep to small groups of people of up to six people at any one time (this limit of sic people will apply and have legal force from today).
- open windows for ventilation
- travel side by side or behind other people, rather than facing them, where seating arrangements allow
- face away from each other
- consider seating arrangements to maximise distance between people in the vehicle
- clean your car between journeys using standard cleaning products – make sure you clean door handles and other areas that people may touch
- make sure the driver and passengers wear a face covering
There are some exceptions where groups can be larger than six people, including:
- Where everyone lives together or is in the same support bubble, or to continue existing arrangements where children do not live in the same household as both their parents
- For work, and voluntary or charitable services
- For education, training, or registered childcare (including wraparound care)
- Fulfilling legal obligations such as attending court or jury service
- Providing emergency assistance, or providing support to a vulnerable person
- For you or someone else to avoid illness, injury or harm
- Participate in children’s playgroups
- Wedding and civil partnership ceremonies and receptions, or for other religious life-cycle ceremonies – where up to 30 people will be able to attend
- Funerals – where up to 30 people will be able to attend
- Organised indoor and outdoor sports, physical activity and exercise classes (see the list of recreational team sports, outdoor sport and exercise allowed under the gyms and leisure centre guidance
- Youth groups or activities
- Elite sporting competition or training
- Protests and political activities organised in compliance with Covid-19 secure guidance and subject to strict risk assessments.
Venues following Covid-19 secure guidelines can host more than six people in total, but no one should visit in a group of greater than six.
Comment Much about the so called Covid 19 Pandemic with lockdown does not make sense if taken at face value. When Covid 19 first hit the news from China, the first response was that it would not spread to the U.K, masks would not make any difference to the spread. Later on, when a spread to the U.K seemed inevitable because of open door immigration and unrestricted travel, the reponse was that you could not not kill the virus. Herd immunity was the only solution.
Then came lockdown which has cost us little people a fortune in lost work and income. At the same time it has further enriched the global elite. It is justified to the British masses in terms of saving lives – when it is actually killing people from other causes.
That doesn’t matter becaause it is not really about saving lives, from the secretive official perspective. It is about social control, reinforcing what was already the most subtle and advanced police state in the world, and in history. The second lockdown, as an extension of the first was a foregone conclusion. The banning of meetings over 6 is a U.K example to a global dictator led world that only protests against the far right, China and Russia are allowed or justified.
The elite use so called scientists to make Covid more frighetning than the plague. The reality that it has a low kill rate, afflicting BAME high density religious communities and those living in squalid profiteering so called care homes, is glossed over, effectively ignored.
The elite have an agenda, based on psuedo hypocritical self interested morality. There are very serious unanaswered questions as to the origins of the Covid 19 virus, the reaons for its spread, why the threat is exaggerated- while the structural issues feeding it are syetmatically ignored by mass mainstream elite run, elite fronted media . R.J Cook
The British Police State Owns You And Your Children September 16th 2020
The Canterbury Hub
Updating the people of Kent from Canterbury Christ Church University’s Multimedia Journalism course
Have the UK police been given too much power?
It has been over a month into the lockdown period now and we are all feeling the effects of not going outside.
We are all so uncertain about the road ahead, what will our economy be like when this is over? How will this change our futures?
On the day that the pubs closed, I sat with my dad over our last pint, watching the staff and their grim expressions, not knowing when they would be going back to work.
I remember during our conversation, that I reiterated that we must keep a close eye on the government and by extension the police, as times like these can lead to the abolishment of freedoms, in the guise that it is in fact necessary.
However, though I completely understand that the lockdown is necessary and is saving lives; mostly thanks to the spirit of the public, I do believe that when you start harassing people and threatening fines for sun-bathing, perhaps you might be over stretching your badge a little.
Now let’s be honest, we have all seen the pictures and videos of people in the park enjoying the sun.
Some might call that a gross risk to life, I on the other hand don’t.
The people are keeping their distance, after all the rule is to keep 2 metres apart, the majority of the people, at least who I saw and see on my daily walk, are up to five metres, or more, apart from each other.
Now that is not to say that I am endorsing all of the behaviour I see, such as people casually meeting up and walking around with their friends and constantly moving from house to house.
A police van is going around peckham rye blaring “no sunbathing… exercise only”
— Griff Ferris (@g__ferris) April 4, 2020
But I do believe that there is a line to be drawn.
It seems time and time again we hear a new story or watch a video of a bold officer telling a family or an individual to not go into their front garden, effectively intruding on private property to scold someone that is doing no harm.
In strange new times like these, it is inevitable that the government is going to struggle when it comes to making sure the public plays by the rules.
However only a couple of weeks ago, Chief Constable Nick Adderley, threatened that the police would begin searching the public’s trolleys to make sure that they were buying essential items. I believe that this is unacceptable.
It got to the point where Downing Street had to reassure the public that they could buy whatever they wanted from the shops ans did not need to fear police interference.
Coronavirus in UK — Watch how journalist @MikeSegalov got hassled and shouted at by the police for filming an incident in a park. Police broke #SocialDistancing rules by surrounding him and shouting at a journalist to go
— Alfons López Tena (@alfonslopeztena) April 17, 2020
Of course, police or no police, it is important to readdress that you must keep to the social distancing guidelines that the government has laid out, including:
- Keeping 2 metres apart from people that are not from your household
- Keep travel essential and do not go out and see your friends etc
- Do not leave the house if you show symptoms of the virus (dry cough or fever) for 7 days
As the necessary lockdown drags on, it is important not to lose sight of our freedom, and to keep a close eye on it once this is all over.
Let us know what you think.
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Covid Chaos & Panic Measures, All Mainstream Media Guns Blazing R.J Cook. September 12th 2020
Feminist Police State by R.J Cook September 12th 2020
The Nazis realised the importance of winning over women to their pernicious cause.
There is a myth that humans learn from history. Humans are herd or tribal animals led by crafty unscrupulous interest groups.
Ironically we have three major religions rooted in Judaism. They are Judaism, Christianity and Islam – all highly political movements with histories of violence and corruption. All three offer the conceited notion that humans are special, with free will and created in the creators image.
On the one hand we must take seriously all of the selective so called ‘science’ about the origins, spread and lockdown requirements of Covid 19 but there is no need for science so far as religious worship is concerned.
To believe in something without evidence is pleasantly known as ‘inductive logic’. That nomenclature, however, is not applied to anyone who believes in conspiracies, even when there is a truckload of evidence. To question the modern police state , its methods and claims to be a democracy, is a sign of paranoia or subversive mindset.
So, when we look at feminism, we see a rather nasty quasi religious movement fostered and nourished by the international ruling elite, particularly in Britain and the U.S.A.
For me, the most interesting thing about feminism is how it never talks of problems that are not immediately related to the miseries and alleged suffering caused simply by being born woman. It stands the Old Testament on its head, with men the source of evil and temptation rather Eve. Once again, inductive logic applied to something created by inductive logic.
The idea that men and women were not created by a larger version of themselves, having no cause or reason to worship something that doesn’t exist beyond group paranoia, is labelled blasphemy. Equally, it seems that to question feminism with all its tenets about all white men being rapists and abusers of women is not allowed – it is hate speech.
One hesitates to bring race into the discussion, but there is a favourite term used by upper middle class media women- with a certain type of male supporter- to denigrate this group. That term is ‘privileged white male.’
It interests me that there has never been so much social breakdown across the globe, coincident with the feminist revolution in Western politics and the global economy which has encouraged elite greed, multiple wars, religious escapism, crime, drug abuse, world wide disease and so much more.
The White Anglo Saxon Protestant elite ( WASPS ) have always been one jump ahead, dividing and ruling the masses with spurious belief systems and other tricks, but historically their trickery involves mass bloodshed- while they direct the battle from a safe distance.
So now we have the police state, Corona virus reinfection rate exceeding one in high density BAME areas like Birmingham. The call is for more lockdown regardless of how many more bankruptcies, how much more unemployment, homelessness, other illnesses caused, or suicides this self interested elite police state lockdown caused.
There will be jobs for new lockdown marshals, and no shortage of applicants in ‘ Police State Britain.’ The government had made up its mind there would be a second wave of this so called killer virus. At the moment they are talking about us experiencing the second peak of the first wave. Conveniently there will be no protests allowed, about anything. Brain training is crucial. The latest wheeze is that young people are getting infected – according to dubious tests and related predictions – going on to infect the elderly.
All of this gibberish will be welcomed and supported by self interested and self promoting feminists who are as crucial to this police state revolution as women had been in Nazi Germany. Feminists are not feminine, they are puppets of the police state, their leading lights members of the elite over paid upper middle classes, talking down and chastising any woman who disagrees with them. The police state does not like individuals and the dissent they threaten.
R.J Cook
Business Woman Makes Legal Challenge to Male Safe Spaces September 9th 2020
A businesswoman has launched legal action against one of London’s last remaining gentlemen’s clubs, the Garrick, arguing that its men-only membership rules are a breach of equality legislation.
Emily Bendell, chief executive and founder of a successful underwear brand, was looking for a members’ club earlier this year where she could meet people after work, and was surprised to discover that a number of clubs in central London still exclude women.
Disturbed by the continued existence of men-only clubs she contracted lawyers to issue a discrimination claim against the Garrick, which has a central place at the heart of the British establishment, with cabinet ministers, supreme court judges, academics, diplomats, senior civil servants, journalists and well-known actors and writers among its members.Time, gentlemen: when will the last all-male clubs admit women?Read more
A pre-action letter was sent to the club on Tuesday by Leigh Day solicitors, arguing that the club’s refusal to admit women represents a breach of the 2010 Equality Act. That act allows the existence of single-sex organisations, such as women-only choirs or men-only rugby clubs, but it prohibits discrimination by businesses which provide services to customers.
Lawyers argue that because the club runs a restaurant and guest rooms, it is discriminatory not to allow women to make use of them on the same terms as men.
The letter states: “Only men are able to become members of the Garrick Club and make full use of the services that it provides. Male members are allowed to bring female guests into the club, but women are not able to pay for themselves when they attend, become members themselves, book the facilities that men can book, access certain parts of the club at all, or access exclusive member events.
“In essence, women are only able to access the club’s services as second-class citizens on the whim of a man who has to both invite and pay for them.”
By making it impossible for Bendell to become a member, the club was treating her “less favourably than it has treated or would treat a man who wished to do the same”.Men-only clubs and menace: how the establishment maintains male powerRead more
Bendell is seeking an injunction preventing the Garrick from continuing to operate its discriminatory policy, and has requested a response within 28 days.
Acknowledging that some might view this as a niche area of discrimination, Bendell said: “This is a serious issue that needs addressing. I couldn’t believe that these clubs existed, that were men only. I was just really surprised and shocked. If this was a tiny little club with four members in the in the back of beyond, then that would be one thing, but this is a club in the middle of London with QCs and MPs as members – these are people who are running the country. It is really, really concerning.”
Comment My first observation about this story is to ask why women should demand to be allowed to invade men’s safe spaces. We have the Trans Exclusionary Radicaal Feminists ( Terfs ) who are such man hating lesbian fascists that they are inventing ever more restrictions and feminists intrusions into male spaces .
Interestingly, whilst asserting that male to female transsexuals sacrifice their genitals and grow breasts, she says they do this so they can sneak in and rape women in toilets, rest rooms and women’s refuges. Hate campaigners are led by by an Oxford Don who writes about the working classes with special reference to womens miseries and struggles.
Feninists area poisonous cult. They want to get in to every male space, control the language and raise the threat of false accusations and control of the language. It is just mor of the feminisation of our society, with champions oblivious of all the chaos and damge done so far. This is all about upper middle class women wanting more of the big power to advance their cause, greed, moralising and control of language and agenda. Meanwhile no man muts defile R.J Cook
These Last Days News – May 29, 2018
URGENT: Forward a link to this
These Last Days News – May 29, 2018
web page to your clergy, family, friends and relatives.
Britain is Now a Genuine Police State…August 4th 2020
“Once a country has given itself over to all manner of paganism and sin, it is not long before that country falls into a system of dictatorship, bringing great sorrow, even murder to the masses.” – Jesus, May 26, 1979
“Are you so blind that you do not recognize the acceleration of sin among you? Murders abound, thievery, all manner of carnage, destruction of young souls, abortion, homosexuality, condemned from the beginning of time by the Eternal Father. Yet sin has become a way of life. Sin is condoned now, even unto the highest judge of your land and your lands throughout the world. As you have sown so shall you reap. Sin is death, not only of the spirit, but of the body. Wars are a punishment for man’s sin, his greed, his avarice.” – Our Lady of the Roses, August 14, 1981
The above Messages from Our Lord and Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. Read more reported on May 26, 2018:
Party Busting Police State Police Saturday Night In Birmingham August 23rd 2020
More than 70 unlicensed social gatherings including house and street parties were disrupted by police in Birmingham overnight.
Events included a “large street party” in the Northfield area that featured two marquees and a DJ, officers said.
The operation followed Friday’s announcement that the city had been added to a government watch list due to a spike in positive Covid-19 cases.
“We are still in a pandemic,” city police reminded the public on Sunday.
In the Quinton area of Birmingham, people at a house party were dispersed.
Officers on Twitter said there were “lots of people complying with our advice”. Image copyright PA Media Image caption More than 70 unlicensed social gatherings were disrupted by police in Birmingham overnight
A similar outcome was reported in Northfield where officers visited in the early hours of Sunday following calls about a street party.
“Everyone packed up and went home after we arrived – thank you for complying,” Birmingham Police tweeted.
They later added: “Most people understand why we are doing this. Stay safe – don’t risk spreading the virus.”
West Midlands Police has been contacted for more detail on the overnight operation.
It is the third weekend of similar events seen by the force.
A week ago, officers discovered a rave of more than 300 people in Birmingham city centre during a night in which 80 gatherings were targeted.
On Friday, Birmingham was added to a national watch list of places with rising cases of Covid-19.
It has been classed by the government as an “area of enhanced support”, meaning additional testing is to be rolled out, although there are no additional restrictions on top of current national guidelines.
Birmingham council leader Ian Ward said the step was a “wake-up call for everyone”.
Meanwhile, the government has announced police in England will be able to fine organisers of illegal gatherings of more than 30 people up to £10,000 from Friday.
Comment Interesting the police have the resources for these Gestapo antics but can’t face up to real crime – I don’t mean all those serious crimes the police commit.
The unpleasant truth is that Birmingham, a place I know well and hate, has a spike because of its high population density/lifestyle of BAME communities who are a law unto themselves.
Destroying our society and economy so these epeople do not feel singled out, along with obesity/other health issues/old age, is either deliberate policy to further enrich the revolting elite, or political insanity/stupidity. Robert Cook
Police built an AI to predict violent crime. It was seriously flawed August 18th 2020
A Home Office-funded project that used artificial intelligence to predict gun and knife crime was found to be wildly inaccurate
By Matt Burgess
Thursday 6 August 2020
A flagship artificial intelligence system designed to predict gun and knife violence before it happens had serious flaws that made it unusable, police have admitted. The error led to large drops in accuracy and the system was ultimately rejected by all of the experts reviewing it for ethical problems.
The prediction system, known as Most Serious Violence (MSV), is part of the National Data Analytics Solution (NDAS) project. The Home Office has funded NDAS with at least £10 million during the last two years with the aim to create machine learning systems that can be used across England and Wales.
As a result of the failure of MSV, police have stopped developing the prediction system in its current form. It has never been used for policing operations and has failed to get to a stage where it could be used. However, questions have also been raised around the violence tool’s potential to be biased towards minority groups and whether it would ever be useful for policing.
The MSV tool was designed to predict whether people would commit their first violent offence with a gun or knife in the next two years. People who had already come into contact with the two police forces involved in developing the tool, West Midlands Police and West Yorkshire police, were given risk scores. The higher the score, the more likely they would be to commit one of the crimes.
Punishing and destroying youth in Police State Britain August 1st 2020
Britain’s young offender institutions are places of misery and violence, and often more dangerous than adult prisons. Indeed, the evidence is clear that criminalising children just causes more crime. By Chris Daw
Gethin Jones is a man of wisdom, insight and compassion. He has an insider’s bitter understanding of life in care, youth justice, drug addiction and prison. In many ways, his story is one of all that is wrong with the criminal justice system when it turns its firepower on the young.
I spoke to Gethin late last year as I approached my 50th birthday. He and I are about the same age. In terms of our life journeys, that is where the similarities largely end. Now smartly dressed, balding, but looking every inch the successful professional that he is today, Gethin’s start in life could not have been more different.
Read more
His mother, a single parent to four children, had spent her childhood in care and had learning difficulties. With hindsight, Gethin understands that his mother’s history and struggles made it impossible for her to relate to her children in an ideal and entirely nurturing way. Without a hint of blame, he observes that he simply did not have the sort of family relationships and support that a child needs to thrive. Gethin soon found himself ensnared in the criminal justice system.
His first conviction was at the age of 11, the result of what he describes as “erratic behaviour”. A predictable pattern ensued: a year later he was in the care system; by 13 he had been expelled from school; at 14 he was sent to youth custody for the first time, came out, went back in, and before he knew it his childhood was gone for ever. He had spent most of his teens “behind the door”. And then things really took a turn for the worse.
Gethin reached the age of 20 and had not once seen a child psychiatrist, psychologist or any other professional with the time and skills to find out what was going on and to help him find a different way to live. Having been told by everyone in authority, throughout his childhood and teenage years, that he was destined not only for failure but for prison and drug addiction, it was unsurprising that the predictions came true.
Gethin recalled one occasion when he was released from a young offender institution on a Friday, stole some cigarettes from the petrol station on the Saturday, was arrested and in a police station over the weekend, before being remanded back to custody by the magistrates court on the Monday morning. No matter the order made against him by the courts, Gethin would breach it and go back inside.
As soon as he “graduated” to adult prison, Gethin found heroin, having never taken it “on the out”. It became his driving force for the next decade, and he entirely gave up on any way of life beyond the drug, crime and prison. The most terrible irony of all is that his fierce intelligence was never extinguished. He knew exactly what he had become and why. Appearing before yet another court when he was 20, to receive yet another prison sentence, he told the judge: “What you see before you is what you created.”
The judge disagreed, dismissing all talk of rehabilitation, of giving Gethin a chance to pursue training and employment of some kind. “You are a professional criminal,” he pronounced. “You will never be a bricklayer or a plumber. You will never be anything.”
This was the verdict of the criminal justice system on Gethin Jones, a young man barely out of his teens. You can almost hear the cheers for the judge’s remarks from a certain brand of politician, from much of the media and, at election time, from plenty of voters.
Over the past 25 years, as a criminal defence lawyer, I have seen first-hand how criminal justice works, not just in Britain but around the world. And one of the most pointless and counteractive parts of the criminal justice system I have seen is the incarceration of children.
I am no apologist for violence and antisocial behaviour. My views on children in the criminal justice system, just as my views on the use of prison and the prohibition of drugs, do not arise from some sentimental, “soft”, liberal perspective. Quite the opposite – I am interested only in the hard facts as to what does and does not work in reducing crime, improving lives and, first and foremost, preventing as many people as possible from becoming victims.
In 1970, a new era of “getting tough” on young offenders really began to gather momentum with the incoming Conservative government. The number of juveniles locked up each year increased by 500% between 1965 and 1980. Earlier faltering steps towards a welfare-based approach to youth justice had well and truly come to an end. Utterly contradictory policies towards young offenders prevailed in the 80s and 90s, veering between the exploration of non-custodial alternatives and increased sentence lengths, introduced by the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act of 1994.
Despite a reduction in the number of young prisoners in recent years, some innovations, such as mandatory detention for young offenders for certain weapons offences, have once again seen the return of the “get tough” approach. At no time in recent history have the conditions inside young offender institutions been more oppressive and violent than they are in 2020. Considered by many to be even more dangerous than adult prisons, establishments such as Feltham YOI, west of London, closely replicate the feral violence of custodial institutions in the Victorian age.
As one inmate put it after his release: “Literally every day I was there, you’d see a fight. It just happened all the time, literally all the time.” Another young man who was sent to Isis YOI in south-east London spoke of the sort of violence that erupted there: “Someone got stabbed in the neck in the shower. It was very gruesome and horrifying for me to see all the blood spurting out and someone on the floor nearly dying.”
For one teenager, Zahid Mubarek, Feltham was to mark the end of his young life altogether. Zahid was serving his first and only custodial sentence, for stealing some razor blades (value £6) and “vehicle interference”. Towards the end of his sentence, Zahid was allocated a new cellmate. Robert Stewart was a “psychopathic and violent racist”, and had already been involved in killing another inmate before he was placed with Zahid, who spent the last days of his life in constant fear.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Zahid Mubarek, who was murdered inside Feltham young offender institution in 2000. Photograph: Teri Pengilley/family of Zahid Mubarek
The prison officer who made the decision to place Stewart with Zahid apparently knew nothing of the previous murder. Nobody noticed that, slowly but surely, Stewart was dismantling a table in his cell. He eventually managed to separate one of the table legs and, in the early hours of the very day that Zahid was due to be released, battered him to the edge of death in his sleep. Zahid’s uncle, who saw him lying in a hospital bed, clinging to life, realised that there was no hope. “His injuries were so horrendous, I knew he would not be able to survive them,” he later recalled.
An inquiry into Zahid’s death heard that some of the officers at Feltham had engaged in a practice known as “gladiator” or “colosseum”, in which black or ethnic minority inmates were deliberately placed with known racists. It was said that bets were then placed on how soon violence would erupt in the cell.
So much for civilised 21st-century Britain. This is the society we have created and, just as with prison policy across the board and our approach to drugs, we have got it completely wrong. Not only are young offender institutions places of misery, violence and death (there is a suicide in a British young offender institution almost every month, and self-harm is at epidemic levels), but they also have precisely the opposite effect to that which is claimed by their advocates. YOIs, and in fact youth custody centres and juvenile facilities all over the world, are one of the most effective methods ever invented to increase rates of reoffending and worsen levels of crime by young people.
One former inmate, “Jason”, spoke of his stays in seven different institutions between the ages of 14 and 17. “At first it was a bit of a shock to the system not having your family around, and then I got used to it,” he said. Jason’s time inside was not put to waste. “How to weigh up drugs and sell them, how to make a profit on them, car theft. I’ve learned how to fight in jail. You’ve got to fight quick – it can only last a couple of seconds before you get stopped, so you’ve got to fight better. You go for hurting as soon as possible – fighting, kicking, biting, together.”
Young offender institutions are not only “universities of crime”, but a form of medieval survivalism, played out in gyms, corridors, dining halls and, for some of the most tragic victims of all – like Zahid – in bed, fast asleep.
‘Recidivism” – the tendency to reoffend – is a word that is largely confined to criminology lectures, official statistics and the occasional government report. It is not a headline-grabber like “hooligan”, “thug” or “teen gangster”. Few politicians get excited about statistics, still less about those that tend to undermine the prevailing public mood around election time.
Perhaps readers with an above-average interest in criminal justice policy may have read the word “recidivism” with a guilty lack of enthusiasm. You could be forgiven for doing so, when politician after politician advocates a “crackdown” on “antisocial behaviour”, “gang violence”, knives and even “feral youth”. In response, many elements of the news media duly oblige with copious acclamatory reports of such policies. Voters respond with approval in large numbers at the ballot box, in Britain and elsewhere, and parliament duly obliges by passing harsh sanctions for children and young people, whichever party is in power.
In the US, mandatory custodial sentences have long been a feature of the sentencing of children, even in some cases leading to the imprisonment of those under 18 for the rest of their natural lives. In England, we have been steadily moving in the same direction, as politicians respond – slavishly and without reason – to each round of media coverage of a youth “crimewave”. Escalating incidents of knife violence in recent years, specifically those involving young people, have led to the introduction of a mandatory custodial sentence for a first offence of threatening someone with a knife or a second offence of possessing one. The use of evidence, or of any form of analysis of what actually works to reduce youth crime, always gives way – in the end – to populism.
In 2019, the home secretary, Priti Patel, took the “tough on crime” rhetoric to a new level in British politics when she said that she wanted people, including young offenders, to “literally feel terror” at the thought of what would happen to them if they committed a crime. She has advocated increased use of custodial sentences, aggressive police action against young people on the streets in the form of greater use of “stop and search”, and a zero-tolerance approach to cannabis possession. Patel’s supporters could be heard cheering on this “war on crime”.
Throughout all of these waves of media and political tub-thumping about youth crime, and subsequent policies on child sentencing, one thing above all shines through: recidivism. Just as with the imprisonment of adults, the criminalisation – and incarceration – of young people simply does not work. I have lost count of the times I have patiently and calmly used unambiguous evidence to that effect, only to be met with a shrug of the shoulders and an admonition to think of “the victim”, “protect the public” or “impose punishment”.
Criminalising children causes more crime and more victims – and locking children up even more so. Prison and drug reform are important to me, but a sea change in our handling of troubled children, in society as a whole, and not just in the criminal justice system, is the most important issue of all.
Despite all the media coverage around antisocial behaviour, knife crime and young people, we have actually seen a sharp decline in the overall number of recorded crimes committed by children. As with all recent crime figures, there has been a huge distortion in Britain as a result of dramatic reductions in police numbers and in the funding of the criminal justice system, including the courts, prosecutors and defence lawyers.
One explanation for falling crime rates in certain categories is undoubtedly that there are fewer police officers to make arrests, fewer prosecutors to bring charges and fewer courts to sentence offenders. But, on any view, the figures show that reduced use of custody does not mean big increases in crime by children – quite the opposite.
The Prison Reform Trust’s annual Bromley Briefing sets out in stark terms the countless dangerous, unfair and irrational outcomes of the child justice system. Despite a dramatic fall in the overall number of young people under 18 in custody (70% since 2009), the number of crimes committed by that age group has fallen even more (75%). This hardly suggests a link between increasing the incarceration of the young and the reduction of youth crime. Young inmates are many times more likely to have been in the care system than other children, which surely calls out for attention to what happens in care as a top policy priority, rather than simply locking up even more care-leavers.
Tragically, in what amounts to a stain on Britain’s national life, the proportion of young ethnic minority people in custody has increased in the past decade, along with assaults, use of physical restraint and self-harm incidents. In fact, the total number of violent incidents is higher than when there were three times the number of young inmates as there are today. We are brutalising children on a daily basis, all in the name of getting tough on crime. The media, politicians and the public are mostly looking the other way. Hundreds of the most damaged and vulnerable young people in our society face the daily risk of violence, self-harm and death, and we are all allowing this to happen.
But surely putting children through this dystopian nightmare must “teach them a lesson”, whatever the sentence? Dragged through the courts, given a dressing down by the judge, treated like what they are – criminals? Who would want to go through that twice? Or more? The answer is, of course, that nearly all of them end up back in the system – not twice, but countless times, and those who receive the “toughest” sentences do so the most.
Official figures show the shocking truth about the criminalisation of our children. More than 40% of young people subjected to the criminal justice process reoffend within 12 months. Imagine if a manufacturer were building cars that crashed at a rate of 40% a year, due to a design flaw. There would be an uproar. Vehicles would be subjected to factory recalls, safety certificates would be withdrawn and the offending business would be shut down by public demand. But the average young offender crashes not just once, but reoffends a staggering four times, after being sentenced by the criminal courts. With that shameful rate of failure, the youth justice system should be demolished altogether and rebuilt from the ground up.
The plain truth is that the “tougher” we get on young people, the more crimes they commit, the more victims we create, and the greater the total of human misery for our society.
Heroin took hold of Gethin, and was both available and, by the time he became hooked, acceptable as a form of escape in the prison environment. He explained how this had come about, after a history of disapproval of “smackheads” among the general prison population, for whom smoking cannabis had long been a more tolerated form of drug use. “In the mid-90s, they introduced mandatory drug testing, and that led to an explosion in heroin use in prison,” he explained. “It only stays in your system for a couple of days, whereas weed is there for weeks.” Yet another perverse manifestation of the law of unintended consequences in the criminal justice system – a generation of heroin addicts, created directly by a testing policy that had been given no real thought before it was introduced.
Years passed, and Gethin got out and went back in – much of his third decade of life was also spent inside. He noticed a change over the years. “It used to be 80% career criminals, and 20% addicts and the mentally ill,” he told me, “Now it’s the other way around.”
In his late 20s, believing that his life “would never be more than a bag of gear, a prison cell and a council estate”, Gethin “was a cornered animal and [his] soul was dying”. Miraculously, after receiving yet another prison sentence, this time of four years, he met people who, for the first time in his life, “treated [him] with respect and care”. Caring staff on the inside were followed by engagement with services, official and voluntary, after he was released from that sentence. Six long years later, Gethin had completed what he describes as his “whole rehabilitation journey”.
He was well on his way to the age of 40 by this stage – childhood, youth and young adulthood were mostly behind him. There is only one feature of Gethin’s life that sets him apart from the majority of other children arrested, criminalised, brutalised and institutionalised by our criminal justice system: he managed, eventually, to escape. He now runs a successful business, Unlocking Potential, which draws upon his own experiences to provide training, mentoring and commercial services, aimed at inspiring others and supporting projects to engage with offenders of all ages in ways that might actually make a difference.
Gethin is in no doubt that what he said to the judge all those years ago was the truth. The criminal justice system that judge represents – which operates on behalf of us all – is what created Gethin the child, Gethin the young offender, Gethin the addict, Gethin the adult criminal. It is the same system that created all the young men I met at young offender institutions.
Gethin believes that a legal and safe supply of drugs, access to counselling, addiction services and appropriate forms of therapy would have a huge impact on young people in the criminal justice system – particularly those who have passed through the care system and experienced trauma in their lives.
He spoke of a 14-year-old child “criminal”, recently “named and shamed” in the press for antisocial behaviour. The boy had become “feral” at the age of five after his mother died. His father had cancer. The boy was highly aggressive and had, unsurprisingly, entered the criminal justice system. “Where were we when he was five?” Gethin asked, rhetorically.
The only thing that mattered to Gethin was safety – both for the child, and for the rest of us. He had no doubt that it was possible to offer security for the damaged children crossing the radar of the police, and that those leaving care in particular needed to receive huge financial investment, just to provide the basis of a stable adult life. The shameful truth is that we spend almost nothing on the sorts of services needed to support young people through the most troubled of times – to pick them up when they fall, and to provide them with the basic ingredients to enter adulthood as fully functioning members of the community, rather than as pariahs, blighted for life by the label “criminal”.
The radical lessons of a year reporting on knife crime
We nevertheless pay hundreds of thousands of pounds to process many of these children through the criminal justice system, and to warehouse them for years – and even more if they end up graduating to adult prisons, as most of them do. Indeed, we happily condemn damaged children – at enormous expense – to hellholes like Feltham, where they are more likely to be assaulted or killed than to find an escape from the revolving doors of courts, prisons and addiction.
This is an edited extract from Justice on Trial: Radical Solutions for a System at Breaking Point by Chris Daw, published by Bloomsbury
A Life & Death sentence in Police State Britain, by Robert Cook July 30th 2020
Robert Cook <>
Fri, 24 Jul at 15:25
Aylesbury Crown Court
For the attention of Judge Sheridan’s Office
Document Structure
1. Intro/Resume
2. Questions , Requests , Context
3. Brief History
4. Post 2016 & Conclusion
This message is with reference to the seven court hearings – March – May 2016, involving Robert John Cook
Part One Intro Resume
Experience of the Police and Criminal Justice system has left me in a state of serious and ongoing trauma. This experience, lasting over 12 years, involving Judge Sheridan in a most serious manner, leads me to impugn his conduct and advisers in a way that I must allege serious criminal corruption on the part of the system. I contacted Thames Valley Police PSD with a 40 page misconduct complaint, after my 2016 hearings with Judge Sheridan. I was warned that they would commence further prosecution. I have continued to complain and have been consistently ignored.
My encounter with Judge Sheridan was the result of me sending three e mailed criminal allegations reference the now Chief Constable Simon Paul Chesterman et al, six times, commencing in 2014, with decision to prosecute me for breach of a spurious restraining order, which police obviously regard as a gagging order. The whole nightmare lasted a total of 18 months with me on police bail until found not guilty in May 2016.
Therefore, I suggest the judge reads the whole of this document and discusses it with Thames Valley’s Chief Constable soonest. The case includes, among other things, the vested interest of my ex brother in law, a corrupt former senior Thames Valley Officer, Simon Paul Chesterman, now Chief Constable of the Civil and Nuclear Police, along with high level Thames Valley Police corruption which has involved previous TVP Chief Constables and one Deputy, Paul West who went on to be Chesterman’s boss at West Mercia .
Given the close knit nature of national senior ranks and the decision taken to prosecute me – clouding and diverting the issue with malicious secret ( sic ) allegations of me being guilty of domestic violence -the current Chief Constable of TVP is obviously involved in this ongoing criminal abuse of police power.
It is clear to me -from experience of my serious complaints against two of Chesterman’s former police forces, being ignored and turned into prosecutions against me- corrupt prosecutions are evidence of a policy of protecting senior officers regardless of justice. In Judge Sheridan’s case, it was clear he was prejudiced against me from the ‘get go’ that I was guilty of something I had never ever been legally accused of, rather than talk about the e mails which had caused me to be in court. Very curious, and I suspect illegal.
The very facts that my first barrister admitted being privately briefed, being told that I must be made to plead guilty, and making no useful representations on my behalf, exacerbated the situation most dreadfully. The trauma, worsened by subsequent malign attention from the police and CPS -has been terrible. I will never recover.
Police corruption is once again a national scandal, therefore my allegations should be seen in that context if the system has any credible leadership which wants accountability and appropriate reform.
Before the judge jumps to conclusions again, -allowing previous aspersions to cloud the issues that all of my previous complaints along with this are evidence of a rambling disjointed paranoid personality disorder – be advised that I am an accomplished professional writer and member of the National Union of Journalists.
The following is around 10,000 words, a short piece in my experience. When I write, I make sure I know my subject first. I do not make mistakes. Being encouraged to believe that I have a gender issue, and doing my best to follow through, has – In my view- – raised issues of hate crime on behalf of the police, CPS and my ex in laws, which will be mentioned again later on.
I do not purvey lies. I am still sickened by not being allowed to express my point of view in 2016. Further police harassment, labelling me as mentally ill, has made my position intolerable. The fact that the police and CPS persuaded that the court hearings be subverted into being about domestic violence emphasised that I have been given a malicious false record, without ever being confronted and charged with it, for hideous domestic violence. This carries a stigma on a par with rape. The very fact I was dragged through seven court hearings in 2016, where Judge Sheridan repeatedly referenced this crime, without reference to reason or evidence was tantamount to rape in its own right.
The stress of this and everything else relating to the Chestermans police and courts has left me extremely traumatised and struggling to cope with life and my responsibilities. I am destroyed professionally, and so is my identity. I am reduced to a sense of utter worthlessness and ongoing anxiety. It is significant that no domestic violence allegations were made during my divorce.
Had they been, I would not have agreed such a generous settlement and would have demanded an explanation , with me counter suing because I was a victim of ongoing physical and mental abuse from a wife whose ‘coercive controlling behaviour’ was off the scale. I did actually mention this on Form E. On one occasion, I was rehearsing in my large study, with my band, when my ex wife burst in screaming to them, ‘ I have to tell you, Robert is an alcoholic.’ Two months later, March 9th 2008, she broke a glass full of wine, attacking me because she said I had been too slow to wish her a happy birthday.
Because of those hearings with Judge Sheridan, I accuse his court of perverting the course of justice and slander. The continued threats of sending me to jail for a very long time, before I was ever asked to account for my e mails and respond to the malicious unfounded bad character file on the basis of which I was prejudged, was traumatising to the extent I have flash backs and from which I will never recover. Judge Sheridan needs to explain his action with an account in law.
As a result of continuing police harassment, which has already forced me to attempt suicide for a second time, I have to make the following request – section 2 of this document. This request will be followed by some details of a nightmare life before and during the 12 plus years following my divorce from Chief Constable Simon Chesterman’s sister and resultant on his, along with family members, criminal interference in my life. This man is a high value police asset, who as national police lead on firearms.
From the police and CPS perspective, Chesterman has to be protected – in spite of the harm he has caused through criminal lies and perjury, to myself and my sons for his family’s personal financial gain and credibility. Chesterman is one of the Police so called ‘Big Beasts’.
Though I thank Judge Sheridan for his wisdom in ultimately dealing with CPS and police efforts to brazenly again intimidate and pervert the course of justice in the above referenced hearings, the matter remains unresolved with police harassment continuing, threatening my health and ultimately my life. Therefore, I hope Judge Sheridan will read this and disclose the information I require.
The situation has been exacerbated and my life made utterly impossible by a sequence of police harassment since I was found not guilty of six malicious trumped up charges in May 2016. Judge Sheridan also needs to explain why he took the malicious police/CPS account as truth prejudicial to my trial. I had to work long hours as a truck driver between hearings, making my life difficult in the extreme.
It became very apparent, during my hearings with Judge Sheridan, that the CPS had gone overboard with a very thick malicious so called ‘bad character file’, which the judge banged on as he shouted. “If you do not change your plea to guilty I will send you to prison for a very long time. The prosecution have a very powerful case, a very powerful case ! These domestic violence cases are getting worse and I intend to do something about this one. ”
Part Two Questions and Context
So, one has to ask the questions, where was this run up to trial going, why and on what basis of evidence ? Why, during seven hearings, was there never any mention of the content of the three allegations I made against the then Deputy Chief Constable ( now Chief ) et al ? Judge Sheridan had obviously been lied to that I had been investigated for domestic violence with evidence of guilt. The mind boggles as to the details and due process ( sic ) He will also have been lied to that I ever pleaded guilty and was found guilty of malicious unfounded complaints and allegations against WMP and Chesterman et al.
None of that is true, with the police blatantly refusing to investigate, putting their refusal in writing from the outset in October 2008. The police are, quite simply self interested criminal liars, abusing power, responsibility, justice and privilege.
They lied to Judge Sheridan, which is why the case collapsed in May 2016. They wished to continue their abuse and corruption when they asked for more time to get a case against me, challenging Judge Sheridan’s decision. Bear in mind that TVP started the whole process against me in November 2014, announcing intended prosecution of me December 24th 2015. I was on Finsbury Park Station heading for the tube at the time when my solicitor phoned. I recall it well, because it was more of an ongoing traumatic experience. Intimidating me into another guilty verdict was their strategy and intention – using Judge Sheridan via false information, ‘A very Powerful Case ‘ etc. Can you imagine how terrified the judge made me feel ?
There must be some record of all this and I want to see it. I obtained the official court transcript but this and much else was missing. Since I expect and need more court action, I need the documents because this is extremely serious, I am approaching 70 and am short of time. My health has been very seriously adversely affected It is most perplexing and very odd. I do not expect to live for very much longer and must consider my son’s future, which has been so harmed by all of this because he chose to live with me rather than his controlling violent and abusive mother.
Why was my first barrister intimidated into accepting this appallingly dishonest account of my alleged guilt and string of crimes I had never even been told about, along with a major amplification of an obvious Police/CPS conspiracy to pervert the course of justice on the CPS part.
You must have documents, and I am not clear what you were waiting for but never receiving – during an 18 month wait, yet still they demanded more time in May 2018 -from the CPS in May 2016, at the pre trial hearing, I certainly witnessed the CPS outrage at Judge Sheridan’s decision and plea for more time because I could come back with further trouble, from what I could hear. Why fear that if there was not suspicion that I have been telling the truth all along ?.
How and why did the sequence of hearings lead to Judge Sheridan shouting “These domestic Violence Cases are getting worse, and I intend to do something about it. I am going to send the defendant to prison for a very long time if he does not change his plea to guilty. I want to be able to sleep at night.” Unfortunately I was having the greatest difficulty sleeping at night, and still do. The Judge’s ferocity certainly undermined my defence’s attitude to me.
I may be old, but I have always had a good memory, with a penchant for truth and justice among other things. So what was the legality of changing the direction of proceedings from breach of restraining order reference clause 3, to this vague denunciation of myself as a domestic abuser – without putting any such allegations or evidence to me making the whole process so much more traumatic and abusive toward me ? Why were the offending e mails not mentioned until Judge Sheridan decided to shut down the trial ?
My lawyer clearly came to the conclusion that domestic violence was the issue, so it was not worth defending me. The whole situation was insane. Of course I was not allowed to speak, made clear to me on the one occasion I attempted to, being advised by the judge angrily that to do so only‘Through counsel, through counsel’ . Why did my counsel not listen to me ? What had he been told during the briefings in chambers ?
Have you any idea how this impacted on my well being, amplifying suicidal thoughts ? It is an understatement to say that this was appalling and totally terrifying situation, coming on top of the previous 8 years of police abuse, surveillance formalised by an illegal malicious PNC Criminal Marker, threats and court room hell. I have completely lost sense of who I am, my life full of insecurity, anxiety and utter misery. I had been informed by my solicitor that Judge Sheridan was a tyrant and that a guilty plea was my only choice because he would ensure a guilty verdict.
Why had the judge been so biased in that direction ? What do the police and CPS have to hide ? After further malicious prosecution, which will be mentioned later on in this document, I was warned – at High Wycombe- to plead guilty by my defence and prosecution lawyer ( OWN )because if I went to Crown Court, I would face Judge Sheridan again, and he would waste no time listening to me because of all the past records. So you see, it did not end in 2016. The judge, on the basis of his past experience with me, would advise a guilty verdict and jail me for a substantial period of time. I was so traumatised that I had a car accident.
So, as said these warnings were reiterated regarding my return to Crown Court in 2018, which I shall come to in due course. It may be pertinent to point out that I expect the relevant, now three police forces, to persist in their criminal lies, including lies about investigation and domestic violence. I am afraid, I have a good grasp of events and no choice but to challenge the restraining order and persist in my criminal allegations against the police and members of the Chesterman family. I fully expect the police to arrest and charge me again because they are corrupt and big beasts et al with careers at risk. It is that simple.
Obviously my 2016 counsel had been corrupted by a false malicious bad character file and was eventually removed in favour of the vastly more intelligent Mr Swain, who then took briefing from me. It took him very little time to get to the heart of the matter, with it soon becoming clear that the prosecution had no case and were once again perverting the course of justice.
The intention had been to corrupt and use Judge Sheridan to bully me into a guilty plea without regard to truth, simply to protect the reputation of the criminal liar Chesterman et al and corrupt police. Had they had a case against my allegations, then they would have used it. A very serious situation. Bear in mind that the case in truth boils down to the abuse, exploitation and manipulation- with high level police connivance – of my youngest vulnerable son Edward who is no doubt very ill, assuming he is still alive. Judge Sheridan has been made a part of this. He appeared very compliant and highly charged up by what the police and CPS had told him.
By trade I am a professional journalist / writer, and not at all happy about my 12 plus years of hell and what it has done to my sons life chances. I have to be able to face court or whatever other injustice the system throws at me. Being now labelled paranoid schizophrenic with abnormal psychology , candidate for a ‘multi agency approach ‘ and delusional is rather the last straw in this epic tale.
Nothing surprises me about this country any more. Even if I were a mass murderer it would not alter the truth of the allegations made by me against Chesterman et al, that he perverted the course of justice, was and still is guilty of misconduct in public office and conspired to pervert the course of justice. He has never been investigated- whatever lies you have been told. If you think you have evidence please show me, because they won’t show me and have admitted, in writing, never investigating me.. My allegations are based on fact, and a mass of additional evidence sent to me by West Midlands CPS in 2012.
Were it not for concern for my sons privacy, I would have gone straight to the press in May 2016. But it really was still not good enough to be found not guilty on six charges made ludicrously out of six honest e mails that should have been the basis of an investigation, not a cover up ultimately involving Judge Sheridan- a verdict the police clearly still do not accept, as ongoing harassment demonstrates . After all the trauma I had to date, I must say that I never expected another four years of police harassment up until now – I repeat, with a terrible toll on my health.
I really do not know how I have managed to cope and continue work as a lorry driver, working over 50 hours for a six day week, particularly during my hearings with Judge Sheridan. Being secretly accused of domestic violence over 20 years, including against my mother, was a vile allegation – I found this out in 2012, thanks to a good senior person in West Midlands CPS.
I want to know how and why these allegations came to overwhelm the 2016 hearings and why I had still not been openly accused or investigated for them – indeed these were issues implied by me accusing Chesterman of perjury, misconduct in public office, and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice along with members of his family.
These are most serious allegations and I am repeating them now because they are founded on facts. So why do the police continue to ignore my complaints, even threatening to prosecute me again when I repeated them after the 2016 not guilty verdict, choosing to have me investigated for mental illness to add to lies of keeping me subject to ongoing investigation. Therefore I accuse them of ongoing and expensive efforts to pervert the course of justice in my case. Judge previously advised me to go for a judicial review. I don’t know how to do this and could not afford it because the police and Chesterman lies have kept me on the edge of bankruptcy for the last 12 plus years. So I need answers.
The police are obviously desperate to label and discard me. Clearly the Police and CPS had gone overboard again with their efforts to pervert the course of justice since this whole business began in 2008. On the subject of my time spent as an HGV driver, a more challenging and responsible job than most people imagine, it is relevant that the GP Roger Dickson of Norden House signed off on my HGV medical for the DVLA for several years, ticking the boxes that I am not mentally ill or alcoholic- I have copies.
At the same time, although his surgery approved me for gender reassignment, he responded to a police letter – shown to me, for copying, by Dr Ramasamy- where they alleged I am mentally ill and making vile allegations against my ex wife. This led to Dickson informing the gender clinic that I was alcoholic and should not receive hormone treatment because my liver must be damaged – this in spite of scans and blood tests over several years due to years of being hypo thyroid with raised SHBG.
Consultant Leighton Seal of the GIC copied me into the correspondence reference five ‘interesting letters’ he received from Dickson. In short, the police involved themselves negatively in my health care. Why ? This was followed in 2018, with visits from the psychiatrist Dr C R Ramsay from Whiteleaf Centre, along with a medical student and mental health nurse with a view to hospitalising me and aforementioned mental health diagnosis. The GMC and DVLA have already been made aware of my concerns in this respect. Dickson is guilty of misconduct whichever way one looks at it.
In relation to Judge Sheridan’s hearings with me, there is also need for files and contact notes as to how this dubious and possibly illegal strategy was sanctioned, also how this was accepted as a legal and proper response to me sending those three e mails six times – also since they were only sent six times because the police were ducking them, how does that become legitimate for the courts to accept that as cause to allege six offences ? I know that Judge Sheridan ultimately asked the CPS the same question at the pre trial hearing, but how did it go from the original allegations to domestic violence and the six separate charges ? Why not a long awaited police investigation, as requested by me ?
So the big questions are, why was a case about me breaching restraining order by complaining about the Chesterman et al conspiracy to brazenly pervert the course of justice, misconduct in public office and perjury, turned into one about domestic violence.? Why and how was that legally possible, especially since it was never explained to me ? So for justice sake, I must see the files and briefings regarding this, with the explanation how and why and the legality.
Therefore I am requesting full detailed copies of that informationconcerning allegations of domestic violence and other withheld ‘bad character’ and mental health malicious information passed to Judge Sheridan. Please note, my freedom of information request for court records and much else has revealed nothing of importance. It was redacted, as were medical files disclosed to me. It is important to note that I have never been accused of domestic violence by police or courts, nor have I ever been subject to any investigation. Giving me a PNC Criminal Marker in 2008, based on lies and an admission of no investigation is very serious misconduct.
However, it would follow that Judge Sheridan was shown material which is why he became distracted from the matter of my e emails- for which I was allegedly being arraigned- which were sent to Thames Valley in November 2014, and which they refused to investigate, though they will no doubt have lied to the courts to the contrary. I want all of the information please.
Part 3 Supporting History, amplifying seriousness of this very criminal situation involving Judge Sheridan , Aylsbury Crown Court, CPS, high level police corruption and criminality.
Material constructed and sent by the CPS to Judge Sheridan was clearly so powerful, albeit lies, that my first barrister quit because I would not plead guilty to something I had never been accused of, investigated or charged with. But my barrister had clearly been given misinformation ( lies ) and so clearly not believing a word that I had said to him. I take a very strong view that female lies of domestic violence are very nasty and need dealing with very harshly. My ex wife was – possibly still is – a senior education officer with Bucks County. She had a role as Head of Governor and Young Peoples Services. Before that she was a manager at Norden House Surgery. Interestingly, she was in this senior position while I had been approved by Bucks as Edward’s home tutor due to his school difficulties.
She had all the time and contacts to brief significant people had she and other family members been experiencing domestic violence at my hands. In her statement, she says the violence began in 1988, her decision to stay with me being due to wanting to protect my late mother. That was a 20 year period, well documented should the need arise – there will be some reference to my background as a postscript.
Interestingly the only people she told about my alleged violence were her cash strapped high living family, notably senior police officer brother Simon Chesterman . Chesterman then told ‘imaginative tales of stalking’ to his police force and boss. This was to enforce a PNC Criminal Marker because he feared Kieran might meet his brother who was being held at Chesterman’s remote home for the purposes of presenting a dependent for additional divorce payment benefit. That brother could not be allowed to leave.
Please note, the police confronted me with absolutely nothing before creating the secret PNC Criminal Marker and files on Ocober 9th 2008. I have never lived in West Mercia, and they did not interview me about stalking or harassment before I lost patience, then distributed a leaflet and was arrested in September 2010. At the time, I was working nights, 12 hour shifts sorting heavy freight, developing a double hernia as a consequence. Police harassment that had so harmed mine and eldest son’s lives, security and prospects.
A PNC Criminal Marker is for the purposes of denying the recipients freedom of the road. The categories and procedures to obtain and enforce this are notably, firearms, violence, drugs,and sex offences. I was thus labelled along with my son Kieran because the Chestermans feared my son Edward might leave – collected and driven away by me, paranoia indeed, but not mine. West Mercia Police ignored my complaints in October 2008, the Police Authority being told by Paul West that these were matters of Simon Chesterman’s private life. People have been seriously injured and shot in PNC Marker related chases, they are that serious.
It is fair to assume that my original barrister in 2016, had also been party to a closed session with the judge et al, from which I was excluded. It became apparent through conversation with my new barrister that the CPS had made efforts to mislead the judge into believing I had been convicted of making false malicious unfounded allegations against the then WMP ACC Simon Chesterman.
The judge would also have been misinformed that I with my son Kieran had harassed and stalked the Chesterman family over the weekend of October 4th/5th 2008, lies backed by Simon Chesterman’s family and Sergeant Rees, along with proven lies that they ever investigated, damning and ruinous lies that I had ever stalked or threatened them with violence. Chesterman roped in his young daughters , and Sergeant Rees of Ludlow Police Station to back up these allegations, according to information revealed to me by the head of West Midlands CPS in 2012. There may also have been lies that my son Kieran and I were living on a camp site somewhere in my ex brother in law’s police domain of West Mercia. There is no evidence to support this, unless they faked it !
During my seven hearings with Judge Sheridan, I constantly considered suicide because I felt I could not change plea, nor could I win or cope with what was going on in an obviously corrupt system designed to protect the police from consequences of misconduct.
At no time was their mention of the three e mails where I made very serious criminal allegations against Chesterman and his family, that were sent by me, six times because – true to form – the police refused to investigate. Why ? And why do they still ignore my complaint and request, preferring to inform NHS staff that I am mentally ill, with a history of violence and abuse? Pity I was not allowed to speak in 2016, because obviously the police never give up. No relevant information was invited by the court in 2016, being dismissed as satellite, which means the hearing had been corrupted to domestic violence behind my back, giving me no chance of defence, which had also been the case in 2011.
Those e mails were based on new information disclosed to me by the Head of West Midlands CPS after I had been taken back to court for asking police to prevent my ex wife from continuing to contact my home address in 2012. Local Inspector Emma Garside actually advised myself and Kieran to lie, returning my ex wife’s persistent postal items as ‘not known at this address.’
We had orders not to contact my ex wife and did not want to, let alone lie. Garside then forwarded my comments to West Mercia Police PSD who sent two officers to arrest me. Briefed that I am an alcoholic – I was just home in the morning from a 12 hour night shift at the time, still I was breath tested. Obviously the WMP CID DS Chatting had been briefed to find more dirt, probably recording me drunk anyway.
I was arrested, locked in cells, home ransacked, property confiscated, lawyer quitting because DS Chatting of WMP told her my son and I were violent and dangerous, telling my then partner that she was brave to have anything to do with us. That lawyer also told me that Chesterman had said he ‘regretted getting involved.’ He admitted his involvement in one of his statements to court. Interestingly the Chesterman’s lying stalking statements contradicted each other and were taken on different dates. Chesterman was even invited to make a second statement.
So, without defence, I was prosecuted and convicted for messaging police that they would not stop my ex wife’s messages due to status of her police brother. Utterly incredible and vile.
Through that series of hearings, consequently West Midlands CPS disclosed information, informing me that it was not relevant to the current case but may be ‘useful in future.’ The information, as well as the previously withheld statements, included 1500 pages of documents, including TVP monitoring e mails, one of which revealed a senior WMP officer comparing me to his 5 year old child. Thus, I became aware that the by then Deputy Chief Constable of West Mercia Simon Chesterman, had lied in October 2008 that my eldest son and I had been stalking and terrifying his family at their remote Shropshire Home over the weekend of October 4th/5th 2008.
Up until December 2012, before legislation changed, ‘fear of violence’ was necessary to trigger and enforce harassment legislation – although not without following proper process, including warnings and investigation – serious details ignored by Chesterman and his boss/close friend and mentor Chief Constable Paul West who had championed his appointment. I also became aware that Simon Chesterman had repeated his stalking allegations in December 2008, requesting enhanced security. The question WHY? Must be asked and answered. On what basis of investigation or evidence ? Corrupt West Mercia Police, influenced by West and Chesterman, have lied and withheld evidence since day one in October 2008.
As a result of the malicious October 4th/5th 2008 allegations Chesterman made against myself and son Kieran, his former boss and close friend at Thames Valley Police and by that time boss at West Mercia- the man who appointed him- Paul West, without evidence or investigation placed a PNC Criminal Marker on my car, with attached malicious false records of so called soft intelligence. The date given to me by the CRB in May 2009, was that the marker and records were made on October 9th 2008. This was 5 days after the alleged stalking event finished and 3 days after my first complaint to West Mercia Police, and TVP. My complaints also led to the Police Authority informing me that they could take no action because ‘these are matters relating to Mr Chesterman’s private life ( sic ).
The judge will know the purpose of PNC Criminal Markers, how damning and dangerous such markers and records are, they also contaminated my eldest son, destroying his hopes of a legal career. The Chesterman motives, involving abuse and manipulation of my youngest vulnerable son Edward and quest for financial gain during my divorce from his sister are easily proven.
Chesterman, a senior anti terrorist officer went on record as saying he did not want his allegations investigated. West Mercia Police admitted in writing they hadn’t done this. I only found out about the marker in May 2009, spending over a year trying to get to the bottom of the situation, which involved among other things dangerous police car -sometimes unmarked – chases and searches. It once happened on my way to work, with me chased into the works car park, car and body searched in front of colleagues. It was midnight.
As a matter of fact, it was the CRB ( later confirmed in writing by DCS Mike Tighe of TVP PSD ) who alerted me to the problem being a PNC Marker when my friend, a senior house mistress and year head at exclusive Woldingham Girls School, wanted my son Kieran and I to stay in her flat, next to the 9th year girls dorms – an unlocked landing away. This mistress and myself were close friends, writing and performing songs together, until the stress of the 2011 hearings forced me to end the relationship.
Eventually, after complaining over the 71 days delay approving my enhanced CRB, I got clearance because the senior police knew I had become aware of the problem and that they were lying on Chesterman and West’s’ behalf. I think it is relevant that soon after, West Mercia Police Authority declined to renew West’s contract.
Had I been questioned in October 2008, regarding stalking allegations, then I would have been able to prove I was hundreds of miles away – I can still prove this. I had witnesses. I could say much more, Suffice it to say, that none of these allegations were made during my divorce. I gave my ex wife nearly £250,000 all told but that was not enough, due to the family’s financial problems which were made known to me in 2007 when I was told to sell up and retire to live with them and putting my youngest son in a home because of his OCD – my ex wife’s family have a history of mental illness – mother in an old peoples’ home, Kieran in a bed sit and go live with them in Shropshire.
I was told to stop writing books and driving lorries to enjoy a ‘golden retirement.’. My son Edward was in receipt of around £9,000 annual benefit because the Chestermans had him labelled retarded and unfit for work. He frequently referenced suicide in his last years at the marital home, hence my seeking outside help, which my ex wife cancelled much to my alarm in 2007.
Because West Mercia refused to investigate my original complaints in October2008 -triggered because the Chestermans dictated that Kieran, my late mother and I could never see my youngest adult son Edward again, this and related horrors killed my mother. So I went on to complain via the internet, mildly at first, then cracking up because my eldest son and I could not get jobs after CRB checks and faced homelessness and the police would not explain or disclose anything. This was rather similar to how I was pushed to the limit again, by the police in 2018 – which I will mention in due course.
The substantial file of 2012 handed to me by the Head of West Midlands CPS who told me they did not want to prosecute me, but were under pressure from the police, explained all of that, leading to my well founded three allegations against Chesterman, which are still being covered up with ongoing lies that they have ‘all been investigated’.
The last I heard of my abused youngest son was in court, 2012, where the CPS said he was ‘too ill to speak to police.’ It is clear from the 2012 file, his brother and I were being blamed, and Simon Chesterman put in words, along with his and family’s criminal lies, that this youngest son was ‘vulnerable to manipulation and control.’ The questions ‘By who and why? needs asking and answering.
Edward was being used to claim more money from me, and had been a source of serious argument for some years, with my ex wife who cancelled the outside help I had called in agreeing with her family that Edward needed medication and institutional care and had inherited his Uncle Peter Chesterman’s illness which saw Peter incarcerated in a mental hospital for his whole adult life, where he died in 1977. I believe the issue was of a sexual nature, developing into other issues.
There is much evidence to support my case – at all hearings so far since 2011 have blocked me from speaking, with me originally told by my lawyer in 2011 that I was dealing with better people than myself, that I was mad, and no one would believe me. ( I was vulnerable and still mourning my mother, who I had cared for since my former soldier and lorry driver father’s death when I was 11. )
This was in spite of the fact that my my ex wife admitted in writing that she hit me on four occasions that she could remember. It was in fact far worse than that over the years. She also hit my son Edward on a number of occasions, as well as my late mother. Her last attack on me involved her breaking a wine glass and cornering me with it. She was angry and drunk. The date was March 9th 2008. She was angry because I had been too slow wishing her a happy birthday.
In 2003, I was told , by my ex wife, that I could not be alone with my sons or talk to them without her presence. This was in spite of me being Edward’s Bucks County Council approved and monitored home tutor for 2.5 years before spending £22,000 of my own money being ordered by my ex wife to send him to private school, where bullying led him to negotiate a suicide contract for my ex wife to help him kill himself if he stopped being able to cope with all the bullying and humiliation he was experiencing at that school.
Perhaps you can understand now, why the police and Chestermans do not want to come into the open about domestic violence and mental health issues.
After more rows, I withdrew Edward from that school, then my wife had him shut in his room with cling wrapped sandwiches, a bottle to pee in, me ordered to keep away or I would not have a family, her coming home from work to wash and take him to the toilet. On one occasion she commented on the size of his penis ! Peculiar noises came from that bathroom while they were alone together.
Our final row was about this perverted behaviour, when Edward was 20. I was not home when she left the house with him on March 16th 2008, in spite of the malicious police press release Judge Sheridan will have seen, as printed by Trinity Mirror and passed to the local Johnston Press Buckingham Advertiser, leading to many abusive incidents, vandalism and threats to my secluded property. In 2010 my Woldingham School friend was lucky not to have been killed by a brick thrown through our front window. Police refused to investigate.
My ex wife has mental health problems and a record for lying and violence. If anything has happened to Edward, I will hold the police, courts and Norden House Surgery responsible because they agreed with my ex wife to withdraw the support I had obtained for Edward’s severe OCD and suicide threats and refused to take note of my complaints and concern – ruthlessly prosecuting me and labelling me insane instead. It is almost funny.. Rather than help deal with Edward’s problems, my ex wife then forced me to go to an analyst friend of an old psychology boss of hers who introduced me as a writer.
He asked me what books I had written, I said 60 books published including the novel ‘Man, Maid.Woman’. He concluded that I had a female brain and needed to find ‘The Woman Within.’ I was at a very low ebb and had to consider this. An expert witness – a forensic psychiatrist called to support the CPS in 2012, ended up supporting me, with the conclusion in his 21 page report that I am not a liar or suffering from any known mental illness, nor am I a violent personality. You will not have been shown that, but I have copies, requesting it be sent to police and my GP. Both bodies deny having received it !
I endured a a lot of verbal abuse and violence from my ex wife and she was destroying my sense of masculinity as well as my youngest son, with knock on effects for the whole family, including my late mother who she frequently hit. As the saying goes ‘A drowning man will clutch at straws.’
I was working on several writing contracts, playing lead guitar with a band and teaching music at the time, but struggling to concentrate and cope. This pushed me in to suicidal depression and hanging myself from a door handle in March 2007. I then sought outside help for myself, though my ex wife intervened to cover herself. Much more could be said. I was being blocked in 2016, in your court and feeling very suicidal, as I am now – for good reason.
The whole affair severely traumatised me, leading me to take an overdose of 10mcg Temazapam during a week off from my truck driving job – obviously I have been professionally ruined and am lucky to have this work and skill to fall back on, but it does not resolve serious deeper and wider issues. So on December 19th 2016, the police and ambulance being called – with PC Ian Carter effectively and unfortunately saving my life, considering what came next- I was taken to Milton Keynes Hospital..
Police always fall back on ‘lack of evidence’ to cover themselves when ‘no evidence is actually the case. Mental illness is another favourite when all else fails, as I know from 2012 hearings and most recently. As a paid up member of the National Union of Journalists , I am fascinated, as a victim, I am terrified and still traumatised by the capability of our ‘justice system’ to destroy mine and other innocent lives.
History Post 2016 and Conclusion
I very much hope that the court agent or agents have read this far. It is a very serious matter and is not going to go away until I die. The 2016 hearings involved suppression of evidence, intimidation, CPS and police lies – covering for my abusive ex wife, exploitation of my youngest son, misconduct by police, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and perjury. The issue of my six e mails,- the same three sent six times – was never mentioned.
Vague reference was made to me being a cause of domestic violence were made frequently in an effort to intimidate and shame me into a guilty plea. My first barrister refused to inquire about anything because he had been briefed by the CPS who had also briefed and criminally misinformed the judge. I was lectured rather than questioned by an irate judge because of this. Consequently, because I could not, and still cannot give way to any more intimidation., the CPS could not bring a case file on the basis of domestic violence because I had never been responsible for any.
The corrupt police and CPS blocked my complaints by bringing a malicious domestic violence case based on alleged breach of my rather dubious restraining order, designed to stop me doing things I have never done or thought of doing, based on the original Chesterman lies which led to the trigger event of the PNC Criminal Marker.
It is incredible that this should be the official response to complaints originally made in 2008, and for which I then had absolute evidence to support my allegations. It beggars belief that the so called ‘victim’ of my complaints, who also lied over Plebgate, has been promoted to Chief Constable of the Civil and Nuclear Police.
And so to post 2016. So with all of this in mind, it was inevitable that the police and CPS would come back at me. They were full of righteous indignation, with certain senior police elements concerned that their lies might ultimately be exposed for the evil and malicious forces that they were – and still are .
I returned to truck driving after the court hearings of 2016. It was difficult. My partner at the time, I discovered, had been approached by police. So when I decided to end the relationship in early 2017, telling her I had decided that I was transgendered, she became very hostile. An accident in fog and ice conditions, in the South West, for which I was not blamed, led me to take time off driving to complete a book I had been working on.
It was clear to me that the peak of trauma in 2016 raised questions about my concentration. Crime is the fastest growing genre, so the novel revolved around the murder of a transsexual prostitute – transsexuals tend toward prostitution due to ostracism making other work hard to find. The NHS police and courts seem to have concluded that evidence of this novel research is actually my life story, presumably justifying psychiatrists Ramsay’s conclusion that I am more likely to die from misadventure than Suicide – how about old age compounded by corrupt police and corrupt ex in law generated stress ? I returned to truck driving the following June.
On a day off in February 2018, I was awoken by my son who informed me that there were seven police officers on my drive – the house is up a remote lane- and they appeared to be smashing something against the door. As I awoke, I could hear rapid banging and shouting.
Still somewhat dazed and shocked, I stumbled to the noisy front door to let them in. They erupted into the hall like Champagne bubbles uncorked and going every where. I was accosted by the lead officer, one Acting Detective Constable Bellamy, who took hold, informing me that I was under arrest. Shocked, I asked why. With symptoms of pressured speech as the psychiatrists call it, he rattled out ‘For revenge porn. You sent images and a video, of a personal and private nature to your ex wife, her boss, her brother, and his boss.’ Unaware of any sexual images or videos of my ex wife, I was shocked and puzzled. Bellamy and a female officer, ushered me from the premises, informing me that I would be read my rights at Aylesbury Police Station.
In the custody suite, I was taken through the usual process, escorted to the cells where I was left in a dirty cold cell with one blanket for approximately 6.5 hours. I later learned that my son Kieran had also been brought to Aylesbury, once the search of my home and confiscation of my debit card, digital tacho graph card, driving licence, and HGV Certificate of Professional Competence, two lap tops and two I phones had been achieved.
Kieran was interviewed and taken back home before my interview. During the search he had been detained in the kitchen by a Scottish plain clothes officer. He heard the man say to a colleague that ‘these sort of things normally go on in industrial units. There was also talk of police over time tricks.
When it was my turn to go for interview, along with OWN’s duty solicitor, I was confronted with some peculiar so called evidence and allegations.
Interestingly myself and solicitor were told we could not have copies of this so called evidence.
Key to understanding this were letters sent with the offending material, all typed including the name of the alleged sender, one Oliver Lazar. The gist of the text was that the writer, for no apparent reason, was informing the recipients that Robert Cook was working from home for his aspergeric son Kieran, as a ‘gay escort.’
Transsexuals never define themselves as gay, but the police alleged I sent them as revenge on Kieran, though they could not explain why I would shop myself or want revenge on Kieran. One would have thought police command and control knew that transsexuals are sensitive enough to know that transsexuals never call themselves gay, so here is the hate crime again ! I was accused of being sender and author !!!! Evidence has never been needed for the police to harass me !!!
The attached material was a picture of a strange women in just lingerie, and of myself laying on a bed in a completely different location.’ Though the police entered all of this on official documents, they admitted that there was no video – which begs the question why they said there was one in the first place – malice, guesswork , corruption, stupidity, intimidation perhaps ? I was told that I sent the letters and attachments as revenge upon my son, with whom, the police suggested, I had fallen out. Asked, by me, when and where they were sent from, I was told : ‘The postmark was December 12th 2017, Northampton.’
When I told them I could prove that I was driving a truck a very long way away, with a second driver, they said it must have been another day. I said I had records and diary entries for every day, as well as the tacho records downloaded by my employer. I received no reply.
When asked if they had done forensics on the offending material, they said no. The material was clearly the work of my aggrieved ex partner Lucille Fletcher, a stalker, but police refused to investigate, having made contact with her about me, by her admission, in 2014. It transpired that they had been watching my home for the previous 12 months in the hope of discovering evidence of a brothel.
As a writer, I could never have made this up, hence the police falling back on the old mental illness label, which begs the question – if true – why they ever prosecuted me in the first place ? The 2018 arrest was vengeful and clearly opportunistic, with them either utterly stupid or corrupt in trying to pin those communications on me, using the restraining order as a way in to hopefully find evidence that I was a sex worker. That would have suited them as the police hierarchy presumably know that what I have been saying about Chesterman et al, has been true all along. Their response has been the old shoot the messenger routine. Of course we also have the further issue of the need to avoid looking at Chesterman in the public interest ( sic ).
Time passed, as the police hid from me, still with vital property of mine. At last I was granted a second interview, but Bellamy spent one hour with my lawyer briefing against me, so it was pointless. Clearly the briefing was the same old bad character and mental illness routine. The idea that I would have sent those absurd images, along with barely literate covering letter obviously from my half Greek ex partner, was absurd, but the police thought it worth a chance. Why ?
By May, I had heard nothing more. Bellamy was never there. I left various messages, gradually losing patience and temper. So I was taken to court for harassment, having refused a caution for causing Bellamy alarm and distress. His colleague PC Grainger even had the audacity to tell me, once they had set me up with a court summons, ‘This job is going nowhere, when do you want your property back ? ‘ I had the usual threats of a long jail sentence if I did not plead guilty.
When the matter came to Crown Court, the judge said she listened to recordings in reverse order, coming to the conclusion that I was simply venting, having begun by just asking for an update. Reverting to her powers as a stipendiary magistrate , the charge was changed. I was given a conditional discharge and the CPS offered no evidence for the original charge.
One could go on to discuss the police’s involvement in my medical treatment and how they engineered a mental health diagnosis to shut me up – which along with their ongoing investigation and monitoring to keep the Chestermans safe ( sic ) is extant. But more of that can be saved for later court proceedings. I have said enough. As my old GP told me back in 2008 when all of this kicked off, ‘This would be enough to drive anyone mad.’ He also quoted his father, also a doctor and wartime army officer, telling his then young son ‘If the Nazis had invaded there would have been no shortage of concentration camp guards.’
To my knowledge the police and all concerned parties are avoiding scrutiny, including press, by arguing that the 2018, along with all the other cases, are ongoing because Kieran and I present an ongoing threat to the well being of my youngest son and all the Chestermans. The mental health slur is the last straw and subject of separate action in relation to Norden House Surgery, and the Gender Identity Clinic ( GIC ).
I look forward to hearing from you. A no reply will be taken as a reply to these most urgent issues and questions. I am certainly well equipped to answer any questions, but I will not talk to the police again because they twist, edit and ignore all that does not suit their purpose of ‘fitting me up.’ The purpose of the restraining order was to shut down my complaints, the malicious stalking allegations were intended to discredit. Isolate and destroy myself and my son.
The 2016 case was based on a diversion, more lies, no evidence and a refusal to address my complaints up to that day. It was a criminal Police/CPS conspiracy to pervert the course of justice for the sake of protecting Chief Constable Simon Paul Chesterman et al, including senior officers of TVP and WMP along with his family who involved themselves in my divorce, including the abuse and exploitation of my youngest son Edward John Cook.
They did far worse than my discrediting them with internet and leaflet publications. Under Chesterman and his close friend Paul West’s corrupt abuse of power, they put vile evil criminal records on the Police National Computer in October/December 2008, up dating them thereafter, and ultimately informing me in writing in October 2008, that they had investigated nothing.
I do not understand how you expect me to leave these dreadful matters alone, now compounded by the pathetic mental health slur. In 2016, I had the evidence, the CPS had only lies and a corrupt Nazi like will to persecute me. Please note, I expressed no adverse opinion of my ex wife, ex brother in law or any of his family until I discovered the PNC Criminal Marker and the false malicious records, and after a year of trying to get the police and IPCC ( who the police blocked in 2008 with lies of an ongoing investigation, even though they eventually admitted in writing – 2010- that they never investigated anything }.
After a lot of pressure, I accepted the view that I might be transgendered, complying with an obligation to dress and live as a female for two years (whatever that might mean in this enlightened age !!) The lead on my case wrote to my GP advising that I have ‘ a secure female identity’ and should proceed to GRS ( Gender Reassignment Surgery ). This was around the time my ex brother in law was being promoted and stepping into his bosses shoes as Chief Constable of the Civil and Nuclear Police. My GP, who had been contacted by the police, with adverse mental health allegations, responded with more alarming messages. This was to such an extent that the GIC concluded that my treatment could not proceed unless I accepted anti psychotic drugs. Hence my earlier reference to a psychiatrist being imposed on me, and his conclusions. I refused.
As with the police in general, the GIC refused to disclose the information received to change their minds. Dr C R Ramsay wrote that seeing all of the files on me would be upsetting. Absolutely incredible.
Thus, I think it reasonable to suggest that there is a hate crime in my case, along with all the rest of these disgusting life threatening allegations and abuse of the Criminal Justice System. Hence, I need answers, in and /or out of court.
Apologies for some repetition in various parts of this document, it is for legal reasons in order to avoid any time wasting through misunderstanding or failed connections regarding the overall structure of this document.
I thank you for your kind attention.
R. J. Cook July 23rdth 2020
Post Script Career extracts achievements.
I am aware of aspersions concerning my mental health and behaviour dating from 1988. That was the year I was elected to Winslow Town Council, serving for the next 16 years, becoming Planning Chairman, Recreation Committee Member, Chairman of the North Bucks Town and Parish Council Planning Consortium, Consultant to the Richardson Milton Keynes Expansion Panel, Minor Authorities School Governor with responsibility for Building Management and Special Needs Education, Member of Winslow Adult Education Centre, School teacher, College lecturer, journalist, author, and advertising copy editor for Thomson Free Newspapers and Ambassador for Luton Corporation. I was also recommended by a CS to be a member of the Buckingham & District Crime Prevention Panel, which I served for four years.
I returned to Winslow in September 1979, to take up a teaching post at the Grange School, Aylesbury. From then on, I never did less than two jobs at any one time, aiming towards financial independence. I moved to a larger house in deep countryside in 1993, buying additional land in 1996 for my son’s benefit and safety. By 1996, I took early retirement from teaching to focus on writing, cabinet making and private music teaching. In spite of my divorce stress and, at the time inexplicable police harassment, I had I researched and had published four books 2008-10 along with a CD, lyrics and music by me. Regarding the latter, I returned to BBC Radio Solent for a programme featuring myself and other musicians. My last book was on the subject of Brutalist architecture, co authored with Dr Celia Clark of Portsmouth University’s architectural Dept, with a foreword by Tom Dykoff, architectural correspondent of ‘The Times.’
This is relevant because the police were and still are purveying and recording a very nasty and pernicious account of myself which has been taken as truth, and clearly influencing Judge Sheridan’s prejudiced and very abusive attitude to me. The root of this problem is my ex brother in law Chief Constable Simon Paul Chesterman who has never been called to account for his criminal misconduct along with others.
Judge Sheridan deliberately avoided a golden opportunity to bring the truth into the open IN 2016. Instead he added to my ongoing trauma, which the establishment system has the further cheek to write off as me being a paranoid personality disordered schizophrenic obsessed with harming the person of Chesterman, police and family who initiated my nightmare for financial gain. It is an outrage and I am surprised I have survived this long. It is obvious that my transgender concerns have been added to this criminally corrupt picture as another sign of mental illness, thus reinforcing the hate crime already mentioned. Interferring with my GRS is a serious matter which the police clearly did, according to the letter I saw and five others mentioned by Leighton Seal of the GIC. Inevitably this has further traumatised me.
My list of published articles and books is rather long. I have done a lot more, but that seems enough to disprove some of the vile aspersions.
My working life began at age 13, on a farm because my widowed mother needed the money. I was a keen sportsman, representing my county, club and both of my universities in Cross Country and Athletics. I have worked, among other places, for the Inland Revenue, Nitrate Corporation of Chile, construction industry – spending all of my university vacations on large dangerous sites -earning enough money to buy my mother her house in 1971 – and spent the last 12 years in warehousing and logistics because the police destroyed my professional reputation.
I have always thought work a good thing, though the world of truck driving can be very tough, dangerous and demanding. In that context. I must say that truck driving gives me a powerful truck and valuable cargo. So with that power comes much responsibility. If I make a serious mistake, then I will face the full weight of the law- worse still if I do it on purpose, no person will cover for me. The same should be true of the police, but it appears from my experience and in many other cases, not to be so.
Interesting Times , Air Gun Shot Through My Front Window July 28th 2020
I am sitting here waiting for the police to call. Earlier today I heard a loud bang. My large house, paid for by my years of very hard work, much of it dangerous, sits at the end of a country lane. I was working on my new book, with the television on in the background.
The bang seemed far away. It was several hours before I saw that one of my front double glazing units had been shot out.
I only noticed because I had seen a deer in my garden had come from my little fields and woodland. I wanted a better view and picture. So I called the police, but as with a robbery to my outbuildings last year, they maybe don’t want to know. The police have good reason to dislike me for exposing their corruption. I may have to publish a new document to prove and updae this. Conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, misconduct in public office and perjury are key issues here. Child abuse is another issue.
Robert Cook.
Founding a Police State – Lessons Learned from the Nazis. July 28th 2020
Dangerous Talk July 11th 2020
Thought & Talk Police July 10th 2020
Hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield were left visibly uncomfortable over Bernie Ecclestone’s comments regarding women and black people in sport.
The former F1 boss became a dad again earlier this month at the age of 89 after his wife Fabiana Flosi, 44, gave birth to his first son, Ace.
Appearing via video link with his wife Fabiana, he was asked whether he had wanted to be in the delivery room with her.
Bernie Ecclestone appeared on This Morning with wife Fabiana.
Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield were left visibly uncomfortable throughout the interview .
“No, I’m not a doctor,” he replied awkwardly. “I’d rather watch a video.”
Holly then attempted to ask him what it was like to become a father later on in life – 65 years after his first daughter was born.
“It was arranged, I wanted to be a father and Fabiana really wanted to be a mother,” he said, explaining that he had much more time to spend with his son than he did with his daughters all those years ago.
Asked whether he did nighttime feeds, he replied with an emphatic “no”.
While Bernie said that he would “do whatever was necessary”, he added: “That’s what wives are for.”
Holly was clearly not impressed as Phil winced over the comments.
She want on to ask whether they would like to have another brother or sister, Bernie replied: “I think it would be great if he has a little brother or sister.”
However, Bernie said that he wasn’t so keen on his son following in his footsteps.
“I think it’s bad if children want to be what their father is,” he said.
Phil went on to ask his opinion on there not being enough opportunities for black people in the F1.
This comes after Lewis Hamilton claimed he was “silenced and told to back down” earlier in his Formula One career over his plans to support former NFL player Colin Kaepernick before the 2017 US Grand Prix.
Fact : Corona Lockdown is rocketing unemployment with developing social fallout and related health issues, it won’t go away anytime soon, so it must be about elite run police state agenda and profit. The plague is back too, with human populations / greed hideously out of control, is it a surprise? July 9th 2020.
The following bulletins are from Big Brother Broadcasting Corporation
Police State Britain Latest News July 9th 2020
Lockdown rules are changing across the UK.
But who is responsible for making sure people follow them?
Rules or guidelines?
Police have the biggest responsibility for enforcing coronavirus laws – the rules that everyone must follow. These differ across the UK’s four nations.
But not everything you are asked to do is a legal requirement.
Coronavirus guidance describes government recommendations to help control the virus. These are not backed by laws.
Ministers have sometimes used the word “rules” to refer to the law and sometimes the guidance.
Can I hold a party?
In England, the law allows you to meet in a group of up to 30 people outside, or at home.
Outside means any public place – including beaches, parks, streets and the countryside.
So, if you want to organise a picnic or garden party you can now invite 29 guests.
If you go above that number, the police can turn up and force people to leave. They could issue you with a penalty ticket.
These start at £100 (or £50 if paid within 14 days), rising to £3,200 for six or more offences. In exceptional cases, the Crown Prosecution Service could take someone to court.
But, confusingly, the government wants people to do something different.
Its official guidance – not actually a legal obligation – says: “You should only be socialising in groups of up to two households (including your support bubble) indoors and outdoors or up to six people from different households when outdoors.”
The law in England now allows even bigger formally-organised gatherings, providing the people behind it can show they have a plan to minimise the risk of spreading coronavirus.
Officers can turn up and inspect the organiser’s written plan. They can order people to leave if they decide there are genuine dangers.
The chancellor has said he is “sorry” for not helping “everyone in exactly the way they would have wanted”.
Rishi Sunak said the government was “throwing everything” at stemming job losses with a £30bn stimulus package.
But he told the BBC he will not be able to protect “every single job” as the UK enters a “severe recession”.
He also admitted that some of the £1,000 bonuses being offered to take back furloughed staff would go to firms that were already keeping workers on.
Labour has called for a more targeted approach to saving jobs, saying the government will “waste billions at a time when others are crying out for support”.
- Anger as locked-down Leicester denied extra cash
- Chancellor gives diners 50% off on eating out
- Summer Statement: Key points at a glance
In his summer statement on Wednesday, Mr Sunak said the “jobs retention bonus” could cost as much as £9bn if every worker currently furloughed is kept on.
It comes as figures released by the Treasury reveal that public spending on the battle against coronavirus has risen to nearly £190bn.
Mr Sunak told BBC Breakfast: “If you’re asking me ‘can I protect every single job’ of course the answer is no.
“‘Is unemployment going to rise, are people going to lose their jobs?’ Yes, and the scale of this is significant.
“We are entering one of the most severe recessions this country has ever seen. That is of course going to have a significant impact on unemployment and on job losses.”
‘Zero income’
Self-employed curtain fitter Mark Whittaker told BBC Breakfast he cannot “get his head round how the chancellor expects any citizen of this country to get by on zero income”.
“If he can manage it, please tell me how to do it,” Mr Whittaker said. “I don’t want a handout… I want parity.”
White is Wong or is it Black, what is black, racism is back and it’s very black- so mind your language. July 3rd 2020
A Cambridge academic who tweeted “White lives don’t matter. As white lives” has called on the university to do more to advance the national conversation on race after being subjected to a torrent of abuse.
Dr Priyamvada Gopal, a reader in anglophone and related literature, received death threats and a campaign was launched to have her fired in response to what she described as criticism of systemic white supremacy.
She tweeted on Tuesday: “White lives don’t matter. As white lives” and “Abolish whiteness”, in response to a banner flown over a Premier League football stadium that read “White lives matter Burnley”.
A lot of excuses were made for this high castse Indian woman, who is from a country that has oppressed its under castes based on religious bigotry for centuries. It should also be noted that Indians are of the Caucasian race the same as whites, and that anyone who is actually white is either albino or very ill.
When Gopal says a person should not be valued for being white, I totally agree. Nor should they be valued for just being black or Muslim. I do not value the in bred British/German Royal family, not on the basis of colour but because they are dangerous undemocratic parasites and the ultimate representation of colonialism with whom Gopal’s ancesters will have connived. Please note, India was never conquered. Also note that black African slaves were captured and put in compounds for sale by fellow blacks. Half starved stunted English sailors could never have helped the likes of Drake to round up these people on their own. the black slave traders were paid in goods for thier slave commodities. Genocidie was not the intent nor the outcome. But genocide was the intent and outcome in relation to the North American Indians
The reason most people don’t know this is because historty teaching is appalling. It doesn’t just cut out a lot of the back bits. As the saying goes, it is written by the winners or writers like me, who write what the publisher wants which is what they think the booksellers want. It is no wonder only 3% of the population go into bookshops. Book sales are now the monopoly of Amazon, WH Smith and Waterstones.
Twenty years ago, a reader told me that my latest work on the City of Peterbrough proved I didn’t know what I was talking about. When I sent an e mail reply via the publisher, telling them exactly what had happened to make Peterbrough the awful place it is today, the publisher sacked me.
The media’s new love of history and its front men and women, is clearly dangerous to any efforts toward or claim to truth. It is about ideology, propaganda and control of individual and national identity. Diversity with all its disingenuous bull-it about gender identity and ethnic exploitation is all about covering up for the continuing concentration of wealth in ever fewer hands. If you have ever met rich blacks and Muslims, as I have, you will have noticed they have embraced the rich ruling white’s culture just as the poor whites have gravitated toward the black youth cultiure, both of them going nowhere, except jail, very quickly.
All this bourgeoise agonising over racial equality is part of the act with stupid young teachers playing their part in making sure the lower orders are not diverse, but that they are divided and ruled by theior ‘betters’.
Chav means taste lesss and stupid and that is not the monopoly of the whites and it is not about race, it is about what happens when young people try to make sense of a world led by greedy selfish destructive rich people who are hypocrites, wanting more and more, faking a love of God.
I have met a lot of people, and been to a lot of places. The following article is not pleasant reading for anyone who values freedom, has a sense of humour and a brain worth the name.. It is more and more of Police State Britain where any academic going on live radio or TV, as I have done, needs a safe script checked by the programme editor.
We must have bland, we must please the thought police in the name of freedom. To them, Orwell’s 1984 is a manula, not a warning. I am not optimistic for the future. As I have wtitten elsewehere on here, I consider suicide a distinct possibility for me after experiencing so much and being the focus of a partiicular Thief Constable and the vile corrupt British Police who are lackeys to this system of lies and exploitation..
It is interesting how a campaign against police thuggery, corruption and lies, turns into a campaign to teach us lower class whites not to be racists. There is no logic here, only the rich elite taking advantage of the moron products of feminist police state one parent family multi gendered British and wider world society – all for the super rich who have caused and exploited Covid 19 for their own advantage. Robert Cook
David Starkey’s views on race disgrace the academic world, say historians
David Starkey has brought his profession into disrepute by voicing theories about race “that would disgrace a first-year undergraduate”, according to leading academics.
David Starkey’s Newsnight appearance caused outrage earlier this month Photo: PA
By Anita Singh, Showbusiness Editor
8:00AM BST 26 Aug 2011Follow
More than 100 historians have signed an open letter expressing their dismay at Starkey’s controversial comments on the riots during an appearance on the BBC’s Newsnight programme.
They asked the BBC to stop referring to Starkey as a “historian” on anything but his specialist subject, the Tudors, claiming that he is “ill-fitted” to hold forth on other topics.
Signatories to the letter include academics from Cambridge and the London School of Economics, institutions at which Starkey once taught.
Starkey’s Newsnight appearance caused outrage earlier this month when he was asked about the cause of the riots and replied: “What has happened is that a substantial section of the chavs… have become black. The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion.”
In a letter to the Times Higher Education magazine, the collective of 102 academics said: “His crass generalisations about black culture and white culture as oppositional, monolithic entities demonstrate a failure to grasp the subtleties of race and class that would disgrace a first-year history undergraduate.
“In fact, it appears to us that the BBC was more interested in employing him for his on-screen persona and tendency to make comments that viewers find offensive than for his skills as a historian.
“In addition to noting that a historian should argue from evidence rather than assumption, we are also disappointed by Starkey’s lack of professionalism on Newsnight.
“Instead of thoughtfully responding to criticism, he simply shouted it down; instead of debating his fellow panellists from a position of knowledge, he belittled and derided them. On Newsnight, as on other appearances for the BBC, Starkey displayed some of the worst practices of an academic, practices that most of us have been working hard to change.”
The letter asked why the BBC had invited Starkey to discuss the riots when his academic research and published works have nothing to do with the subject.
“In our opinion, it was a singularly poor choice,” they said, adding that “the poverty of his reductionist argument… reflected his lack of understanding of the history of ordinary life in modern Britain. It was evidentially insupportable and factually wrong.
“The problem lies in the BBC’s representation of Starkey’s views as those of a ‘historian’, which implies that they have some basis in research and evidence: but as even the most basic grasp of cultural history would show, Starkey’s views as presented on Newsnight have no basis in either.”
Among the signatories are Paul Gilroy, professor of social theory at the London School of Economics; Steven Fielding, professor of political history of at the University of Nottingham; Richard Grayson, professor of 20th century history at Goldsmith’s, University of London; and Tim Whitmarsh, professor of ancient literatures at the University of Oxford.
Others come from as far afield as Harvard, the University of Winnipeg in Canada and Jawaharlal Nehru University in India.
3 July 2020 • 11:54am,3 July 2020 • 11:54am
The David Starkey affair should worry any thinking person. The essence of the new style so called left wing liberal outrage appears to be that this historian compared black youth culture to white chavs copying it, creating some kind of feedback making the idiocy louder and louder, as happens if you leave your electric guitar too close to the amplifier – accoustic feedback.
The ‘liberals’ have wasted no time piling on the outrage. White chav culture is labelled moronic, a part of the far right and football culture. Black youth culture with its simple patter and often sexist words, is seen as justifiable rebellion. Blacks are put in the same ‘nice box’ as feminists. They just can’t put a foot wrong. One wonders whether the logically minded rather naive David Starkey was set up. Erase all the tyrants of history, their statues and their deeds rubbished, then the white man’s world will make no sense – a world which blacks and Indians colluded in, the majority far from slaves, whereas the majority of whites were.
As for Saint Abe Lincoln, he led the charge to abolish slavery because white immigrant labour was unionising in the industrial north. Republican Lincoln’s supporters wanted the slaves freed to move north and this undercut rising wage rates. I was taught that while pursuing U.S Economic History as part of my economics degree at UEA. My Irish American tutor came from the oppressed people of Ireland, same as my maternal grandfather. Where do we draw the line with all this wingeing. Sacking Starkey just does more to cloud before burying the truth.
This is a totalitarian period of history, ironically set off back in the money grabbing era of Thatcher and Regan- the latter being the poodle. Now the truth of how empires were the basis of industrialisation, the fact that slavery was not about genocide but killing the Red Indians was, does not get a mention. People are not encouraged or taught to make connections. So my next point will be lost on the many.
That point is the rockets that rained down on wartime London were built by East European Jewish slaves, this technology went on to develop into the rockets that put men on the moon etc. When so called liberal academics want to cut the chain of history, restarting it with their new ideology – with all the fervour of the religious maniacs and bullies who twisted Jesus’s teachings – then society is going backwards fast.
Behind the scenes, the nasty clique who have sucked the profits out of global capitalism, are pulling the leavers and laughing their socks off. They were the class that gave us the great culls of World Wars I and II. Now they are playing at the next one, of which Covid 19 lockdown hysteria and lies was just part of the act. The elite laugh at such views as paranoia and conspiracy theory, they know the masses fear nut cases, so that’s what they call us. Karl Marx’s motto as ‘Destruem et edificabo’ – I will destroy and I will build. The Marxists have wnated to destroy capitaism for decades. The global elite have learned this well. putting their own nasty twist on it.
Too many morons can’t spot who the real lunatcics are, and they are in charge. They own most of the wealth, they can weather global lockdown for years if necessary, cleaning up the environment and air for their new world order, while the rest of us go bust. Then along come the asset strippers, more space for their fun and games – like they have been having thanks to billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, only more and with less scrutiny. They know there is no God, but they have been pedalling that bulls-it for years. Divide and rule, divide and fool with fantasy God, admire and grovel to all those clergy, Cathedrals and churches built by slaves.
Everything these two sanctified groups of BLM and feminists say is supposed to be taken as a reaction to oppression. The media ignores or explains away what doesn’t fit. It would be too dangerous to question youth culture over all, with its interesting fit into the illusion of multi culture and diversity. Dr Richard Starkey’s outraged fellow professionals have their eyes on careers, not debate , discussion or truth. It is going to be interesting to see how this develops. Robert Cook
Comment Women and Police must be made accountable and punished severely for their crimes, but top cops are never prosecuted because the system represents ruling class interest and must be protected at the cost of as many black and/or white lives as necessary in Police State Britian July 2nd 2020
The family of an innocent man shot dead in an operation commanded by the woman tipped to be Britain’s next top police officer have said she should not be considered for the role.
The family of Jean Charles de Menezes said Cressida Dick’s part in the 2005 disaster meant she could not “command public confidence” as commissioner of the Metropolitan police.
In a letter seen by the Guardian, the family said Dick could not be trusted to ensure “that no police officer acts with impunity”.
De Menezes, a 27-year-old Brazilian national, was repeatedly shot in the head at Stockwell tube station in a south London in July 2005 by police officers who mistook him for a suicide bomber.
Two women among final four for Metropolitan police top job
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Dick, 56, has been seen as the frontrunner to be the next Met commissioner, taking over from Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, 59.
The decision will be made by the home secretary, Amber Rudd, who will consider the views of London’s Labour mayor, Sadiq Khan, a former human rights lawyer. Final interviews with candidates take place on Wednesday.
In the letter to Khan, sent on Friday, Patricia Armani da Silva, wrote on behalf of her family: “At the helm of the police on that fateful day, when the life of Jean was taken, included Cressida Dick.
“The IPCC [Independent Police Complaints Commission] investigation made strong criticisms of the command structure and the decision-making that took place that day.
“As a family, we have always felt that those at the highest level, the commissioner and those in operational command, should be held responsible for the mistakes and for the misinformation and lies that were told by the police.
“We cannot be expected to accept that the most senior police officer in the country, a post that is expected to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, to command public confidence and ultimately be responsible for ensuring that no police officer acts with impunity, be filled by someone that is clearly tainted by her failure to live up to any of those requirements.”
Dick is regarded by her peers as one of the most talented operational police chiefs of her generation.
Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate – sent direct to you
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She works at the Foreign Office after leaving the Met having reached the rank of assistant commissioner and served as head of counter-terrorism before she was controversially moved to another role by Hogan-Howe.
At a criminal trial in 2007, a jury found the Met guilty of failings in the case, but went out of its way to exonerate Dick from any personal blame.
She spent three days giving evidence and told the jury she was told five times that surveillance officers thought a man they were following was Hussain Osman, one of the terrorism suspects wanted for the London bombings.
As the man was trailed through the streets of south London, Dick said she was told the confidence in the identification grew stronger.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tributes to Jean Charles de Menezes left outside Stockwell tube station following his death in 2005. Photograph: Dan Chung/The Guardian
That day Dick was the designated senior officer in the control room with responsibility for deciding if a special shoot-to-kill policy was needed to stop a terrorist suspect.
But police were following De Menezes, a wholly innocent electrician who was on his way to work. They mistook innocent actions for those of a terrorist trained in counter-surveillance techniques.
At one stage, he went to a tube station then doubled back. This action was seen by police as suspicious but was in fact due to that station being closed.
Dick said in 2007: “From the behaviours described to me – nervousness, agitation, sending text messages, [using] the telephone, getting on and off the bus – it all added to the picture of someone potentially intent on causing an explosion.”
She gave an order for the man to be prevented from entering Stockwell station, with Dick insisting she never ordered officers to shoot him.
At one point she ordered surveillance officers to detain the suspect but countermanded her own order moments later, having been told a specialist firearms team were close enough to make the stop.
But they were not, and inquires found errors in communication and command in the Met contributed to one of the worst stains on the force’s reputation.
At a 2008 inquest, Dick said: “If you ask me whether I think anybody did anything wrong or unreasonable on the operation, I don’t think they did.”
The inquest jury returned an open verdict, seen as demonstrating its members were unconvinced by the police account of events.
Inquiries by the IPCC found no blame could be attached to Dick or any individual officer.
Comment Makes you wonder what highly paid, with benefits, senior officers are for. They all get the QPM, OBEs then Dame and Knighthoods from the back slapping upper echelons they exist to protect. They are always cleared of wrong doing for the good name of the system. Private prosecutions are closed down for the sake of Public ( Class ) interests. Dumping a few statues of slave traders is a small price for them to pay, but hands off any of Queen Victoria, Sir Winston Churchill, Duke of Wellington or Sir Robert Peel – the latter a vile Prime Minister who turned Tories into Conservatives t0o steal votes from the Whigs, and above all created the Metropilitan Police to protect the rich in an age when poor working starving people could be separated from families and transported to Australi for poaching the rich man’s fish or gamebirds. There is a lot of history not taught in our schools, I was a teacher for 18 years, so know that very well. Robert Cook
Comment Women and Police must be made accountable and punished severely for their crimes. Only then will we have true and real equality. Society must stop treating them as babies when they lie, cry and cheat to escape justice. June 28th 2020
Comment Women and Police must be made accountable and punished for their crimes.
I thorougly endorse the Egyptian court’s decision to punish the cavorting belly dancer – see News World Page. Women throughout the world should face severe punishments for manipulating their image in a sexual way, for any for of gain or personal amusement- and lying about sex crimes and domestic abuse. The sexualistation of women should not be acceptable in the modern feminist age. Men need protection from the ‘Eve’ culture.
Women are inclined to winge and make false allegations destroying the reputattions and lives of too many innocent men. They play innocent and are always taken to be the victims. The Muslims are right to take this line. Women should face the consequences of playing the sexual innocents whilst teasing men for a laugh and for power. Their whole image needs to be desexualised for men’s safety.
I write as the victim of malicious allegations by my ex wife which have also destroyed by sons’ lives. They were amplified,for financial gain, by the criminal lies of my ex brother in law and his family, the corrupt Depuy Chief Constable Simon Paul Chesterman who the police refuse to investigate because they are institutionally corrupt.
They are so corrupt that they have lied to the courts and NHS that they have investigated and have not been obliged to show me the details of their fake life shattering records passed to those bodies. These are the police Patel wants to give more powers in Police State Britain.
Robert Cook
Coronavirus: Prof Chris ( A joke figure, though anything but Witty ) ‘Whitty’ warns public over gatherings in hot weather – Big Brother Speaks Out June 26th 2020
People must follow social distancing guidance while enjoying the sun, or Covid-19 cases “will rise again”, the UK’s chief medical adviser has warned.
Prof Chris Whitty’s remarks on social media came after a major incident was declared in Bournemouth when thousands of people flocked to the Dorset coast.
“Naturally people will want to enjoy the sun but we need to do so in a way that is safe for all,” he said.
The UK’s coronavirus death toll is now 43,320, a rise of 149 since Wednesday.
The latest figures, released by the Department for Health and Social Care, showed 307,980 people have tested positive across the UK.
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council said Bournemouth Beach was “stretched to the absolute hilt” on Thursday, while Dorset Police said there were reports of gridlocked roads, fights and overnight camping.
- What are social distancing rules?
- Hottest day of the year so far with highs of 33.3C
- Sun-seekers urged to stay away from packed beach
Council leader Vikki Slade said they were “absolutely appalled at the scenes witnessed on our beaches”.
Later, on Twitter, Prof Whitty said: “Covid-19 has gone down due to the efforts of everyone but is still in general circulation.
“If we do not follow social distancing guidance then cases will rise again.” Image copyright Reuters Image caption Prof Chris Whitty is the UK’s chief medical adviser and England’s chief medical officer
Since May, people in England have been able to meet in groups of up to six people in outdoor spaces such as parks or private gardens – provided they observe social distancing and remain two metres apart.
The government has since announced a further easing of lockdown restrictions in England – to come into effect from 4 July.
This includes the introduction of a new “one metre plus” rule – meaning that if a distance of two metres is not possible then one metre will be acceptable if certain precautions are taken, such as the use of face coverings.
‘Note of caution’
The announcements at the prime minister’s Downing Street briefing this week on the reopening of pubs and other venues in England in early July and the new “1m plus” rule made all the headlines.
But the note of caution struck by the senior official advisers, Professor Chris Whitty and Sir Patrick Vallance was all too obvious.
There were repeated comments that the easing of lockdown restrictions was not risk free and that the virus would be circulating right through the winter.
Prof Whitty said it was “really critical” that people took social distancing rules seriously otherwise chains of virus transmission would be re-established.
He clearly feels the rules are not being taken seriously on the beach in Bournemouth and has felt the need to repeat his warning.
This further underlines the concerns felt by health leaders that people will drop their guard and create mass gatherings in the hot weather and holiday season which will allow the spread of the virus to pick up again.
On Thursday, for the second consecutive day, the UK recorded its hottest temperature of the year so far, with highs of 33.3C (92F) at Heathrow Airport.
Both Wales and Scotland also individually recorded their hottest days of the year.
In Wales, the temperature reached 30.7C at Gogerddan, near Aberystwyth, beating the previous high of 30C from Wednesday. And in Scotland, a high of 30C was recorded in Prestwick, Gannett.
In Northern Ireland, a high of 25.5C was recorded in Aldegrove. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Thousands of people flocked to the Dorset coast on both Wednesday and Thursday
An amber level three heat-health alert, issued by the Met Office, was extended on Thursday to take in Yorkshire and the east and south of England as well as the West and East Midlands.
That means people should drink plenty of fluids, avoid consuming excess alcohol and “look out for” young children, babies and those with underlying health conditions, the Met Office said. Image copyright EPA Image caption Further along the south coast, Brighton beach was also busy
Commenting on the crowded scenes in his constituency, Bournemouth East MP Tobias Ellwood said he had asked the government to dispatch additional officers to Dorset if needed to deal with traffic and antisocial behaviour.
“It is very sad to see a number of people being selfish and also acting dangerously,” he said.
Mr Ellwood said it was “not practical” to close Dorset’s beaches altogether but suggested signs warning about overcrowding could be put up at railway stations and on approaching motorways.
- Coronavirus: What are social distancing and self-isolation rules? 24 June 2020
- UK weather: Hottest day of the year so far with highs of 33.3C 3 hours ago
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Free Speech Banned in Police State Britain June 24th 2020
Jake Hepple, 24, was sacked from his job. He hd committed no crime but Lncs Police called and released his details to put him at risk from deranged members of the public.
The man who was responsible for the “white lives matter” banner flown above a football game has been sacked from his job at an engineering firm.
Burnley supporter Jake Hepple, 24, was dismissed from Lancashire-based Paradigm Precision on Wednesday.
According to Sky News sports correspondent Martha Kelner, his girlfriend has also had her employment terminated in relation to posts she made on social media.
Manchester City’s game against Burnley had just got under way on Monday evening when the banner was flown over the ground.
Both teams had taken the knee in support of Black Lives Matter just minutes earlier.
Police investigated the incident after the message was flown over Etihad Stadium, but said no crime was committed.
Following Mr Hepple’s dismissal, a spokesperson for Paradigm Precision said: “We have concluded our investigation into the conduct of one of our employees in relation to an incident at the Burnley vs Manchester City match, as well as other related matters.
“We have concluded that there has been a breach of the company’s various policies and procedures. The individual no longer works for the company.”
The spokesperson added that the firm “does not condone or tolerate racism in any form and is fully committed to diversity and inclusion”.
It is believed the firm Air Ads was the operator of the plane that carried the banner above the stadium.
On Tuesday, Blackpool Airport, where Air Ads is based, said that it was halting all banner-towing activity with immediate effect.
In a statement, the manager of the Blackpool Council-owned airport, Stephen Smith, said: “Blackpool Airport and Blackpool Council are outraged by this incident.
“We stand against racism of any kind and absolutely do not condone the activity. The message was offensive and the action reprehensible.”
Following a police investigation, Chief Superintendent Russ Procter, of Lancashire Police, said: “After assessing all the information available surrounding this incident we have concluded that there are no criminal offences that have been disclosed at this time.
“We will continue to work with our partners at the football club and within the local authority.”
Media Icon Piers Morgan Condemns Top Government Minister for Not Bending Knee . Knee Bending to Blacks should be law in Police State Britain June 22nd 2020,
Piers Morgan has slammed Dominic Raab as “shameful” for his comments about taking the knee amid the George Floyd protests.
Police or authority figures kneeling down alongside or in front of protests has fast become a symbol of solitary during the recent wave of global anti-racism demonstrations.
But last week Mr Raab said he would not “take a knee” in support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement as he claimed “it seems to be taken from Game of Thrones”.
The Foreign Secretary faced an intense backlash after he suggested on TalkRadio that the kneeling gesture appeared to be more a “symbol of subjugation” than one of “liberation and emancipation”.
Comment I recall a warning article in the Sunday Times back in 1996. The copy argued that New Labour would be a gang of money grabbing lawyers. Their prediction of an endless production line of micro managaining laws came true.
The media are on that bandwagon with calls for more rights for everyone except the white working underclass. If the system had paid a fraction of the attention to last weekend’s Muslim racist killer as they have to Tommy Robinson, then no person would have been killed.
LOCKDOWN Lunacy has led to the current anti racist hysteria and white working class backlash. This offers a field day for our parasitic overpaid lawyers, corrupt injustice/police system and self righteous fat cats of the mainstream media/propaganda industry. The government and media are now warning teachers to cut short holidays as nation faces a looming child mental health crisis.
Many are suffering from PTSD so called experts in Police State Britain are saying. Children need more brainwashing. I was a secondary school teacher for many years and understand the State Education system in Police State Britain and its not so hidden agenda.
Britain has normalised one parent families and women putting work first for elite profit, so all depends on State School indoctrintaion. They call it liberation from male oppression and self actuaising. Child mental health has been a growing problem for years because of this mentality.
Robert Cook
Danger Man Labour leadership contest. Keir Starmer is currently the favourite, based on an opportunistic campaign with hollow promises of ‘unity’ and ‘electability’. Members must not be fooled by this wolf in sheep’s clothing. Posted June 21st 2020
Socialist Appeal By Joe Attard, Ealing Central and Acton CLP 24 Feb 2020
Labour leadership contest. Keir Starmer is currently the favourite, based on an opportunistic campaign with hollow promises of ‘unity’ and ‘electability’. Members must not be fooled by this wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Sir Keir Starmer (QC) has emerged as the frontrunner in the Labour leadership race. His pitch is simple: “No more faction fighting – unite behind me. I’ll preserve Corbyn’s radical policies, and I’m electable enough to win.”
A number of prominent ‘lefts’, including Paul Mason and Momentum’s former national coordinator Laura Parker, have embraced Starmer – mostly over his past support for remaining in the EU. But his proposition of ‘Integrity, Authority, Unity’ rings hollow considering his track record and the forces behind him. All the evidence points to an establishment stooge whom the Labour right wing are counting on to return ‘their’ party to their control.
Siding with the status quo
The launch video for Starmer’s leadership campaign is a slideshow of his progressive accomplishments: defending striking dockers; giving free legal advice to poll tax protesters; fighting Rupert Murdoch over phone hacking, and so on.
In a voiceover, he states, “I’ve spent my life standing up for the powerless and against the powerful.” But while head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), this coiffured knight of the realm tended to do the exact opposite.
From his first year as DPP, he repeatedly covered for police officers accused of malpractice and brutality.
In 2008, CPS refused to revisit wrongful convictions resulting from Mark Kennedy unlawfully infiltrating activist organisations by seducing members. In 2009, Starmer declined to indict the officers who shot Brazilian immigrant Jean Charles de Menezez.
And in 2010, he initially refused to try PC Simon Harwood after he shoved Ian Tomlinson, a homeless newspaper seller, to the ground during the G20 summit protests. Tomlinson died of internal bleeding. Starmer argued he died of “natural causes.”
Additionally, he authored rules to give the police greater power to arrest demonstrators following the 2010 student protests. Sir Keir’s enthusiasm for rapid and harsh sentencing after the London riots of 2011 led his successor to describe his legal advice as a “collective loss of proportion” and a denial of “humanity or justice”.
Later, CPS appealed a decision from a lower court to release Julian Assange on bail. Starmer advised lawyers from Sweden (investigating accusations of rape) not to question Assange in Britain. And leaked emails show that, when they expressed doubts about the case, Starmer’s office replied: “Don’t you dare get cold feet.”
When not facilitating the harassment of activists, Starmer spent much of his time as DPP hounding benefit claimants. In 2013, he recommended harsher sentencing at a time when the right-wing press was raging about ‘benefit cheats’. Starmer happily sang their tune, declaring: “I am determined to see a clampdown on those who flout the system.” He later abstained on the 2015 Tory Welfare Bill as an MP.
Tax avoidance by capitalist fat-cats costs the public coffers £12bn annually, dwarfing the impact of benefit fraud. But in Sir Keir’s eyes, it seems the poor were the real criminals.
A politician for all seasons
Starmer’s political career started on a similarly pro-establishment track. He was elected MP for Holborn and St Pancras in 2015. After supporting Andy Burnham in the 2015 leadership election, he later voted against investigating Blair’s actions leading up to the invasion of Iraq.
It is unsurprising Starmer would side with imperialism, given his membership in the Trilateral Commission: an anti-socialist pressure group founded in the Cold War, which counts Henry Kissinger and (formerly) Jeffrey Epstein amongst its ranks.
He also participated in the abortive coup against Corbyn in 2016, only to later rediscover his ‘left-wing’ values when he found himself appointed shadow Brexit secretary. In that capacity, he came under the influence of the Blairite-led ‘People’s Vote’ campaign.
The biggest stain on Starmer’s ‘electability’ claim is masterminding Labour’s disastrous Brexit policy in the 2019 general election. Corbyn wanted to accept Brexit after the 2016 election, while defending workers’ rights. But Starmer steered the party firmly towards embracing a second referendum and attempting to stop Brexit in the Commons.
In a 2019 Guardian article, he wrote:
“Parliament must be put on a war footing to stop a no-deal Brexit…Every tool in our armoury must be deployed: amending legislation, forcing emergency debates and triggering no-confidence votes. The majority in parliament must act – and that will involve coordinated work across all political parties.”
It was precisely this manoeuvring with Tory and Lib Dem MPs that made Labour appear like every other establishment outfit – thus costing them the election. Similarly, it is hard to imagine that a besuited, metropolitan, arch-Remainer is the best candidate to win back the ‘left behind’ communities who abandoned Labour in 2019.
Empty promises
Unlike avowed right-wing candidate Lisa Nandy, Starmer understands that he needs to appeal to Labour’s mass left-wing membership. Corbyn’s policies around nationalisation, free education, and a Green New Deal remain very popular with activists. In a list of 10 pledges, Starmer lays out his commitment to ‘economic justice’, ‘climate justice’, ‘common ownership’, etc. He has also been careful not to criticise Corbyn and his legacy too harshly.
This strategy has paid off so far. Starmer has taken the majority of nominations from CLPs, including those that backed Corbyn in 2015 and 2016. But how far can his promises be trusted?
Labour leadership contest. Keir Starmer is currently the favourite, based on an opportunistic campaign with hollow promises of ‘unity’ and ‘electability’. Members must not be fooled by this wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Sir Keir Starmer (QC) has emerged as the frontrunner in the Labour leadership race. His pitch is simple: “No more faction fighting – unite behind me. I’ll preserve Corbyn’s radical policies, and I’m electable enough to win.”
A number of prominent ‘lefts’, including Paul Mason and Momentum’s former national coordinator Laura Parker, have embraced Starmer – mostly over his past support for remaining in the EU. But his proposition of ‘Integrity, Authority, Unity’ rings hollow considering his track record and the forces behind him. All the evidence points to an establishment stooge whom the Labour right wing are counting on to return ‘their’ party to their control.
Siding with the status quo
The launch video for Starmer’s leadership campaign is a slideshow of his progressive accomplishments: defending striking dockers; giving free legal advice to poll tax protesters; fighting Rupert Murdoch over phone hacking, and so on.
In a voiceover, he states, “I’ve spent my life standing up for the powerless and against the powerful.” But while head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), this coiffured knight of the realm tended to do the exact opposite.
From his first year as DPP, he repeatedly covered for police officers accused of malpractice and brutality.
In 2008, CPS refused to revisit wrongful convictions resulting from Mark Kennedy unlawfully infiltrating activist organisations by seducing members. In 2009, Starmer declined to indict the officers who shot Brazilian immigrant Jean Charles de Menezez.
And in 2010, he initially refused to try PC Simon Harwood after he shoved Ian Tomlinson, a homeless newspaper seller, to the ground during the G20 summit protests. Tomlinson died of internal bleeding. Starmer argued he died of “natural causes.” ( The true measure of Starmer and his CPS Police State Corruption role. White underclass lives don’t matter. – Robert Cook )
Additionally, he authored rules to give the police greater power to arrest demonstrators following the 2010 student protests. Sir Keir’s enthusiasm for rapid and harsh sentencing after the London riots of 2011 led his successor to describe his legal advice as a “collective loss of proportion” and a denial of “humanity or justice”.
Later, CPS appealed a decision from a lower court to release Julian Assange on bail. Starmer advised lawyers from Sweden (investigating accusations of rape) not to question Assange in Britain. And leaked emails show that, when they expressed doubts about the case, Starmer’s office replied: “Don’t you dare get cold feet.”
When not facilitating the harassment of activists, Starmer spent much of his time as DPP hounding benefit claimants. In 2013, he recommended harsher sentencing at a time when the right-wing press was raging about ‘benefit cheats’. Starmer happily sang their tune, declaring: “I am determined to see a clampdown on those who flout the system.” He later abstained on the 2015 Tory Welfare Bill as an MP.
Tax avoidance by capitalist fat-cats costs the public coffers £12bn annually, dwarfing the impact of benefit fraud. But in Sir Keir’s eyes, it seems the poor were the real criminals.
A politician for all seasons
Starmer’s political career started on a similarly pro-establishment track. He was elected MP for Holborn and St Pancras in 2015. After supporting Andy Burnham in the 2015 leadership election, he later voted against investigating Blair’s actions leading up to the invasion of Iraq.
It is unsurprising Starmer would side with imperialism, given his membership in the Trilateral Commission: an anti-socialist pressure group founded in the Cold War, which counts Henry Kissinger and (formerly) Jeffrey Epstein amongst its ranks.
He also participated in the abortive coup against Corbyn in 2016, only to later rediscover his ‘left-wing’ values when he found himself appointed shadow Brexit secretary. In that capacity, he came under the influence of the Blairite-led ‘People’s Vote’ campaign.
The biggest stain on Starmer’s ‘electability’ claim is masterminding Labour’s disastrous Brexit policy in the 2019 general election. Corbyn wanted to accept Brexit after the 2016 election, while defending workers’ rights. But Starmer steered the party firmly towards embracing a second referendum and attempting to stop Brexit in the Commons.
In a 2019 Guardian article, he wrote:
“Parliament must be put on a war footing to stop a no-deal Brexit…Every tool in our armoury must be deployed: amending legislation, forcing emergency debates and triggering no-confidence votes. The majority in parliament must act – and that will involve coordinated work across all political parties.”
It was precisely this manoeuvring with Tory and Lib Dem MPs that made Labour appear like every other establishment outfit – thus costing them the election. Similarly, it is hard to imagine that a besuited, metropolitan, arch-Remainer is the best candidate to win back the ‘left behind’ communities who abandoned Labour in 2019.
Empty promises
Unlike avowed right-wing candidate Lisa Nandy, Starmer understands that he needs to appeal to Labour’s mass left-wing membership. Corbyn’s policies around nationalisation, free education, and a Green New Deal remain very popular with activists. In a list of 10 pledges, Starmer lays out his commitment to ‘economic justice’, ‘climate justice’, ‘common ownership’, etc. He has also been careful not to criticise Corbyn and his legacy too harshly.
This strategy has paid off so far. Starmer has taken the majority of nominations from CLPs, including those that backed Corbyn in 2015 and 2016. But how far can his promises be trusted?
Unsure about @Keir_Starmer‘s glossy 10 pledges?
Look at two key areas:
CLIMATE CRISIS – He’s dropped explicit reference to the conference agreed net zero 2030 target
FOREIGN POLICY – He’s watered down ‘end arms sales to Saudi’ to ‘review’
If he can’t be strong now, then when?
— TheLuckyHeronFebruary 22, 2020
As the old saying goes, judge a man not but the words he speaks, but by the company he keeps. In this respect, his campaign team makes cursory nods to the left by including disgruntled former Corbyn allies like Simon Fletcher. But it is chaired by Jenny Chapman – former vice-chair of the Blaritie Labour group, Progress. And it also includes Matt Pound – national organiser for the other major Blairite faction, Labour First, and self-described “full-time” organiser against the “hard left”.
Moreover, a message sent to the mailing lists of Progress and Labour First urged members to “get behind Keir Starmer…to become the Labour Party’s next leader”, declaring the launch of their ‘Reclaiming Labour campaign’ to “identify and contact everyone who shares our values and wants to be part of winning back the party”.
Starmer’s talk of unity has been met with scepticism by activists from his own CLP. In an open letter, they contrast his “opportunistic tilt to the left” with the fact that he has “built a team around him that has worked tirelessly to marginalise the left within the CLP”, warning others not to trust his “warm words”.
Despite his triangulation, Starmer would serve the interests of the Labour right, big business, and the establishment as leader. Notably, he has not endorsed open selection. The unity he promises would be solely on the terms of the Blairite-dominated PLP: the chief architects of Labour’s defeat last year, who overwhelmingly nominated Starmer for leader.
Additionally, he has refused to disclose the donors behind his ‘big bucks’ campaign. This suggests all sorts of dubious elements from the City and big business have contributed to his war chest.
Finally, Starmer has said he would “welcome back” Blairite grandee, Alastair Campbell, who was expelled for voting for the Liberal Democrat’s in the 2019 European elections, then bragging about it in the press. Conversely, he has threatened to expel anyone “who joins and/or supports a political organisation other than an official Labour group or other unit of the Party”, which is broad enough to provide cover for renewed expulsions on the left.
Couple this with Starmer’s endorsement of right-wing slander about Labour’s “institutional anti-semitism”, which has also provided a cover for spurious attacks on left-wingers, and it is not hard to imagine with whom he would side in the coming struggle over the soul of the party.
Establishment stooge
The next period will see Tory attacks provoke a backlash in those seats that lent Johnson their votes to ‘get Brexit done’. How would Labour under Starmer respond? Fellow lawyer, David Renton, gave an assessment based on Starmer’s tenure as DPP:
“If such a leader was faced with news of an injustice in the future, the consequence of a change to immigration rules, say, or of a strike in public services – Starmer’s approach as DPP…might raise worries that he would not give a principled defence of the victims but would tell the press whatever it wanted to hear.”
This gets to the heart of the matter. Starmer’s career-long instinct has been to defend the interests of the establishment. He is used to opportunistically telling people what they want to hear – be it the Tory press or the Labour membership. But when it comes to the crunch, he will prop up the system.
The reality is that a suit, a sharp haircut, and some smooth (but ultimately vacuous) rhetoric will not win over millions of voters fed up with poverty and deprivation. Only a bold socialist programme – unencumbered by the Blairite Fifth Column – can achieve this.
It is essential that left candidates Rebecca Long-Bailey and Richard Burgon distinguish themselves by exposing Starmer’s empty promises and putting forward a clear socialist vision for Labour.
Expert Demands Masks Worn Correctly, Fines a Possibility in Police State Britain June 21st 2020
Many people using public transport are not wearing their masks correctly, a Government science adviser has warned.
Passengers on public transport have had to wear face coverings since June 14. Most people are sticking to the rule, Transport for London said on the first day masks became mandatory.
But Professor Susan Michie, a member of Government scientific advisory group Sage, told the Sunday Telegraph that people could be putting themselves and others at risk of catching coronavirus by not wearing them properly.
She said that she had often seen people wearing masks that didn’t cover their nose, or removing them by pulling on the front, rather than the straps.
Professor Michie added: “Any time one goes out and around in parks and down the street this is the sort of thing you see.”
She said that a national training programme might be necessary to promote correct mask-wearing skills.
Professor Michie went on: “I think the main thing is that where you have a behaviour that requires some kind of skill, and some kind of routine and procedure to make it effective, then usually it’s not enough to say do this, ie transmit knowledge, but we also need to have training.”
“If it’s a question of skills, ie the behaviour surrounding the putting on, off and wearing of (face coverings), then it does require skills training.”
People may have to register their names and contact details before going into pubs when they reopen to help slow the spread of coronavirus, Matt Hancock has said.
The health secretary added that the move would enable contact tracers to find people who had been in the same pub if someone tested positive.
The new policy could form part of the Government’s plan to allow hospitality businesses like pubs, bars and restaurants to reopen from July 4.
Mr Hancock told Sky’s Sophy Ridge programme on Sunday morning:“I wouldn’t rule that it out, it isn’t a decision we’ve taken yet, but there are other countries in the world that take that approach…”
“That’s the sort of thing we’re looking at for how do you make it safe to open things.
“And things like wearing a face mask which reduces the transmission clearly, about how the seating is arranged because face to face is much more dangerous than back to back and there’s more transmission than side to side.”
Plan Backed By Media For Drinkers Register in Police State Britain June 21st 2020
Mr Hancock added that the Government is also considering telling people to order drinks through apps rather than at the bar.
The health secretary’s comments come after Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Chancellor Rishi Sunak both hinted that the two-metre social distancing rule could be dropped soon, to help struggling businesses stay afloat.
Mr Johnson is set to announce a new rule next week permitting people to remain a metre away from others if they take additional measures to protect themselves, such as wearing a face mask or meeting outdoors, according to the Sunday Telegraph.
Three white people are dead and three other whites have serious injuries after stabbings in Forbury Park Reading , yesterday. killer identified as Libyan known to MI5 & Recently released from jail. June 21st 2020
Three people are dead and three others have serious injuries after stabbings in Forbury Park Reading.
Police were called to Forbury Gardens at about 19:00 BST following reports that a number of people had been stabbed.
Thames Valley Police said a 25-year-old man from Reading was arrested at the scene and is now in custody on suspicion of murder.
Police and Black Lives Matter organisers said the incident was unrelated to a protest held earlier in the park.
South Central Ambulance Service said “multiple ambulance resources” were sent to the scene, including five ambulance crews and a helicopter.
Three white people suffered serious injuries and died but the total number of injured people has not yet been confirmed. Thye killer was Libyan.
About a dozen armed police officers with shields were later seen entering a block of flats in Basingstoke Road in Reading at about 2300 BST, and families living in the building were moved out.
A loud bang was heard from the flats later at about 1230, and the armed officers have now left the scene.
Police immediately discounted this as a race or terror attcck without having sought any evidence Officers are not looking for any other people in connection with this incident and say there is no intelligence to suggest that there is any further danger to the public.
Earlier security sources told the BBC the 25-year-old man arrested at the scene is thought to be Libyan.
Home Affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford said he had been told the suspect had previously been in prison in the UK but for a relatively minor offence, not a terrorism offence.
Eyewitness Laurence Wort, 20, told the BBC that he was visiting Reading for the day and was about 10m from the attack.
“The park was pretty full, a lot of people sat around drinking with friends when one lone person walked through, suddenly shouted some unintelligible words and went round a large group trying to stab them.
“He stabbed three of them and then turned and started running towards me, when we turned and started running.
“When he realised that he couldn’t catch us he tried to stab another group sat down.
“He got one in the back of the neck and then when he realised everyone was starting to run, he ran out the park.”
Claire Gould, a freelance journalist who lives in Reading, said she walked past Forbury Gardens at around 18:40 BST “and everything seemed calm”.
She then saw an air ambulance land in King’s Meadow – another park close to the scene – at around 19:00 BST, followed by a second around 10 minutes later.
“There were multiple sirens from 19:00 going on for the next couple of hours and police helicopters [were] circling,” she added.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson thanked security services and said his thoughts were with victims families. More cliches came from Home Secretary Priti Patel who tweeted: “This evening we saw a senseless attack on people simply enjoying a Saturday with family and friends.
“My heart, prayers and thoughts are with all those affected.”
Would be PM and former head of Britain’s lying and corrupt CPS Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the stabbing was “very concerning”
Aren’t our politicians wonderful. They have brought religion back and feel so good about this so called diverse society which bombs the heaven out of the Middle East, along with U.S, and we are not supposed to see the con, the ongoing elite led imperialism , more lies, propaganda and sacrifices of the masses.
Last nights dreadful Crystal Palace vs Bournemouth Premier League match said it all. The stadium was empty, the cheering dubbed, the mainly black Bournemouth attacking players were useless -Harry Wilson, their most creative player was taken off, But those shirts with the slogan ‘Black Lives Matter’ were wonderful- a real solution to our corrupt lying bullying overpaid fake hero police. In practice those shirts are are just rubbing the traditional white working class footballer’s noses in it.
They know they don’t matter to a hierarchy scared of them on masse and keen to placate migrants, illegals or otherwise. Stuttgart exploded yesterday because a migrant was going to be arrested. There is more to come. White working classes will get the blame to get the police off the hook.
Protesters kettled after converging on George Square despite police warnings June 20th 2020
Hundreds of anti-racism protesters gathered at a rally in Glasgow city centre despite being warned by police to stay away.
Organisers said the Glasgow Says No to Racism event is aimed at “sending a positive anti-racist message from Glasgow’s George Square to the world on World Refugee Day”.
Supporters include Stand Up To Racism, Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees, Positive Action in Housing, Afghan Human Rights Foundation and unions.
More than 500 people attended the rally, with stewards asking them to stick to social distancing guidelines by following markings on the square.
They had also been asked to wear masks and not to travel farther than public health advice allows.
Police vans lined the square, with more than 100 officers in attendance, including riot police and mounted officers.
Arrivals included members of the Green Brigade, linked to Celtic ultras, supporting the anti-racism rally.
Police horses and riot officers were used to control their arrival in the square and when the event ended around noon they were kettled before being moved through the city, controlled by police horses and scores of officers.
Loyalists and members of a far-right group announced online on Friday night that they planned to head to the square to “protect statues”.
A small group gathered at the war memorial during the rally as lines of riot police separated the two.#
At the start of the rally, the crowd took a knee in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Later, names of people who died in police custody were read out and attendees chanted “no justice, no peace, no racist police”.
Speakers said they “didn’t come here for a fight” and spoke of securing greater rights for refugees and asylum seekers.
They added “no-one welcomes” the far-right group and called on police to “do their job”.
There were some minor scuffles as police controlled people arriving and leaving but the rally was peaceful.
Protesters being kettled and moved on questioned officers over why similar had not happened to a far-right group involved in violent scenes at the square on Wednesday.
At least six people were arrested on Wednesday following scenes labelled “disgraceful” by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
Far-right loyalists targeted a rally calling for improved living conditions for refugees.
Police Scotland, Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf and the head of Glasgow City Council Susan Aitken had called on the public not to gather at George Square this weekend.
Chief superintendent Hazel Hendren, divisional commander for Greater Glasgow, said on Friday evening: “Please do not come to George Square tomorrow.
“The lockdown restrictions remain in place and people should leave their homes only for very limited purposes.
“Anyone who wants to protest should find another way of doing so that keeps everyone safe.”
UK care homes may be forced to close unless councils release Covid-19 cash James Tapper The Guardian June 21st 2020
Care homes are under severe financial strain because local authorities are using red tape to deny them government bailout money, according to a leading social care organisation.
The National Care Forum, which represents non-profit care homes, said some members had not received any of the £3.2bn emergency funding that the government has promised social care since the pandemic began.
Some care providers are facing “layers of bureaucracy” before receiving payments, according to a letter from NCF executive director Vic Rayner to David Pearson, the chairman of the new national Covid-19 social care taskforce. The taskforce was set up to oversee distribution of support funds and met for the first time last week.
Care homes need to “have confidence that what they hear said at the Downing Street podium becomes swiftly a reality,” Rayner wrote. “Unfortunately, the experience of our members is that this money is still not reliably and consistently reaching the frontline of care.”
Although money has flowed from Whitehall to councils, many local authorities are in severe financial difficulties, and some in social care believe they have held on to the money to meet their own shortfalls.
Yet care homes and home care providers are in a worse position, having to pay for extra PPE, cleaning and more staff to cover Covid-19 sickness – a rise of about 40% in some cases, according to the UK Homecare Association.
At the same time, they have seen incomes drop by up to 15% because residents have died and new residents are not arriving. Some have already announced they will be forced to close, leaving their residents to find new homes.
On 13 May, Boris Johnson promised another £600m to pay for infection control, but some councils have added extra conditions before making payments, Rayner said.
“In just one example, the authority in question placed wide-ranging additional demands on providers to receive the funds, including taking part in antibody testing,” she wrote. “This is no way to respond to a crisis. We need to see national and local leadership that cuts through the red tape and that puts aside the history and focuses on what needs to happen now to keep people safe.”
Related: UK bars and hair salons get more help than care homes, say providers
But Rayner said councils were not to blame for failing to pass on the money. “This is absolutely not a blame game.
“We recognise the very significant financial pressures that local authorities are facing, and we need urgently to find a solution that doesn’t put them in a position of having to make extraordinarily difficult choices which ultimately limit the distribution of the financial support that the government intended to reach the frontline of care.”
Divide and Fool June 20th 2020
Divide and Fool June 20th 2020
Actor Kevin Bacon’s comments that old white men like him should stop talking about politics is quite extraordinary. This former Hollywood pretty boy always struck me as vacuous. In recent years he has been a regular on British TV advertising the profit hungry BT.
Since he wishes to male unfounded insults on old white men like me, I fell free to insult him. He appears to be a rich arrogant prancing moron who has made one hell of a political statement telling the rest of us old white men not to talk about politics.
Politics has many erudite definitions. One is that political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. This is a particularly useful definition if one extends it metaphorically to any form of force and incarceration behind stout walls.
Another definition is that politics is the art of the possible. This suggests pragmatism and manipulation by the powerful over their subjects. Then there is religion. For over 2000 years, Jesus’s meek and mild teachings derived from Judaism have been twisted by the perversions of Islam and Catholicism to frighten and control the masses.
In reality we have a mix of all these ideas. Karl Marx thought that his ideal world of communism and equality would solve everything. The U.S.S.R , immediately under siege from the rich western leaders, had little chance of success. They fell quickly under the leadership and control of paranoid Joseph Stalin because idealist Lenin ( Vladimir Ulyanov ) was conveniently shot in 1924.
For its efforts against the Nazism which elitist Britain encouraged during the 1930s, Russia gained control of half Europe. The Anglo American Cold War on Communism brought down the Berlin Wall.
So by 1990, the elite owned and run western media shouted proudly ‘End of History.’ That was a perfect excuse for massive British defence cuts. But the downside was the loss of a common enemy.
Here in Britain, Thatcher had already sold off nationalised industries to profiteers, while encouraging the rest to go abroad, ideally the Third World, where labour was cheap and health and safety of no concern to profiteers and sweat shops. In the process, Thatcher destroyed the Trade Unions and old Labour – the latter needed new underdogs, so started stirring up all women and ethnic minorities to see themselves as oppressed, and a new sex and race war began.
With so many new service jobs, selling the cheap imported manufactured goods, a new age of woman and marginalisation of men had begun. This was the feminist heyday. Women’s libbers never had it so good as families fell apart, men were either impotent or rapists according to media.
Then, in the late 1990s came the rich man’s war for energy control, and the rigging of ‘The War on Terror’ led by Britain and the United States. Their arms industries and mad Generals have been loving it. Bombed out Third World people have flocked to Europe and been a welcome source of cheap labour. Bulls-it about Europe becoming a wonderfully diverse multi cultural society has been the new political agenda, reinforcing feminists fascism.
And so it came to pass, as the bible might say, that we find ourselves living in a global economy and a global economy where the tiny worldwide global elite gobble up the profits and the masses, on the receiving end of a tick box brainwashing system officially called education, where free movement is the oil of that system, and so much is imported from poor countries including their many diseases, like Covid19.
It is against that background and in that context that Kevin Bacon wants us to shut up. Rather than face up to the fact that Britain and the U.S recruits their own versions of fascist morons to police the masses, what began as a revolt against police brutality has turned into a racist war on working class white men – especially old ones like me who did not sell out after our expensive education.
Hand wringing virtue signalling billionaires like infamous George Soros are loving all the statue toppling. It hides the rich thuggish cruel past that created industrialisation. Blaming the little white men is more of the old ‘divide and rule’ political tactics that you are not supposed to notice.
Ironically we are living in a new and massive age of imperialism. Part of Bacon’s poison will have been intended for Donald Trump who has lived his life in a cocoon. He has little if any sense of history. But like most British and Americans, he has a rose coloured picture of the past. The British and U.S were not the first imperialists. The later began life as part of the former, separating because the British Crown wanted too much tax – expanding west because the Scots and Irish wanted to get away from the arrogant English of the East Coast.
If Henry Ford , the first, ever said “History is bunk” he was a fool or a con man. He would never have revolutionised car making had he been a fool. So he was a con man. Con men thrive in media, business and politics. To bid all old white men, especially those of broad experience and education, to keep out of politics is a con man.
Bacon is a con man. He should not be trusted on anything, including selling BT junk via TV advertisements. He should be prosecuted under Britain’s diverse hate crime laws for being anti age and anti white. He is a racist against white men. He is part of an elite who are out to take the heat of what the police have gone back to being all about – keeping the population down and locking up dissenters.
The elite need to fragment the population, fill us with fear, men against women, women against men, blacks and whites against each other. Women and blacks are presented as victims and people of virtue who must self actualise because they are the people of virtue. It is a weird perversion of Marxism to keep the rich folk safe.
The elite have never thought twice about killing millions in their global wars – presenting them to the soundtrack of tunes of glory. All they glorify is themselves, paying lip service to the GOD they say created us in his own image. Believe that and you will believe anything.
Too many people will believe anything if it comes from high enough up the food chain. To paraphrase republican President Abraham Lincoln. “ You only need to fool some of the people some of the time.” Professional politics is based on the principle of ‘Divide and Fool.’
Robert Cook
Be Very Afraid June 16th 2020
Police Making Laws U.K leads world in Police State Techniques and controls June 15th 2020
Police leaders have urged Priti Patel to impose an emergency ban on all protests during the coronavirus pandemic, warning officers were being put at risk by wave of a mass demonstrations.
The head of the body representing rank-and-file police in England and Wales, called on home secretary to implement tougher restrictions after dozens of officers were injured in violent clashes over the weekend.
John Apter, chairman of the Police Federation, said officers and the public were in danger of Covid-19 spreading between crowds.
Mr Apter said: “In normal times, the principle of having the right to peaceful protests is an important one. However, we are not in normal times, we are tackling a deadly virus which is indiscriminate in who it can affect.”
“We can’t ignore the avoidable risk our members and to those attending the protests are being exposed to.
“I urge the home secretary to be unequivocal in her terms that whilst we are under the threat of this virus, any large gathering or protest must be banned.
“We cannot allow our police officers and members of the public to be put at risk of contracting the virus, especially at such a critical time in our response to the pandemic.”
Mr Apter’s comments echoed those of the head of the Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents London officers.
Ken Marsh, the federation’s chairman, told LBC on Sunday: “We’re in the middle of a pandemic still and I’ve said this to you before; my colleagues don’t have any choice about being there.
“It is unlawful what is taking place under the Covid legislation – ban them.”
He called on Ms Patel and mayor of London Sadiq Khan to “get a grip, just sort it out”.
It came after 23 police officers were injured in clashes with far-right protesters who flooded into Westminster on Saturday in response to recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
“It is unlawful what is taking place under the Covid legislation – ban them.”
He called on Ms Patel and mayor of London Sadiq Khan to “get a grip, just sort it out”.
It came after 23 police officers were injured in clashes with far-right protesters who flooded into Westminster on Saturday in response to recent Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
More than 100 people were arrested and Boris Johnson condemned “racist thuggery” after football hooligans and members of far right groups charged, punched and pelted bottles at officers.
Police also struggled to intervene in skirmishes between anti-racist protesters and the far right as hundreds of people defied a 5pm police curfew imposed on the protests outside Houses of Parliament and in Trafalgar Square.
Bas Javid, a commander at the Met Police, described the scenes as “mindless hooliganism”
“The scenes officers encountered across central London yesterday were utterly shocking. Once again they were pelted with missiles, or challenged by groups of men intent on violence,” he said.
Nicola Sturgeon condemned violence in Glasgow on Sunday clashes between rival groups with links to football in the city’s George Square.
“That is not acceptable behaviour at any time, but at this time of crisis that the country faces, I think it’s particularly shameful behaviour,” Scotland’s first minister said.
Gatherings of more than six people from different households are in breach existing coronavirus regulations. However, police forces across the UK have been unable to prevent thousands of people attending protests amid a wave of worldwide anti-racism activism sparked by the killing of George Floyd by US police.
An explicit ban on protests would require Ms Patel’s authorisation, but the Home Office said no such requests have been made by police forces.
A spokesperson said: “Ministers have no powers to initiate a ban on marches – it is an operational matter for the police. Local authorities, or in London the Commissioner of the Met or City of London Police, would need to apply to the home secretary for consent to do so. No such applications have yet been received.
“The home secretary has, along with other government ministers, made repeatedly clear in interviews, in Parliament, on social media and directly to the police that these protests are illegal and put public health at risk. Any suggestion otherwise is inaccurate.
“She continues to urge the public in the strongest terms not to attend protests or gatherings. They are illegal and are putting the public at risk.”
Lockdown shouldn’t be eased more until ‘effective’ contact tracing in place – WHO official
WHO’s regional European director Hans Kluge said the UK remains in a “very active phase of the pandemic” and should be cautious in lifting any restrictions.
“Contact tracing is key especially as the UK starts to relax the social and physical distancing measures,” he told The Guardian.
“There has to be a robust track-and-trace system in place of operation.”
It comes after two members of the government’s scientific advisory council (SAGE) told Sky News last month the lockdown should not be eased until the test and trace system was a proven success.
n its first week of operation, the system had managed to identify nearly 32,000 people who came into close contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19.
But one third of people who tested positive could not be reached by the system or refused to hand over their contacts.
Baroness Harding, the head of the test and trace programme, admitted it was not yet at the “gold standard” and would improve over the summer.
Mr Kluge said the tracking of nearly 32,000 contacts was encouraging, but that Downing Street would need to be convinced it could “aggressively” track infections if it were to reopen the economy.
Countries which imposed early lockdowns had managed to record fewer deaths, the WHO official said, but would now be judged on how they ease their restrictions.
“We know that early lockdowns saved lives and bought some time for the health system to be ready,” he said.
“But I would rather than instead of looking to the past, jump to the future and say that the question of lifting the lockdown is as important as going to the lockdown.
“The key words here are to do it gradually. Do it carefully.”
:: Listen to Sophy Ridge on Sunday on Apple podcasts, Google podcasts, Spotify, Spreaker
Prime Minister Boris Johnson is under pressure from Tory backbenchers and business leaders to lift restrictions further, as there are fears the lockdown could lead to mass unemployment.
“We know that the situation in the UK is still being taken very seriously,” Mr Kluge said.
“But we also know that it is a balance between three factors: population health, economic and social, and the third is the wellbeing of the people.
“So whatever the country decides: be ready. It is not over.
“And whatever decision you make, please make sure it is based on public health and epidemiological observations.”
England is relaxing some restrictions on Monday, with non-essential shops reopening and shoppers encouraged to hit the high streets.
Ministers are also reviewing the two-metre distancing rule, as the prime minister said decreasing numbers of coronavirus cases has given the government “more margin for manoeuvre”.
A total of 41,698 people have died with coronavirus ( related ) in the UK, with a further 36 deaths announced on Sunday.
Comment So that will be a very long wait because ‘track and trace’ is
bulls-t, will never work and is pointless anyway. There are those who lie from self interest. Any worthwhile scientist knows the figures are cooked, isolating the vulnerable minority and allowing the rest to gain herd immunity is the only sane workable solution – unless the real agenda is to collapse economy and society, with the intent to consolidate the police state through dividing and ruling the mass ignorant underclass, which may well be the case. Robert Cook
BBC Big Brother Calling June 13th 2020
It’s probably been pretty hard for Blue Peter ( A BBC Children’s TV Programme ) to ignore the racial revolution unfolding around the world so the show’s presenters tackled the issue head-on for their young viewers. Presenters Mwaksy Mudenda, Richie Driss and Lindsey Russell took two minutes out of Thursday’s episode (11 June) to break down exactly what racism means and to offer support for any youngsters who may have experienced discrimination.
Richie began: ‘No doubt some of you have noticed that in the news there have been protests and marches around the world that started in America, and these are because of racism. ‘Racism is to have a bad opinion of someone because of something they can’t help – the colour of their skin. Being of mixed heritage, I’ve suffered from it far too many times in the past.’
Mwaksy, a black woman, then chimed in: ‘Sadly I have experienced racism too. It makes me feel really upset that someone would dislike me or think negatively about me because of my skin colour which I have no control over. People should not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. ‘Lots of you may have heard people saying “Black Lives Matter”. Racism is affecting black lives all over the world.’
A Class Act June 13th 2020
It interests me that liberal fascist feminists have rushed to join the Black Lives Matter campaign. They have a common enemy in lower class white males – from which the far right have traditionally been drawn. They are the deplorables mentioned in Hilary Clinton’s condescending and patronising election campaign. Middle class men have of course been trained, earning them the dreadful nickname of ‘manginas’.
What started out as a response to a moronic U.S police officer killing a suspect in broad daylight is now all about white men. History is being re written to protect the elite who only care about keeping up modern slavery. There must be no mention of the fact that the Black slave trade depended on powerful blacks selling off and helping to chain herd and stack their unwanted population on to wooden ships manned by men who were also poorly fed virtual slaves. There must be no mention of the fact that the African contineent has been run by blacks since the 1960s. The current mess is their’s and it was no heaven when the white men arrived.
The main diet for all of this underclass was, and still is, religious garbage. There must be no mention of the global economy that has so enriched a white and black elite or of corrupt lying bullying police.
Thw world and life on it have never been safe. Technology created by nerds is not being used to make it safe, rather the opposite and for the super rich to benefit. They are turning ‘black lives matter’ to their own advanatage using the old imperial ‘divide and rule’ psychology’ to benefit. That is also what Corona and lockdown has been for too.
Met boss Cressida Dick is currently playing the peoples friend, wanting to let them protest while keeping them ‘safe’. It should be rememebred that, among other things, she backed a corrupt sex abuse inquiry and was responsible for the illegal killing of a young Brazillian. The victims family were treated with contempt, made worse because the British elite saw him as a Third World person with no right to be in Britain – and so promoted Dick. They also portrayed a female eyewitness to the murder, as a prostitute.
The British elite are the real racists here. The police are their running dogs and they are very scared of the masses. Forget the statues, look at Africa and its role in the global economy today. Stop chasing the scapegoats. Remember the old folk song ‘It’s the same the whole world over, ain’t it all a bloody shame. It’s the rich what gets the pleasure, it’s the poor what gets the blame.’ It is A Class Act.’ Robert Cook
EXCLUSIVE: Russian media blames BRITAIN for the coronavirus outbreak: Propaganda accuses UK of ‘smearing something in Wuhan’ and links the virus to Salisbury novichok attack Mail on Line March 27th 2020
- EXCLUSIVE Kremlin-backed media has broadcast propaganda blaming UK
Kremlin-backed media has broadcast propaganda which states Covid-19, the new form of coronavirus, was created as a tool for the benefit of the UK.
As Britain continues to fight the pandemic rapidly gripping the world, outrageous slurs in Russian media include that:
- The British ‘smeared something in Wuhan’ in the same way that they ‘smear[ed] nerve agent on Skripal’s door handle’;
- The pandemic was intentionally timed with Britain’s exit from the EU to enhance its global status;
- Porton Down, the Salisbury laboratory at the centre of the Skripal Novichok scandal, ‘patented a vaccine’ for Covid-19;
- ‘There is a special operation ongoing’ related to the virus whose ‘players are the British-American Alliance’;
- Covid-19 was accidentally created as a bioweapon in 2015 at the Pirbright Institute in Woking;
- Coronavirus is an attempt to gain access to Chinese markets, because ‘Churchill…said England doesn’t have friends or enemies… only business interests’.
Charles Close Editor March 29th 2020
The British and U.S Police are not racist, they will bully, abuse and fit up anyone. Colour is not the issue for these capitalist running dogs.. They were created to protect the wealthy by British Home Secretary, later Prime Minister, Sir Robert Peel in 1829.
The U.S system is modelled on the U.Ks and is in a state of panic. The elite knew lockdown would create stress. It, with Covid has hit the ethnics hardest and the elite are in panic. The Floyd and the White Liberal’s life changing assault, are outcomes of these tensions, delusions and divisions.
Comfortable whites pretend to care and the police become the scapegoats. Very little and nothing worth while is said about the global economy, exploitation of the worldwide ignorant impoversihed masses or the minority who have virtually all of the world’s wealth at their command. The polce are what they are.- part of a corrupt brutal system.
However, imagine what it would be like without them. That said, Britain and U.K’s police need reform and real legal accounatbility. Britain is the worst of them regards the latter. Their violence extends to the way they raid humiliate patronise and bully suspects, lie to an equally corrupt CPS, on the basis that all their suspects need locking up, guilty or not.
Robert Cook June 6th 2020
Taking Flack June 11th 2020
Caroline Flack’s mother has responded to comments made by a lawyer with regards to her daughter’s trial, stating they “could not have let my beautiful daughter rest in peace”.
Lawyer Ed Beltrami, formerly head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), recently released a statement concerning the charge of assault made against the television presenter before her death.
Mr Beltrami said that the case could not be dropped just because the alleged victim Lewis Burton, Flack’s boyfriend, did not support it, telling the Wales on Sunday newspaper: “You cannot do what you think is popular.”
In February, two weeks before the trial was due to start, Ms Flack took her own life. Ms Flack’s management said the CPS conducted a “show trial” following her death, which they condemned.
In a statement published in her local newspaper the Eastern Daily Press, Ms Flack’s mother, Chris Flack, said: “It is deeply regrettable that Mr Beltrami could not have let my beautiful daughter rest in peace
“It is as regrettable that he should choose to repeat some of the untruths about my daughter,” Mrs Flack stated.
“My daughter was unable to defend herself during her life and is unable to do so now. Shame on you.”
In his recent statement, Mr Beltrami, now Wales’ chief crown prosecutor, said that when the decision was made to proceed with Ms Flack’s case, “you have absolutely no idea that the defendant is going to take her own life.”
Mrs Flack said that if it is true that the CPS “had no idea” the Love Island presenter may take her own life, then the agency “ignored the correspondence from my daughter’s solicitors and a psychologist’s report warning of just that possibility”.
Mrs Flack also described an allegation that her daughter hit Mr Burton over the head with a lamp as “false”.
Comment The CPS should be renamed the corrupt prosecution service because they are too much in the pocket of an equally corrupt and unaccountable police force – people need to face up to the fact that the IOPC is just a new name for the IPCC and does nothing to punish or rout out the institutional corruption in the British Police -first identified by McPherson over the case of murdered Stephen Lawrence..
In this case (Flack ), however, there is the matter of institutional prejudice in favour of women and against men. The feminine word beautiful and ludicrously outdated concept/delusion of female beauty/inherent goodness should have no place in law. Writing as someone who has attempted suicide because of malicious allegations and prosecution by the police, and being now labelled as having a paranoid personality disorder, I have no time for this drivel about Caroline Flack. If a man chooses suicide to avoid trial, he would be judged as ‘obviously guilty and a coward.’ The mantra would be that ‘if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.’
If Britain had a justice system there would be nothing to talk or write about here. The fact is that domestic violence laws are new Labour initiated female vote getters from a party that the old working class union men (as their Pavlov dogs ) were replaced with a new breed of conditioned reflex females to get and keep them in power on the moral high ground.
Britain’s domestic violence laws are Draconian and based on the idea that women are angels, men are devils. It is the old ‘sugar and spice’ typology that I grew up with in the 1950s and 60s. The only reason there was a groundswell to abolish hanging was because an attractive well dressed heavily made up Ruth Ellis was rightly convicted of shooting her lover in the street. It had little, if anything to do with the Metropolitan Police framing and thus hanging young Timothy Evans for murdering his wife and child a short time before in 1959.
Giving innocent men life sentences is worse than hanging them, and that is what happens in Britain today. The reality is – and this should be the premise of any true equality drive – is that women are as potentially evil/criminal as men. As for moronic corrupt police, they will always pick on the lower classes and vulnerable whatever their race. They were created to look after the wealthy and that is what they do.
There is a forceful media campaign, especially by the BBC and Channel 4, to portray what started out as a sympathetic ‘Black Lives Matter’ response to police brutality, into a ‘All Whites ( especially men ) are Racists’. That is the usual inductive logic that underpins all tyrannies. The system cannot afford to help poor people of all races and genders to realise what they have in common. They are badly educated, they are conditioned by the system. It is the same old divide and rule methods that built an Empire. Throwing away, desecrating or hiding a few stupid old statues concerning slavery will not change reality. Robert Cook
10 Signs Britain Is Becoming A Creepy Police State June 4th 2020
In December 2014, the chief constable of Greater Manchester, Sir Peter Fahy, warned that the UK was in danger of drifting toward a police state. Nearly one year later, it’s beginning to look like he was right. Across the country, a raft of measures are being brought in that suggest the UK might be setting off down a very dark path. While the country is still light-years ahead of places like Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia, the following new laws constitute a worrying step in the wrong direction.
10Permanent Mass Surveillance
Photo credit: Mike1024/Wikimedia
The Snowden revelations of 2013 changed the world. As a direct result of the whistle being blown on the NSA, Congress passed a law in 2015 banning the bulk collection of data. It was a victory for civil liberties over state intrusion. Yet as Obama was signing the act into law, the UK was headed in the exact opposite direction. Right now, a revived version of the so-called Snoopers’ Charter that was defeated in 2012 is poised to place everyone in the UK under permanent mass surveillance.
Proposed by Conservative Home Secretary Theresa May, the bill would make it compulsory for data providers to store everyone’s Internet search history for a year. This data would be searchable by the security services, with extremely little oversight to ensure these powers are not abused. This is all despite a White House review concluding bulk data collection does nothing to increase public safety.
Perhaps more worryingly, the bill also undermines the concept of encryption. At the moment, if you send an iMessage via Apple, Apple itself has no idea what you’ve said. The encryption means the message is scrambled until it reaches the receiver. Apple physically can’t access your message, even if ordered to by a government. The new bill would change that, with potentially catastrophic consequences.
Under new laws, companies like Apple and Google would have to supply your unencrypted messages on demand. This means creating a backdoor into their own encryption. There’s no such thing as a backdoor only the “good guys” can use. Making one that can’t be exploited by hackers is literally impossible. If this law passes, encryption in the UK would be significantly weakened. Anyone with a bit of tech know-how would be able to intercept and read all your messages. Meanwhile, the real “bad guys” would continue using stuff like Tor, beyond the reach of the state’s surveillance apparatus.
9State Hacking Of Smartphones
Imagine if the state had the ability to monitor you at any time, anywhere you went. Imagine also that they had a device that could record video or audio of you whenever they wanted it to. In the UK, such a device already exists. It’s called a smartphone, and the Snooper’s Charter will give the government the right to access it at any time.
To call this creepy would be an extreme understatement. The UK government has already given itself the power to hack any computer in the world. Now, it wants to hack smartphones too. The bill would explicitly give spies the power to install software on any phone, allowing them to look in on your messages, photos, and emails at any time. Worse, privacy campaigners say government spooks will also be allowed to track UK citizens’ locations, listen in on their phone calls, and even activate cameras and microphones.
The result would be the end of privacy. Spy agencies would be allowed to record British subjects with their own devices whenever they feel like it. The latest version of the bill published on the government’s website indicates they plan to go ahead with these chilling powers, despite opposition from civil liberties groups.
8Spying On Members Of Parliament
In March 2015, the news broke that UK police had been spying on members of the government. The majority of those targeted were linked to the left-wing opposition Labour party, including now-leader Jeremy Corbyn. In all cases, the spying continued after the targets had become MPs.
It’s impossible to overstate how disturbing this is. All those known to be targeted came from left-wing parties. Some had been involved in activism, but none constituted a threat to national security. Yet they were actively monitored by the police force’s domestic extremism unit, the same group responsible for tracking down terrorists and jihadists.
There’s also the matter of the Wilson Doctrine, a 1966 promise by Prime Minister Harold Wilson to exempt MPs from surveillance. After the story broke, the Investigatory Powers Tribunal ruled that agencies such as GCHQ have the power to ride roughshod over the doctrine, spying on any member of parliament they want to.
On the plus side, the new Snoopers’ Charter will change that, formalizing the doctrine and giving general protection to MPs’ communications. The downside is it will place the power of deciding which members of the government can be monitored solely in the hands of the prime minister.
We’re not suggesting David Cameron is the sort of PM who would abuse those powers. The point is he doesn’t have to be. Once it’s enshrined in law that the PM can potentially authorize spying on his opponents, it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where that power will one day be abused. Just because Britain has a relatively honest PM in 2015 does not mean that will be the case in 2030, or even 2025. By refusing to completely safeguard MPs’ communications, Theresa May could well be sowing the seeds of an extremely dark future.
7Criminalizing Journalism
The Edward Snowden revelations were initially jointly published by The Guardian and the Washington Post. The contrast between what happened to the two papers couldn’t be more stark. In the US, the Washington Post was honored with a Pulitzer (shared with The Guardian’s US team). In the UK, The Guardian was visited by government spies and forced to destroy its own hard drives. Downing Street also explicitly threatened to have the paper closed down.
Fast-forward to 2015, and things get even more chilling. The Guardian is currently under investigation by the MET Police’s counterterrorism taskforce. Journalists from the paper may yet be arrested and charged with committing a criminal offense, despite there being no evidence that they did anything wrong.
The National Union of Journalists has called this an attack on press freedom, arguing that The Guardian was working in the public interest. Some, such as media lawyer Mark Stephens, have theorized the investigation is less concerned with arrests and more with creating a chilling effect that would put journalists off covering security issues. Since the investigation is being conducted in utmost secrecy, it’s not quite clear how this might work, but the overall effect is certainly worrying. Leaked memos have already revealed GCHQ considers all journalists to represent a potential threat to national security. With this outrageous investigation, the spooks seem determined to turn that claim into a reality.
6Hollowing Out Democracy
Democracy works best when it gives voters a real choice. Weaken the population’s power to choose, and your democracy becomes hollowed out. All this should be obvious. Yet the UK government is currently fast-tracking plans that can be described as partisan or gerrymandering.
Later this year, independent commissions are scheduled to redraw constituency boundaries across the UK. That’s a necessary step, since population shifts have left some urban constituencies with fewer voters than their suburban counterparts, giving an unfair advantage to Labour. The problem comes from a 2011 law passed by the Conservative-led coalition, which requires the boundary commissions to base the new constituencies on the voting register, rather than overall population figures. That’s fine for the Conservatives, whose core voters (older white homeowners) are likely to be registered. However, young people in rented accommodation, who are more likely to vote Labour, often aren’t registered at all. In July, the UK Electoral Commission estimated that around seven million eligible voters, many of them inclined toward Labour, weren’t registered and therefore risked being ignored when the new boundaries were drawn up.
This alone would be worrying enough, but there are other signs the Conservatives are engaging in activity that could be considered gerrymandering. Under new laws, voters will have to register individually, rather than by household. It’s estimated the move will disenfranchise millions of young and poor voters, the majority of whom support Labour. In the deprived London borough of Hackney, it’s estimated nearly one-quarter of the voting population will vanish from the electoral register, while roughly 1.9 million people could be removed from the register in the country as a whole. And that’s going to happen directly before the boundary commissions use the electoral register to redraw the constituency boundaries across the country.
It doesn’t end there. The Conservatives also want to reduce the number of MPs by 50, which analysts say would also benefit them over Labour. According to the BBC, the changes could mean “fewer voters in fewer constituencies could add up to a bigger majority for the Conservatives.” In fact, when reporters crunched the numbers, they found the new boundaries would have given the Conservatives a parliamentary majority of 50 at the last election, instead of their current 12. The Conservatives are also planning to clamp down on trade union funding to Labour—the main source of funding for the party. Taken all together, these changes suggest a concerted effort to push the Labour party permanently out of power.
5Spying On And Manipulating Protestors
In 2012, a former UK activist made a chilling discovery. Opening a paper, she discovered a story about undercover officers infiltrating protest groups and starting long-term relationships with female activists. One of those officers was the father of her son.
Twenty-four years earlier, officer Bob Lambert had gone undercover in a peaceful protest group she was part of. There, he’d seduced her, started a long-term relationship, then abandoned her after their child was born. During all this time, he was being paid by the London MET police to gather information on the woman he was seducing.
Lambert was far from the only one. Throughout the ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, and 2000s, hundreds of police officers did the same thing. In one case, a former officer continued working undercover for multinational company Global Open after leaving the force, so a private company was paying him to emotionally manipulate a woman who thought he loved her. Ten women involved in these operations are now suing the police for their role in this.
Terrifyingly, these operations weren’t all historical. Some were being conducted as recently as 2010.
4Spying On And Manipulating Victims Of Crime
The Stephen Lawrence murder is one of the most infamous in British history. On April 22, 1993, 18-year-old Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death in broad daylight by a gang of racists in southeast London. The case became a textbook example of creepy police intrusion and corruption.
The police repeatedly bungled the investigation. It took until 2012 for anyone to be convicted of the crime, despite the names of five of the killers being public knowledge since at least 1997, when they were printed in a newspaper. Justice was only done thanks to the tireless campaigning of Stephen Lawrence’s mother, Doreen Lawrence. It has since emerged that instead of pursuing the killers, the MET Police spied on her and the rest of the grieving Lawrence family.
Currently, the investigation into how far these abuses went is still ongoing. It’s still managed to throw up some nasty revelations. The MET’s current counterterrorism chief was involved, as was the head of its powerful Special Demonstration Squad. Officers are known to have infiltrated a group close to the Lawrence family and then blocked any further investigation into the murder. In October 2015, it was revealed that the police may have deliberately shielded and protected the killers.
Sadly, this flagrant display of corruption is far from a one-off. A couple of years ago, it emerged that police had participated in a massive cover-up of the Hillsborough Disaster, a crush at a soccer match that left nearly 100 people dead. Despite the fault lying squarely with the officers on duty, the police orchestrated a long-term smear campaign to blame the fans for their own deaths.
3Arbitrary Removal Of Passports
Revoking someone’s citizenship is an extreme step to take. As a result, it should only be done if the person in question has committed some truly disgraceful act. In 2014, the UK government gave the Home Secretary Theresa May the power to strip naturalized British terror suspects of their passports. According to the law, this can be done without a jury or any judicial oversight.
The key word in the proposal is “suspected.” It makes perfect sense for people with dual nationality to have their UK passport revoked if they’re convicted of committing a terrorist act. But that’s not what’s happening here. As the law stands, May can strip someone of their British citizenship simply because she suspects them of being involved with terrorism. This means no trial, no jury, and no judge—just the gut feelings of one woman accountable to no one.
Already, this decision is having consequences. Minh Pham was stripped of his British citizenship under an older version of this law for suspected links to Al-Qaeda. He denies these claims but has been given no opportunity to contest them in a court of law. Since losing his British citizenship, his Vietnamese citizenship has also been revoked, as Vietnam does not allow dual nationality. As a result, Pham is now stateless, despite no one knowing for certain if he ever did anything wrong.
2 Treating Ordinary Citizens As Terrorists
Introduced in 2000, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act allows local councils to install hidden cameras, bug phones, and intercept electronic communications. It was part of a raft of anti-terrorism legislation designed to target extremists in local communities. In 2014, Scottish local councils used these powers to target everyone from dog walkers to underage teenagers using sunbeds.
It wasn’t just in Scotland where anti-terror powers were abused. In England and Wales, town halls accessed more electronic communications than GCHQ and MI6 combined. In almost every case, those being targeted were not terrorists but ordinary citizens suspected of stuff as boring as petty fraud. Incredibly, this is considered a step up. In 2008, it was revealed that half the councils in the UK were using anti-terror powers to spy on people who threw their garbage out on the wrong day.
These powers shouldn’t be taken lightly. They allow for the installing of secret spy cameras near someone’s house and near-unlimited surveillance. They should only be used in exceptional circumstances, such as in the case of a possible terror attack. Yet UK councils have instead decided to treat their local citizens as terrorists, abusing their powers to do so.
1Spying On And Removing Children
In February 2015, it became law for schools to prevent children getting
radicalized. This has effectively forced teachers to spy on their
pupils, searching for any sign of possible dissent. We aren’t
exaggerating for effect. In June 2015, the government approved
technology from Impero Software specifically designed to “help teachers spy on pupils’
potentially extremist online activity.” By tracking “terrorist-related”
search terms, it will supposedly point schools toward potentially
radicalized teenagers.
This is a stupid idea on several levels. Apart from asking unqualified teachers to determine who is and isn’t a terrorist, it leaves innocent kids doing their homework open to being labeled extremists. When we write articles like this one, for example, we search endless terms connected to terrorism—not because we want to blow up the government and establish a Listverse caliphate but because it’s the easiest way to find sources relevant to our topic. The same goes for any teenager trying to write an essay about, say, the Iraq War or Northern Ireland’s Troubles. As the icing on this cake of paranoia, TechDirt recently reported that the software itself was extremely open to malware exploitation.
Yet this isn’t even the worst way Downing Street is targeting children. In October 2015, the Family Division of the Judiciary revealed its plans to remove children from homes of those it suspects might radicalize them. Once again, no proof is needed beyond a suspicion. If the courts consider you a possible extremist, they will soon be able to take your kids away without question.
Once again, we want to stress that the UK is a much freer, nicer, and more open society to live in than many others. People languishing in places like Eritrea, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan would kill for the freedoms British citizens take for granted. But freedoms aren’t guaranteed to last forever. If the UK government continues on down this path, the day might one day come when we look at British society, and realize we’re no longer seeing a country that can legitimately call itself “free.”ShareTweetWhatsAppPinShareEmail
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Life is a riot in the police state June 2nd 2020
Riots are sweeping across the U.S. President Trump is threatening to involve the military. Trump told Bob Woodward, real power is fear. He is showing fear at the moment, the black people with liberal support are showing their potential for power in the moment and what better than when life is a Riot, especially if they don’t stop. It depends on how scared they get because they will get shot eventually.
Over here a Tory MP reveals his fear by citing lockdown and fear of a second corona wave to ban the likes of the Black Lives Matter campaign in Trafalgar Square. Lockdown, with all the pseudo moralising bull-hit about saving lives and protecting the NHS.
Police forces are getting desperate, eager to fake evidence or just go on profiling. In the U.K they create ‘bad character’ files thanks to Tony Blair and his New Labour Party who wanted more men locked up for rape and any other sex offence to please the female voters who replaced the working class party base. Evidence was not to be an issue, just a woman’s word.
As in Hitler’s Nazi era , women have been encouraged to blame and fear a certain type of bogey man and their viruses. So thanks to the Blairite revolution they have feared or lied about these men ever since.
A Thames Valley Police officer told me back in 2008 that 80% of his call outs are for domestic violence. Societies have collapsed before. The police are institutionally corrupt. Trump is something of an Ostrich about all of this and so much more – even though I believe he is a man of good intentions, not a sexist or racist, just rather out of time, but not so much as the insane Anglo U.S political elite and their power elite in the industrial military police state complex. Robert Cook
More police but no hint of reform, or truly independent watch dog where corruption is rife in British police at all levels May 24th 2020
The Home Office has today confirmed the officer recruitment targets for every police force in England and Wales for the first year of the unprecedented drive to increase their ranks by 20,000 over the next 3 years.
Strengthening police numbers is a priority for the government, which is providing £750 million to support forces to recruit up to 6,000 additional officers onto our streets by the end of 2020 to 2021, the first stage in this new uplift. This is thanks to the additional funding announced by the Chancellor in the Spending Review.
The Home Secretary set out her vision for policing yesterday (8th October) when she chaired the second meeting of the National Policing Board, involving representatives of frontline officers and police leaders.
Home Secretary Priti Patel said:
The public are clear they want to see more police officers on their streets, whether they live in the city or the countryside.
This is the people’s priority and it is exactly what the government is delivering.
Every single police force in England and Wales will be able to recruit additional officers this year to help keep all of our communities safer.
All officers recruited as part of the 20,000 uplift will be additional to those hired to fill existing vacancies. They are also on top of the extra officers already being recruited because of the £1 billion increase in police funding for 2019 to 2020, which includes money from council tax and for serious violence.
Government funding for recruitment in 2020 to 2021 will cover all associated costs, including training and kit.
Most UK police forces have disproportionate number of white officers
This article is more than 4 years old but nothing has changed, the British Police are seriously corrupt and unaccountable, decent honest officers are driven out. As Brian Paddick wrote. ‘It wasn’t my homosexuality that caused me problems in the police, it was my honesty.’ Comment by Robert Cook May 24th 2020
Figures paint picture of police service in which people from ethnic minorities have less chance of jobs than white counterparts
Kevin Rawlinson, Helena Bengtsson and Will Franklin
A white applicant to the police has a better chance of getting a job than someone from an ethnic minority in more than two-thirds of the UK’s forces, according to official data.
The figures, released under the Freedom of Information Act, paint the most complete picture yet of a police service in which people from ethnic minorities are represented in disproportionately low numbers and have less chance than their white counterparts of getting jobs when they do apply.
Police forces much whiter than the communities they serve, analysis finds
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The data will put more pressure on police bosses to improve diversity. It comes after the home secretary, Theresa May, attacked Britain’s forces for not employing enough black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) officers. In a speech in October, May said four forces – Cheshire, North Yorkshire, Dyfed-Powys and Durham – did not have a single serving black officer. She also said 11 forces had no officers from ethnic minorities above the rank of chief inspector.
newly published data shows that 32 of the UK’s 45 territorial police
forces appoint a greater proportion of white applicants than they do
people who identify themselves as being from a BAME background.
According to the figures, London’s Metropolitan police, as well as
the Gwent and Hertfordshire forces, displayed the greatest
discrepancies. Three forces appointed a lesser proportion and 11 did not
provide enough data to make a fair comparison. In the Met, 28.1% of
applications come from black and minority ethnic groups but they make up
only 17% of appointments.
The data also shows that more than four-fifths of UK police forces – 40 of the 45 – appoint a disproportionately low number of people from BAME backgrounds, when compared to the makeup of the areas they serve.
The Met, West Midlands and Bedfordshire and police forces were among the least representative in that respect, followed by those serving the City of London, West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and Surrey.
The figures also show that more than three-quarters of the UK’s forces (35 of the 45) received a disproportionately low number of applications from BAME communities. The Met, as well as the Bedfordshire and West Midlands forces, had among the greatest discrepancies.
Janet Hills, the new president of the National Black Police Association (NBPA), said trust and confidence in the police among minority ethnic communities was partly to blame.
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The figures portrayed the need for positive action and greater scrutiny of police chiefs, who should be held accountable for failing to ensure that their forces reflect the communities they serve, Hills told the Guardian. “We find that, where there is no accountability, nothing gets done. It is unfortunate because everyone will talk the talk but, when it comes to the action, that is not so visible.
“On the national level, you have got fewer forces recruiting, you have got the legacy of the community engagement, so there are the trust and confidence issues instilled in communities.
“One example is stop and search. Nationally, it is disproportionately more BAME people being stopped. So, ultimately, just on that alone, you are not making friends.”
She cited the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s drive to recruit more Catholic officers under the post-Good Friday Patten reforms, as well as what she saw as recent improvements by the Met as examples of how positive action could work.
Chief constable Giles York, of the National Police Chiefs Council, said forces better reflecting the communities they served would improve ties with the public but that progress had been slower than he wanted.
Police chief with no black officers open to positive discrimination
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“The rate of officer recruitment from black and minority ethnic communities is increasing. It has risen from 3.6% in 2006 to 5.5% in 2015. Forces have encouraged more BAME people to join the police.
“There’s much more to do and, with reduced budgets constraining recruitment, it is difficult to move at the pace we need to. Police chiefs are committed to continuing to do everything they can to increase diversity in the service, working with the College of Policing, but there are no quick or easy solutions within current legislation.”
His highlighting of funding as a contributing factor followed the home secretary’s insistence that, despite the chancellor’s spending review promise to protect police budgets, every force would nevertheless be expected to find savings.
The new figures show that three forces appointed only one BAME officer each in the years up to 2014 for which they provided data. Three more appointed none, but these figures relate to only a short period of time. In some cases, all the officers self-identified as white. In others, those who did not say they were white preferred not to disclose their ethnicity.
Cheshire was the only police force that reported appointing a greater
proportion of people from BAME communities than live in its local area.
figures go back as far as 2005. While some forces released a decade’s
worth of records, others only provided figures from a portion of that
period – including some that covered only one year. Two – North
Yorkshire and Sussex – released no data at all.
Why are there so few top black British police officers?
The forces were asked to specify the ethnic breakdown of people who
applied to join and those appointed as police officers over the last
decade. It should also be noted that not everybody who was successful
will have been appointed in the same year as they applied.
Many constabularies, though not all, provided very detailed breakdowns, dividing the ethnicity into several subgroups. However, since not all the constabularies provided data in this way, the Guardian chose to add together all black, Asian and other ethnic minorities into one group and white into the other group.
‘There is a culture that I do not think is tailored for diversity’
One newly appointed BAME officer, who did not want to be named, said he was initially put off applying to the police because he did not think he would be welcomed. It took working alongside officers in another job to convince him it was worth applying. “It took me a while to make the decision, purely because I did not think I would be successful. It was just a perception that I had and a few of my friends have it as well. One friend to whom I mentioned the idea of joining the police force ruled out my chances of being accepted because I am a first generation immigrant.
“You feel like you are different because there is a culture in the police service that I do not think is tailored for diversity. It is not a deliberate structure, but it is probably because there have not been a lot of BAME people joining. Sometimes, I feel like I am alone. I sit among all of these officers and I am the only person from a BAME background. Nevertheless, my force has done well in making it easier for people to join.”
‘I want black people to apply so we can change the stereotype’
Tezra Nassimbwa started volunteering with Victim Support, a charity that works on behalf of the police, in September. She said she wanted eventually to work in Derbyshire constabulary’s CID but needed to gain experience first. She said she was, however, the only one of her friends who would consider doing so.
“When I said I wanted to work for the police, my friends said, ‘Why? We hate the police.’ I do not, I want black people to apply so we can change the stereotype. I think they wonder why they should go through the process to be told ‘no’. They think, ‘I might as well work somewhere else.’ It is quite sad because they are losing out on that opportunity.
“I am the only person I know who has applied to the police. I think others haven’t because, with things like the riots or stop and search, they are not keen on them. They wonder why I would want to waste my time working for the police. They do not understand my position; for them, I am working for the enemy. But I want to serve the community.
“With my friends, maybe if they saw more black people they would be more comfortable. Some of my friends feel like they cannot approach the police because they think, ‘Well, last time, I got stopped and searched and that was not fair.’”
‘I have not seen any improvement or will to get better’
One Greater Manchester police officer, who wished to remain anonymous, said he was shocked when he heard that nearby Cheshire police had no black officers. “Chief officers do need to be held to account. They can all use excuses about the current cutbacks and lack of money for recruitment but a lot of forces have been taking on and training student officers over the last two years.
“They have not embraced the skills of BAME officers for the cause of increasing representation in a sustained manner. As for progression and retention, that is another matter again. In the next five years, BAME representation is set to halve, due to retirements and people choosing to leave. It upsets me that, in all my time with the police, I have not seen any improvement or will to get better.
“The facts speak for themselves and the police have to make efforts to go into communities and ask for their help. Unfortunately, the police service lacks pioneers and too many of the leaders are from the same safe schools of thought.”
• This article was amended on 6 January 2016. An earlier version said Staffordshire police did not respond to an FoI request. In fact they did provide data and the totals have been adjusted accordingly. The omission did not affect the overall outcome of the survey.
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No escape From Police State May 21st 2020
The Shadow Chancellor has suggested a second lockdown is ‘inevitable’ unless the UK can ‘sort out’ its test, track and trace strategy. Anneliese Dodds claimed the Government is a ‘very, very long way away from having the right infrastructure’, branding the issue a ‘major problem’ amid an easing of coronavirus restrictions. Speaking exclusively to, Ms Dodds also warned that the UK is facing an unemployment problem bigger than anything seen in ‘many hundreds of years’. She said: ‘The absolutely critical issue to us returning to at least approaching normal levels of economic activity […] is to get test, track and trace right. Until we have that infrastructure we will inevitably see reimpositions of lockdowns and, or, a longer lockdown.’
The Government — which has been widely criticised on testing — is currently piloting a tracing app on the Isle of Wight, in an effort to find anyone who might have been infected by known positive cases. That strategy has been hugely effective abroad, in countries like South Korea. Health Secretary Matt Hancock claimed that an ‘army of people’ were ready to help as the pilot scheme was rolled out, but the app designed to help trace possible cases has faced questions around its security and it is unclear when it will be ready.
Today the Government admitted the app will not be ready for June 1 – but insisted track and trace would be in place by then, as testing soared to more than 177,000 today. Visit our live blog for the latest updates: Coronavirus news live Ms Dodds, 42, urged the Government to ‘hurry up and sort it out as quickly as possible.’ Labelling test, track and trace the ‘million dollar question’, she continued: ‘With lockdown it is impossible to avoid an economic impact. So having that infrastructure will be crucially important. ‘If we did see a new outbreak and we hadn’t had that intelligence around where it was being transmitted then understandably the impulse – and quite rightly – would be to prevent it spreading any further and that would mean the reimposition of social distancing.
First implemented on March 23, the UK lockdown was eased earlier this month. But there are fears that relaxing restrictions further without certain measures in place could lead to a second wave of cases. Experts have warned that prolonging the current lockdown could cause permanent scarring to the economy, but others have stressed the need to balance that threat with the possibility of a second wave and a renewed lockdown.
Labour has been careful not to criticise the Government too heavily over its response to the pandemic – and to be ‘constructive’ when doing so, but Ms Dodds did say other countries had better information available for track and trace and that the UK had been ‘slow’ on the issue. Previously a Shadow Treasury Minister under Jeremy Corbyn, Ms Dodds was promoted to her current role by new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer last month.
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Comment The Police State Doesn’t Care, It Scares.
Sir Kier Starmer was a doyen of the corrupt CPS, an organisation focused on convictions, and happy with police forces routinely witholding evidence without care, and probably to secure miscarriages of justice to make the CPS look like value for money, and lock up people whose profile makes them look like potential criminlas – as Harriet Harman once said, “Better to lock up an innocent man fro rape than let a guilty one go free. “. The legal aid system is no more than a production line where the predominantly lower class of accused are advised by third rate lawyers, to plead guilty in front of a jury full of nice people.
So lockdown suits Starmer and the fake socialist party which has once more made him a ‘doyen.’ Of course he expects a second wave of Corona, and presumably a third. He needn’t worry, lots of money from the lawyer years, family well provided for, kids on successful career ladders at the top of the class system.
Now it is just more from our fake democracy. Labour will advocate more men getting jailed as rapists because a woman said they kissed her. But don’t worry, we can all be heroes if we protect? clap the appalling NHS, the dreadful dirty money grabbing privatisedcare homes and the endless flow of illegal demanding migrants by staying home, going banrupt, going mad. Don’t forget, this is mental health awarenesss week. You are supposed to think that the British Police State cares. It doesn’t. The Police State Scares.
Robert Cook
Coronavirus lockdown likened to ‘police state’ by former Supreme Court judge
Wave of arrests sparks accusations that police are ‘going beyond their lawful remit’ May 17th 2020
- Lizzie Dearden Home Affairs Correspondent @lizziedearden
- Monday 30 March 2020 15:30
A former Supreme Court judge has likened the enforcement of Britain’s coronavirus lockdown to a “police state” after a spate of arrests.
Some forces have been accused of going beyond the provisions of public health laws enacted last week, after people were summonsed to court for going for a drive and shopping for “non-essential items”.
The Derbyshire Police force was heavily criticised for using a drone to “shame” members of the public walking with members of their household in remote locations.
Lord Sumption said the force had “shamed our policing traditions” by appearing to enforce government guidelines rather than the law itself.
“The police have no power to enforce ministers’ preferences, but only legal regulations which don’t go anything like as far as the government’s guidance,” the retired judge told Radio 4’s The World At One.
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- When can we really expect coronavirus to end?
- Everything you need to know on supermarket delivery slots
- The dirty truth about washing your hands
- Which countries around the world has coronavirus spread to?
- Listen to the latest episode of The Independent Coronavirus Podcast
“This is what a police state is like. It’s a state in which the government can issue orders or express preferences with no legal authority and the police will enforce ministers’ wishes … there is a natural tendency, of course, and a strong temptation for the police to lose sight of their real functions and turn themselves from citizens in uniform into glorified school prefects.”
Opinion London
The police, and the state, are out of control May 16th 2020
The police are out of control. So is the government. We can only conjecture as to what possessed the senior officers who raided the homes and parliamentary office of Damian Green, the Conservative immigration spokesman. Yet their disdain for political process spoke eloquently to the authoritarian culture of our times. In this respect, regardless of whether ministers played a direct role in Mr Green’s arrest, the blame rests squarely with the government. The police must be held to account for their heavy-handed intimidation, but ministers nurtured the climate in which such madness flourishes.
The absurdities of the incident are self-evident. A score of officers from the Metropolitan police’s “special operations directorate” barged into Mr Green’s London and constituency homes, hauled him off to the cells and stripped his office of computers and files. The alleged offence? To have put into the public domain leaked information that embarrassed Jacqui Smith, the home secretary. There is not a hint here of any breach of national security. Mr Green exposed the incompetence that has long described the conduct of affairs at the home office. The official alleged to have leaked the information has already been arrested. It is all but impossible to imagine a jury convicting Mr Green.
Disseminating leaked information has been embedded in the custom of politics since time immemorial. Rightly so, given the stiflingly secretive British state. When he was in opposition, Gordon Brown used to boast of his skilful exploitation of such material. Can we expect the “special operations directorate” to be hammering next on the door of Number 10 to seize Mr Brown’s BlackBerry? Mr Green was arrested under a part of the common law that proscribes “misconduct in a public office”. The police say (off the record, of course) that the MP was not a passive recipient of documents, but conspired with the official. They hint they have evidence enough to charge Mr Green. We shall see.
The purpose of this 18th-century law is to deal with corrupt public officials including, dare one say it, police officers. To deploy it in this fashion against elected members of parliament is to show, at very best, blithe ignorance of the democratic process. MPs are not above the law, but the police have no place in politics. We have been here before. During the final year of Tony Blair’s premiership, a team of officers conducted a long, expensive and fruitless inquiry into allegations that the then prime minister had sold peerages in return for party donations. Once again the staged drama – dawn raids and off-the-record smearing of those under investigation – was in inverse proportion to the possibility of any prosecution. Needless to say, no one was ever brought before a court.
But it seems the police are still ready to trample over the line that separates legitimate investigation from the, albeit sometimes grubby, practice of politics. You could say, though, that Mr Blair should not have been surprised. If the police think they can discard due process, they have been taking their cue from the government. For more than a decade, first Mr Blair, and latterly Mr Brown, have rolled forward the boundaries of the state at the expense of civil liberties.
The consistent opposition of the Liberal Democrats and, latterly, even of the Conservatives to this insouciant disregard for ancient freedoms has been brushed aside as the hand-wringing of feeble liberals. Some measures have been explicable and justifiable in the face of the threat from violent Islamist extremists. The first duty of any government is to guard the security of its citizens. I have more sympathy than many with the view that the intelligence agencies and the police must be given sufficient means to thwart the terrorists. But the powers of the state have advanced well beyond that.
The present government sees no distinction between the rule of law and whatever piece of legislation it can force through parliament. In the criminal justice system, the fragile balance between the rights of police, prosecutors and accused has been overturned. The presumption of innocence is scorned. Successive home secretaries, including Ms Smith, have mouthed the mantra that the police are always right.
Ministers have likewise greatly extended the state’s surveillance of law-abiding citizens. The pretence that it is all about al-Qaeda has been exploded by widespread use of anti-terrorism laws by local authorities and other public bodies. Parents suspected of “gaming” school admission systems have become the victims of elaborate surveillance operations by local councils. Almost anyone and everyone in public authority can now call up private telephone and e-mail records. We must suppose they will have equal access to the government’s Orwellian National Identity Register. Little wonder the police seem to think they can abuse their power. The senior ranks of the Metropolitan police are overdue a serious clear-out. No one should be in any doubt, though, that the real culprit is the government.
New World Orders May 15th 2020
New World War by Robert Cook
A British Government Committee has said that girls should be encouraged to play boys’ games so that they can have a better chance of jobs in the top professions. At the moment the best that the best can hope for is teaching and other caring professions. Compared to the law, these are poorly paid.
I was a teacher so I know the last statement is true, even if the rest is rubbish.
The home I grew up in was what the snobbish British would call ‘poor working class.’ I find it hard to write the truth about my childhood. My ex soldier, truck driving dad was poorly paid. When a stack of bricks fell on his chest, his upper middle class doctor told him he had bruised ribs and sent him back to work, driving a big truck.
British trucks didn’t have power steering in the early 1960s. The effort of driving, especially on rough building sites, worked a broken rib into his lung. The lung had to be removed and an infection- they didn’t call it MRSA in those days, did the rest of the job of killing him.
I was eleven when he died. Had he known he had had a life threatening accident, he might have reported it. He was just another piece of British working class rubbish who had been lucky enough to survive wounds in World War Two. He grew up on the mean streets of Islington North London in the 1920s. You wouldn’t recognise that area now. Many of the working classes fled its bomb sites after World War Two.
By the 1960s, most had been pushed out, into tower blocks by high rents. The upper middle classes moved in. New Labour’s Tony Blair had a pad there. This Oxford educated public school boy had a brief spell as a barrister before moving into the manipulative upper middle class domain of British politics- that world is little better in the U.S.A.
Blair was a leading light in Britain’s New Labour political revolution. Leaving aside the mess they have made of the British Economy and their contribution to the ‘New World War’ an ongoing process that has not just taken place on the battlefields of Eastern Europe, Afghanistan and Middle East- their most serious work is in the field of social engineering.
British universities were very elitist in my day. Still I managed to gain access to the predominantly upper middle class University of East Anglia and a London University College. Why mention that? I feel it necessary to demonstrate that I know what I am talking about and that I am not motivated by failure or sour grapes. I never write about things that I have not experienced or taken the time to research. Politicians are not bothered by such details. They either convert prejudices into law or rely on posh researchers to find and distort facts to fit their controlling and self interested desires.
New Labour’s expense fiddling Dr Ian Gibson was a radical young lecturer at UEA when I was there. I have met him at several social gatherings, at the House of Commons and at UEA. On those occasions, he was always surrounded by sycophantic l well to do UEA alumina. After a few such events, he began avoiding me. Once, in 2005, he boomed out: ‘He’s here, the last radical.’ On another occasion, he shouted: ‘For God’s sake don’t argue with me.’ His best response to me was when I asked him how he could support a leader who was about to join the U.S.A in an insane attack on Iraq. In his languid way, he tossed back his head and replied, ‘Oh the boy is learning.’
It’s people like Gibson who make up Government Committees with so called experts like corrupt power mad senior police officers. Gibson used to chair one. Thus it is no surprise that the Women and Work Commission have reported: ‘Often, without thinking about it, young girls can use role play at being teachers, for example, while boys might choose builders. This segregation is ingrained in our culture and has had significant implications for the career choices that young men and women make and in the longer term for their future earnings.
‘Challenging these outdated ideas about jobs for girls is the key to breaking down the gender segregation in the workplace and changing our culture for future generations.’
Their concern is based on a 23 per cent pay gap between men and women. The government blames this on ‘expectations and stereotypes ingrained in our culture. Equality Guru Harriet Harman, Lord Longford’s niece, set up the committee. The closest she got to the working classes was to marry a trade union official. It is joked that he sometimes calls himself Jack Harman so that important folk know who he is.
Harman’s pedigree is aristocratic and she went to the elitist St Paul’s School before university and training as a barrister. It is the greatest irony of New Labour that they endlessly preach the necessity of equality, but very few are ever going to be equal to them, unless they a re born into it. They don’t need to do joined up thinking because the British population are subjected to an appalling actuation system dominated by female teachers and prone to alienating boys. Britain has to major ills, in my opinion : Snobbery and deference. That is why lockdown has worked here for so long and so much better than the government expected. Thank feminism and manginas for that.
It’s interesting that the New Labour Government has a majority of upper middle class trained lawyers and that they have passed an incredible number of new laws to keep their former colleagues- and relatives in the case of Blair- busy. This has had no discernible effect on dealing with the sort of things British people thought of as serious crime before New Labour came to power- you would be lucky to get the cops round if you house was burgled or a member of your family subjected to non sexual assault. When I was attacked outside a Miklton Keynes pub in 2011, I was told I asked for it and that my attacker had a good job. When I was robbed of £2,500 equipment and had criminal damage to my property in 2019, they sent around to PCSOs who told me that there was nothing they could do. When an aggrieved expartner sent anonymous letters to several key members of police and Bucks County Council, the accused me of sending them. The letters and images of strangers, along with a video they later admitted did not exist, alleged that I was working for my son as a gay escort from my home which was apparently a brothel. I was raided and locked up for 7 hours while my house was searched and vital tech equipment, phones and driving documents were confiscated.
When. 3 months later, I swore at the officer who led the 7 person raid, I ended up in Aylesbury Crown Court, once again getting several hearings and jail threats if I did not plead guilty to causing that officer alarm and distress. Britain’s masses are taught how not to think. Thus the government’s previous report on how the top professions, even journalism, are dominated by the upper and upper middle classes. Britain’s police are very dangerous and crucial evidence that we live in a highly sophisticated police state. The police officer who killed innocent -caught on several cameras- Ian Tomlinson got away with it. When a student protester dropped a fire extinguisher off a roof, with it landing 300 yards from a group of police officers, he got 3 years.
The feminist ranting and hysteria is a smokescreen for serious social engineering which protects the class structure – which was established by the Normans in the wake of 1066. Having a friend or relative in a key job is at least as important as qualifications.
It would not be in Harman’s interest to recognise findings by her governments Department for Children, Schools and families. This report shows that boys are falling behind in basic English and maths by the age of five. The results came from teacher and nursery observations in England of 230,000 children. Thirty per cent of boys had trouble reciting the alphabet compared to 23% of girls. Perhaps doing what comes naturally, 74% o five year old girls had no trouble writing a simple shopping list compared to 54% of boys. Seventy eight per cent of girls could hold a pencil compared to 62% of boys. Twenty six per cent of boys could not write their own names, compared to 15% of girls. If
British people ever start thinking about the governments lies and contradictions or their miserable lives, they can’t do anything about it and turn to drink, drugs or comfort eating, consumerism and debt.
I can’t believe Harman ever worked on any building site. I had too, during my total 20 weeks a year university vacations, during every year of study. I am not heavily built, but as a serious schoolboy athlete, I was used to hard physical effort and lifted weights. Even so, at the age of 19, I found it very hard work lifting up a nine inch glazed sewer pipe and throwing it onto my shoulder. The site was peopled mainly by Irishmen.
None of my colleagues knew I was a student. My sister’s husband is an Irish building worker. He told the section foreman that I was his brother in law. Being Irish was an important way into the job. It was well paid and dangerous. I ended up laying 29 inch sewer pipes in 17 foot trenches. Heavy clay was stacked up by the massive digger along the line of the trench and there was no shuttering to stop it collapsing. Health and safety did not exist. When a Euclid earth mover thundered by, empty, a great lump of clay came down from the heaps above us. It nearly hit me on my young head and I suggested to the ganger, Cassidy, that we should be wearing helmets. He and our other colleague laughed.
Health and safety on the buildings have improved, but it is still dangerous- especially as so many desperate and obliging East Europeans have moved in to take on the role of cheap labour that the Irish used to fill. The industry is also prone to serious down turns- as at present. For lots of reasons, I cannot imagine many girls playing at building pipe lines in their back garden.
With so many serious problems at every level of our education system, it is sinister to know that Harriet Harman wants infants to ‘think’ about what they are playing and its consequences for the world of future employment. Honest psychologists will concur with me that if the linguistic area of the brain is not fed by the age of 7, it will never develop.
Therefore, there is no evidence that infants can do constructive social and economically orientated thinking by the age of five. What they will do will be closely associated with animal instinct and what comes naturally. There is every reason to believe that boys are inclined to copy their fathers role model and girls their mother. The importance of natural role models is ignored in favour of social engineering.
The connection is not widely made between this fact and the numbers of feral youth and unmarried working class mothers. The upper and upper middle ruling class have no worries about this. They have their nannies and public schools.
I was, influenced by my father’s occupation at the local brick works. By the time I was eight, I was digging holes in dad’s potato patch, extracting surface clay, shaping it into little bricks and baking them in the sunshine. Then I stacked them on the back of my soap box cart and drove around- my friend was the truck’s engine- delivering bricks into peoples front gardens.
Machines and trucks fascinated me. Meanwhile my brighter sister played with dolls in a dolls pram. When my father died, she became very interested in boys. Her and her friend became fixated with two young building workers who came to build a bungalow in the paddock opposite our houses. My sister was 14 at the time and at grammar school. She quickly lost interest in her studies and became pregnant in the sixth form- by the Irish building worker. He was married to someone else at the time, with two young children and another on the way..
My mother was beside herself with worry. A bright girl, she was the fifth child of her family. Her mother died in an Islington slum, two weeks after giving birth in 1924. My mother’s Irish Irish father could not cope with a baby and she was sent to her maternal grandparents home in Winslow, Bucks.
Winslow was and still is a snob ridden place with a defined social hierarchy.
These days farming is pretty dead and it is a combination of ossified forelock tugging yokels, pretentious commuters and old order grandees.
None of what I have observed and written ever comes into the calculations when our rulers bond in their committees to utter patronising rubbish about what we should and should not do. The issue of gender role differences, what comes naturally and what goes wrong, has fascinated me ever since I did teacher training. I was indoctrinated into the mission of fighting sexism and racism in London schools. I recall a pretentious female teacher colleague telling a meeting that her friends said she should have been black because she was a woman and knew what it was like to suffer.
When I focussed on writing, I wrote the meticulously researched novel ‘Man, Maid, Woman’ ( by R.J Cook.). It is about a young man. It is about a young man deluded by society, and its abuses, into changing sex. I got the prospect of turning it into a film, but my ideas had moved on. Therefore I started a new project on the same subject.
The vicissitudes of researching the death of a transsexual in modern Britain would make a book in itself. Hopefully I will find a publisher for the whole story, but once again, our friends in the upper and upper middle class, female dominated world of publishing might make that a little difficult. It is a point worth noting that only 3% of the British population goes into book shops and the average novel sells around 2000 copies.
If publishers were car makers, with such poor sales, then they would realise they were building the wrong cars and few people would be drivers. Thus if publishers publicised the right books then there would not be such high levels of illiteracy in Britain- particularly in respect of boys. A few years ago a pathetic attempt, redolent of British snobbery, was made to produce books that barely literate adults could use to improve their minds. A select band of established authors, like posh Joanna Trollope, were contracted at great expense, to produce patronising and dumbed down books. The social remoteness of these authors guaranteed that the project didn’t work, but the authors got even richer.
The deliberately overlooked reality of life in modern Britain is that pay gaps between men and women are massively distorted by the fact that top professions, officers posts in the military, business and banking are dominated by the upper and upper middle classes. These roles are often filled by men, married to social equals who have no pressing need to join the labour market. The reality in Britain is that most people, regardless of sex, face lives in horrible boring jobs on the minimum wage, too poor to buy a house in a market out to exploit their weaknesses. It is a moot point as to whether the alternative of life without hope of improvement, and living on the dole, would be better or worse. Life for the lower orders now as ever is locked out, as well as in lockdown. Robert Cook
Fear – Some Animals are More Equal Than Others. May 13th 2020
Fear – Some Animals are More Equal Than Others. May 13th 2020
Police States are sustained by fear and propaganda. The system builds up gradually, like the old story of boiling frogs in the water, rather than dropping them straight in to the saucepan.
When people have adjusted to the heat, Draconian measures are officially enforced. Propaganda is essential to this process. The Nazis knew that. Lessons were learned for the post war age.
Politicians and media folk are drawn from the upper middle classes. They are used to wealth and virtue signalling their concerns for worldwide charity earns them brownie points. The seriously rich own and control the media, consolidating the police state.
So we are told we are in for the long haul in the fight against corona. We are reassured that our masters and feminist mzzzstresses are guided by ‘The Science’. The police will deal with dissenters.
Science has become the new buzzing religion. The Nazis had science as well as God on their side. Modern warfare was all about having God and Science on your side.
God sat there watching, omnipresent and omnipotent ( hence all the giant cock ups ) and the winners were those who could kill the most millions – mainly young men crying for their mothers while horrible old men and their smug spoiled white feather waving women sat behind the lines.
So here we are, with an old man Johnson in charge fresh from a close encounter with Corona, and all his hangers on telling him keep the lock down going because otherwise more old sickly folk and hastily imported ethnic religious people will die and we will lose votes. Keep praising the NHS, so badly managed that a senior manager was selling off PPE as a health supply sideline.
Don’t mention all those hospitals we closed to cut taxes for the rich, or the private finance initiative Brown created as a finacial favour to financiers and crooks to build all those vile impersonal filthy factory hospitals on the never never, where consultants can use NHS facilities for their private very lucrative sideline surgeries while waiting lists grow and people die accordingly. Just clap the so called front line workers, but don’t mention the cheapskate cleaning services and all those killed, like my mother , by the mrsa and c difficile that has brought so much misery and heartbreak to the bereaved like me.
The British people are so stupid and ignorant they don’t need any sleight of hand on the State Magician’s part. They are so dumb and downtrodeen, they won’t see any connections.
This country is disgustingly self righteous, a bastion of ignorance and squalor and corrupt – a corrupt vile police state with public sector workers treated like saints. As I have said. I spent over 20 years in the public sector, as well as studying its changes.
Keep clapping the poorly trained ill equipped staff who work in Britain’s filthy vile hospitals, where many staff have poor command of English and ambitious upper middle class young doctors work dangerously long hours because only a limited number of posh rich kids can get the chance to train – the surplus made up by foreign agency staff. Our GP services are private sub contractors, making a fortune from the NHS – a haven for female doctors who only want to work part time.
As a police state, Britain has a plethora of laws to stifle trenchant , criticism. That is why most people have no idea what Corona is about and never will. All they know is fear, and fear is power in this and every police state.
Thatcher brought in the privatisation of key public services for profit, along with overpaid parasitical managers like the head of Bucks County Council on £250.000 p.a with benefits. Blair, a lawyer like Thatcher ( who was also a science graduate ) brought in all the police state laws.
Blair famously said his government had to remove some freedoms to protect others- this was part of his preface to leading Bush into an illegal war on Iraq, war crimes and ongoing war across the Middle East for oil profits and to keep the Russians out..
Indeed, Blair paved the way for where we are with lockdown. He removed key freedoms ( including discouraging freedom of thought ) for the frightened herded masses to protect the freedom of an elite growing ever richer at the expense of the lower order masses.
One is reminded of Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ where the message over the pig sty wall changes from ‘all animals are created equal’ to ‘all animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others.’ With all of this in mind, the British Chancellor has announced that ludicrous lockdown will continue until October, though there may be some temporary easing. Therefore taxes on the working lower class folk must go up to pay for all the subsidies to protected workers on furlough and other expenses like bailing out big business. So the people put out of work get hit twice, assuming they ever get back to any sort of paying job. Robert Cook…/18388982.police-ap…/Police have issued an apology after a video circulating on social media showed an officer admitting he would ‘make something up’ in order to arrest… apology after officer filmed saying ‘I’ll make something up’ in arrest threatPolice have issued an apology after a video circulating on social media showed an officer admitting he would ‘make something up’ in order…Police have issued an apology after a video circulating on social media showed an officer admitting he would ‘make something up’ in order to arrest……/police-officer-suspended-saying-mak…/…The officer shouted ‘Who are they going to believe, me or you?’ in the clip, which went viral on social media.About This officer suspended after saying he’d ‘make something up’ to arrest manThe officer shouted ‘Who are they going to believe, me or you?’ in the clip, which went viral on social media.
Yet more idiotic police power mad activityOfficers attended his home when they received reports a gardener had entered his property.About This man warned by police after neighbour cuts his grass during lockdownOfficers attended his home when they received reports a gardener had entered his property.
The disgraced police officers sacked from forces across ……
10/06/2019 · Between January 2013 and October 31 2018 West Midlands Police sacked 67 officers with sexual misconduct and theft topping the offences. Here are the officers who have been sacked by West Midlands…
WEST MERCIA POLICE LIES, THREATS – Freecycle corruption …
13/07/2012 · 1. This is an example of police corruption and harassment. It happens when you are old and poor and the police think they can get away with it. 2.
- Video Duration: 2 min
- Views: 2127
- Author: GOODagainstTHEevil
From Definitions & Translations – the webs largest source on definitions & translations :
A police state is a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic, and political life of the population. A police state typically exhibits elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there is usually little or no distinction between the law and the exercise of political power by the executive. The inhabitants of a police state experience restrictions on their mobility, and on their freedom to express or communicate political or other views, which are subject to police monitoring or enforcement.
Political control may be exerted by means of a secret police force which operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a constitutional state. As the maintenance of a standing police force became common in the late 19th and early 20th century, the term “police state” came to be used more commonly to refer only to when a police force was used “too” strenuously, in a “rigid and repressive” way, as under fascism, crony capitalism, and in retroactive application to oppressive/repressive historic incidents like the French Revolution and the Roman Empire.
The Cambridge English Dictionary puts it more simply : a country in which the government uses the police to severely limit people’s freedom
Home Secretary Priti Patel has said road blocks and checking supermarket trolleys are “not appropriate” after police threats to implement stricter measures.
A chief constable threatened today threatened to implement stricter means to deal with the coronavirus lockdown regulations.
Northamptonshire Police Chief Constable Nick Adderley has since backtracked on his comments, describing his language as “clumsy”.
Mr Adderley had said his force would consider roadblocks, marshalling supermarkets, and searching through shopping baskets and trolleys if people continued to flout the rules, saying their “three-week grace period” of educating and informing people had now ended.
Lockdown Shaming April 19th 2020
Police chiefs have urged the public to stop exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to settle vendettas, after forces reported that many people have been “lockdown shaming” as part of ongoing domestic disputes.
As forces have been inundated with thousands of daily allegations of people breaching coronavirus restrictions, the police’s professional standards body has intervened to ask the public to curb “deliberate false reporting” and spreading misinformation to punish nuisance neighbours or settle long-running feuds.
“Some are ongoing neighbour disputes and nothing to do with coronavirus. People have had pops at each other and are using this as an opportunity to try to cause more grief and get officers around to their address,” said a senior police source, who asked for their force not to be named.
The Woman Within by Polly Sexual aka Roberta Jane Cook April 12th 2020
Due to police and NHS collusion and lies, to avoid investigating my serious criminal allegations against the police, my ex in laws and the NHS, my eldest son and I have been made unemployable. The Corona Virus has further damaged our finances so seriously that we face homelssness and destitution. As to my other son Edward, goodness knows what my ex in laws, police and NHS have done to him.
My involvement with the Gender Identity Clinic was the result of my ex wife insisting that I saw a psychoanalyst. Her brother was, and probably still is, a senior police and anti terrorist officer. She told me that I had to do as I was told or have no family. I was not allowed to talk to my sons if she was not present. I also had to account for my whereabouts and any money I wanted. Drinking was limited to her, mother and I sharing one bottle of wine a week, on Saturday evening.
That was in 2003. My novel ‘Man,Maid,Woman’ had just been published. so when the analyst asked me what I had written, I told him about the novel. He said ‘We must set about finding the woman within’ . If yo want to know more, read on. My ex brother in law was, at the time ACPO firearms lead who wanted all officers to have tasers, he was the man who changed an official report into Plebgate by exonerating three officers facing disciplinary proceedings, and he is the man who detroyed mine and my eldest son’s life by lying that we were stalking him and his family, threatening violence when were hundreds of miles away.
With help from corrupt colleagues, like Cheief Constable Paul West and Sergeant Rees, to name only two, he gave us a PNC Criminal Marker and malicious so called soft intelligence records on October 8th 2008. His motive will be explained later.
The police’s corruption and cover up, with years of lies and libelous national press releases, have given my son and I, 12 years of hell, abuse and insecurity. Now they are playing the old ‘He’s mad you know routine.’ My ex wife never mentioned domestic violence during our divorce, which was running at the same time my in laws made stalking allegations, which rather than confront me, they lied they found me there in woods by Chesterman’s home, and police created the criminal marker- leading to me being chased and frequently stop/searched.
I was 200 hundred miles away at the time of the alleged stalking incdent that I know of, -Chesterman may have invented more, -and can still prove it. Two officers went on record, lying to back DCC Simon Chesterman and his family. As a former public servant, I have to say how sick I am of hearing how wonderful our public services are.
My ex father in law’s brother spent his entire adult life in an asylum, dying there. My father in law also suffered from mental illness and was forced to retire from the Civil Service aged 50. The family projected their history on to myself and two sons. Two police forces have spent a fortune watching, bugging and taking me to court. I live in fear because of them. They are institutionally corrupt and a corner stone of the British Police State. My story, all true, follows in some detail below.
R.J Cook
Brief Intro : Harassment originating from high level, in particular my ex brother in law DCC Simon Chesterman, of Plebgate fame, for his family’s financial gain during my divorce, his boss, friend and mentor CC Paul West of WMP being responsible for a malicious PNC Criminal Marker and so called soft intelligence records to restrict my freedom of movement, blacken my name, label me violent and mentally ill, destroying my work prospects.
Twelve years later Thames Valley Police still hide behind so called ongoing investigations and allegations of mental illness in order to avoid revealing to me, or the press, records of their so called investigations dating from October 2008 to present. The story also involves domestic violence by my ex wife, hate crime, abuse manipulation and control of a vulnerable young adult, perjury, misconduct in public office and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
I won my last two courts cases against the police, but as we know, when defeated the police just say it was ‘lack of evidence,’ rather than fabricated or no evidence, then they keep watching. Having won against them in 2016, I was so traumatised, I took a large overdose of tamazapam and had to be taken to hospital. My wife’s domestic violence toward me, and abuse of my youngest son had previously driven me to hanging from a door knob in March 2007, because I felt so alone, helpless and worthless. She said no one would believe anything a useless excuse for a man like me had to say. Hence my drift toward the notion of being transsexual.
Having lost their previous court cases, the police contacted my GP surgery asserting that I am a mentally ill alcoholic- a young GP showed me the police letter to them. They were advised to inform the Gender Identity Clinic (GIC), where I had been a patient for over two years. They had been prescribing hormones with a view to GRS, then suddenly concluded that I have a paranoid personality disorder and needed anti psychotic drugs, but no need for hospital YET. The NHS and police were to pursue a multi agency approach to my case, said their report. The recommendation for my gender reassignment came from the same psychiatrist who wrote the report that I am a paranoid personality disordered person with abnormal psychology. Police, GIC and my GP still refuse to answer my questions.
I have photographs and documents to support this very alarming story of high level police corruption, showing just how easily senior British Police officers can abuse the system for their own ends, in collusion and conspiracy at the public’s expense. R.J Cook April 9th 2020
My eldest son Edward life has been ruined. I have no idea where my youngest son is because his controlling mother took him from my home in March 2008. He has not been seen or heard of since. My ex brother in law, Deputy Chief Constable Simon Chesterman, is a high ranking ‘well respected ‘ senior police officer’ who lied to get a restraining order so that his whole family could benefit from his sister’s historic very disturbing relationship with this son. In 2012, Birmingham Crown Court were told that Edward was too ill to be interviewed by police.
They destroyed my eldest son Kieran’s life with lies about him being Edward’s abuser and that he was and is violent. to prevent him having contact with his brother. My father in law’s brother was locked in a mental home- called asylums then- from the age 18, and died there. Their father was also a police officer.
The Chesterman family are hypersensitive to mental health issues and family image. Chesterman and police lies, in order to protect the Chesterman family with a malicious restraining order on me, is their stock and trusted defence. The order is based on the lie that I stalked DCC Simon Chesterman’s home, threatening him and his family with violence, and that I admitted making false and malicious complaints about him.
As soon as you go to them, they will trot out these vile lies, but will not dare offer honest evidence because there isn’t any. If all else fails, they will say that I am certified as mentally ill. That is because the British police are institutionally corrupt. I can support my allegations with documents, police correspondence, court records, evidence of my true whereabouts when Kieran and I were allegedly stalking and photographs. I can also prove that I was my youngest son Edward’s County Council approved tutor.
This is a story about high level British police corruption, a transsexual, hate crime on the part of senior public servants, the abuse, manipulation, coercive controlling behaviour, defrauding the benefits system and control of a young vulnerable adult, serious domestic violence, perjury, misconduct in public office and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice – and the ruin of five lives, one dead.
There was a related death when Chesterman’s eldest daughter’s ex boyfriend, Craig Shell, a key witness in my first trial attempted suicide in May 2011, killing himself the following November by hanging.
The British Police, backed up by their spin doctors and slavish politicians, never miss an opportunity to present themselves as heroes. Just as forcefully, they never expect to be held accountable, investigated and exposed. They have very comfortable niche in British society handling complaints against themselves, even when they go through the IPOC.
Deputy Chief Constable Simon Chesterman is my ex brother in law . At the time of my divorce from his sister in 2008, Nicola, he was an Assistant Chief Constable and third in command at West Mercia Police ( then called a Constabulary ).
Chesterman, by then Deputy Chief Constable, is the person who re wrote the report quashing an inspector’s conclusion that three officers should face disciplinary proceedings over their proven Plebgate criminal lies.
He was moved sideways into the Civil and Nuclear Police following exposure in national press- after withdrawing his resignation from the police. He has form and complained on cpurt statements against me, that my 2008/9 allegations had been career threatening he said that he was hoping I would go away and fearing he might turn up in one of my books.
Chesterman’s greatest claim to fame was getting the notable World War Two Enigma machine back, following a call from Jeremy Paxman’s BBC office, where the thief had sent it parcelled up in what was obviously a long publicity stunt to save wartime code breaking H.Q from becoming a housing estate. But as Chesterman told me; ‘It got me my promotion.’
He was recommended, in 2003, for his West Mercia post by the force’s Chief Constable Paul West who had been his second in command and Chesterman’s mentor when both men served with Thames Valley Police ( TVP ).
As Bucks Divisional Commander at TVP, Chesterman began his anti terrorist training because he had responsibility for PM Tony Blair’s security at Chequers. Chesterman told me this impressed his friend West, making him the perfect candidate for the West Mercia job.
Having passed his ACC board, Chesterman told me, during a visit to his Oxford home, in 2003 that there were two ACC vacancies. One was in Hampshire, the other was West Mercia. Chesterman told me that WMP boss and friend West had told him the West Mercia job was his, so not to bother with Hampshire.
Simon Chesterman likes to deflect my persistence in trying to bring the truth to light in court over the last 12 years, as me blaming him for my divorce. There is no evidence to support his argument, but as a very senior police officer, Simon Chesterman knows the police do not need evidence when they conspire to convict and jail people they don’t like. Senior officers are unaccountable, unless they break ranks- like Sue Sim.
I do, however, allege that Simon Chesterman became involved in my divorce from his sister, with malice aforethought and for family financial gain. In this connection, my vulnerable young adult son Edward was crucial to their game plan. In Simon Chesterman’s words ( from one of his court statements in this case ) ‘Edward is vulnerable to manipulation and control.’ Chesterman was referring to his fears that Edward might choose to live with his brother rather than be shut up in his house, which was the case on the highly significant dates of October 4th/5th 2008 – a weekend.
The Chestermans were and presumably still are, high livers, with a very large remote family home in Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire and expensive tastes including extravagant foreign holidays. He also had an ex wife and older son at school, then university in France where his ex ife had moved. Simon Chesterman lived in Cleobury Mortimer with his second wife, both elderly pensioner parents and three daughters. His living costs and lifestyle were upper end.
As a consultant forensic psychiatrist appointed to have me sectioned during crown court hearings in 2013, when I was taken to court for trying to stop my ex wife contacting – via the police – my home in 2012, commented, when you challenge the police you are up against a monolith.
Needless to say, he pronounced me perfectly sane, I have the 22 page report to prove it. Each time the police have failed to jail me, they go for the mental health card. It begs the question why don’t they go for sectioning first rather than all these expensive monitoring exercises and court cases ? They lost in 2016 because they had no evidence against me, brazenly lying to the judge and my lawyers. They were fined and had to pay costs. It is almost funny and proves them to be imbeciles at the every highest level – and criminally corrupt by their very nature.
They took me to court for making allegations of Chesterman family conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, misconduct in public office and perjury, based on new evidence previously withheld and clearly explaining the malicious PNC Criminal Marker and false records from WMP. The police and CPS mysteriously converted the prosecution, with no regard to law, to accusing me of domestic violence.
They had no evidence for this or anything else. I made the allegations by e mail, six times, in 2014. the sixth time, I warned them that this would not go away. The sixth time was January 2015. They sent 3 officers to arrest me and search the house, but I was with my then partner in North London. I agreed to a voluntary interview in March 2015. My lawyer phoned to tell me they were going to prosecute me on Christmas Eve 2015. I was changing trains at Finsbury Park Station at the time.
It will become clear, if you decide to read all, that I have been in court regarding these matters from 2011 until the last case in September 2018. but the root of the problem lies back in 2008, when the Chesterman family lied that Kieran and I were stalking their remote large rural home, which was fitted with a panic alarm, over the weekend of October 4th/5th 2008 when we were in fact hundreds of miles away and can still prove it.. Paul West was involved in this and it is very serious criminal misconduct which they still refuse to investigate and explain.
I am currently labelled as having a paranoid personality disorder, subject to a multi agency approach but ‘not needing hospital yet.’ I have heard no more on that score since receiving the report last August. One assumes they could come for me whenever they think I am too much of a problem for them. Paranoia indeed ! I refused their anti psychotic drugs which would have turned me into a zombie – a type of chemical lobotomy . More of that later.
The Bare Facts
I married Nicola Chesterman at Catherington Church, near Portsmouth, on August 12 1977. We divorced in 2008 – decree nisi November 19th 2009.
Having left my job with the Inland Revenue, we moved to London in August 1977, where I worked in the City, my wife as a student nurse. We hated our jobs, so Nicola got a place at Imperial College and I trained as a teacher, at Goldsmiths’ College.
Afterwards we moved up to Buckinghamshire to live with my mother in the house I had bought for her in 1971. Here in Bucks I taught for 18 years, as secondary school teacher and college lecturer along with part time newspaper work. I also served on the local council, with ten years heading planning. I held a senior council consortium position – chairman with an advisory role to the Government’s Richardson panel during the Milton Keynes planning inquiry, writing a book on the subject of the city’s origins and expansion.
My wife had two miscarriages in the early 1980s Our first son Kieran was born in September 1985. Our second son Edward was born in March 1988. My ex mother in law came up from Cornwall on the latter occasion, starting a major row with me, by telling me my mother was senile and should be in a home. She had always been a source of interference and was obsessed with her son and his police career. My ex wife later alleged on a 2011 court statement ( not shown to me before 2013 ) that she only stayed with me for the following 20 years to protect my two sons and mother from my violence. Simon Chesterman alleged that I was always rude to his mother and therefore ‘rather odd.’
My ex wife presumably told all this to her brother’s police force back in October 2008 as part of the lies to get the PNC Criminal Marker and ‘soft intelligence’ records ( lying again that they were being stalked in December 2008 and getting enhanced security ). I have not been shown any records of any police investigation, though they must have typical police lies on record. If I die before this matter is resolved, the police will be able to get their dishonest records even more protected by writing me off as malicious, vengeful and nuts.
This means, along with the latest mental health slur, I will not be able to leave any property or wealth to my son Kieran. Any Will I have made will be open to challenge -and ultimately the outcome will be that the lying Chestermans and police will benefit .
Given that I was forced by my wife to take all of my holidays with in laws in Cornwall, the stress of my mother in law’s acid tongued judgemental interference was difficult to cope with. I did not like here. It begs the question why was I still being forced to visit and holiday with them right up to summer 2007?
My ex mother initiated a row with me in 1978, while on one of those enforced Cornish holidays and in front of her family which included Simon Chesterman with whom I was adversely compared, saying she considered me selfish and reckless for giving up my city job to teach. She told me that her son Simon was much more thoughtful and ‘placid ‘
Image was everything with her. I just wanted to pay the bills through teaching, be a writer, guitar maker and musician – not proper jobs as far as the Chestermans were concerned. So, after the 1978 row,I told Nicola I was going back home to London next day and wanted a divorce. My ex wife chased after me, begging me not to end the marriage, saying she wanted to end contact with her parents.
Somehow we limped on, eventually making renewed contact with her parents a year later, but my relationship with my ex mother in law remained strained. My relationship with her son Simon was also strained. Simon had been a good friend in the years up to my marriage. I found him very good company and amusing. Their move to Cornwall changed everything, with my ex father in law falling into deep depression. I felt I no longer knew him. Simon told me he could not wait to leave for the city, ‘With bright lights and smoked glass – Cornwall is for old folk.’ he said.
My father in law, whose family had a history of mental illness, was by this time heavily sedated, and had been for several years since his enforced retirement from ASWE ( Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment ), when aged only 50. That is why they retired back to my mother in law’s Cornish birth place. My mother in law asserted command of us all.
Simon Chesterman joined Thames Valley Police in 1984, the same year he married Cathy, his first wife. They moved close to us, 20 miles away in Oxford. This meant that my mother in law, leading her husband was a frequent visitor to her son, and hence to my family home where she was always very critical of my mother and I -being always bossy, sanctimonious and judgemental.
However, Simon Chesterman never visited us in all of my time married to his sister, yet he and his second wife made statements judging myself, Kieran and Edward adversely.
I also got the impression that my ex mother in law’s criticism was similarly directed toward Simon’s first wife and a factor in their divorce.
My ex mother in law’s father left home the day after the night she was conceived, never being seen in Cornwall again. She never met her father. My ex mother in law took after her mother, with the same moralising narrow minded Cornish outlook. She told me that meeting the mature Frank Chesterman when she was 17, was her way out of Cornwall and poverty. Frank had turned up as temporary lodger while involved with weapons sea trails off Pendeen lighthouse. My ex mother in law told me that she made the decision to dump her tenant farmer boyfriend as soon as she saw Frank.
Simon’s marriage failed due to his rampant adultery, so my mother in law had her husband sell up and move up country to Oxford, bailing Simon out because he had lost everything, including custody of his two young children. Simon was by now with his second wife Carron , also a TVP officer.
The ongoing presence, rudeness and interference of my ex mother in law in my family life was an increasing source of argument. As Edward grew older, this woman decided that Edward was in some way retarded because he had a large head in relation to his tiny body.
She said her friend, Cornish District Nurse and midwife Rachael Ewer had told her that maybe Edward had fluid on his brain. This woman’s interference was intolerable to me. Added to everything else, she insisted my mother be put into an old peoples’ home. There was no alternative to hers’ or her son’s opinion. My ex wife increasingly followed suit, with no time or care for what I thought or needed.
By 1997, the situation with Edward was critical. He was leaving me pleading notes begging to be excused school where he had been bullied and humiliated for years. I had been special needs governor for four years at his school, thus very aware of the school’s shortcomings which I was powerless to resolve, although I challenged the headteacher who argued that special needs was my responsibility.
Edward had been frequently talking about suicide. I think the real problem was the domestic situation, with all the arguments upsetting Edward and making him feel very insecure. My ex wife’s very odd relationship with Edward made matters much worse.
After much argument, and only with my ex mother in law’s support, I managed to get my ex wife Nicola to agree to home schooling, with me as Edward’s Council approved tutor.
By this time I had taken early retirement from teaching to pursue a writing career, as well as part time music teaching. My ex wife would later allege that I was forced to leave teaching due to mental health problems.
Through my ex brother in law’s corrupt influence, this judgement, along with violence allegations have been recorded post divorce as fact, were making it very difficult for me to earn a living. Similar allegations have been recorded against Kieran, making him unemployable.. My sister – with whom I had never been close- and her family helped to circulate the allegations against us both, including to the police. My music teaching business was destroyed, along with my writing career .
Before my marital break up, I taught Edward, with Bucks County Council approval, at home for two years. During this period in 1997- over just the first two months- I raised his literacy and numeracy score by a mean of 3 years, measured by a Harley St Psychologist Beverley Sobel. I alos took him flying and have a photograph of him at the controls over Penwith Peninsula. However , my ex wife insisted I send Edward to Private School, at my expense. This lasted for 2.5 years, with terrible consequences.
Edward consequently developed very severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorder ( OCD ) in relation to germs and hand washing. Edward’s condition was so severe that he frequently requested help with suicide. I have a copy of the contract he drew up, signed by my ex wife, where she agreed to help him kill himself if he could not go on coping with the private school. Obviously I was alarmed, but told to keep out of it on pain of divorce.
The police have never wanted to know about any of this because there are no depths to which they will not sink to protect senior officers- like Simon Chesterman and Paul West who broke the law to help and to protect and pursue Simon Chesterman’s vile intentions and the appalling consequences back in 2008, when he made and had recorded criminal lies about myself and son Kieran, with two police forces conspiring to cover their crimes and misconduct- and the force’s inflated egotistical reputation.
The situation became increasingly alarming. To cut a long story short, I had previously persuaded Nicola that Edward faking illness for a whole half term and saying he stayed up all night to push the morning away, was a very serious matter. This resulted in more rows, with her chasing, slapping and punching me.
After several more unpleasant rows – which often ended with her shouting, screaming and hitting me- I said I was not paying for the private school any more and withdrawing him. I also said I was going to our GP to get urgent help.
Meanwhile, my eldest son who had deferred university to accompany Edward to FE classes after withdrawal from school, had commenced life as a student at UEA in Norwich. He was coming home each weekend in 2005/6 to support his troubled brother. My ex sister in law PC Carron Chesterman later stated to police that ‘ Kieran and his father had bullied Edward for years.’
This contrasted with her and her husband admitting on court record that they rarely saw us. Curiously, I have photos of me looking after and entertaining Simon Chestermans youngest daughters whenever they visited our home with their grandparents. I used to collect them and take them back over the short journey to Oxford.. Odd isn’t it, since Simon put on police record that ‘I always thought Cook rather odd ’, that I was left alone with his daughters?
I drove Kieran 128 miles to and from UEA each week – 512 mile total per week. When Kieran decided the course was not for him, and wanted to leave, Nicola told him she would kick him out of the house if he quit or tried to change course.
The outcome of my request for help from our GP with Edward’s problems was a weekly visit from a mental health nurse called Clive, for cognitive behavioural therapy. Because my wife timed the sessions for the mornings when I was collecting Kieran from UEA, I was not present.
She had told me back in 2003, that I could not talk to my sons unless she was present. She stormed out of the house on Boxing Day night in 2007, ostensibly because I would not tell her what I had said to my sons. She had found out from Edward that I had broken her rule not to talk to them without her.
She was gone all night. I was becoming increasingly depressed, while doing a lot of freelance writing plus music teaching and hours of guitar practice= she told me I could play guitar in my sleep, not respecting the amount of work involved, especially for classical guitar garde lessons.
So I had the idea to write a novel about a boy who was not allowed to be a man, published as ‘Man,Maid.Woman’ in 2003, with TV and radio interviews following after. For a while I was a regular guest on the live Saturday morning Peter White show, until my wife ridiculed and threatened me, saying I was using the opportunity to meet other women.
The novel was narrated by a man, a maid and a woman, with the boy becoming his own girlfriend, a man made woman. The sense of failure and inadequacy of the main character in the book was all mine. A TVP Chief Inspector took a copy away with him in 2011 as part of a strategy to label me mentally ill.
The significance of this will become clear later here. It was one of my three books published that year, but I wrote it as therapy because by this time I was considering suicide. My ex wife was verbally and physically abusive- admitting her violence toward me on four separate occasions that she could remember.
She watched and checked up on me all the time, using my mother and housebound Edward as reporters on my comings and goings.
The psychiatrist C R Ramsay, who forced his way into my home in 2019, with two others, said he was not interested in seeing any of the books I had written, he was here to investigate my police sourced allegations of mental illness. Interesting, I thought, that he was not interested in any of the work I had been doing over the previous 20 years. He as many other of my interrogators, insisted there was something I was not telling him. In retrospect, I realise they had all been briefed as me being in denial of serious domestic violence and abuse toward wife, sons and mother, as per Nicola’s statements finally revealed to me in 2013.
Odd, is it not that none of them, including the police will reveal details of the said domestic violence or answer as to why I was not investigated and charged by the police back in 2008, from which time the allegations were put on record to justify the malicious West Mercia PNC Marker, which the police have refused to explain ever since I discovered it in May 2009. It is also odd, bearing this in mind, that I was given enhanced CRB clearance to sleep in a female friend’s flat, an unlocked landing away from the 9th year girls dormitory at exclusive Woldingham School, in Surrey.
During my forced three meetings with Ramsay, he consistently interrupted me rather than do the necessary old fashioned listening to my answers and explanations. This was because he had been told what he had been sent to find. Among his conclusions was the phrase that I have ‘abnormal psychology’ he didn’t relate this to me with evidence or argument, or explain any of his other conclusions. What I said had to fit the pre diagnosis. If being a zombie is normal, then I have to admit I am not that. More of that later.
My ex wife’s official excuse for her admitted domestic violence toward me, related on her redacted 2011 court statement was that I had said nasty things about her mother. In fact she went into demented rants and fist waving every time I said something she disapproved of. It all became so bad that I hung myself from a door handle in March 2007. Consequently I saw a psychiatrist – by personal request because I hated my life, being blamed for everything my ex wife considered wrong. The psychiatrist told me I was not depressed, but very unhappy. She said she had no pills for that.
My absence from the mental health team visits to Edward left the door open to Nicola covering herself and getting what she wanted. By this time in 2006, Edward had completely been withdrawn from public life.
On my return from collecting Kieran at UEA one day in 2006, my ex wife told me she had been talking to the mental health nurse while he was visiting Edward. She said they had agreed that I, not Edward, had the mental health problems. I needed to see a private analyst. So I did. She then cancelled Edward’s outside help, setting up the situation where he spent all day on his own in his bedroom, while she was at work, with contact from myself and mother forbidden. Obviously that was creepy, distressing and a source of argument.
So, back to my meeting with the analyst. The meeting was arranged via Nicola’s ex boss and Chief Psychologist at Bucks, Joan Baxter, with the shrink this woman saw every week about her own problems. He had been told I was a writer, asking what I had written. When I told him about ‘Man, Maid, Woman’ he said ‘We must go about finding ‘the woman within.’ In other words, I had to confront being transgendered. As a writer, this phrase conjured up an idea for a Kafkaesque revision of ‘Metamorphosis.’ I thought about writing a new book about a transsexual who hates the woman within, so goes looking for someone to kill her-and obviously himself too.
By now Edward was a mid teenager, he was washed and taken to the toilet by his mother every day. Very disturbing noises were heard coming from the bathroom while she was washing him, right up until he was 20 when they left the marital home.
For the last three years here, Edward had lain all day on his bed in underpants, with cling wrapped sandwiches, water bottle and bottles to pee in. He had a play station for fun. No one was allowed near him until his mother came home from her work as a senior education officer with Bucks County Council.
This practice continued right up until my last row with her on this subject on March 16th 2008 when she was again trying to get him into the shower and toilet. He was 20 years old and she was going in there with him. In my view, this practice had connection with his wider psychological problems.
It was a Sunday night, one week after she had cornered me attacking with verbal abuse having broken a full glass of wine because I would not give her ‘ more bloody wine’ as she put it . She was using the broken wine glass as a weapon, screaming at me for not being quick enough to wish her a happy birthday., She then stormed down the passage and into the bathroom.
My mother pleaded with her to come out and calm down. She came out angrier than ever, pushing my elderly mother on to her back. I ran in to the adjoining conservatory- which I had built for her in 2003 because she wanted one like her parents , my skills coming from late teenage years on major building sites.
So on the evening of Sunday March 16th, we argued her latest attempt to get Edward, then 20 , into the bathroom and toilet. He did not want to go. But I got nowhere with her, as always. In desperation, I left the house on March 16th and went to a pub. I very rarely went to the pub, and rarely drank. My ex wife disapproved if I drank, becoming very angry if I wanted to go beyond her, mother and me sharing one bottle of wine per week.
When I came home the house was empty. My ex wife, I later learned, took my sons on pretext of a cooling off period, dropping my mother off with my sister on the way. I had no idea where any of them were for two following weeks, the police refusing to help me. It transpired that leaving, via my sister’s home had been planned back in January.
It also transpired that she had consulted a divorce lawyer the previous January, after consulting with Simon and his family. He certainly had a vested interest -ultimately committing serious crime to help her by criminally supporting her – but he did not make her divorce me. Nicola only did what she wanted to do, manipulating others, including me. Simon Chesterman is an opportunist with no principles whatsoever – but has a fraction of his sister’s considerable intelligence..
I phoned my ex mother in law on March 17th 2008. She reminded me that she had come from a broken home. ‘You are sick and in need of help. You will never change. You will never see your sons again. Don’t call here again.’
My sister and I were never close, so she told me nothing, having sided with my ex wife and her family. It was Easter 2008. My sister, with other members of her family, would later bear witness that I am mentally ill.
My ex wife later alleged, helped by her brother’s police media people, that she had fled the house from my violence, though this was never raised in the divorce hearings, and only to the police via her brother later on. My mother was shut up in my niece’s house for two weeks, with no means of contact before protesting that she wanted to go home. I had the additional stress of not knowing where she was.
My sister. I discovered. took instructions from my ex wife to fill in a housing application for my mother to move in to sheltered accommodation, backing up the lies that I had a history of violence toward her. This strategy was to prevent me from keeping the marital home, a situation inflamed by Kieran choosing to come back and live with me rather than his violent aggressive controlling mother.
I was never openly accused or investigated for domestic violence or anything else related to the Chestermans or my mother – but records were obviously made, contributing to the lies used by Simon Chesterman and Paul West to short circuit proper police procedure before putting the PNC Criminal Marker on my car dated October 9TH 2008 , and not removed until October 2010 when I was arrested for distributing a leaflet on this matter. The leaflet and internet campaign was an outcome of the nightmare police harassment and their refusal to explain themselves when I found out what they were doin and why.
None of the information that I learned about this marker came from West Mercia Police and they still won’t tell me why they created this or soft intelligence records against myself and Kieran. The IOPC as with the IPCC before them, refuse to investigate because the police have lied to them, and in any case this renamed body is as corrupt and in hoc to the police as its predecessor. It just has a new name, but too many of the same corrupt ex or seconded cops on staff.
As I said, I was not home when my ex wife left with my mother and two sons. I had fled from her angry outbursts over washing and taking Edward to the toilet, which I considered unhealthy to put it mildly. She even commented on the size of Edward’s penis. She has him all to herself now thanks to the corrupt police et al.
While all of this was building up during my son’s first year at University, I had the idea of buying a second house in Norwich. I thought it would help Kieran settle in and maybe his brother could visit to escape what I considered a very toxic home environment. I thought Kieran could let rooms to other students and maybe find a girlfriend and a future. Kieran agreed, putting in his earnings from two years work prior to UEA – over £20,000 and paying 75% of the mortgage from his student loan.
Both he and I put our savings into the project and a mortgage was taken out in my ex wife’s name, even though she was the minor financial contributor. I was also persuaded to buy a six berth motor home during this period, for £21,000. We only used it as a family to drive to Cornwall once in 2007, where we spent £2000 to rent a house for two weeks in 2007. My mother in law was down with Frank, especially on holiday from West Mercia to greet us.
My ex wife decided that the Norwich House would be our weekend cottage, so although Kieran had funded the purchase and 75% of the mortgage, zero rated as a student home, he had little freedom there and Edward could not visit without his mother.
Without going in to too much more detail. Edward became worse, ferried back and forth weekly between each property like an invalid, from one bedroom to another. If anyone touched the car while we were in traffic, Edward insisted I washed it as soon as we got to Norwich.
My wife was meanwhile rising in the Bucks County Council hierarchy, with a close male colleague, friend, Peter Eddington, as mentor e.t.c. My marriage was over. She began circulating stories to my sister’s family, friends and GP that I was an alcoholic. This had a serious impact on my medical treatment because my ex wife was a former Norden House Surgery employee, she knew which of their buttons to push. Throughout my married life in I had not been allowed to drink more than one third share of a wine bottle once a week.
So my ex wife erupted violently when I started buying myself a bottle of wine each week for my band practice, where I was lead guitarist and co lyricist. She did not like me having spending money, but I started taking it from my guitar lesson money – which she used to claim all of, along with my book royalties and freelance money.
So very soon after the band started up, she burst in to what became our final session in January 2008- we practised in my large office, screeching to my colleague, ‘I have to tell you Adam, Robert is an alcoholic.’ Adam was one of my many talented ex guitar pupils, just out of the army ( REME ), telling me, wehn I asked him why he wanted me in his band ‘You know what you are doing and will add character.
After our session, she told me ‘You are only in that band to run off with young women.’ She was increasingly displaying extreme controlling tendencies, psychosis and related paranoia I once told her our marriage was one long round of arguments and rows. I told her it was at the root of Edward’s OCD. He believed all our arguments were about him, heightening his insecurity and withdrawal. I told her that I was getting too old for it. She replied ; ‘ I feel I have to challenge you.’ Life, by now, for me was very heavy weather and utterly depressing.
My estranged wife reacted furiously when Kieran decided to come back to live with my mother and me. She needed Kieran to look after Edward and brooked no disagreement or dissent. When we – Kieran, mother and I- , drove up to the Norwich House, which was legally a student council subsidised home. We found the locks had been changed. It was early May 2008. We later discovered that all of our personal property, including Kieran’s laptop and study material, had been sold off by my angry ex wife. The house was on the market.
With under three months to go to finals, a post grad law place and intern ship lined up in barrister’s chambers, Kieran was locked out of his student home. His life was destroyed. He told mother and I he could not do his finals. He was already a year behind because he took a year out to attend college with his brother who would not have gone without him. I was also back teaching Edward after I withdrew him from school again.
My mother -who had brought Kieran and Edward up – because Nicola, by her own admission, was not maternal and had little time for our sons – became depressed, stopped eating, worried, consequently run down and caught pneumonia. She contacted c difficile in Milton Keynes Hospital, dying several months later in Stoke Mandeville.
As I have said, my sister’s family supported and encouraged by my ex wife, were hostile to Kieran. He was sent a letter signed by three of them, accusing him of killing my mother. One of my nephews visited my home just before my mother’s funeral, having been told by my then wife that Kieran had come back to live with me.
This nephew raged : ‘Where is the little fucker. I’ll smash his head in. He has to go back to Nicola.’ I reported all of this to the police, as harassment. They were not interested, telling me harassment was hard to prove.
A few weeks after my mother’s death in August 2008, my ex wife phoned Kieran to tell him that he could never see his brother again. My two sons had met up just after my mother’ death when he returned to his mother on condition he never saw me again.
Edward told Kieran that he had heard his mother- in August 2008- phone her brother Simon Chesterman for permission to let Kieran into her flat.
Edward said that Simon Chesterman said on speaker phone ‘only if he is coming back permanently.’ That is why my nephew was sent to threaten Kieran. These threats became ongoing with a local smear and hate campaign, socially isolating us, making it hard for us to make a living.
The only work we could get was night shift sorting for five brutal years sorting, caging, baying out and loading at City Link.
I gained a double hernia, after surgery spending a year in customer service, on vans and lorries, then back into the warehouse.
Through Simon Chesterman, we had soft intelligence criminal records and a PNC Criminal marker. These markers are intended to deny recipients freedom of the road. We were pursued and checked out by police wherever we drove. They are given for violence, drugs, arms and sex offences.
West Mercia Police’s DCI Watson was the first to respond to my complaints against his force, sent on October 7th 2008. I did not then mention Chesterman, but Watson assumed I was blaming Chesterman for something concerning him.
Watson put in writing that I was guilty of a malicious vexatious abuse of the complaints system and he would block investigations at any level, including the then IPCC. He wrote : ‘I am warning you not to involve West Mercia Police in your complex and difficult marital affairs.’ This was absolute proof that Simon Chesterman was the person involving my and my marital affairs with West Mercia Police.
Thus my complaints escalated and the best WMP could come up with was that it was all a matter of Simon Chesterman’s private life.
There has never been an investigation of my complaints, but everything the Chestermans said about myself and Kieran has gone on police and medical records as fact- helping them to create a massive bad character file which they have several times used in efforts to jail me.
Simon Chesterman got me a PNC Criminal Marker because he feared I would bring Kieran to see his brother and that his brother might abscond from the Chesterman’s home. Edward’s alleged disabilities were worth thousands of pounds in established false benefit claims and as a lever for extra money in the divorce settlement.
I had been made aware that the Chestermans had serious money problems in September 2007, when my ex mother in law told me that her and her son had questioned Frank Chesterman about where his money was. Frank had become enraged. Obviously he spent it all bailing out his adulterous son. I was told to sell my big house and land, put mother in a home, Kieran in a bedsit and Edward in an institution. I should be looking forward to ‘a golden retirement’
I had been very close to my mother and found her passing, in such awful circumstances extremely difficult- my ex wife forbade Edward seeing her even though mother was dying. After her death, I said to Kieran that we should go on holiday to the Lake District, in the motor home., stopping off to see my friend Mick Birrell in Ormskirk Lancashire en route. Birrell provided a witness statement that we were at his home on October 3rd and 4th 2008, after travelling up from Cleobury Mortimer.
So why were we in Cleobury Mortimer on October 2nd 2008 ?. Kieran told me told me that during his breif meeting with his brother, after mother’s death, he and Edward had already arranged a meeting in woods near Simon Chesterman’s home, where Edward knew he was going to be shut up by the Chestermans for the duration of the divorce. Reluctantly I agreed to divert en route to Ormskirk, but in no frame of mind to meet Edward. I parked on a campsite near the woods and about three or four miles from Chesterman’s home. I paid the farmer £5 for the day, parking near the river. The weather was fine at the time.
I remained in the motorhome for nearly five hours, with no word from Kieran. I was upset by what was happening to my sons, and bereaved. The idea that I would be capable of stalking at any time is absurd. To say I would be a stalker while bereaved and grieving is a vile insult. I could not e a stalker any time. Having no idea how to or why one should do it. The situation during the family break up was stressful. The weather was turning stormy. The river could be a problem, and regularly flooded.
So I phoned West Mercia Police and told them who I was and what was going on. I explained my relationship to the Chestermans and my concern for my son’s welfare. Kieran has never carried a mobile phone. I phoned my friend Birrell, and for diplomatic reasons asked him to phone the Chestermans to find out if Kieran was there. No bona fide stalker would do that !
The whole awful situation was the result of my ex wife’s obsessive controlling attitude to my young adult sons. It would never have happened if she had not banned contact between them. To make matters worse, I had forgotten my phone charger. My phone went dead . I used a local garage phone several times to re establish contact with the police, cut off each time it was answered. My last attempted call was around 4 pm.
Kieran returned after about six hours, having spent a long time waiting for his brother to arrive from the Chesterman house, then talking. It had started to rain heavily and was getting dark. I tried to leave the site but my heavy vehicle was bogged in.
The farmer’s camp site was empty. I realised I had to wait it out until morning. Around 9pm that night, a police car crossed the field. Kieran was asleep in the curtained off back section. I answered the door to one Sergeant Rees from Ludlow Police Station, and his female partner.
He told me he was answering my call from six hours earlier, then asked me if Kieran was O.K. I said yes. He insisted on seeing him. When I later complained about such poor service, WMP’s PSD boss jumped the gun, accusing me of trying to involve them in my ‘complex and difficult marital affairs. ‘ It transpired, from this response to my October 7th complaint, that Rees had reported back to Simon Chesterman, his boss. WMP tried to pass this off as a welfare check, but it would lead to the PNC marker.
There was no dispute that the date of his visit was October 2nd 2008. Chesterman and Rees maliciously and criminally changed the date and nature of the visit to the weekend of October 4th/5th 2008, according to four Chesterman statements withheld from me during my first trial sessions. This adds up to further misconduct on teh oart of police and CPS.
From Chesterman witness statements it was alleged that I was actually in the woods meeting Edward, threatening Chestermans with violence, insisting Edward come away with us and terrifying Chesterman’s daughters so much they dare not go out. That is a very very serious charge, especially when made against a qualified teacher. Their statements shifted my visit from October 2nd to the whole weekend of October 4th/5th, by which time we were nearly 200 miles away in Ormskirk.
Sergeant Rees, according to the Chestermans lied that he found Kieran and I on that site. Chesterman said to Rees, according to one of his statements, that he did not want legal action because it was a family matter, I was mentally ill. Thus the PNC Criminal Marker was put on my car and the malicious records were made. Is taht not worse than normal legal action ? I think it is misconduct and corruption. The purpose of the Chesterman crime includes covering up for and being party to the abuse and exploitation of a vulnerable young adult, who, according to West Mercia Police in 2012, was too ill to be interviewed by them
The 12 year police and CPS conspiracy and impasse in avoiding my complaints – reporting me as mad, violent ( see Harrassment Law reform of December 2012 ) hiding key, criminal lies, hiding key information, their expensive horrifying humiliating police raids, confiscations of property, time in cells, prison threats, tagging and national press release including these stalking lies along with home address released, also referencing ‘ a sex change secret’,so called ongoing investigation to avoid themselves being investigated – was achieved based on the myth that police, especially senior ones never lie or conspire to pervert the course of justice.
Early next day after Rees’s actual visit – accepted on WMP response to my complaint as being on October 2nd 2008 and just a welfare check on Kieran – October 3rd 2008, we were pulled out by Landrover, which damaged a track rod. We drove into Kidderminster, as recorded on hard evidence. Here I attempted to buy a new charger for my phone from Carphone Warehosue. Sadly it was obsolete, so I had to buy a new one.
By the way, I was in no state of mind to offer violence, kidnap Edward or hostility toward the Chestermans at this time. A forensic pyschiatrist/court witness concluded that I am not a violent personality. It is important to understand OCD and why Edward had his concept of a safe zone. He feared germs and other stuff all the time. This is known as transference, in the jargon. It was my wife who cancelled his care plan, saying I was the one with mental health problems. Kieran asked me to divert on my way to Lancashire, so he could meet with Edward in the woods where both had used to walk together..
This is where Simon Chesterman’s paranoia triggered by greed and family self interest kicks in.
WMP’s refusal to explain themselves and Chestermans misconduct led to my internet postings, then the leaflet campaign because his and family crimes made Kieran and I near unemployable and socially isolated. Homelessness was, and still is, a real prospect made worse and action more urgent by the Corona Virus lock down and Police/ Norden House lies to the Gender Identity Clinic, leading to the corrupt and current mental health diagnosis contrived by the Gender Identity Clinic as links in this vile public service chain.
One Saturday afternoon in autumn 2010, a brick was thrown through the large front window of my remote rural home. It would have killed a musician friend if she had not been late up from exclusive Woldingham Catholic Girls’ School,- where she worked in a senior position and where I had enhanced CRB Clearance to visit, in spite of all police allegations. Whoever threw the brick knew me and the best time and approach up my steep drive. It was not random as the police immedaitely concluded.
It was the CRB who alerted me to the PNC marker and records, later confirmed by CS Michael Tighe in May 2008, triggering my further complaints , which were ignored for a year before I resorted to the internet and ultimately the offending leaflet.
The brick thrown through my window on October 2010, landed on the sofa where my friend normally sat. I had been sleeping after a long City Link Night shift when Kieran alerted me to what had happened. Harassment was hard to prove, I was told, but obviously not when you are a senior police officer or member of his family. No evidence is needed in Chesterman’s case, even if the police officer is making it all up.
As always, the police did not want to know about the brick. This violent act coincided with imminent court action relating to my criminal allegations against Simon Chesterman and his family. I think the Chestermans believed I had all the evidence against them, not that key information was being withheld by DCC Chesterman’s self interested employers, particularly West who must have signed off on the marker and records, as ‘officer on the ground.’
Police refused to explain about the marker, lying that they did and lying that they gave me records of any investigation. Nor have they ever investigated Chesterman or his family. What they had done was set up monitoring mechanisms of myself and Kieran, the marker helping forces to find and chase me on the road, even into my workplace at midnight where they searched my car in front of colleagues. It happened everywhere because of Chestermans lies and they still refuse to explain. I was nearly sacked over that incident, which was the police intent as they blocked other job applications directly or through CRB. They have also blocked me from taking lodgers.
I was arrested in September 2010 for distributing a leaflet in Simon Chesterman’s home village of Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire. This leaflet included a picture of him where he was described by me as looking like a famous German dictator. I took the offending picture with his kNowledge in 2003, when he was giving a Hitler impersonation.
The leaflet went on to give a summary of the problems he had caused me during and after my divorce, most notably making false allegations of me stalking him, getting me a PNC Criminal Marker, and soft intelligence records for stalking him on the weekend of October 4th/5th 2008, threatening violence and terrifying his children.
I was never interviewed regarding 2008 stalking allegations or domestic violence. But, aided by Paul West, all was recorded along with WMP illegally creating the PNC Criminal Marker which they still refuse to explain.
Interestingly, his court statements reveal Chesterman did not want a police investigation, just his assertions reported as fact. His allegations went on to assert, as I found out some years later, that I was mentally ill and had been abusive to his mother and sister for many years.
Chesterman also called in Sergeant Rees to back up his stalking lies. This is an important point because lying police rely on weight of numbers to cover themselves, as we saw with Hillsborough – also see ‘In the Line of Fire ‘ by former Assistant Met Commissioner Brian Paddick.
To this day, Thames Valley and West Mercia Police refuse to answer my questions reference this PNC marker and records that have also damned my eldest son as my violent accomplice – persisting in their lies to the Gender Identity Clinic and my GP practice principal.
They hide behind Blairite laws of ongoing investigations with bad character reports intended to protect women. In 2012, I received information form West Midlands CPS, a massive file, informing me that TVP had been monitoring me for WMP from the start of Chesterman’s criminal allegations in October 2008. In one senior officer’s report to CI Emma Garside of TVP, I am compared to his 4 year old child.
Interestingly and significantly, none of my so called violence and alleged stalking was made known to me during my divorce hearings which were concurrent. I did , however, make domestic violence form e allegations against my ex wife, being told they wouldn’t count unless I could prove she tried to kill me. I pointed out that she also physically assaulted Edward, often.
When I finally got the Chesterman statements, it was notable that they were contradictory and taken on different dates- facilitating collusion, with Simon Chesterman being asked for a second statement to tighten the 2010 case against me.
None of this information or an alleged ‘secret weapon’ statement from Edward was disclosed to me at the time. We now know the police collude amongst themselves and with the CPS, regularly break the law by withholding evidence, among other things, in order to convict innocent people.
They passed their self serving lies to my ex partner in 2014 when she made a Claire’s law request, resulting in them using her to try to get more dirt on me, hence the 2018 court cases. The police lied to her that I had lied to the police. I ender the relationship because of their interference, so she sent anonymous material alleging I was working for Kieran as a ‘gay escort.’ The police watched the house from December 2017- Feb 2018 before arresting me while I ahd a day off from truck driving. They , without any investigation, concluded that I had sent the material.
She made allegations via badly written anonymous letters and fake images that I was working as a ‘gay escort’ -with Kieran as pimp. I was subject to a 7 officer police raid and more of the police cells, which is referenced later on. I had, according to them posted the material in Northampton of December 12th 2017. I had shopped myself to my ex wife, Simon Chesterman, both of their bosses and officers of WMP. According to them, I did this for revenge on my son, who I named as my pimp.They did not like it when I proved that I was miles away driving a truck that day, as was my daily routine.
In spite of lack of evidence or any explanation of their corrupt methodology, they blamed me for sending the material to various senior police officers, public servants and the Chestermans. They still refuse to give me records of investigation or to confirm the case is closed.
They can do that. The CPS are their lackeys. Obviously, if the press approaches them they will continue to lie, arguing that I have been pronounced mentally ill and have to be under continuous observation. This has been mine and Kieran’s life since 2008. It would drive any normal ( sic ) person mad. It is very Franz Kafka, and ‘The Trial.’
Inevitably I have frequently considered suicide. Counselling has been useless because these people are always briefed by the police and my GP. To help these people need to consider that I might be telling the truth, realising I have told the same story over and over again, from all directions and to so many people.
Counsellors cannot help if they presuppose my guilt. They can only make matters worse. I am always asked ‘There is something you are not telling me? ’ Obviously I am supposed to confess to the mythical domestic violence and all the stuff on my unofficial police record and ‘bad character file’.
Because the police, GIC and GP morons can get away with this, Corona Virus lock down is pushing me over the edge. I can’t earn money and will lose my house, Kieran will also be homeless.
They are even using my research- which the police stole with all the other stuff off my computers- on a new transgender book, called ‘The Woman Within’ derived from Kafka’s Metamorphosis concept, as evidence that I lead a wild reckless sexual life and am more likely to die from misadventure than suicide. I am 70 in December, but old age and stress of all this doesn’t seem to occur to them. It is almost funny.
Ramsay’s latest report states that I have a paranoid personality disorder and cannot communicate with other people, indicated by my reckless impulsive behaviour and pressured speech during his three forced interviews n my home. He recommended a multi agency approach. Noting that ‘Roberta doesn’t need hospital yet. I have been an HGV driver ever since I left City Link in 2014. It is noteworthy, since my G.P practice jeaporadised my health care, with criminal neglect, hiding behind my ex wife’s lies of alcoholism, that City Link subjected all employees to random drug and breath tests while on shift. I passed every time.
That multi agency approach is in the report written by the psychiatrist Ramsay who turned up here last summer, with a mental health nurse and student. He had been sent by the gender identity clinic.
Ramsay and the Gender Identity Clinic who sent him, wanted me to take anti psychotic drugs. The police have led them, intruding their ultimate and last ditch defence that I must be deluded and totally mad to persist in my allegations against the Chestermans because ‘We all know police don’t lie. Especially the top ‘well respected officers who are so awfully brave, rather than just awful.’
Among this man CR Ramsay’s other conclusions was that I could not see all the files and reports on me because it would upset me. Two weeks before, Dr Kirpal Sahota of the Gender Identity Clinic sent my GP a letter telling him she assessed that I had a secure female identity and my medication should be advanced pursuant of surgery. Does she mean all women need anti psychotic drugs ? Of not, why does she refuse to put in writing why she thinks I need them ? That is a rhetorical question, of course.
My GP had for several years been persistent in advising the GIC that I am an alcoholic and should not be given gender reassignment hormones. Curiously he was the man who regularly signed me off as fit to drive HGVs which I have been doing until the Corona Virus issue. I have a copy of the GP’s HGV report on file. Among other things, he notes I am not a heavy drinker, drug abuser or mentally ill. Rather odd, don’t you think ?
I have seen correspondence that the police informed my GP that I am mentally ill because I have been saying such nasty things about my ex wife and her family. My GP, Roger Dickson et al at his practice, is an obsequious idiot and believes every word the police tell him. Having failed with the last two court cases, the police returned to the back up Mental Illness and ongoing investigation to avoid having to talk to the press and to wind me up indefinitely.
Also very odd is the fact that my previous GP, a woman, and Ramsay recommended me for Gender Reassignment over three years ago. I have to add that this transgender experience of mine, raises serious questions about the Gender Identity Clinic’s professional judgement, integrity and competency. This clinic sits on the fence over who told them to check me out for psychosis. One of the most interesting things about the way they work is they give patients three annual assessments over the two year period set for living as a woman before surgery. Their view of this is pretty stereotypical, but they don’t check up. So, this means another agancy told them that I was nuts, right at the end of the process !!! They get around fingering the police with the statements : We have not had direct contact with a third party.” Their diagnosis is a year old. I have heard nothing of the proposed ‘multi agency approach’ to my alleged mental illness, and prediction that I am ‘likely to die by misadventure.’
My ex partner’s sending this material, calling me a ‘gay escort’ was a reference to the fact that I had decided to come out as transsexual, a hate crime aspect of the Chesterman’s pursuit of me from the get go. The police had done no forensics on the material and did not intend to, just watched my house, bugged my phone and internet.
They clearly had reports of a sexual nature on me, apparent from the last mental health report, but did not like it when I came out because they, informed by the Chestermans I was nuts, not a writer, needed the sexual slurs, which was one of the reasons they frequently followed me.
For them, I need to be portrayed as violent sexual pervert who may well be murdered on a dogging site, like the main character in my book. I have evidence, they don’t. They are malicious criminals. I am not. Paranoia is a Chesterman thing, but a useful label to ignore and sideline me. The police and Chestermans are weird about sex – ironically Chesterman was chosen to be a diversity officer early on in his police career. The Chestermans would not let me have my black best friend from the tax office, as my best man.
While watching my house for five months before their 2018 raid,, checking my internet and phones, the police didn’t seem to have noticed that I had been working all the while as an HGV driver, because they are dangerous morons. I was rarely home and soon to bed after dinner ready for another early start and long day.
When they were confronted with evidence their super sleuth DC Bellamy went quiet, then said I must have posted the material to all six parties- including a video which they later admitted did not exist, but will have kept that lie on record because they stoop very low and never admit mistakes, particularly those of a malicious conspiratorial life destroying nature.
They kept all of my stuff, in spite of two ludicrous interviews and more lies to my lawyers. They have done this all the way since the first case in 2011 – keeping all my stuff, debit card, computers, phones, tacho card, driving licence and debit card for three months until I left lead officer Bellamy three phone messages, swearing at him, telling him if I did my job as badly as he did I would get sacked.
I was taken to court for abusive language, offered a caution on pain of jail. I refused and was found not guilty of the offence. It came less than two years since TVP’s previous attempt to have me jailed, for making the following allegations, based on information revealed to me by West Midlands CPS in 2013.
This was clearly police revenge for 2016, when I had sent the same e mail six times accusing Simon Chesterman and his family of their conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, misconduct in public officer and perjury. The email was based on files and Chesterman false statements passed to me by West Midlands CPS in 2012.
The case was turned into one of domestic violence, without warning or evidence. My e mails were scarcely mentioned.. My first barrister quit under the onslaught Judge Sheridan ranted that he had enough of domestic violence cases. ‘they were getting worse and he would send me to jail for a very long time if I did not plead guilty.’
I suffered this for 7 hearings, until pre trial the CPS admitted they did not have a case file. I was found not guilty in May 2016. I went sick from work. In December I took an overdose of tamazapam. My life was saved by one of the few well meaning police officers I have ever met, PC Ian Carter.
I was taken to hospital, but had wanted to die because I could not face any more. I had no hope for myself or Kieran. I had always been creative, needing to build and progress and see Kieran take off in life.
There is so much more to this story. I very much hope that you can help me. I am copying it to the police and they will probably either arrest or section me. They are in too deep to investigate now. They have spent a lot of money trying to jail, then, when that failed, section me. They have also fed their lies to the media, probation service, NHS, judges, magistrates, courts, my own lawyers and goodness knows who else. Now they have the cheek to use their lies to have me labelled ‘paranoid personality disordered.’
The conclusion of my experience with the Gender Identity Clinic is that they listened to the police, Ramsay, and my GP without disclosing anything. They prescribed mind and body altering hormones, then as we reached the GRS stage, they forced a local psychiatrist on me, briefed to support the anti psychotic drugs because they assert that I am paranoid/delusional, as a prelude to totally changing my body through a rather risky operation for 70 year old, such as myself. I have already been exposed to mood and body changing hormones, anti androgens and hair removal. I have made several further complaints to the GIC, the GMC, my GP and the police. Several weeks have passed since my last complaints. I have received no reply.
I can supply documentary and photographic evidence to support this document and my allegations. I have given you a fact based account.
During the period 2008-10, when I was supposed to be a demented stalker, I had four books published, including one on Brutalist Architecture co authored with Dr Celia Clark of Portsmouth University Architectural Dept -the foreword was written by ‘TheTimes’ architectural correspondent Tom Dyckoff, I also wrote lyrics, composed and produced a CD of songs based on Portsmouth’s Tricorn, along with Woldingham house mistress and year head, Christine Halpin, with whom I was touring various acoustic clubs during that period of alleged insanity. The CD was called ‘Seventh Child.’ I played lead guitar.
On December 10th 2008, I had a guest slot on BBC Radio Solent, talking about this with other musicians. Interestingly, the psychiatrist , Ramsay -who was hired by the GIC on the basis of information supplied by the corrupt lying police to my obsequious GP, who chose to ignore my actual medical records, labelling me alcoholic, whilst signing me off as mentally and physically fit to drive HGVs – concluded that I have abnormal psychology.
I realise I have an advantage in having been a maths teacher, but an imbecile should be able to spot that this story, from the official point of view just does not add up.
Roberta Jane Cook March 31st 2020.
You must fit the shoe & the suit must suit you – April 12th 2020
In my view, the police state is like a shoe and suit for all. You may be fooled, like the spaceship crash victims on the pilot episode of Startrek. They had been badly disfigured by their ordeal. However, clever aliens cloaked and deluded them into believing and seeing themselves as more beautiful than ever. All would have been good, if ‘The Enterprise’ had not arrived. with the pre Kirk Captain falling under the illusion , seeing a beautiful young woman. He wanted to take her away with him. Then the superior, but not so pretty aliens, told him what they had done.
Thus are we here on earth. You can believe in any version of God, as long as it is not the devil – we must not go down that road because too many devils in charge. You can be anyone along the LGBTQI spectrum, believing you are a 20 year old beauty queen, when others might keep laughing at you, seeing a 50 year old redundant and bearded docker in a badly fitting dress. The ones laughing and making jokes will be jailed as examples, unless they are Muslim and see the docker as offending God. There is one group in charge of the diversity illusion cloaking device, they are not diverse. They are rich, powerful and have ‘the knowledge.’ It is how they built the largest ever empire – on the cheap as Sir Winston Churchill’s son Randolph put it..
I am reminded of a joke, told to me by an ex wartime Fleet Air Arm pilot, then my colleague and mentor with H M Inspector of Taxes. He was full of jokes, explaining how he collected them during the carnage of World War Two. It was how we coped, he said.
These days he would be locked up for this one He said : ‘A man went to a bespoke tailor for a new suit. It was delivered to his home. When he tried it on, he noticed that the right sleeve was too long, and left trouser leg too short. So he went back to the tailor who told him the suit was OK, but as he walked he must wave his arm in the air. As for the trouser, he must goose step with it. So he did as he was told, only to notice these actions caused the jacket to bulk away from his neck. So back to the tailor who told him, ‘No problem. All you have to do is keep throwing your head back in time with the jacket.’ So the man did as he was told. On his way home, the man in the suit had to pass a doctor’s surgery. Outside of this surgery, two doctors were sunning themselves and enjoying a cigaratte ( doctors do smoke and not just when they are on fire ). On seeing the man in the suit, one dcotor says to the other : ‘That is the worst case of walking epilepsy I have ever seen.’ The other doctor replies : ‘Yes indeed, but doesn’t his suit fit well.
In case you haven’t got my point, humans have to make all sorts of unnatural movements and adjustments to fit into the suit of the police state, tailored by dishonest, often stupid, always self interested politicans and power mad Nazis who infest the police at all levels.
For a simpler analogy, may I suggest that the police state is a pair of shoes. The shoe is for the lower order masses, who are deluded into believing they are educated and thus free to think and express themselves. The shoe comes in one size. The customer must fit the shoe, at any cost, even if it means crippling or chopping toes off. As for men’s balls, well that is very dangerous territory in rainbow land. Suffice it to say, freedom of speech is, like that Startrek cloak, an illusion. Robert Cook
Coronavirus hits the UK – In pictures
Speaking at a press conference on Thursday, he said: “If things don’t improve, and we don’t get the compliance we would expect, then the next stage will be road blocks and it will be stopping people to ask why they are going, where they’re going.
“This is about reasonableness and if people are not reasonable in terms of the journeys and the trips they are taking, they are going to fall foul of the law.
“We will not, at this stage, be setting up road blocks. We will not, at this stage, start to marshal supermarkets and checking the items in baskets and trolleys to see whether it’s a legitimate, necessary item.
“But again, be under no illusion, if people do not heed the warnings and the pleas I’m making today, we will start to do that.”
The comments were described as “outrageous” by civil liberties group Big Brother Watch, which compared the measures with a “police state”.
Home Secretary Priti Patel said that approach “is not the guidance”.
Speaking to Talk Radio, she said: “That’s not appropriate, let me be clear about that.
“That is not the guidance, that is not down to the measures we’ve been adopting thus far.
“I think though, what we should just say about this weekend, in particular, is the weather is going to be good, it’s Easter, we really do need to all take responsibility here, and it’s not about overreach.”
Ms Patel insisted she was “absolutely not” considering tougher coronavirus lockdown conditions.
She added: “I’ll be very candid. Not everybody’s going to get this right and it has taken a couple of weeks for these measures to bed in because this has been unprecedented, don’t forget.
“The police have got these new powers that they are working with right now. We want our public places to be respected and utilised in the right way. We want people to make the most of at least getting out in the right kind of way, practising social distancing.
“But this is not about heavy-handed law enforcement. I think I really must emphasise that. There’s a balance to this.
“I do pay credit to the police because these are extraordinary times. They exercise their judgment.
“Policing by consent means that officers, based on the guidance, exercise their judgment on the scenarios and the situations and the circumstances they are in.
“But the fact of the matter is, if you are having a garden party or a house party, or you’re involved in a mass gathering in a public place, don’t be surprised if the police do come up to you and ask you to stop doing that.”
Seeking to clarify his earlier remarks, Mr Adderley used a Facebook Q&A to address the issue by saying: “There has been a really short grab clip of one of the statements I have actually made which has caused a bit of consternation, certainly on social media.
“This is the bit around, are we going to start marshalling supermarkets and checking shopping trolleys and baskets and so on.”
Mr Adderley said he “may have been clumsy in that language” as he went on to read extracts of a briefing he had sent to his force – including instructions “not to carry out basket or trolley searches attempting to ascertain the relevance of the items purchased”.
Silkie Carlo, director of Big Brother Watch, said: “The suggestion of police rummaging through people’s shopping trolleys is outrageous.
The World on Coronavirus lockdown
“It would be completely disproportionate for police to start investigating shopping baskets or stopping every car at road checks, and there’s no legal basis for them to do so.
“You’d think police have far more important work to do.”
The news comes after Cheshire Police previously said in a tweet it had issued summonses after “multiple people from the same household going to the shops for non-essential items” but later admitted this part of the social media post was an “error”.
Read more
- Quarantine Cocktail Club: Seven drinks to try over the long weekend
- The best TV shows and movies to watch over Easter Weekend
- We must keep going: Dominic Raab says UK lockdown ‘not done yet’
- UK coronavirus death toll rises by 881 bringing total to 7,978
Last month there were claims some convenience stores had been wrongly told to stop selling Easter eggs and hot cross buns by council officers as they were considered non-essential goods.
Police have powers to break up gatherings and fine people breaching lockdown rules, with legislation barring people from leaving their home unless they have a “reasonable excuse”, which includes getting “basic necessities” such as food and medical supplies.
But the law does not prohibit buying certain types of food and drink and permits supermarkets, corner shops, off-licences, hardware stores, pet shops and post offices to stay open.
Just another day in the life of corrupt British Police April 2nd 2020 Roy Reeve
Hi all,
Our names are Roy & Linda. We have a story to tell which we think
you will not just appreciate but will provide more understanding of how
institutionally corrupt from recruitment to retirement our police are
This saga is 100% fully documented throughout in their own word’s and actions that damns them not mine.
It covers many police forces and directly involved 3 Chief Constables and other police, lawyer’s, crooked professional standards departments and police watchdog IOPC plus.
You can watch first hand…
An harassment charge that wasn’t from set-up – a simple fit up gone drastically wrong leading and forcing them all to commit further corrupt criminality and covering up at our life expenses.
Lawyers committing serious criminality being protected by police and CPS & Chief Constables plus.
CPS breaking all their own test rules to prosecute to protect fraternity legal colleagues caught red-handed committing serious criminality.
CPS & Court Admin Staff working togther then having to conceal submitted evidences that destroys a bogus charge & Perverting the Course of Justice & issuing an illegal arrest warrant to try to bamboozle through the court processes to obtain a wrongful conviction.
You will never trust the court system ever again.
Sending us on the Run and worse to come.
Losing 3 homes in 18mths.
Helicopter & 9car chases.
Using illegal ANPR tracking throughout the UK.
Now using (twice) ARV armed police to take my/our lives.
It gets worse as they will do anything possible to protect themselves and each other and obtain the irrefutable evidences held against them all.
We are just normal people. Not smart asses or clever. Good, decent, kind, loving, fun & law-abiding people. Married 44yrs. Ex-Army Warrant Officer with impeccable service & CV background.
I just don’t like bullies & I hate bullies in uniform.
Google Linda Reeve Hit & Run as only the roots to this serious matters that cross borders to protect themselves and each other.
6mths in hospital and 18hrs of surgery plus. Life changing injuries and will never walk again.
The sheer callousness is beyond any comprehension but they have a lot to hide and so much more to lose.
You will see they want to destroy us and take our lives and deal with this matter postmortum preferably as a desired solution.
It goes to the very top now too.
Hit & Run to on the Run…EVIDENTLY never committed any criminality in my life just caught those who have throughout.
Reduced to living in a car and scared as abused into hiding in atrocious conditions deprived of vital medication and worse.
You will have all the irrefutable evidences held against them all that they have done so much to take my life to silence me with a shameful callous disregard to our wellbeing and futures which they have left us without.
We want our rightful lives back. They want to abuse or arrest their way out of this mess of their creations at our life expenses.
We cannot go forward or back otherwise just more ruination or worse.
Now with this pandemic it is evident that we will not last longer so in the hope people can learn from this and fix so no one else will ever go through any of this.
The Police are institutionally corrupt from recruitment to retirement and allowed be by Government.
We don’t want any anything from anyone. We will explain in sections. They have already tried everything possible to silence me and stop me broadcasting on social media and failed. Nonthing I say or upload breaks any rules other than the police and others. They can take any legal actions they want but won’t.
That is my problem nor yours or FB.
This will, in some ways hopefully help others.
The Police need reform. It is not fit for purpose today.
This is my CV for background.
Failed 11+. Giving £m’s x 1000 back and helping front line services. I served my country with Distinction and more. 2 tour’s of NI & FI’s. Now reduced to being abused into hiding in atrocious conditions at end of life.
I NEVER lie or deceived or exaggerated or hurt anyone. If they can do this to me then many others are being abused without any doubt.
With your permission I will provide everything and you can share, comment and ask anything.
It is wrong on every level.
Best wishes
RoyaLin.About This* Roy Reeve – CV & References.pdf
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Safer than what, from what, with who, for who and from who?
Justice on trial UK criminal justice
Apr 14, 2012
Why Britain is Not a Democracy Posted February 12th 2020
Storm Lawson / Politics / Britain, conservatives, democracy, dictatorship, labour party, liberal democrats, politics, uk /
Democracy is viewed by many people as a positive political system. Many also believe that Britain upholds our democracy. But what exactly is democracy? And is Britain really up to the high standards that democracy demands?
Democracy is most commonly seen as a government in which the people have the supreme power. This is usually applied through their elected agents, otherwise known as MPs, under a free electoral system. But this definition is vague and questionable, despite being highly praised with positive connotations. Indeed, it has been speculated that democracy is not bound to any one definition. This was pointed out by George Orwell, who was quoted as saying, “The defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.”
It can even be argued that ‘democracy’ is just used in place of ‘free’ when describing a country’s status; countries which aren’t free are ‘undemocratic’, although ‘undemocratic’ is vague in itself as something which is undemocratic could simply be another political system. The question of whether these ‘undemocratic’ countries have a fair political system never comes into play. After all, how could it possibly be fair when it’s not democratic?
This stems from the idea that democracy is having a vote, not whether your vote makes a difference. In other words, an elected dictatorship. Walter Winchell agreed with this, saying, “too many people expect wonders from democracy, when the most wonderful thing of all is just having it”. If holding elections were what constituted a working democracy, then Britain would be just that. But this can be compared to China’s political system in which there are eight parties (other than the CPC) that you can vote for but, essentially, they all stand for the same points.
But if democracy is more about the freedom of the people and whether their vote matters at all in the long-run, then it can be argued that the UK is falling below the democratic standards with almost four in ten voters choosing to abstain as they feel they don’t have a say.
Democracies, in theory at least, should have parties which represent groups of people who stand for different ideas. At the moment, there exists only the three main parties; the Labour party, the Conservative Party and the Liberal Democrats. If you were to vote for any of the smaller, more obscure parties, it’s highly likely that nothing will come of your vote.
We will forget for a moment what each of the leaders of these three parties say what they stand for and instead look at what they have actually stood for. The Liberal Democrats, during the 2010 elections, promised that they would scrap University fees across Britain. In fact, that was one of their biggest points on their manifesto. But they didn’t do that. They did the opposite and agreed with the Conservative policy of raising tuition fees. Another example would be the Conservative cuts to public spending. This is an expected Conservative move (they have done so on numerous occasions during past recessions, including the Wall Street Crash) but Ed Balls, Shadow Chancellor, stated, “We cannot make any commitments now that the next labour government will reverse rises or spending cuts.” Ed Miliband, leader for the Labour Party, agreed, saying the Labour government would continue to make cuts. Elections which lack any competing agenda are pointless.
Leading on from this is one of the biggest moves from the coalition government when they first came into power in 2010. They set up the Your Freedom website in the hopes that people would vote on controversial topics and hear what they wanted directly, rather than through their elected agents. But this proved to be useless as the public decided they wanted a review of the smoking ban and were ignored entirely. The Coalition stated they “had no plans” to review it.
If there is no real difference between the ideologies of the main political parties, no difference as to what party you vote for, can Britain really call itself a democracy?
Investigation launched after video shows police officer hitting boy with baton
South Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses or anyone with video footage of the post-match disorder to get in touch.
Monday 10 February 2020 15:01, UK
An investigation has been launched after a video has emerged which appears to show a police officer hitting a teenager on the head with a baton.
It followed Saturday’s South Yorkshire derby in the Championship between Barnsley and Sheffield Wednesday.
Officers were responding to disorder outside the Barnsley Transport Interchange, South Yorkshire Police Chief Superintendent and match commander Sarah Poolman said.
“A full investigation, including extended video footage, will take place to ascertain the circumstances surrounding the incident, including the actions that led to a 16-year-old boy sustaining a head injury from an officer’s baton and an officer being assaulted, sustaining injuries to his stomach and head,” she said.
“The 16-year-old boy was taken to hospital by ambulance. The police officer also attended hospital. Both of their injuries are not life-threatening.”
A 47-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assaulting an emergency service worker and was later released under investigation, she added.
Police are appealing for any witnesses or anyone with video footage of the post-match disorder to get in touch.
They can contact police on 101 quoting incident 232 of 8 February 2020.
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 2005, Volume 20, Number 1 56Police Personality: What Is It and Why Are They Like That? Aviva Twersky-Glasner City University of New York Debate has swirled around the issue of the term “Police Personality.” Posted January 30th 2020
Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 2005, Volume 20, Number 1 56Police Personality: What Is It and Why Are They Like That? Aviva Twersky-Glasner City University of New York Debate has swirled around the issue of the term “Police Personality.” The debate over this has been mainly over the issues of definition and development; i.e., what is a police personality and how does it form? Is it a predispositional model of personality or is it created by the nature of the work itself (an occupational-socialization model)? Perhaps the issue is not as simply dichotomous as that; perhaps it is a combination of both predis-position and experiences that forms this elusive personality. This paper will review the relevant literature pertaining to police personality, both predispositional notions and job created notions, as well as the literature on personality theories in a broader perspective.PERSONALITY THEORIES IN GENERAL RIOR RESEARCH has found major deficiencies in the efforts to identify a police personality. The first deficiency deals with the ten-dency to treat each negative aspect of the police personality as a separate entity, rather than as a multidimensional phe-nomenon. The second deficiency is that very little prior research has focused on the making or the formation of the police personality, or to distinguish the phases of development. The third deficiency is that past research has failed to link measurable personality traits to discern-able behavior as measured by perform-ance evaluations (Gould, 2000). Underscoring each of these deficiencies is the premise that personality is devel-oped on a continuum, indeed it is a dy-namic process. Thus, the development of a police personality model depends as much on the theoretical framework of the personality theory as on the recognition of the extraordinary job experiences unique to policing. It is useful to discuss the classical theo-ries of personality and how they relate to the construct of police personality. Kelly (1955), theorizing from the van-tage point of personality as a personal construct model, discussed personality constructs and the development of per-sonality. He said: ”[Personality is] our abstraction of the activity of a person and our subsequent generalization of this ab-straction to all matters of his relationship to other persons, known and unknown, as well as to anything else that may seem particularly valuable.” Kelly’s view sup-ports the notion that police personality is made or shaped by the experiences of an officer, once he is on the job. Allport (1937), the humanistic trait and self theorist, discusses the development of personality as a three-pronged task for the individual: P Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 2005, Volume 20, Number 1 57•Self-objectification–“that peculiar detachment of the ma-ture person when he surveys his own pretensions in relation to his abilities, his comparison with the equipment of others, and his opinion of himself in relation to the opinion others hold of him”; •Extension of self–“going beyond self to invest energies in causes and goal-seeking that tran-scend his or her individual life”; •Unifying philosophies of life–“mature persons live their lives by some dominant guiding principals by which they place themselves in the scheme of things.” Allport further said that personality can best be understood as: •a mixture of major and minor “traits” by which a single life is known, •a personality “trait” is a biological, psychological and so-cial mixture that disposes a per-son toward specific kinds of action under specific circum-stances. (Monte, 1999). With re-spect to the development of the police personality, Allport can be said to be adhering to the pre-dispositional model-that a certain type of person becomes a police officer as opposed to the notion that job experiences shape the personality construct. Kohut’s model of the self is par-ticularly instructive in understanding the subject of police personality. He posited that normal development was a process of interaction between the growing infant and his mirroring and idealizing self-objects (Kohut & Wolff, 1978). This theory tends to favor the view that police personality is a combination of the predisposi-tional model and the experience model. The construct of “self-capacities” (Kohut, 1977) has been modified by Briere (1998) and involves the notion that successful adult functioning is partly due to the extent to which the individual is able to accomplish three tasks: 1. Maintain a sense of personal identity and self-awareness that is relatively stable across affects, situations and interactions with other people. 2. Tolerate and control strong (especially negative) affect with-out resorting to avoidance strate-gies such as dissociation, substance abuse, or external ten-sion reducing behaviors. 3. Form and maintain meaningful relationships with other people that are not disturbed by inappro-priate projections, inordinate fear of abandonment, or activities that intentionally or inadvertently challenge or subvert normal “self-other” connections. A stable sense of self and personal ide-ology is definitely an important aspect of psychological functioning, particularly for a police officer. Certainly, the ability to modulate negative affect is also im-portant for a police officer. Individuals with problems in affect regulation are prone to mood swings, dysphoria, and hyperactivity. Because they are unable to modulate negative affect sufficiently, they may respond with external behav-iors, such as substance abuse, inappro-Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 2005, Volume 20, Number 1 58priate or excessive sexual behavior and impulsivity (Briere, 1998). Clearly, not the attributes one would expect or wish to see exhibited by police officers. But, what exactly are the traits that construct a police personality? Regard-less of the process by which this person-ality has developed, there are still very unique attributes to this model that must be defined. POLICE PERSONALITY DEFINED: MYTH AND POPULAR CULTURAL DEFINITIONS The characteristics usually associated with police personalities in present times are machismo, bravery, authoritarianism, cynicism and aggression. Additional characteristics have been associated with police personalities as well: suspicious, solidaristic, conservative, alienated and thoroughly bigoted (Balch, 1977, Skol-nick, 1977). Indeed, the current notion of police personality is a far cry from the notion of three or four decades ago, that of the happy Irish cop, the friendly offi-cer walking the beat, stopping to untan-gle a child’s kite from a tree or to lecture a teen about staying out too late (Balch, p. 26). These days, most people think of police officers as idealized super cops like the Mel Gibson character in the “Le-thal Weapon” films or as the brutal, sa-distic cops like the Denzel Washington character in the film “Training Day.” Popular culture as well as the media shape our perceptions of what police of-ficers are like and how they behave. However, what is rarely recognized or, in fact, known is that police officers un-dergo strict screening procedures prior to their acceptance into the department. The screenings serve several purposes (some discussed here) mainly to assist in the hiring of the best candidates. How-ever, the most important purpose the screenings serve to the discussion of po-lice personality is, that due to the strin-gent nature of the selection process, only candidates who display particular per-sonality profiles are selected for the force. This means that in terms of the debate over the genesis of police person-ality, the pre-employment psychological screening provides a baseline personality construct from which to compare the construct of the experienced officers. Essentially, we know what they are go-ing in like and can compare that to what they become after time spent on the force. The screening procedures most ger-mane to this discussion of police person-ality, as a phenomenon, are the psychological screenings, conducted by psychologists. These screenings are comprehensive and involve the use of such sophisticated and validated person-ality assessment instruments as the: MMPI-2, California Personality Inven-tory (CPI), the Inwald Personality Inven-tory (IPI), the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) and projec-tive tests such as, The House, Tree and Person and Rorschach. In fact, the Ror-schach has only recently been added to the canon of tests used to screen officers (Weiss, 2002). Unfortunately, these assessment in-struments do not necessarily tell you what a police personality is; they can, however, tell you what a police personal-ity is not. The bulk of research in the area of assessment screenings of police candidates has been either descriptive (i.e., what types of instruments are used) or directed toward the efficacy and use of such instruments toward detecting poten-tially unfit candidates (Hogan & Kurti-nes, 1975). Ideally, to promote future research and greater develop existing re-
UK police chiefs train elite Hong Kong officers Posted January 14th 2020
Asian city’s force subject to fierce criticism over handling of protests
UK police chiefs train elite Hong Kong officers Asian city’s force subject to fierce criticism over handling of protests Trust in the Hong Kong police force has tumbled in the wake of the protests .
British police chiefs are training an elite cadre of Hong Kong officers to boost professionalism in their ranks, as the Asian financial hub’s force face fierce criticism for their handling of pro-democracy protests in the city. The University of Cambridge course has been running for two years but has acquired new significance following widespread anger at Hong Kong police tactics in managing clashes with demonstrators.
Three months after the protests began, officers are using water cannon, tear gas, rubber bullets and beanbag rounds against civilians, some of whom have hurled petrol bombs and projectiles. Protesters have also been severely beaten by police, with videos of the conflict going viral on social media. Amnesty International, the human rights group, said the police’s actions amounted to “torture”.
The university was planning to send a group of academics and former chief officers to Hong Kong for a week of teaching in December but is now considering whether it is safe to make the trip. There are also questions over whether students will be released from operational duties to attend training if the protests continue.
The course is a branch of the Cambridge Institute of Criminology’s Police Executive Programme, which is open to mid-ranking officers from all over the world. However, under a 2016 agreement with the Hong Kong police training college, the university opened a programme for its officers, which involves two weeks of training in the Asian city as well as a summer school in the UK.
The first cohort from Hong Kong began training more than two years ago. During the summer school, students attend lectures by high-ranking officers such as Ian Blair, the former Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Mark Rowley, the former national counterterror chief, and Tom Winsor, her majesty’s chief inspector of constabulary, alongside Cambridge university criminologists. Winnie Chiu Wai-yin, former deputy commissioner of Hong Kong police, also lectured on one occasion.
The course is based on policing theory rather than practical techniques, and is rooted in the British culture of policing by consent. This includes conceptual discussions of issues such as public order and managing peaceful protest. “A core part of what we’re trying to teach is police legitimacy,” said Prof Lawrence Sherman, who chairs the programme. “What’s going on now in Hong Kong is a strong demonstration of how police risk being put in a position where they can’t remain neutral. “We look at questions like, what will make it more or less likely that the public will grant police the right to use force against them?” he said, adding that the course would focus on topics such as international best practice for police and community dialogue, and how abuses by police can be investigated.
A survey by the Chinese University of Hong Kong this month found 48 per cent of people gave the force 0 out of 10, or a rating of “no trust at all”, compared with 6.5 per cent before the protests. About 100 expatriate officers, many of them British, remain in the force having joined in the early 1990s before the handover to Chinese rule in 1997. A handful of them have been singled out for criticism for their roles commanding riot police. Pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong has lambasted the British officers for enjoying freedom and democracy “at home” but serving Beijing’s interests in Hong Kong. But officers also feel let down by the government, with many complaining that they have been targeted in a political crisis that requires a political solution.
The protest movement began in opposition to an extradition bill that would have sent criminal suspects to mainland China for the first time. The bill has been withdrawn but the protesters’ demands have evolved into a wider call for universal suffrage, the release of arrested demonstrators and an independent inquiry into police actions.
Prof Sherman said the “tightly regulated concept for the use of force” in British policing would inform teaching discussions. “The fact that Hong Kong doesn’t have a consensus on universal suffrage is making it uniquely difficult for police there compared to our other students,” he said. The current Hong Kong cohort comprises less than 20 officers at inspector, chief inspector and superintendent level. This article has been amended since publication to remove a reference to training Hong Kong police in public order techniques
Immigration judge, 67, is cleared of attacking two hunt saboteurs Posted January 10th 2020
January 9, 2020
Naked judge is CLEARED of attacking two hunt saboteurs after tearfully telling court how the ‘class warriors’ ambushed his hunting party to intimidate ‘decent people’
- Mark Davies clashed with campaigners in a field last year in the Peak District
- Austin Jordan and William Robinson said they were confronted by Mr Davies
- Pair claimed that Mr Davies had assaulted them at the New Year’s Day hunt
Immigration judge Mark Davies, who previously posed as ‘Mr July’ for a charity calendar was cleared of assault
An immigration judge accused of attacking two hunt saboteurs wept in court after describing the men he was accused of assaulting as ‘anarchists’ and ‘class warriors’ out to ‘intimidate good decent people’.
Mark Davies, who is a first tier immigration tribunal judge and the chairman of the historic Barlow Hunt, tussled with two masked animal rights campaigners when they clashed in a field during a New Year’s Day hunt last year in the Peak District, a court heard.
Austin Jordan and William Robinson said they were confronted by Mr Davies and his wife who told them they were trespassing before they were assaulted.
It was claimed Mr Davies, who had previously been ‘Mr July’ in a calendar shoot, came at them ‘snarling with gritted teeth’ before grabbing one by the throat and tackling another into a bramble bush.
But following a two day trial Mr Davies was cleared of assaulting both men after a district judge accepted his claims he had acted in self-defence to protect himself and his wife.
After the verdicts Mr Davies slammed both Derbyshire Police and the Crown Prosecution Service for the ‘deplorable’ way he had been treated during the last year.
The 67 year-old and his wife Joan Williams, who is Joint Master of the Hunt and a former South Yorkshire Police Superintendent, crossed paths with members of the Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs’ Group.
The couple were observing the annual event while anti-hunt campaigners were monitoring the area to ensure no foxes were harmed.
An earlier hearing at Chesterfield magistrates’ court was told both men gave differing accounts of what happened in the field at Highlightley Farm in the Derbyshire village of Millthorpe when they came face to face with Mr Davies and his wife.
Mr Davies claimed he reacted after being attacked by Mr Jordan, suffering a bloody nose. The other man said he was grabbed by the throat before his attacker fell to the floor.
Members of the Barlow Hunt during the New Year’s Day event where Mr Davies was accused of assault
Mr Davies then ‘tackled’ Mr Robinson and they grappled with each other in a bramble bush, but he claimed he reacted fearing a further attack.
Earlier the animal rights campaigners had driven to the Gate Inn at the nearby village of Cutthorpe, where the hunt was meeting. Mr Davies initially blocked them in with a vehicle then followed them when they drove off.
The court was shown footage from two of the anti-hunt campaigners’ cameras and from Joan Williams’s camera which captured parts of the fracas.
In it Mr Davies’wife, who had a dislocated shoulder and was wearing a sling at the time, could be heard screaming four-letter obscenities at the protestors.
The two alleged victims are said to be members of the Sheffield Hunt Saboteurs (pictured)
Later she was left on the floor after confronting Mr Jordan who warned her that if she carried on he would ‘floor her’.
Mr Robinson said: ‘He got up off the ground snarling with gritted teeth and made a lunge for me.’
Defence solicitor Stephen Welford said the group of saboteurs were armed with canisters of citronella spray and a horn to distract the hounds and put them off the scent.
The court heard the Barlow Hunt, which dates back to 1878, was allowed permission to use the private land at Highlightley Farm by the owner.
What are the rules for hunting with dogs in the UK? How fox hunters try to avoid run-ins with the law
Hunting with dogs was banned in England & Wales in 2004 (Scotland in 2002) because of the profound suffering it causes to foxes and other hunted animals, such as stags and hare.
The law was not intended to stop foxes being killed, but to stop them being cruelly killed.
Exemptions were included in the law which permit dogs to be used in certain specific circumstances…
Stalking and flushing to guns: Two dogs may be used to flush a fox from cover so it can be shot for the purpose of protecting livestock, game birds or biodiversity. The dogs must be kept under close control and the fox must be shot as soon as it breaks from cover – no further chasing is allowed.
Rescue of an injured mammal: Two dogs may be used to capture a fox if the hunt believes it is injured and the hunting is undertaken to relieve its suffering.
Research and observation: Two dogs are allowed to be used for the purpose of or in connection with the observation or study of a wild mammal.
Flushing to a bird of prey: An unlimited number of dogs can be used to flush a fox from cover to a bird of prey which will catch and kill it.
Recapture of escaped wild mammal: An unlimited number of dogs can be used to capture a fox that has escaped from captivity.
Use of a dog below ground (known as terrier work): One terrier may be used below ground to flush out a fox to be shot for the purpose of protecting game birds being reared for shooting. The terrier men must carry written permission from the landowner.
Fox hunters have long tried to find ways to avoid the law. When the Hunting Act was introduced many hunts quickly took raptors out with them so they could claim to be using the bird of prey exemption.
However, few hunts claim to be using this exemption today. Equally, some hunts went out with just two hounds and claimed to be flushing to guns, but this too quickly stopped.
Today, most fox hunts say they have switched to ‘trail hunting’, where the dogs follow a pre-laid scent trail made using fox urine and does not involve a fox being chased or killed.
Mr Davies of Bradfield, Sheffield, South Yorks, denied assaulting both men by beating. The trial attracted interest from animal rights campaigners with more than 40 protestors standing outside the courthouse.
He became a part-time immigration adjudicator in 1990, and turned full-time in 2002, and has been an immigration judge since 2005.
In December 2018 he was disciplined for ‘prejudicial remarks’ he made about Iranians. A decade earlier he made headlines after his appearance as ‘Mr July’ in a naked calendar to raise money for the Pennine Hunt, alongside his wife.
He plays and collects concertinas and has toured the country playing and singing folk music. He appeared in the racy calendar naked with only his instrument protecting his modesty under the caption read: ‘Would you like a squeeze?’
His 67-year-old wife also posed in her birthday suit as Miss February using a Shetland pony to protect her modesty alongside the caption: ‘She was feeling a little horse.’
Giving evidence Mr Davies said on the day of the incident his wife had called the police once they knew hunt saboteurs were in the area.
Mr Davies, who is due to retire shortly, said he had been involved with the Barlow Hunt since 1994 and became chairman in October 2018, but he no longer rode out with them.
The court heard they had been targeted by hunt saboteurs over several years because they believed it was involved in illegal fox hunting, but he said they only ever followed ‘false trails’ laid down for them.
Mr Davies said over the years protestors had targeted their hunts and vandalised their kennels and vehicles belonging to the organisation.
He said as well as having permission from the owner to ride across his fields the hunt also had permission to remove potential trespassers.
Mr Davies said he and his wife had parked their cars and both gone to the top of the field to take down an electric fence to allow the huntsmen and their dog over the land.
He said he first became aware of four masked people dressed in black and combat gear when he heard his wife telling them to get off the land.
‘I felt intimidated. I did not know them or had any dealings with them before,’ he added.
‘They were walking towards the fence, towards me. I told them they had no right to be there. As they walked forward I stepped forward and held my arms out to prevent them trespassing further.
‘The next thing I recollect is being struck in the face by someone and falling to the ground. I now know that person was Austin Jordan.
Mr Davies denied grabbing Mr Jordan, but claimed that as he got up and came to his senses he was ‘surrounded by two…three… four people’ who were shouting at him.
He said when he realised he wasn’t going to be kicked he ‘jumped up in a state of shock’ and took the man down with ‘a rugby type tackle
‘I decided to tackle the nearest person to me, I believe that person was William Robinson. I was fearful I would be assaulted again or that my wife would be assaulted,’ he added.
He said he and Mr Robinson were in a bramble bush with him slightly on top of the other man. Asked if he was ‘snarling’ at him as had been claimed he replied ‘No!’
Asked by Mr Welford if he had called Mr Robinson as ‘bastard’ and threatened to ‘kill him he answered: ‘I certainly did not say that!’
Mr Davies said after the protestors then made their way off down the field and he and his wife were later spoken to by police.
The court was shown a picture taken after the confrontation showing him with a bloody nose and cut and swollen lip. He believed police had also taken a picture of his injuries as part of an investigation into an alleged assault against him.
But the court was told the CPS say no such photo exists and Mr Davies has lodged a formal complaint against the officer involved.
Cross examined by Ian Shaw, prosecuting, Mr Davies said: ‘We were conducting lawful trail hunting activities. These people were threatening and intimidating.
‘I made it clear they were disrupting a legal activity and were, in my opinion, committing aggravated trespass. I wished to stop them trespassing further.
‘They are violent people, they are there to intimidate. That’s why they wear masks and hoods, they intimidate good decent people.
‘They have no interest in animals whatsoever, they are anarchists, class warriors, who simply don’t like people who go hunting.
‘I have no reason to dislike them apart from their extreme views.’
Mr Shaw said: ‘Your actions were driven simply by the fact you thought these people we anarchists and problem causers, weren’t they?
‘You wanted to get them off the land using any means to do so?’
Fighting back tears Mr Davies replied: ‘I’m 67 years of age, I’m not violent, I don’t go around doing that. I’m a person of good character. These people have caused both me and my wife considerable distress.’
Asked why he had not given them an opportunity to leave the field peacefully he said: ‘It was quite clear they had no intention of doing so.’
Giving his not guilty verdicts District Judge Andrew Davison said: ‘I take into account the defendant’s good character and I have concluded that he did honestly believe he and his wife were at harm of assault from one or more of the anti hunt monitors,’ he added.
Speaking after the verdict Mr Davies said: ‘The Derbyshire Constabulary and the CPS should hold their heads down in shame, considering the evidence seen during the course of this trial which clearly showed I was brutally assaulted.
‘It’s deplorable they chose not to arrest the person who had assaulted me. Despite all the evidence five months later I was told I would be prosecuted.’
He said he was issuing formal complaints to the Chief Constable and the CPS in the East Midlands.
‘As a victim I have a right to review, but the CPS made it perfectly obvious that was not going to be the case,’ added Mr Davies.
‘I’m pleased to say I am due to retire shortly and I will do so with my good character intact.
‘The mob outside this court anarchists and thugs who have no interest in animals whatsoever.’
Election Day in Police State Britain December 12th 2019
All the ruling elite’s acceptable parties call for more police and justice. They never mention more police accountability, reform, elimination of waste, elimination of corrupt offIcers at all levels and a justice system that varies according to class, status, income and who you seek justice againts- or who seeks injustice against you, which is often the police, CPS and whole class biased judicial system.
Thus I reserve my right to vote today by not voting for Britain’s fake democracy. It can only be described as police state which has advised certain Middle Eastern dictatorships and been used as model by China. Robert Cook
Miscarriage of justice victims are cast aside in the UK. The details are shocking Posted December 12th 2019
Jon Robins The wrongly convicted are abandoned by the state. This week, the supreme court has a chance to change that
Wed 9 May 2018 10.00 BST Last modified on Wed 9 May 2018 10.02 BST
‘Not only was Sam Hallam denied compensation, he received no apology nor an acknowledgment of his innocence from the court of appeal.’ Hallam outside the supreme court yesterday. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA
It was almost six years ago that Sam Hallam emerged from the court of appeal and walked out on to a busy Strand a free man. The 24-year-old had spent seven years in prison for a gang-related murder he had always denied any involvement in.
Miscarriage of justice victims unfairly denied compensation, court told
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This week, the highest court in the UK revisits an appalling miscarriage of justice. In a long-awaited test case, the supreme court will wrestle with what exactly that phrase means – and consider the responsibility of the state to make amends to the wrongly convicted.
It is a responsibility that the state has abdicated.
It is shocking, but nonetheless true, that there is less state support for the victims of miscarriages of justice than for other (guilty) prisoners. There is only one source of help specifically available to this tiny subset of prisoners: the Royal Courts of Justice’s miscarriage of justice support service run by Citizens Advice. In 2011, it reported that one third of its clients found themselves homeless after they walked out of the court of appeal. It shames us that there is no specialist psychological support available despite well-evidenced research documenting the uniquely traumatic experience of being locked away for a crime that you didn’t commit.
Four years ago the coalition government changed the scheme for compensation for the wrongly convicted. As a result, it has slowed down the trickle of payouts to a complete stop. Over the last five years there have been just five successful applications for funding, according to a report by the human rights group Justice published last month. Not a single penny was paid last year.
Standing outside the supreme court on Tuesday, Paddy Hill of the Birmingham Six told the press that he and the other five innocent Irish men who spent 16 years in prison would not have received compensation under the new scheme. He’s right. “We can’t allow this young man to be treated in this way,” Hill said.
I won’t review the details of the overturning of Hallam’s convictions here, other than to observe that there was no forensic evidence linking Hallam to the killing, no CCTV footage, and there was the kind of shocking disclosure failure that we have became familiar with over recent months in connection to sexual assault cases (the police had Hallam’s mobile containing photos of him in a pub with his father earlier in the evening). Thames Valley Police, instructed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission to investigate the case, spoke to 14 separate witnesses at a crowded murder scene who insisted Hallam was not there, including the intended victim of the murder.
Despite overwhelming evidence of his innocence, the Ministry of Justice rejected his claim for compensation and his case is now joined with that of Victor Nealon in this week’s test case.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Paddy Hill of the Birmingham Six urged the supreme court to treat Sam Hallam decently. Photograph: Victoria Jones/PA
Hallam remains deeply damaged by his years in prison. His father took his own life while his son was in prison because, as Hallam’s mother put it, he “couldn’t take it any more”. Not only were Hallam and Nealon denied compensation, they received no apology nor an acknowledgment of their innocence from the court of appeal. In her judgment, Lady Justice Hallett suggested that Hallam, just a teenager at the time, was the architect of his own misfortune because of his “dysfunctional lifestyle”. When Hallam’s QC, Henry Blaxland, attempted to invite the court to make a clear declaration of innocence, she cut him short. This was “not a court of compensation”, the judge chided the barrister.
Nealon left prison with just a £46 discharge grant and a train ticket having had his conviction for attempted rape quashed. He would have spent his first night of freedom on the streets but for journalists who paid for a B&B.
This is not unusual. Michael Hickey, convicted of the murder of 13-year-old Carl Bridgewater, spent 18 years in prison before his conviction was overturned. He was delivered from the cells to the Royal Courts of Justice barefoot.
“Innocence as such is not a concept known to our criminal justice system,” said Lady Hale in 2011, as the supreme court tussled with the meaning of “a miscarriage of justice”. “We distinguish between the ‘guilty’ and the ‘not guilty’. A person is only guilty if the state can prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.”
The coalition government did not find the lawyerly distinction helpful. So its Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, amending section 133 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988, restricts compensation to only those who can demonstrate their innocence “beyond reasonable doubt”.
So much for the presumption of innocence. The issue has a long and grubby history. In 2006 the then Labour home secretary, Charles Clarke, scrapped an ex gratia discretionary scheme under which compensation could be awarded. Professor John Spencer QC, of Cambridge University, damned the move as “monstrous”. It was part of New Labour’s “rebalancing” of the criminal justice system away from the rights of defendants and towards victims. As his boss, Tony Blair, once infamously put it: “It is perhaps the biggest miscarriage of justice in today’s system when the guilty walks away unpunished.”
This week the supreme court justices will examine whether the current scheme is incompatible with the presumption of “innocent until proved guilty” under the Human Rights Act. To ask people to prove their innocence beyond reasonable doubt was “an affront to our system of law”, said Lady Helena Kennedy.
The fight against wrongful convictions must go on – we owe it to the innocent
Jon Robins Read more
This week’s case is not just about compensation or reversing a mean-spirited piece of legislation. It goes to the heart of the integrity of our justice system, its reluctance to acknowledge its fallibility – and its failure to deal with the victims of miscarriages of justice fairly and humanely. Let’s hope the supreme court does the decent thing.
• Jon Robins is a freelance journalist who writes about the law and justice
War, Media Propaganda And The Police State November 24th 2019
Posted by James Tracy Date: October 06, 2014 in: Mainstream Media, Tyranny & Police State, US News, War Propaganda
The following essay is intended to provide a brief overview of topics addressed in a discussion graciously recorded by Julie Vivier at the offices of the Center for Research on Globalization in Montreal Canada on August 5, 2014.-JFT
Modern propaganda techniques utilized by the corporate state to enforce anti-democratic and destructive policies routinely entail the manufacture and manipulation of news events to mold public opinion and, as Edward Bernays put it, “engineer consent” toward certain ends.
Such events include not only overt political appeals, but also acts of seemingly spontaneous terrorism and militarism that traumatize the body politic into ultimately accepting false narratives as political and historical realities.
Western states’ development and utilization of propaganda closely parallels the steady decay of political enfranchisement and engagement throughout the twentieth century. Upon securing a second term in 1916, the Democratic administration of Woodrow Wilson plunged the United States into the most violent and homicidal war in human history. Wilson, a former Princeton University academician groomed for public office by Wall Street bankers, assembled a group of progressive-left journalists and publicists to “sell the war” to the American people.
George Creel, Walter Lippmann, Edward Bernays and Harold Lasswell all played influential roles in the newly-formed Committee on Public Information, and would go on to be major figures in political thought, public relations, and psychological warfare research.
The sales effort was unparalleled in its scale and sophistication. The CPI was not only able to officially censor news and information, but essentially manufacture these as well. Acting in the role of a multifaceted advertising agency, Creel’s operation “examined the different ways that information flowed to the population and flooded these channels with pro-war material.”
The Committee’s domestic organ was comprised of 19 subdivisions, each devoted to a specific type of propaganda, one of which was a Division of News that distributed over 6,000 press releases and acted as the chief avenue for war-related information. On an average week, more than 20,000 newspaper columns carried data provided through CPI propaganda. The Division of Syndicated Features enlisted the help of popular novelists, short story writers, and essayists. These mainstream American authors presented the official line in a readily accessible form reaching twelve million people every month. Similar endeavors existed for cinema, impromptu soapbox oratory (Four Minute Men), and outright advertising at home and abroad.[1]
With the experiences and observations of these war marketers variously recounted and developed throughout the 1920s (Lippmann, Public Opinion, The Phantom Public, Bernays, Propaganda, Crystallizing Public Opinion, Creel, How We Advertised America, Lasswell, Propaganda and the World War), alongside the influence of their elite colleagues and associates, the young publicists’ optimism concerning popular democracy guided by informed opinion was sobered with the realization that public sentiment was actually far more susceptible to persuasion than had been previously understood. The proposed solutions to guarantee something akin to democracy in an increasingly confusing world lay in “objective” journalism guided by organized intelligence (Lippmann) and propaganda, or what Edward Bernays termed “public relations.”
The argument laid out in Lippmann’s Public Opinion was partly motivated by the US Senate’s rejection of membership in the League of Nations. An adviser to the Wilson administration, a central figure behind intelligence gathering that informed postwar geopolitical dynamics laid out at the Paris Peace Conference, and an early member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Lippmann increasingly viewed popular democracy as plagued by a hopelessly ill-informed public opinion incapable of comprehending the growing complexities of modern society. Only experts could be entrusted with assessing, understanding, and acting on the knowledge accorded through their respective professions and fields.
Along these lines, journalism should mimic the then-fledgling social sciences by pursuing objectivity and deferring to the compartmentalized expertise of established authority figures. News and information could similarly be analyzed, edited, and coordinated to ensure accuracy by journalists exercising similar technocratic methods. Although Lippmann does not exactly specify what body would oversee such a process of “organized intelligence,” his postwar activities and ties provides a clue.
Edward Bernays’ advocacy for public opinion management is much more practical and overt. Whereas Lippmann suggests a regimented democracy via technocratic news and information processing, Bernays stresses a privileged elite’s overt manipulation of how the populace interprets reality itself. Such manipulation necessitates contrived associations, figures and events that appear authentic and spontaneous. “Any person or organization depends ultimately on public approval,” Bernays notes,
“and is therefore faced with the problem of engineering the public’s consent to a program or goal … We reject government authoritarianism or regimentation, but we are willing to be persuaded by the written or spoken word. The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest.[2]
Bernays demonstrates an affinity with Lippmann’s notion of elite expediency when pursuing prerogatives and decision-making the public at large cannot be entrusted to interpret. In such instances,
democratic leaders must play their part in leading the public through the engineering of consent to socially constructive goals and values. This role naturally imposes upon them the obligation to use educational processes, as well as other available techniques, to bring about as complete an understanding as possible.[3]
Written in the early 1950s, these observations become especially apt in the latter half of the twentieth century, where the US is typically a major aggressor in foreign (and eventually domestic) affairs. Yet what does Bernays mean by, for example, “educational processes”? An indication may be found by noting his central role in the promotion of tobacco use, municipal water fluoridation, and the overthrow of the democratically-elected Arbenz regime in Guatemala.[4]
With the advent of the national security state in 1947, secret programs emerge where the people are as a matter of course intentionally left unaware of the state’s true rationales and objectives.
Indeed, a wealth of contemporary historical examples suggest how the “engineering of consent” is wholly calculating and anti-democratic, and where the crises requiring such drastic and immediate public relations and military measures are themselves the result of the same leadership’s policies and actions. The US economic provocation of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the Tonkin Gulf incident precipitating US military occupation of Vietnam are obvious examples of such manufactured events.
Similar techniques are apparent in the major political assassinations of the 1960s, where to this day the public is prompted to partake in the false reality that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole culprit in the murder of President John F. Kennedy, much as Sirhan Sirhan was responsible for the death of Senator Robert F. Kennedy.
In fact, in each instance overwhelming evidence points to Central Intelligence Agency involvement in orchestrating the assassinations while training and presenting Oswald and Sirhan as the would-be assassins.
The US government’s assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., probably the most influential African American public persona of the twentieth century, is not even open to debate, having been soundly proven in a court of law.[5] Yet as with the Kennedys, it is a genuine public relations achievement that much of the American population is oblivious to the deeper dynamics of these political slayings that are routinely overlooked or inaccurately recounted in public discourse.
Along these lines, in the historical context of Operation Gladio, the Oklahoma City Murrah Federal Building bombing, the events of September 11, 2001, the London 7/7/2005 bombings, and lesser episodes such as the “shoe” and “underwear” bombers, the engineering of consent has reached staggering new heights where state-orchestrated terrorism is used to mold public opinion toward acceptance of militarized policing operations, the continued erosion of civil liberties, and major sustained aggression against moderate Middle Eastern nations to cartelize scarce resources and politically reconfigure an entire region of the world.
Again, the public is essentially compelled to believe that political extremism of one form or another is the cause of each event, even in light of how the sophistication and scope of the Oklahoma City and 9/11 “attacks” suggest high-level forces at work. If one is to delve beneath the public relations narrative of each event, the recent Newtown massacre and Boston Marathon bombing likewise appear to have broader agendas where the public is again purposely misled.
Conventional journalists and academics are reluctant to publicly address such phenomena for fear of being called “conspiracy theorists.” In the case of academe this has severely curtailed serious and potentially crucial inquiry into such deep events and phenomena in lieu of what are often innocuous intellectual exchanges divorced from actually existing social and political realities that cry out for serious interrogation and critique.
The achievements of modern public relations are further evident in the Warren and 9/11 Commissions themselves, both of which have spun the fantastic myths of Allan Dulles and Peter Zelikow respectively, and that today maintain footholds in public discourse and consciousness.
Indeed, the “conspiracy theory” meme, a propaganda campaign waged by the CIA beginning in the mid-1960s to counter criticism of the Warren Commission report, is perhaps as little-known as Operation Mockingbird, the CIA program where hundreds of journalists and publishers actively devoted their services to spread Agency disinformation. The overall effect of these combined operations has been an immensely successful program continues to shape the contours of American political life and mediated reality.[6]
The present socio-political condition and suppression of popular democracy are triumphs of modern propaganda technique. So are they also manifest in the corporate state’s efforts to engineer public acquiescence toward such things as the colossal frauds of genetically modified organisms masquerading as “food,” toxic polypharmacy disguised as “medicine,” and the police state and “war on terror” seeking to preserve “national security.”
Police Propaganda In Modern TV Shows
| June 27, 2015 by Truth Seeker |
A long time ago I watched an episode of the TV series The Mentalist. There was a short dialogue between an FBI agent and a potential witness of a crime that got my attention. Here it is:
Agent Kimball Cho, FBI: I understand you were working security here last night.
You mind answering a few questions?
Witness: Agent Kimball Cho of the FBI, know that I am a sovereign citizen of the state of Texas and do not recognize the legitimacy of the federal government or any police authority you may claim to possess. Nonetheless, I will answer your questions voluntarily.
Agent Kimball Cho, FBI: Great.
(season 7, episode 1)
The witness was trying to say that as a sovereign (free) human being he refuses to accept the authority of the police or in this case the FBI. How is that even possible? Allow me to explain.
The mainstream brain says that the police and its branches have the right to enforce the laws of a specific state. Therefore, they have the freedom to do many things that normal citizen cannot get away with.
Let’s say that you decide to implement the police’s methods to catch a bad guy on your own. Most people will refuse to give you answers because you are not a copper or a detective. However, when a real police officer does the same thing, it is expected of you to answer all questions. Isn’t that what all civilians do in the movies? The cops just flash the badge, and everybody starts singing.
In this world there are two main types of laws – man made and natural laws. Obviously, many of the laws that the police follows are man made. In Amsterdam, you can smoke weed whereas in other countries you are sent to jail for it. This and many other examples prove that the system is subjective. In similar situations we are talking about man made laws which are subject to questioning if you are a sovereign human being.
As a free man, you have the right to reject the authority of the police. I know that it may sound funny to you, but this is exactly what the guy in the video did.
I remember the look on the face of the FBI agent. It was basically saying, “Nice try smart head.” That attitude made the witness appear naive and stupid. You can see the scene for yourself if you want.
I know very well that if you refuse to obey, you could suffer terrible consequences. However, that does not change the fact that you have the right to reject the police’s authority as a free human being. It can go pretty bad for you, but you have the right to do so.
Many say that if we refuse to follow the man made laws, we will return to the Wild Wild West when people were shooting each other for cheating at cards. Well, the truth is that during those times, people were actually more sovereign than we are today.
Sadly, the authorities love to use and abuse their power. I’ve had similar experiences in my past.
One time I was passing through a local skating spot and heard somebody screaming. He said, “Police. Come here, NOW!
There were three people – two men and one woman. One of them showed his police identification and asked me for an ID. They weren’t wearing uniforms, though. I felt that something weird was going on. Why were detectives after me?
I gave him my ID card, and he started the usual small talk. Who are you? How old are you? Where are you going?…etc.
They asked me to empty my pockets and show them the contents of my backpack. According to the law, they didn’t have the right to do that without an explanation because I had a legal ID.
“Why do you want to pocket me? I showed you my ID.”
“Do you want me to detain you for 24 hours,” said one of the men and scared the hell out of me.
“No. You have no right to do such things. I am not a criminal,” I replied.
The detective grabbed one of my non-existing traps and squeezed me so hard that I performed a quarter squat because my knees got weak. Then he took my backpack and started going through it. It was full of old books that I was trying to sell to second-hand stores.
“What are those books for,” asked the woman.
“I am selling some old books. Those are the ones they didn’t buy”
One of the titles was Captain Nemo. She grabbed it and asked me with a very suspicious voice:
“You are telling me they didn’t buy this classic? Are you sure that’s what you are doing”, she said.
At that moment, I felt like a driver transporting Trinitrotoluene in a truck without breaks.
“I don’t know why they didn’t take it. Maybe they had too many copies already,” I replied.
They went through every single book, my pockets and even my shoes. I was 100% clean. Then, they contacted somebody, checked my name and finally let me go. I felt kinda sorry for those guys and humiliated at the same time. Three cops against a sixteen-year-old weighing 135 pounds.
Years later I learned that this location was used by cops to train their ability to question people. Skinny weaklings like me were a mark.
I can only imagine what would have happened if I had played the sovereign card. Not that I knew about similar ideas at the time. They don’t teach you stuff like that in school, at least not in mine. Ironically, I was a good student. Never been high, drugged or drunk to this very day.
The police propaganda in movies is basically endless. During the last few weeks, I watched episodes of another police TV show called Rookie Blue. As always the police officers are presented as good guys who want to help you and risk their lives every single day for you.
What I hate the most about cop movies is that normal people are portrayed as defenseless little insects that should always lean on the police. This projects the idea that we have given our right to defend ourselves to somebody else. We have outsourced it to the police.
In the particular movie, all officers and detectives are good, honest and pretty angels who can do no wrong. This makes for a great movie, but the reality is much different. First, most female officers are not as pretty as the actresses in Rookie Blue. Second, the accumulation of positive elements creates unrealistic expectations which harm both – the ordinary person and the police.
People who accept similar movies as 100% truth expect way too much of the police, which is harmful to the officers as well. They are humans like us, not batmen. Many ordinary people believe that cops are ninjas who can arrive in 3 minutes out of nowhere and protect the hell out of you. This is obviously impossible. It happens only in the movies.
One of the popular phrases in those PR films is – “I am just doing my job.” The officers rely on this idea to rationalize their actions. This simple phrase contains so much that I could potentially write 5 more pages about it.
Individuals relying on this statement to explain their actions are giving up responsibility and playing the victim card.
Just because something is a part of your job, it does not make it right. Criminals are also “just doing their job” when they get paid to do something illegal. “Just doing your job” is not really the brightest excuse.
Bottom line: Be careful when you are watching TV.
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- Reply Nate January 21, 2017 at 5:22 am Beautiful,
Might be wasted on your average reader but I’m listening. I wish you put younselfish out there a little more. Maybe podcasting or something like that. The world needs thinkers like you.- Reply Nate January 21, 2017 at 5:23 am Your self
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Who really killed Hilda Murrell?
Michael Mansfield New evidence about the bizarre nature of her killing lends weight to her nephew’s demands for the case to be reopened
Tue 20 Mar 2012 16.27 GMT First published on Tue 20 Mar 2012 16.27 GMT
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Campaigner Hilda Murrell, 78, who was murdered in March 1984, had been due to give evidence at the public inquiry into the Sizewell B nuclear reactor. Photograph: West Mercia Police Handout/PA Archive/Press Association Ima
Hilda Murrell was murdered in March 1984. Who killed her – and why – has already been the subject of books, plays and films, and the conviction of a man for her abduction and murder in 2005 failed to answer many of the questions surrounding her death.
The reasons for this enduring enquiry are exposed at length in A Thorn In Their Side, a book being launched this week to mark the 28th anniversary of her death. The author is Hilda’s nephew, Robert Green, with whom she had a close relationship and who was a commander in naval intelligence during the Falklands war. He has followed and chronicled the case meticulously.
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Was this just a random, bungled burglary by a lone 16-year-old – as the police would have it – or was it an operation involving several individuals on behalf of a government agency, namely the security services?
The book cannot definitively answer this question, but it raises serious and substantial doubts about the criminal investigations to date. The accumulated concerns make an overwhelming argument for these to be reopened by an independent police force unconnected with any previous enquiries, or by an independent commission of inquiry.
“Nuclear disaster is both avoidable and inevitable. Nuclear technologies have too many inherent risks and widespread consequences to be a sensible choice for energy production.” The words are those of Rebecca Johnson, a former senior advisor to the Blix commission on weapons of mass destruction, writing about the disaster at Fukushima earlier this month. Back in 1984, this was exactly Hilda Murrell’s position.
Murrell was a respected horticulturist: a rose was named after her shortly before she was murdered at the age of 78. She was a committed environmentalist and regarded Margaret Thatcher’s nuclear power policy as utterly misguided. She began campaigning against it, accumulating high quality information about the risks from scientists and activists, and intended to provide it in person to the Sizewell B public inquiry, where she had was accreditated as a witness. She was an outstanding and outspoken independent voice. The murder occurred before she could be heard. Her nephew’s book chillingly reveals the threats, fears and surveillance she reported to others before she died.
A central theme of her research was the hazardous nature of radioactive waste and the difficulty in managing it. This still besets the nuclear industry, to the extent that the US currently has a moratorium on new reactors in some states. Murrell was also acutely aware of the Three Mile Island disaster in 1979. Her critique embraced nuclear weapons as well.
At which point we pan across to Commander Rob Green. The Argentinian cruiser, the General Belgrano, was sunk in 1982 during the Falklands war by HMS Conqueror, a nuclear submarine. Green was in naval intelligence. The truth about where the Belgrano was whether it was really necessary to sink her became a very hot political potato. A great deal of speculation and information entered the public domain that undermined the government’s position. Although entirely without foundation, there must have been at least a suspicion that Green might in some way have been connected with the supposed leaks. Ultimately, the MP Tam Dalyell, who had been asking questions about the Belgrano’s sinking just before her disappearance, was driven to tell the Commons that British intelligence lay behind Murrell’s murder in their search for material they thought she may have secreted at her home.
In the official version of her murder, Murrell was the victim of a demeaning and callous assault, abduction and murder by a young adolescent, on his own, without obvious motivation. The police version of the sequence of events is bizarre. On one and the same day, Hilda – having been assaulted in her home – is forced into her own car, driven through Shrewsbury in broad daylight past the police station and a number of witnesses, to a country lane some miles away. The car crashes into a verge with the driver’s door jammed. The driver then exits via the passenger seat and takes Hilda with him, but not before she has retrieved the car keys and put them in her pocket. He assaults her again in a field, where she loses her hat and spectacles. She is then either dragged or pushed across a ploughed field over a fence into a copse where she is stabbed,although not fatally, and left to die of hypothermia. Her body was not found for two days.
While DNA from the convicted man shows he was in Hilda’s house, there are a huge number of other evidential matters that Rob Green has assembled which challenge the manner of this killing. Although many of them are not new, most have not been assembled in an intelligible format until now, and some have never been presented in court proceedings.
A few of the features which tend to undermine the idea that only one person was involved are:
(a) DNA discovered in relation to Hilda is not from the man convicted, but from at least two others;
(b) Photographs of Hilda’s body in the copse show that she was clearly visible, and confirm the striking evidence of a local landowner. Ian Scott took his dogs for a walk the day after the murder in the very area where the body was supposed to have been left. He saw nothing and has always maintained he would have done had she been there because he was carefully identifying trees for felling.
(c) The 16-year-old could not drive and the descriptions given by witnesses of the driver do not fit him;
(d) Changes at her house over the days of her disappearance.
Until an independent inquiry takes place, the reader must be the judge.
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I thought that this particular outrage had been long since forgotten. Hopefully more will emerge. An investigation by an ‘independent police force’ sounds somewhat oxymoronic. Share Facebook Twitter Report
ShuffleCarrot 20 Mar 2012 18:07 3 4
‘British intelligence lay behind Murrell’s murder in their search for material they thought she may have secreted at her home.’
One things for sure good old tin foil will never get out fashion in the Guardian and don’t forget that the total lack of any evidenced of a conspiracy is actual a sure sign of one at work.
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The Raw Material Posted November 17th 2019
Britain is still a class ridden society with the majority of people believing they will die in the same social class as they were born, a new poll reveals.
Almost three out of five (59 per cent) people said they would end up in the same class as their parents, while under a third (28 percent) expected to move up a class.
Just five per cent believe they will drop down a level of social status during their lifetime.
What is, and what was Tony Blair? Posted November 10th 2019
By John Wight Global Research, August 04, 2017 Sputnik 3 August 2017
If Tony Blair cannot be prosecuted for war crimes then nobody can. If a man who played a key role in waging a war that was directly responsible for the deaths of up to one million people cannot be made to face justice then there is no justice – or at least not for its poor victims in a world owned and controlled by the rich.
Blair’s deeds are now so well known it almost seems futile repeating them. However lest anyone make the mistake of associating them with the past, it is important to emphasize that people in Iraq, the entire Middle East, and the wider world continue live with the consequences of those deeds today.
The UK High Court’s decision to block the attempt by former Iraqi Army General Abdul Wahed Shannan Al Rabbat to introduce proceedings against Blair for the crime of aggression by invading Iraq in 2003 brings the UK legal system into disrepute. In claiming that there was “no prospect of the case succeeding,” the three High Court judges responsible for the decision relied on the argument that that the “crime of aggression” is not one recognized in English law.
The crime of aggression was first established at the Nuremberg Trials after the Second World War, in which leading figures and officials of Hitler’s Nazi regime were prosecuted. At the time the crime of aggression was not recognized in German law, yet this did not prevent justice being served against men who were responsible for some of the most heinous crimes against humanity ever known.
Similarly, Slobodan Milosevic, former President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and former President of Serbia, was arrested and stood trial in The Hague at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). He was charged with crimes against humanity and of violating the laws or customs of war. In his testimony in court, Milosevic said,
Slobodan Milosevic (Source: Wikimedia Commons)
“Our defense was a heroic defense, a heroic defense from the aggression launched by NATO.”
Milosevic, it should be pointed out, was exonerated of the charges, though in a tragic denouement to the man’s attempt to prevent the disintegration of his country, he did not live to receive it. [Was he was poisoned in his prison cell? GR editor]
Of Milosevic’s trail, author John Laughland wrote:
“Mere anarchy was loosed upon the world when the Cold War ended and the US sought to create a unipolar world system by destroying the old one. After the 1991 Iraq war, the US and Britain claimed the right to bomb Iraq to protect the Kurds and Shias, which they did for 12 years. NATO bombed the Bosnian Serbs in 1995 and Yugoslavia in 1999. The ICTY, created in 1993, operates on the basis of this doctrine of interventionism, which has come to its ghastly conclusion in the bloodbaths of Iraq and Afghanistan.”
Editorial Comment The views in the article and site link are not ncessarily the views of this website and are posted for thought and discussion. I have no idea whether what has been posted as fact is true or not, but life is certainly not black and white even though the building blocks of life are binary, and the motivators for human behaviour are basic and predictable. Robert Cook November 3rd 2019
POLICE STATE BRITAIN Posted November 3rd 2019
11 Mar 2018
Last night was hard for a lot of people. The realization that the limit has been pushed against, and the flawed reality of our society has been illuminated. What is this reality? That the British Establishment is woke on ideas like Islamification of the West and The Great Replacement but has abdicated responsibility for doing anything to answer these, the great questions of our time.
We have a writer working on a piece about the details of Martin Sellner & Brittney Pettibone’s arrest at the border and subsequent unethical detention so I won’t cover much of the same ground. Instead, I want you to understand how we have got here, to the point where Tommy Robinson is attacked -with his female media assistant- by a gang of masked up ANTIFA thugs in broad daylight.
How did Britain come to the point where two non-violent activists who preach no violence are arrested on entry to the country for fear of their words? Do we really have to make the obvious contrast to how Islamic fundamentalists are treated by the state? Do we really have to go through the rigmarole of pointing at the insanity that sees Sadiq Khan say that he has no power to stop the Al-Quds Day March in London despite the flag of Hezbollah flying on the streets of London, despite the anti-Kuffar rhetoric, despite the demands for the destruction of Israel and death to the Jews?
Sharon Vieira-Poole, from the Information Team at the Mayor’s Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC), said Khan had personally discussed the march with the Metropolitan Police Commissioner.
Vieira-Poole said the police have operational independence but added: “They have to operate within the law and the protesters have a right to march, as long as they do so within the law.” – Times of Israel
Indeed, so long as they do so within the law. Martin Sellner is more dangerous to our society than thousands of people marching in the streets demanding the death of Jews. The claim by the authorities was apparently that Sellner speaking could cause a riot. A riot! By whom? Surely the people who come to listen to him are not rioting. Does the British Establishment think that he is some charismatic nu-Reich propagandist, and at the word of a 29-year-old kid we’re going to dive into a post-modernist Kristallnacht?
The instruction here is about what ideas we are not allowed to hear. You are not allowed to hear that unless action is taken swiftly on immigration to the European continent and preparations made for the demographic time-bomb brewing in Sub-Saharan Africa the future of Europe as a civilization is hanging by a thread. People have to start waking up to that reality. Sellner knows this to be true and more importantly in their hearts, so do the British Power Elite. Kicking your problems down the line for the next generation to deal with is not only cowardice it is suicidal on a civilizational scale.
Nietzsche predicted this eventuality with crystal clear vision, in the aftermath of the Death of God. We replaced faith with other ways to find meaning, and this liberated the Human mind to make such incredible advancement we ascended from building the first airplane to setting foot on the moon within seventy years, which is such an astounding feat of technological progress it’s hard to fathom. Imagine how it would be today, to move within a single lifetime from an industrial and still mostly agrarian society to one that has not only developed nuclear weapons but has also deployed them in anger on our own planet. As a civilization, we are experiencing a fundamental shift in what it means to be human, and part of this shift has been to recognize that this civilization is under existential threat.
The British Establishment, the very institutions of state operation have recognized that the demographic change taking place in Europe will change our culture forever. The globalist mentality is that this is a good thing, that there are no differences between people and we can happily rub along together. This is a product of our post-God post-nihilist society which has changed from a masculine-led culture of exploration and the conflict it brings to a feminine mother-state. This is not a critique of men or women or patriarchy theory or such, in fact, the feminists have it exactly wrong about patriarchy- a patriarchal society does not exhibit the care for the weak that is fundamental to Western Liberalism and has pathologized into the cult of social justice orthodoxy. A more feminine outlook is required, to say- well, we must house and shelter immigrants in our lands because they are weaker and we colonized their nations centuries ago and we feel guilty about it. There’s nothing wrong with this kind of empathetic thinking on an interpersonal level, this is a caring fundamental aspect of our psyche, but we should be concerned when it becomes pathological because this has left our society open to abuse. The pathological mother-instinct is what leads to socialism and intersectional power dynamics, and as we have seen when we frame everything in terms of oppression we leave the door open for all manner of abusive and self-abusive behaviors as a culture.
The identitarian right is an existential threat to this ideology, that says there is something meaningful in being a European and part of Western Civilization and that Burke was in some sense correct in seeing that we are equal before God but society is not a Garden of Eden, it is not a utopia and so there is always going to be suffering and responsibility. The fundamental message of people like Sellner and Pettibone is not one of White supremacy or genocide- in fact, they are cautioning against the demographic replacement that will annihilate Europe. The effect of the cultural and existential clash between Islam and the West is expressed in phenomena like 40 years of the systematic abuse of Western children by gangs of predominantly Muslim rapists, perhaps the worst example of which has been revealed by The Mirror just today. This struggle of ideas- a theocratic and masculine system versus an individualistic and fractured secular and maternal society gives rise to alternative answers to the question of what our existence is, what purpose it has.
That answer has been found by some to be the idea that Western Civilization is good if not perfect, and that unless there is a conscious effort to preserve the society we have with all its manifest flaws we will lose everything that makes us who we are. This concept is so fundamentally dangerous to a globalist power elite that anyone proposing these ideas must be excluded. In Britain, we once banned Louis Farrakhan, but that ban was overturned more than fifteen years ago thanks to pressure from his supporters. Imagine this- that today we will allow many people to enter the United Kingdom and give speeches that demand the destruction of the state and her people, but we will arrest and detain people who come to say- our culture has value and if we’re not very careful it will be gone forever.
Look at the timeline, from the arrest of National Action members for the ideas that they espoused to the conflation of Tommy Robinson with Anjem Choudary to the false idea that Islamic extremism is matched one for one by the dreaded far right. This is a shameful exhibition of spinelessness at the highest levels of British society, not that as a collective we refuse to acknowledge that perhaps not only are Sellner and Pettibone and Robinson, not extremists, perhaps they might have a relevant point- but also that we refuse to even look at the questions they are trying to answer in the first place!
That is the true sadness of this affair, that we as a people are so afraid of uncomfortable answers about the differences between cultures that we retreat into authoritarian tyranny and craven blindness.
The Racial Crime Double Standard that Refuses to go away
15 May 2019 — by Edward Saunders
Europe Descends into Totalitarian Internet Censorship
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Kim Darroch: UK May Become ‘Police State’, MPs Warn as Police Tell Media Not to Print Leaked Cables Posted October 16th 2019
Metropolitan Police are currently investigating the leak of Ambassador Kim Darroch’s private assessments of Donald Trump and his administration, which caused a diplomatic crisis this week.
British lawmakers are warning that the country is at risk of turning into a “police state”, as police tell media outlets not to publish leaked government documents after a row that led to the resignation of the UK’s ambassador to the US.
“This is a dangerous road to go down. Once you start prosecuting the media for publishing stuff you don’t like, that is a very dangerous place to be,” Bob Seely, a Tory MP who sits on the Commons Foreign Affairs committee, told the Telegraph.
He lamented that the government was “effectively justifying state action against the media”, adding that police should go after the leaker, if they breached the Official Secrets Act, but not the media.
Going after the Leaker is fair game, going after the Media is not. @AVMikhailova @TelePolitics — Bob Seely MP (@IoWBobSeely) 12 июля 2019 г.
Norman Lamb, the former health minister who now heads the science and technology committee as a Liberal Democratic MP, said: “We can’t contemplate any slippery slope to a police state that accepts that sort of limitation on the freedom of the press to report.”
John Whittingdale, the Tory MP and former culture secretary, said: “The idea of prosecuting journalists is completely wrong.”
He added he was “horrified” that the UK ambassador’s diplomatic cables were made public, but felt that “there is no point shooting the messenger. Journalists are there to report stories whether or not they are going to be embarrassing to the people who are in them.”
A Leak Inquiry
The backlash comes after Scotland Yard launched an investigation into the leaking of confidential communications between the UK’s ambassador to the US Kim Darroch, and the Foreign Office, in which he made disparaging remarks about the Trump administration.
In charge of the leak inquiry is the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism command, which probes allegations of criminal breaches of the Official Secrets Act.
Met Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu said on Friday that there is “clear public interest” in catching the mole.
He also advised media owners, editors and publishers not to publish “leaked government documents that may already be in their possession, or which may be offered to them”, and instead turn them over to the police or to their owner.
Sir Alan Duncan, a Foreign Office minister, said there was no evidence to suggest that Darroch’s diplomatic cables had been hacked, so the focus was on finding the leaker within the department.
A Diplomatic Crisis
The exposure of Ambassador Kim Darroch’s confidential communications has caused a stir across the Atlantic.
Donald Trump branded Darroch “a very stupid guy” and banned him from Washington. Darroch stepped down on Wednesday, saying it was “impossible” for him to continue.
Outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May and the Foreign Office have both defended the disgraced envoy, saying, however, that the leaks were regrettable.
Darroch quit after a TV leadership debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt, in which Johnson failed to back the ambassador and criticised the leak.
Following the debate, Johnson faced a wave of criticism with perhaps the strongest verbal attack coming from Alan Duncan.
He accused Johnson of throwing Darroch “under a bus” and going against the interests of the country, but the front-runner to become Britain’s next PM shrugged off the accusations by saying he was a “great supporter” of Kim Darroch and explaining that he didn’t support the ambassador because he didn’t want to “drag public servants’ careers into the arena in that way”.
Rise of Donald Trump is ‘obscuring lessons of the second world war’, says Sadiq Khan October 19th 2019
Toby Helm Observer political editor 9 hrs ago Trump defends tweeting sensitive photo of Iran launch siteTrial for men charged with plotting 9/11 attacks is set for 2021
© PA Sadiq Khan: ‘Alarm bells should be sounding.’
The lessons of the second world war risk being forgotten because of the rise of “extreme” rightwing leaders such as Donald Trump and Boris Johnson, the mayor of London has said.
Before events to mark the start of the conflict 80 years ago, when Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939, Sadiq Khan has branded Trump as “the global poster boy for white nationalism”, whose example is being followed by too many leaders across Europe, including Johnson.
Writing in the Observer, Khan says Johnson and the Brexit party leader Nigel Farage are promoting similar far-right thinking in this country, and showing contempt for the European Union, which was established to prevent another world war after up to 85 million people died between 1939 and 1945.
“The impact can also be seen in the UK, where the outsize influence of Nigel Farage and his Brexit party has pushed the Conservative party under Boris Johnson to become ever more rightwing and intolerant,” he says.
© PA Wire/PA Images Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a press conference at the conclusion of the G7 summit in Biarritz, France. (Photo by Stefan Rousseau/PA Images via Getty Images)
Referring to Johnson’s decision last week to shut down parliament for five weeks before the 31 October Brexit deadline, Khan says: “Just last week we saw the disdain Boris Johnson has for parliament and our democracy.” The London mayor’s intervention is the latest in his extraordinary feud with the US president, whose language he compared to that of a “20th-century fascist” in the run-up to Trump’s state visit to the UK in June.
Trump responded before landing in the UK on Air Force One with a vitriolic counter-tirade, accusing Khan of being a “stone-cold loser” who “by all accounts has done a terrible job as mayor of London [and] has been foolishly ‘nasty’ to the visiting president of the United States”. Trump also said the mayor should concentrate on tackling crime in London, rather than attacking the leader of the United States.
Trump has regularly questioned the value of Nato and voiced strong support for Johnson’s determination that the UK should turn its back on the EU
© ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump announces the establishment of the U.S. Space Command in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 29, 2019. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Khan, who this weekend is visiting Gdansk – where some of the first shots of the war were fired – and the Polish capital, Warsaw, adds: “While I am not saying that we are reliving the 1930s or that another conflict is inevitable, alarm bells should be sounding. However, if we act now we can ensure another path is taken.”
He says Poland faces “similar threats” under the ruling rightwing Law and Justice party, which “has allowed ‘LGBTQ+ free zones’ to be declared in more than 30 towns and cities.” In a “particularly worrying development,” he says, “the Polish government – at a time when antisemitism is on the rise – recently sought to make it a criminal offence, carrying jail time, to accuse the nation of complicity in Nazi war crimes.”
Trump has regularly questioned the value of Nato and voiced strong support for Johnson’s determination that the UK should turn its back on the EU, saying he believes the new UK leader will be a “great” prime minister who will chart the country on a new course of independence and economic success.
The president had been due to attend an anniversary event in Warsaw this weekend to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the war’s outbreak, but cancelled last week, citing concerns over Hurricane Dorian, a category 4 storm that is barrelling towards Florida. Mike Pence, the vice-president, will attend in his place.
Editorial Comment Khan is a skilled slick glib communicator. Trump. like Hitler, was at most an outcome not a cause. Khan, like anyone in politics, represents vested interests. It is the vested interests and the masses they neglect while working to fool them- as with the Brexit Deal Con- that risks the rise of the Far Right.
Diversity propoganda is designed to distract and find scapegoats whilst hoping to herd that particular breed of goat ito the same pen ready for slaughter by smug comfortable politicians and cronies in the esablishment media. The all powerfull and flattered police are the shepherds.
Love our Equal Opportunity Societ August 18th 2019
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s stay at ‘billionaire’s playground’ resort in Ibiza: The royal couple stayed at Vista Alegre retreat where super-villas cost up to £120,000 a week during holiday for her 38th birthday
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s stay at ‘billionaire’s playground’ resort in Ibiza: The royal couple stayed at Vista Alegre retreat where super-villas cost up to £120,000 a week during holiday for her 38th birthday
Ross Ibbetson and James Gant For Mailonline and Sanchez Manning for The Mail on Sunday 10 hrs ago Revealed: How Epstein’s alleged madam fought those who accused herFootball fans kill three as grudge match turns deadly
© Getty Meghan Markle and Prince Harry stayed in a billionaire’s playground on their jet-set Ibiza break, where mega villas cost up to £120,000 a week, locals revealed.
The royal eco-warriors, who took their third private jet in just eight days when they flew into the south of France on Wednesday, stayed at the gorgeous Vista Alegre gated complex of sea-facing mansions earlier this month to celebrate Meghan’s 38th birthday.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The Duke and Duchess of Sussex jetted into the luxurious Ibiza resort with baby Archie on August 6 (pictured in their official engagement photo in 2017) The most expensive villas overlooking the azure waters of Ibiza’s Porroig Bay are listed at £20,000 per week, but the price of others on enquiry rises to up to £120,000 per week.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The royal eco-warriors, who took their third private jet in just eight days when they flew into the south of France on Wednesday, stayed at the gorgeous Vista Alegre gated complex of sea-facing mansions after jetting off on August 6 (pictured: poolside at the £20,000 per week Villa Moon) The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, with baby Archie, jetted into the island on August 6 before being chauffeured to the fabulous resort, The Sun reported.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The gorgeous living room in the Villa Moon mansion, which costs £20,000 per week, its website says: ‘Located in a quiet residential area of the West Coast facing unobstructed sea views the property offers a grand house built over two levels with an enormous swimming pool and plenty of terrace space for maximising outdoor lifestyle’ Locals told the paper that the already stringent security was dialled up, one said: ‘The area has been built to a high specification and is a billionaires’ playground so the security staff know what they are doing.’
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The opulent living room in the £120,000 per week Sa Calma property. Amenities include, private beach access and boat mooring, infinity pool, water front gym, Jacuzzi, Sonos music, separate professional kitchen and live-in housekeepers. Former guests are reported to have included DJ David Guetta and Sir Paul McCartney A source on the island told MailOnline last week the Royals landed in Ibiza with several taxpayer-funded Met Police bodyguards for the ‘six-day trip’.
They added that five close protection officers from the Spanish security forces joined the group escorting them to their private villa.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The 860-mile private jet journey from Farnborough to Ibiza would have emitted six times more carbon than a commercial flight One of the most opulent Vista Alegre houses is the £120,000-a-week Sa Calma residence which has been rented out by DJ David Guetta and Sir Paul McCartney, The Sun reported.
Prince Harry and Meghan’s summer of fuel-burning sojourns:
End of July
Prince Harry attended Google Camp in Sicily for a ‘green summit’ where he delivered a passionate speech on the environment.
He joined a raft of celebrities, reported to include Barack Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry and Harry Styles.
Google is understood to have covered the costs of his flights, including a helicopter and he stayed on one of the many super yachts moored off the Italian island.
According to experts, a 390ft super-yacht produces about 3.3 tons of damaging carbon dioxide each hour at sea by burning through around 200 gallons of fuel.
August 6
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, with baby Archie, are understood to have travelled to Ibiza by private jet where they stayed at the Vista Alegre gated complex.
They are thought to have returned via private jet after a six day trip on the island.
The couple’s journeys to and from the Spanish island would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide per person than a scheduled flight from London.
The flights there and back would have given out 12.5 tons of carbon dioxide.
The cost for the return flights would have cost up to £40,000.
August 14
The young royals then departed the UK on Wednesday on a 12-seater Cessna aircraft to Nice in the south of France.
Experts believe the cost of the flight would have been more than £20,000.
Furthermore, the jet would have emitted seven times more carbon per person than a commercial plane.
The mansion boasts a colossal double height ‘grand living room’ with massive glass sliding doors providing a view to the sea over a 54 yard infinity pool.
A master bedroom and two guest suites take up the top floor, while another four guest suites are on the ground floor. Amenities include, private beach access, boat mooring, a water-front gym, a Jacuzzi, surround sound Sonos music, two kitchens and live-in servants.
Their return flights to the Spanish island would have emitted six times more carbon dioxide per person than a scheduled flight from London and are estimated to have cost up to £40,000.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The stunning 54 yard infinity pool outside Villa Sa Calma, a price is only available on request for this stunning house and it charges £120,000 per week. Its website says: ‘Facing the Peninsula of Porroig and Formentera Island the property sits only a few minutes away from upscale beach clubs and restaurants of the adjacent beaches of Es Cubells, Es Torrent, Cala Jondal and just 15 km from the international airport.’ The jet-set couple flew into a new hypocrisy row on Friday night after it emerged they had flown to Nice on Wednesday by private jet, once again.
Dressed in a white blouse and cream sun hat, Meghan, was spotted cradling the couple’s three-month-old son Archie as she left the 12-seater Cessna aircraft.
Harry, wearing a green polo shirt, blue cap and sunglasses, was also seen leaving the Cessna Citation Sovereign, which experts said would have cost more than £20,000 to hire.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The £16,500-per-week Villa Pearl has been built on the water’s edge along the dramatically beautiful coast of Es Cubells with views towards Formentera island, just minutes from trendy beaches, beach clubs and coastal restaurants. The Royal couple’s trip to the French Riviera is estimated to have created seven times more carbon emissions per person than a commercial flight.
There are more than 20 scheduled flights from London airports to Nice each Wednesday.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The Villa Moon, its web page boasts: ‘A vast living area that incorporates open plan dining and high-end kitchen as well as endless terrace space by the pool with professional kitchen for outdoor dining result in a perfect home for exterior enjoyment. All bedrooms have been tastefully decorated and have comfortable en suite bathrooms as well as balconies. Additionally there is a two car garage, an office and plenty of storage room.’ The couple’s extraordinary string of private-jet flights comes after Harry attended a ‘green summit’ organised by tech giant Google in Sicily at the end of July where he delivered an impassioned speech on saving the environment.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited A view out to the pool area in the Villa Moon, amenities at the property include a sea view, exterior kitchen and dining, Sonos music, underfloor heating. He was reportedly barefoot as he gave his lecture to VIPs and power-brokers, thought to have included Barack Obama, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katy Perry, Orlando Bloom and Harry Styles.
However, it was claimed Google paid for his flights and a helicopter to a luxury resort where he is understood to have stayed on a fuel-eating super-yacht.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The most expensive villas overlooking the azure waters of Ibiza’s Porroig Bay are listed at £20,000 per week, but the price of others on enquiry rises to up to £120,000 per week (pictured: a bedroom in the Villa Moon) According to experts, a 390ft super-yacht produces about 3.3 tons of damaging carbon dioxide each hour at sea by burning through around 200 gallons of fuel.
In an interview published in Vogue Magazine with conservationist Jane Goodall recently, Harry revealed that he and Meghan wanted a ‘maximum’ of two children because of environmental concerns.
The couple set off for their second Mediterranean holiday of the summer on Wednesday morning, travelling 20 miles from their home at Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor Castle estate to Farnborough Airport in Hampshire.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The sumptuous dining area of the newly built villa moon. Security around the gated complex, a billionaire’s playground, is already exceptionally tight. But locals said it was dialled up further when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex arrived As he disembarked in Nice, Harry stared towards the ground, seemingly trying to avoid being identified, according to The Sun on Sunday.
Harry, Meghan and their son were then whisked from the airport in a blacked-out Mercedes people carrier.
It is unclear whether they are still in the South of France or have returned to the UK.
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The £16,500 per week Villa Firefly, the website says: ‘All bedrooms benefit from exterior access and ample comfortable en suite bathrooms while the fully equipped top of the line kitchen allows for professional catering. The inviting exterior is beautifully landscaped with natural stone walls, Mediterranean plants and palms, wooden decking around the overflowing pool as well as perfectly appointed dining and other lounging areas. A two-car garage, ample outdoor parking space and a staff apartment complete the property.’ Labour MP Teresa Pearce said she was ‘surprised’ by the couple’s jet-setting. ‘Given the position they have taken publicly about being responsible on climate change, this does seem an anomaly which they should look at,’ she said.
‘I find this quite surprising because it doesn’t fit with their public image and the way they’re so concerned about the planet and the environment.’
And Ken Wharfe, a former royal protection officer, said: ‘Frankly it’s hypocritical. Harry can’t be preaching about the catastrophic effects of climate change while jetting around the world on a private plane.’
© Provided by Associated Newspapers Limited The swimming pool area of one of the lavish properties. In total Vista Alegre lists 15 massive houses available to rent, starting at £3,100 and rising to around £120,000 per week The Royal family have not commented on the latest trip.
Diana, Princess of Wales, and Charles, Prince of Wales, with Prince Harry and Prince William on the deck of the Royal Yacht Britannia, off the coast of Venice, Italy, on May 5, 1985.4/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Peering through patio doors at Highgrove House in Gloucestershire, England, on July 14, 1986.6/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
On his first day at Mrs Mynors’ School in Notting Hill, London, on Sept. 16, 1987.10/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Striking a pose with his mother during the Trooping the Colour ceremony at Buckingham Palace in London, on June 11, 1988.11/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
With Princess Diana during their summer holiday in Palma, Spain, on Aug. 13, 1988.12/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Accompanied by Prince William on his first day at pre-preparatory Wetherby School in London, on Sept. 11, 1989. 13/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
During a sports lesson at his primary school in Richmond, England, on May 2, 1990.15/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Arriving for the Trooping the Colour parade on June 15, 1991.16/86 SLIDES© Martin Keene/EMPICS Sports Photo Agency/Press Association
The brothers, during their tour of the frigate HMCS Ottawa while on a family visit to Canada, on Oct. 23, 1991.17/86 SLIDES© Julian Parker/UK Press via Getty Images
The young royal during the Trooping the Colour parade with his mother and The Queen Mother, on June 13, 1992.18/86 SLIDES© Antony Jones/UK Press via Getty Images
At the Thorpe Park in Surrey, England, in April 1993.19/86 SLIDES© Franziska Krug/Getty Images
With his mother at the Bergen-Hohne Training Area in Germany, in July 1993.20/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Enjoying a skiing session with his father and brother in Klosters-Serneus, Switzerland, during a family vacation in February 1994.21/86 SLIDES© Bryn Colton/REX/Shutterstock
The princes and their mother attend a Christmas service at Sandringham House in Norfolk, England, on Dec. 25, 1994.22/86 SLIDES© Antony Jones/Julian Parker/UK Press/Getty Images
The royal family during the 50th anniversary celebration of V-J Day in London, on Aug. 19, 1995.23/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
During a skiing trip to Klosters-Serneus on Jan. 2, 1996.24/86 SLIDES© Ben Radford/Getty Images
Accompanied by Prince Charles and Prince William (far R) to the Wales versus Scotland game during the Five Nation Championship in Cardiff, Wales, on Feb. 17, 1996.25/86 SLIDES© Jeff J Mitchell/Reuters
With (L-R) Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh; Prince William; Lord Earl Spencer and Prince Charles during the funeral procession for his mother at Westminster Abbey, on Sept. 6, 1997.
26/86 SLIDES© Tim Rooke/REX/Shutterstock
With his father, posing with the Spice Girls, during their royal tour of Africa in October 1997.27/86 SLIDES© REX/Shutterstock
With his father while registering at Eton College on Sept. 2, 1998. 28/86 SLIDES© REX/Shutterstock
During a rugby game at Eton College in 1999.
29/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
During his first public game of polo, at the Beaufort Polo Club in Gloucestershire, England, on June 2, 2001.30/86 SLIDES© Toby Melville/PA
With his teammates after a traditional Eton game in 2001.31/86 SLIDES© Anwar Hussein/Getty Images
Taking a kick during a visit to West Ham United’s Boleyn Ground in London, on Sept. 12, 2002.32/86 SLIDES© Kirsty Wigglesworth-Pool/Getty Images
Displaying two of his artworks at Eton College’s Drawing School, on May 12, 2003.
33/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Seen carrying wire fencing to build a fence around a children’s home in Mohale’s Hoek, Lesotho, on March 3, 2004.34/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Working in a garden at the Mants’ase Children’s Home in Mohale’s Hoek, on March 3, 2004.35/86 SLIDES© REX/Shutterstock
With Prince William, Tom Parker Bowles (R) and Laura Parker Bowles (2nd R) during Prince Charles’ wedding to Camilla Parker Bowles, at Windsor Castle on April 9, 2005.36/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
Talks to Commandant Major General Andrew Ritchie at Sandhurst Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst, Surrey, on May 8, 2005.37/86 SLIDES© Tim Graham/Getty Images
With fellow soldiers in the Sovereign’s Parade at Sandhurst Military Academy, on April 12, 2006. The prince (C) was commissioned Second Lieutenant Harry Wales of the Blues and Royals.38/86 SLIDES© Pool/Anwar Hussein Collection/Getty Images
With a little girl on the grounds of the Mants’ase children’s home, while on a return visit to Lesotho on April 24, 2006. The Prince was in the country to launch his new charity called ‘Sentebale’, which means ‘Forget me not’ in memory of his mother, Princess Diana.39/86 SLIDES© Getty Images
With then-girlfriend Chelsy Davy and Prince William at the Concert for Diana event in London on July 1, 2007. It was held to commemorate the late princess’ birthday.40/86 SLIDES© Matt Cardy/Getty Images
During a polo game in Cirencester Park, England, on June 8, 2008.41/86 SLIDES© John Stillwell POOL/ Tim Graham Picture Library/Getty Images
With a group of Gurkha soldiers at an observation post on JTAC Hill in the Helmland province of Afghanistan, on Jan. 2, 2008.42/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images
The prince pays his respects at the World Trade Center site in New York City, New York, U.S., on May 29, 2009.43/86 SLIDES© Anwar Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images
With brother William during a photo call at an Air Force base in Shropshire, England, on June 18, 2009.
44/86 SLIDES© Arthur Edwards-Pool/Getty Images
During a visit to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Jan. 30, 2010.
45/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images
Joking with his elder brother while holding an African rock python during their visit to the Mokolodi Education Centre in Gaborone, Botswana, on June 15, 2010.46/86 SLIDES© David Cheskin/WPA Pool/Getty Images
With team leader Inge Solhiem, during a training session before their expedition Walking With The Wounded to the North Pole, in Spitsbergen, Norway, on March 29, 2011.47/86 SLIDES© James Devaney/FilmMagic/Getty Images
With Pippa Middleton, younger sister of Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, while greeting the crowd from Buckingham Palace after William’s wedding on April 29, 2011.48/86 SLIDES© Collin Reid/AP Photo
Dancing with a local girl during a visit to an NGO in Jamaica on March 6, 2012.
49/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Posing with Usain Bolt at the University of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica, on March 6, 2012.50/86 SLIDES© JOHN STILLWELL/AFP/Getty Images
Makes his early morning pre-flight checks at the British-controlled flight-line at Camp Bastion in Helmand Province, where he was serving as an Apache helicopter pilot/gunner with the 662 Sqd Army Air Corps, on Dec. 12, 2012.51/86 SLIDES© Ryan Pierse-Pool/Getty Images
Onboard the HMAS Leeuwin during International Fleet Review in Sydney, Australia, on Oct. 5, 2013. 52/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson/Getty Images for Invictus Games
Speaks to the media about the 2014 Invictus Games, at Copper Box Arena in the Olympic Park in London, on March 6.53/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson – WPA Pool /Getty Images
Playing with a child during his visit to the Phelisanong Children’s Home in Maseru, Lesotho, on Dec. 6, 2014.54/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Walking through a rainforest in Stewart Island, New Zealand, on May 10, 2015.55/86 SLIDES© Stefan Postles/Getty Images
Greets the public outside the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, Australia, on April 6, 2015. Prince Harry, or Captain Wales as he is known in the British Army, ended his military career with a month-long secondment to the Australian Defence Force in barracks in Sydney, Perth and Darwin.56/86 SLIDES© Becky Maynard/Team Rubicon UK via Getty Images
With volunteers from Team Rubicon UK, working at a solar farm site as a part of rebuilding efforts in Lapubesi, Nepal, in March 2016. The country was hit by a devastating earthquake in April 2015.57/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson – Pool/Getty Images
With singer Rihanna at the Man Aware event to promote widespread testing for HIV, in Bridgetown, Barbados, on Dec. 1, 2016.58/86 SLIDES© Alastair Grant – WPA Pool/Getty Images
Racing with Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, during a Marathon Training Day with Team Heads Together, at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London, on Feb. 5, 2017.59/86 SLIDES© Joseph Nair/AFP/Getty Images
Taking part in ‘iftar,’ the breaking of fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, during a visit to the Jamiyah Children’s Home in Singapore, on June 4, 2017.60/86 SLIDES© Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
Playing handball with children at the Fit-and-Fed summer campaign in London, on July 28, 2017.61/86 SLIDES© Mark Cuthbert/UK Press via Getty Images
Paying tribute to his mother on her 20th death anniversary, in Kensington Palace on Aug. 30, 2017.62/86 SLIDES© PA Images
With a group of school children during a trip to Belfast, Northern Ireland, on Sept. 7, 2017.63/86 SLIDES© Danny Lawson/PA Archive/PA Images Sharing his popcorn with Emily Henson, daughter of British Paralympian Dave Henson, as he attends the Sitting Volleyball Finals at Mattamy Athletic Centre during the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto, Canada, on Sept. 28. 64/86 SLIDES© Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images Meeting local resident Winnie Hodson, 99, during a follow-up visit after the Lancashire Floods in England, on Oct. 23, 2017. 65/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images
With young members from GAME, a community which uses sports to create lasting social change, in Copenhagen, Denmark, on Oct. 25, 2017.66/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images
Visiting the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey in London, on Nov. 9, 2017.67/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/Getty Images During an official photo call at Sunken Gardens in Kensington Palace, to announce his engagement to Meghan Markle, on Nov. 27, 2017. 68/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/Getty Images
With Prince William and BB8 at the European premiere of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” at the Royal Albert Hall in London, on Dec. 12, 2017.69/86 SLIDES© Karwai Tang/Getty Images
With Meghan Markle (now his wife, the Duchess of Sussex) on a visit to Edinburgh Castle, Edinburgh, Scotland, on Feb. 13, 2018.70/86 SLIDES© Adam Davy/PA Wire/PA Images With England’s rugby union coach Eddie Jones during a training session at Twickenham Stadium, London, on Feb. 16, 2018. 71/86 SLIDES© Anwar Hussein/Getty Images With Army Air Corps pilots during a ceremony at the Museum of Army Flying in Stockbridge, England, on March 16, 2018. 72/86 SLIDES© Prince Harry (left) speaks to an athlete at the University of Bath Sports Training Village, Bath,…
Speaking to an athlete at the University of Bath Sports Training Village, during the UK team trials for the Invictus Games Sydney 2018, on April 6.73/86 SLIDES© Simon Dawson/AFP/Getty Images With Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May at a Youth Forum on the sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London, on April 16, 2018. 74/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson – WPA Pool/Getty Images With Meghan Markle at a Women’s Empowerment reception hosted by Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, during the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London, on April 19, 2018. 75/86 SLIDES© Prince Harry on stage at the Royal Albert Hall in London during a star-studded concert to celebrate …
On stage at the Royal Albert Hall during a star-studded concert to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s 92nd birthday, on April 21, 2018.76/86 SLIDES© Jonathan Brady – Pool/Getty Images
Greeting members of the public ahead of his wedding to Meghan Markle in Windsor, on May 18, 2018.77/86 SLIDES© Chris Jackson/AFP/Getty Images
With Prince William as they arrive for his wedding in Windsor.78/86 SLIDES© Jonathan Brady/Pool via Reuters
With his bride Meghan Markle during their wedding service in St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, on May 19, 2018.79/86 SLIDES© Steve Parsons/Pool via Reuters Leaving Windsor Castle with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, after their wedding, to attend an evening reception at Frogmore House, on May 19, 2018. 80/86 SLIDES© Karwai Tang/WireImage/Getty Images
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex during the Trooping the Colour parade on June 9, 2018.81/86 SLIDES© John Stillwell – WPA Pool/Getty Images
With Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and Queen Elizabeth II at the Queen’s Young Leaders Awards Ceremony at Buckingham Palace on June 26, 2018.82/86 SLIDES© David M. Benett/Getty Images for Audi UK
With actor Eddie Redmayne (C) at the Audi Polo Challenge in Ascot, England, on July 1, 2018.83/86 SLIDES© Samir Hussein/WireImage/Getty Images At the Famine Memorial in Dublin, Ireland, on July 11, 2018. 84/86 SLIDES© Michael Kovac/Getty Images for EJAF At the launch of the Menstar coalition to promote HIV testing and treatment of men, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, on July 24, 2018. 85/86 SLIDES© Dan Charity – WPA Pool/Getty Images With the cast and crew of “Hamilton,” after the gala performance in support of Sentebale, in London, on Aug. 29, 2018. 86/86 SLIDES© Victoria Jones – WPA Pool/Getty Images
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex with four-year-old Mckenzie Brackley during the annual WellChild awards in London, on Sept. 4, 2018. Prince Harry has been patron of WellChild since 2007. 86/86 SLIDES
Harry and Meghan’s trip to France is estimated to have had a carbon footprint of just over three tons and their earlier trip to Ibiza is believed to have had a footprint of more than four tons. The carbon footprint of an average person in the UK is 13 tons a year. <figure><iframe width=”300″ height=”250″></iframe></figure>
Democracy Myth August 11th 2019
The word democracy is from the Greek, demos and krakos, people and rule, as my educated readers will know. Revolutions usually claim to be about bringing democracy to the downtrodden, as we have heard so many times to justify bombing and plundering the theocracies of the Middle East, theocracies once loved by Britain’s imperialist elite. Times change, but politics is still what Butler called ‘The art of the possible.’
So who are the people, who and how do they rule? Brexit brings the whole deceitful process into sharp focus and question. There is going to be a con in September when Britain’s MPs come back from summer recess to vote down no deal, when Corbyn tries to usurp power, trying to form a minority government in an anti democratic coup, demonstrating the growing gulf between the socially and economically privileged elite who parliament represents and the mass of lower orders they claim to represent.
The following essay explores more of these issues and complexities. Democracy is about class interest, which is why we have this nonsense of having to have a deal if we have Brexit. How is staying in the customs union, paying for it with all its rules, but no represnetation Brexit?
Britain’s idea of democracy relies on mass ignorance fear deference and docility. Its elite preach tolerance of protestors in Venezuala, Russia and Hong Kong, but come down hard on protestors in the U.K, monitoring internet, phone calls and arresting anyone who gets in the way of their version of democracy.
They even killed a man at G7, a man who was not protesting, just going home from work. Others, including women, were violently assaulted by the police, yet Britain lectures China over Hong Kong. The man killed at G7 was Ian Tomlinson. The police officer who pushed him over, causing a fatal injury, was Stephen Haywood. He got away with it. See the video on this site, Polly Station page.
Watch House of Commons Speaker John Bercow at work and ask what sort of democracy he represents. What he is doing is unconstitutional, asserting the primacy of parliament over the executive. All very interesting.
Charles Close
Difference in Democracy & Parliamentary Democracy
Jason Cristiano Ramon
Democracy can broadly be defined as a system in which the people govern themselves. Democracy can take a variety of different forms, including direct, parliamentary and presidential democracy. Parliamentary democracy is a distinct type of democracy in which citizens vote for representatives, and a majority of those representatives form a government or executive branch. Today, parliamentary democracy is the most common form of democracy among nations.
Direct Versus Representative
Direct democracy is one form of government that can be clearly distinguished from parliamentarism. In direct democracy citizens rule themselves directly by holding political office and exercising political rule rather than relying on representatives. Examples of direct democracy include ancient Athens, in which all adult male citizens had the right to participate in making laws and the 1871 Paris Commune, in which workers’ councils were formed through the direct participation of Commune members. In contrast, parliamentary democracy is a representative democracy. Citizens vote for professional politicians to represent them in parliament, rather than directly ruling themselves.
Separation of Powers
Presidentialism is another type of democracy. Like parliamentary democracy, presidentialism is a form of representative, rather than direct, government. Unlike parliamentary democracy, in presidentialism, executive power is separated from legislative power, and the executive is usually elected separately from the legislature. For example, in the United States, the constitution distinguishes between the powers of Congress and those of the president, and each are elected separately. In contrast, in parliamentary democracies such as the United Kingdom, the executive of the government is chosen from the majority party in parliament or by a coalition of parties. There are no separate elections for the executive.
It is often easier to pass legislation in parliamentary democracies than in presidential democracies because of the absence of a distinct executive branch. Presidential democracies like the United States often feature checks and balances, which means that the powers of different branches overlap. For instance, United States presidents do not have the power to pass legislation but they do have the power to veto legislation passed by Congress, which can only be overridden by a two-thirds majority of Congress. In contrast, in most parliamentary democracies the executive has a much easier time passing legislation, since the executive generally enjoys a majority or majority coalition in parliament.
Process and Deliberation
While some political scientists such as Juan Linz in the book “The Failure of Presidential Democracy,” argue that the relative ease of passing legislation in parliamentary democracy makes it preferable over presidential systems, scholars such as constitutional law scholar and Yale professor Bruce Ackerman argues in his book “We the People,” that presidential systems can have more informed political deliberation than parliamentary ones. Whereas passing laws is relatively straightforward in parliamentary democracies, decision makers in presidential democracies must engage in more persuasion, public debate and deliberation to enact legislation. This potentially makes a presidential democracy slower and more unwieldy, but it does have the benefit of sustaining more public deliberation and debate than parliamentary democracy requires.
‘Extreme surveillance’ becomes UK law with barely a whimper
This article is more than 2 years old
Investigatory Powers Act legalises range of tools for snooping and hacking by the security services
The Investigatory Powers Act was passed on Thursday. Photograph: Philip Toscano/PA
A bill giving the UK intelligence agencies and police the most sweeping surveillance powers in the western world has passed into law with barely a whimper, meeting only token resistance over the past 12 months from inside parliament and barely any from outside.
The Investigatory Powers Act, passed on Thursday, legalises a whole range of tools for snooping and hacking by the security services unmatched by any other country in western Europe or even the US.
The security agencies and police began the year braced for at least some opposition, rehearsing arguments for the debate. In the end, faced with public apathy and an opposition in disarray, the government did not have to make a single substantial concession to the privacy lobby.
US whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted: “The UK has just legalised the most extreme surveillance in the history of western democracy. It goes further than many autocracies.”
Snowden in 2013 revealed the scale of mass surveillance – or bulk data collection as the security agencies prefer to describe it – by the US National Security Agency and the UK’s GCHQ, which work in tandem.
But, against a backdrop of fears of Islamist attacks, the privacy lobby has failed to make much headway. Even in Germany, with East Germany’s history of mass surveillance by the Stasi and where Snowden’s revelations produced the most outcry, the Bundestag recently passed legislation giving the intelligence agencies more surveillance powers.
The US passed a modest bill last year curtailing bulk phone data collection but the victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential election is potentially a major reverse for privacy advocates. On the campaign trail, Trump made comments that implied he would like to use the powers of the surveillance agencies against political opponents.
The Liberal Democrat peer Lord Strasburger, one of the leading voices against the investigatory powers bill, said: “We do have to worry about a UK Donald Trump. If we do end up with one, and that is not impossible, we have created the tools for repression. If Labour had backed us up, we could have made the bill better. We have ended up with a bad bill because they were all over the place.
“The real Donald Trump has access to all the data that the British spooks are gathering and we should be worried about that.”
The Investigatory Powers Act legalises powers that the security agencies and police had been using for years without making this clear to either the public or parliament. In October, the investigatory powers tribunal, the only court that hears complaints against MI6, MI5 and GCHQ, ruled that they had been unlawfully collecting massive volumes of confidential personal data without proper oversight for 17 years.
One of the negative aspects of the legislation is that it fails to provide adequate protection for journalists’ sources, which could discourage whistleblowing.
One of the few positives in the legislation is that it sets out clearly for the first time the surveillance powers available to the intelligence services and the police. It legalises hacking by the security agencies into computers and mobile phones and allows them access to masses of stored personal data, even if the person under scrutiny is not suspected of any wrongdoing.
Privacy groups are challenging the surveillance powers in the European court of human rights and elsewhere.
Jim Killock, the executive director of Open Rights Group, said: “The UK now has a surveillance law that is more suited to a dictatorship than a democracy. The state has unprecedented powers to monitor and analyse UK citizens’ communications regardless of whether we are suspected of any criminal activity.”
Renate Samson, the chief executive of Big Brother Watch, said: “The passing of the investigatory powers bill has fundamentally changed the face of surveillance in this country. None of us online are now guaranteed the right to communicate privately and, most importantly, securely.”
Trump’s victory started speculation that, given his warm words for Vladimir Putin, he might do a deal with the Russian president to have Snowden sent back to the US where he faces a long jail sentence. Snowden has lived in Russia since leaking tens of thousands of documents to journalists in 2013.
But Bill Binney, a former member of the NSA who became a whistleblower, expressed scepticism: “I am not sure if the relationship a President Trump would have with President Putin would be bad for Snowden.
“In Russia, he would still be an asset that maybe Putin would use in bargaining with Trump. Otherwise, Snowden does have a large support network around the world plus in the US and Trump may not want to disturb that. Also, I think any move to get Snowden out of Russia and into US courts would also open up support for at least three other lawsuits against the US government’s unconstitutional surveillance.”
- This article was amended on 19 November 2016. The act has not yet received royal assent, as stated in an earlier version.
Editorial Comment : The Act is now law and about to be extended so, apparently, to help The Five Eyes monitor Whatsapp encrypted messages to protect good people from paedophiles and terrorists. I am being monitored by the police a I write this. I have been raided many times, computers and I phones confiscated and much more. That is British Democracy.
The police ask to look at our private messages once every 120 seconds
The Government is preparing to reintroduce its ‘snooper’s charter’
- Nigel Morris @NigelpMorris
- Monday 1 June 2015 00:00
Police officers in the UK ask for permission to monitor use of emails, text messages and internet searches once every two minutes, a new report has disclosed.
Fewer than one in 10 requests are turned down by senior officers, although the rate of refusal varies widely.
The extent of the monitoring of private communications emerged as the Government prepares to reintroduce its “snooper’s charter” plans to give the police and security services wider powers in the fight against terrorism and organised crime.
Freedom of Information requests by the campaign organisation Big Brother Watch found that forces made 733,237 requests between 2012 and 2014. A total of 679,073 requests were granted ranted internally and 54,164 were rejected.
The Metropolitan Police made by far the most requests for data, with 177,287 in three years, followed by West Midlands Police (99,444) and Police Scotland (62,075).
Who actually poisoned the Skripals? These are some of the top theories
Published time: 16 Mar, 2018 17:54 Edited time: 17 Mar, 2018 08:08 Get short URL
Police officers by where Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia were found poisoned in Salisbury, Britain, March 13, 2018. © Henry Nicholls © Reuters
Prime Minister Theresa May has pointed the finger at Moscow for the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, in Salisbury. But who was the person that actually attacked them? These are the three top theories so far.
At this point, police have not made any arrests and they do not appear to have any concrete leads. The assailant – or assailants – have seemingly slipped away unnoticed, leaving plenty of room for theories about what actually happened on that day in Salisbury.
Was it in Yulia Skripal’s suitcase?
Some papers are speculating that the nerve agent that poisoned the Skripals was planted in Yulia’s suitcase before she left Moscow. Senior sources reportedly told the Telegraph that they are convinced the nerve agent was hidden in Yulia’s luggage, perhaps hidden in an item of clothing, cosmetics, or in a gift that was opened in Skripal’s house in Salisbury. Read more Boris Johnson: Likely ‘Putin’s decision’ to order use of nerve agent in UK
Was it sprayed on them by a mystery woman?
Another theory being explored is that the Novichok was contained in an aerosol can and sprayed in the faces of the ex-Russian spy and his daughter.
According to the Daily Mail, “former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal may have been ambushed by attackers who sprayed him with poison in the street.” CCTV footage has been shared by the media that shows a blonde woman in the area at the same time the Skripals were poisoned, but authorities have not confirmed that they are searching for the mystery woman.
It was another spy from the Russian government
The poisoning may have been a message to other Russian operatives, according to Shaun Walker from the Guardian. Walker’s theory questions whether the alleged assassination attempt was a deterrent – a warning to other operatives about the consequences of colluding with the enemy.
“The demonstrative killing of a traitor could be a warning to junior officers not to follow the same path,” Walker said in his article. “Russian officials have often made it clear that traitors will meet a sticky end one way or another.”
Stolen Novichok
Another theory purports that the Novichok may have been stolen. The Soviet Union’s chemical weapons program was in such disarray following the Cold War that some toxic substances and know-how may have fallen into the hands of criminals, according to people who dealt with the chemical program at the time.
Biological and chemical weapons expert Amy Smithson spoke to Reuters about the possibility. “Could somebody have smuggled something out?” she said. “I certainly wouldn’t rule that possibility out, especially a small amount and particularly in view of how lax the security was at Russian chemical facilities in the early 1990s.”
While this theory does not point the finger at any suspects, it does open the case to a new realm of possibilities.
Tommy Robinson fans flood parliament after hurling smoke bombs and bottles at police author Zoe Drewett Thursday 11 Jul 2019 2:17 pm
Tommy Robinson, a consequence, not a cause of Britain’s new 21st century society. But for the established comfortable elite, he is a warning to us not to get upitty- Robert Cook July 12th 2019.
Tommy Robinson fans flooded parliament after hurling smoke bombs and bottles at police.
A protester is detained by police after scuffles broke out outside parliament during a demonstration following the sentencing of British far-right activist and former leader and founder of English Defence League (EDL),
Tommy Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, at the Old Bailey on July 11, 2019 in London, England. Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been sentenced to nine months in prison for contempt of court. He was found guilty of filming defendants accused of child sex offences outside Leeds Crown Court and live-streaming the footage on Facebook in May, 2018.
Dozens of angry supporters of jailed far-right activist Tommy Robinson scuffled with police outside the Old Bailey then marched on parliament after he was sentenced for contempt of court. Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, 36, – who calls himself Tommy Robinson – was today jailed for contempt of court after he filmed defendants during a trial into the sexual exploitation of girls outside Leeds Crown Court last year.
Violence began to break out between the 200 banner-waving protesters waiting outside court as the news of his sentencing trickled through. Some hurled smoke bombs, others threw cans and bottles at police in riot gear, who retaliated by raising batons.
A large group then headed towards parliament, blocking roads and shouting ‘shame on you’. Angry protesters tore down EU flags as they marched, with some later seen burning the flags in front of the Houses of Parliament. Journalists filming on the College Garden were verbally abused, physically intimidated and had their equipment attacked before police officers arrived. City of London Police said four people have been arrested including a woman, 28, and two men, 60 and 50, arrested for affray and another woman, 61, arrested for a public order offence. LONDON , UNITED KINGDOM – JULY 11:
People protest outside the Old Bailey after British far-right activist and former leader and founder of English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson – whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, was sentenced to nine months in prison for contempt of court, at the Old Bailey on July 11, 2019 in London, England. Far-right activist Tommy Robinson has been sentenced to nine months in prison for contempt of court. He was found guilty of filming defendants accused of child sex offences outside Leeds Crown Court and live-streaming the footage on Facebook .
Will the Euro default?
Nick Hubble June 6th 2019
Dear Reader, On 4th June, the Telegraph ran an article with a simple headline: “German Bundesbank comes clean on euro default risks after Italy’s ‘parallel currency’ decree.” So will the Euro die? The answer is, of course, yes. In my opinion, anyway. And you should listen to my opinion. Because I first wrote about Italy introducing a parallel currency a year ago in Capital & Conflict. Here’s what I said about Italy’s actions long before the mainstream media caught up: “But it’s the parallel currency that’s the key. This is essentially the first step to leaving the euro. It’s still well disguised. But that’s what it is.I’ll explain what the Italians have planned for their money in a moment.
First, realise what it’ll mean.If the Italians pull this off successfully, there’ll be no reason to keep the euro. And other nations will follow Italy.If a big chunk of the eurozone isn’t using the euro, it’s defunct.And a defunct currency is worthless. Which will make debt markets denominated in euro panic.Introducing the mini-BOTOf all the financial frauds committed by government, the mini-BOT is not a particularly pernicious one. The trouble is, it doesn’t really solve the problem. In fact, it doesn’t do much at all except forestall a reckoning.Which is why I think the real purpose of the new currency is to prepare Italy for a return to the lira. As Reuters put it, “Italy’s dual currency schemes may be long road to euro exit”.
Back to that in a moment.The so-called mini-BOT parallel currency system was also considered in Greece by upstart finance minister Yanis Varoufakis. But the European Central Bank wasn’t a fan. For the reason I just mentioned.Here’s how it works…The mini-BOT is a “fiscal currency”. A tradeable tax credit.It can be used to pay your taxes. And it can be used by the government to pay its bills from the private sector. It can’t be exchanged for euros, and there are limits to how it can be exchanged between companies and people.The intended effect is to stop the outflow of euros from government coffers, reducing borrowing needs. The increased amount of “money” would also grease the wheels of commerce.But in reality, the mini-BOT is just a new debt incurred by government – a form of borrowing that is compulsory for the government’s partners in the private sector.Here’s how it works in practice.
First the Italian government pays its bills from the private sector in freshly created mini-BOTs instead of euros. Then, in the future, the mini-BOTs can be paid to the government instead of euros when taxes are due.What’s the effect? The Italian government doesn’t have to pay in euros, it can pay in mini-BOTs it creates – effectively a tax credit.But by paying the private sector with a form of tax credit, Italy’s government is going to forgo tax revenue when those tax credits are eventually redeemed. The government will receive nothing but its arbitrary currency back instead of euros when taxes are due.When it comes down to it, the mini-BOT is a bit melodramatic in terms of the effect it’ll actually have on Italy’s finances. Right now, the government owes vast amounts of euros to private companies. Euros it doesn’t have, and can’t borrow under EU deficit rules.By “paying” bills in mini-NOTs instead of euro, the government gets to keep those euros. But when those companies have to pay taxes, they’ll just pay in mini-BOTs, depriving the Italian government of the tax revenue it’ll so desperately need in the future.The net effect of the mini-BOT is to buy time.
That’s why it’s like a debt.One plan is for the mini-BOTs to last two years before being redeemed. That’d make they’re like a two-year government bond.But the parallel currency does have one redeeming factor. Mini-BOT debt – in the form of lost future tax revenue – is not counted as official debt in government accounts. The mini-BOT allows the Italian government to borrow money in such an obscure way that it isn’t counted as debt by statistics.It’s an accounting fraud.The underlying problem Italy faces is that it cannot issue its own euros. So the government can’t print its way out of debt by devaluing the currency. If it left the euro it could though…Lega wants to leave the euro eventually, but cautiously. Five Star has abandoned the pledge for a referendum on the euro. Despite this, it is the inevitable endgame for Italy.
There you go. Written by yours truly on 14th May last year, long before the mainstream press seemed interested in the idea. It’s all part of my research into How The Euro Dies, my new book. If you’re interested in finding out more about what happens next, and why you need to be concerned about the impact on your money… You can claim a copy of my book by clicking here. Only my opinion, but it’ll be the best £5 you spend this year… And it could save you tens of thousands of pounds over the next few months. Just ask the Bundesbank. Best wishes,
Nick Hubble Capital & Conflict
‘The human being can only be an individual in society’ Karl Marx. Neo Liberal economics has changed, if not destroyed stable society, therefore it develops unstable individuals- Robert Cook |
Trump’s UK state visit: Pomp, pageantry and protests by Justin Parkinson of the BBC |
Trump’s UK state visit: Pomp, pageantry and protests After months of discussions and amid huge security, US President Donald Trump is arriving for his three-day state visit to the UK. Monday’s highlight will be a dinner in his honour at Buckingham Palace, which First Lady Melania Trump will also attend. Several UK politicians, including the Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders and London’s mayor, are boycotting the event. Protests are planned in many places, including London, Manchester, Belfast, Birmingham and Nottingham. But Mr Trump can be assured of a cordial welcome when he meets the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall for afternoon tea. He and his family will be staying at the US embassy because of refurbishment work at Buckingham Palace. US presidents don’t travel light. Here’s a breakdown of the people and equipment crossing the Atlantic with Mr Trump. Mr Trump has expressed views on Brexit, potential Conservative Party leaders and the Duchess of Sussex. BBC diplomatic correspondent James Landale looks at five potential flashpoints. Here’s all you need to know about the visit. |
Assange arrest final step in character assassination campaign – Slavoj Zizek
Published time: 11 Apr, 2019 12:21 Edited time: 12 Apr, 2019 08:09
Published time: 11 Apr, 2019 12:21 Edited time: 12 Apr, 2019 08:09 Get short URL
Julian Assange’s arrest was not a sudden development, cultural philosopher Slavoj Zizek told RT. Instead it was well planned and the final step in a long and ugly smear campaign against the WikiLeaks founder.
After sheltering in London’s Ecuadorian embassy for six years, Assange was dragged out of the building by British police on Thursday morning. The arrest comes after Ecuador’s new pro-US president withdrew Assange’s asylum claim, and after WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson claimed that an extensive spying campaign was conducted against Assange, designed to get him out.
What did Julian Assange do?
Assange had sex with two women he met at a conference in Sweden in August 2010.
They accused the dad of rape and, though he was questioned, Assange was never charged over the claims. He’s always denied them.
But Interpol issued a Red Notice for Assange’s arrest in November 2010 and he gave himself up one week later.
The hacker then appeared before a judge in Westminster, where his supporters stumped up £240,000 for his bail.
But in June 2012, Swedish prosecutors called for him to be extradited – a measure his lawyers opposed in case he was sent to the US.
FBI Director Hoover’s Dirty Files: Excerpt From Ronald Kessler’s ‘The Secrets of the FBI’
The FBI director kept infamous files on politicians’ sex lives—including a new book’s revelations of RFK’s secret meetings with Marilyn Monroe.
Ronald Kessler08.02.11 1:54 PM ET
Complex man that he was, J. Edgar Hoover left nothing to chance. The director shrewdly recognized that building what became known as the world’s greatest law enforcement agency would not necessarily keep him in office. So after Hoover became director, he began to maintain a special Official and Confidential file in his office. The “secret files,” as they became widely known, would guarantee that Hoover would remain director as long as he wished.
Defenders of Hoover— a dwindling number of older former agents who still refer to him as “Mr. Hoover”—have claimed his Official and Confidential files were not used to blackmail members of Congress or presidents. They say Hoover kept the files with sensitive information about political leaders in his suite so that young file clerks would not peruse them and spread gossip. The files were no more secret than any other bureau files, Hoover supporters say.
While the files may well have been kept in Hoover’s office to protect them from curious clerks, it was also true that far more sensitive files containing top-secret information on pending espionage cases were kept in the central files. If Hoover truly was concerned about information getting out, he should have been more worried about the highly classified information in those files.
Moreover, the Official and Confidential files were secret in the sense that Hoover never referred to them publicly, as he did the rest of the bureau’s files. He distinguished them from other bureau files by calling them “confidential,” denoting secrecy. But whether they were secret or not and where they were kept was irrelevant. What was important was how Hoover used the information from those files and from other bureau files.
“The moment [Hoover] would get something on a senator,” said William Sullivan, who became the number three official in the bureau under Hoover, “he’d send one of the errand boys up and advise the senator that ‘we’re in the course of an investigation, and we by chance happened to come up with this data on your daughter. But we wanted you to know this. We realize you’d want to know it.’ Well, Jesus, what does that tell the senator? From that time on, the senator’s right in his pocket.”
Lawrence J. Heim, who was in the Crime Records Division, confirmed to me that the bureau sent agents to tell members of Congress that Hoover had picked up derogatory information on them.
“He [Hoover] would send someone over on a very confidential basis,” Heim said. As an example, if the Metropolitan Police in Washington had picked up evidence of homosexuality, “he [Hoover] would have him say, ‘This activity is known by the Metropolitan Police Department and some of our informants, and it is in your best interests to know this.’ But nobody has ever claimed to have been blackmailed. You can deduce what you want from that.”
Of course, the reason no one publicly claimed to have been blackmailed is that blackmail, by definition, entails collecting embarrassing information that people do not want public. But not everyone was intimidated.
Roy L. Elson, the administrative assistant to Senator Carl T. Hayden, will never forget an encounter he had with Cartha “Deke” DeLoach, the FBI’s liaison with Congress. For twenty years, Hayden headed the Senate Rules and Administration Committee and later the Senate Appropriations Committee, which had jurisdiction over the FBI’s budget. He was one of the most powerful members of Congress. As Hayden, an Arizona Democrat, suffered hearing loss and some dementia in his later years, Elson became known as the “101st senator” because he made many of the senator’s decisions for him.
In the early 1960s, DeLoach wanted an additional appropriation for the new FBI headquarters building, which Congress approved in April 1962.
“The senator supported the building,” Elson said. “He always gave the bureau more money than they needed. This was a request for an additional appropriation. I had reservations about it. DeLoach was persistent.”
DeLoach “hinted” that he had “information that was unflattering and detrimental to my marital situation and that the senator might be disturbed,” said Elson, who was then married to his second wife. “I was certainly vulnerable that way,” Elson said. “There was more than one girl [he was seeing]. . . . The implication was there was information about my sex life. There was no doubt in my mind what he was talking about.”
Elson said to DeLoach: “Let’s talk to him [the senator] about it. I think he’s heard about everything there is to hear about me. Bring the photos if you have them.” At that point, Elson said, “He started backing off. . . . He said, ‘I’m only joking.’ Bullshit,” Elson said. “I interpreted it as attempted blackmail.”
Commenting on Elson’s allegation, DeLoach says, “It never happened.”
Reading the Official and Confidential files that survived makes it clear they could have been gathered for no other purpose than blackmail. For example, on June 13, 1958, the head of the Washington field office informed Hoover that, prior to marrying a member of Congress, the member’s wife had been “having an affair with a Negro [and] also at one time carried on an affair with a House Post Office employee.” More recently, the report said, the congressman’s wife “endeavored to have an affair with [an] Indonesian, who declined.”
In response to this tidbit, Hoover wrote back on June 25 that it was “certainly thoughtful of you to advise me of matters of current interest, and I am glad to have the benefit of this information.”
“This was a way of putting congressmen on notice that we had something on them and therefore they would be more disposed to meeting the bureau’s needs and keeping Hoover in power,” says John J. McDermott, who headed the Washington field office and eventually became deputy associate FBI director.
Hoover let presidents know that he had dirt on them as well. For example, on March 22, 1962, Hoover had lunch with President Kennedy. Hoover told him that through bugs and wiretaps, the FBI had learned that Jack was having an affair with Judith Campbell Exner, a twenty five-year-old divorcée. Hoover informed the president that Exner was also having an affair with Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana. Because Hoover knew such tidbits, no president would fire him.
As President Lyndon B. Johnson said, “I would rather have him [Hoover] inside the tent pissing out than outside the tent pissing in.”
Many of the confidential files were destroyed after Hoover’s death. One such item that never came out previously was a teletype sent to headquarters from William Simon, who headed the Los Angeles field office, just after the August 5, 1962, death of Marilyn Monroe at her Brentwood, California home. According to DeLoach, who saw the teletype, it said that then Attorney General Robert Kennedy had borrowed Simon’s personal car to see Monroe just before her death.
Confirming this, Simon’s son Greg says, “My father said Robert Kennedy would borrow his white Lincoln convertible. That’s why we didn’t have it on many weekends.” Simon’s daughter Stephanie Branon also confirmed that her father lent his car to Kennedy and remembered that the attorney general once left his Ray-Ban sunglasses in the glove compartment.
As attorney general, Kennedy was entitled to be driven by an FBI security detail. The fact that he chose to use Simon’s personal car is consistent with William Simon’s report to headquarters that he lent his car to Kennedy for the purpose of clandestine meetings with Monroe. Whether his last meeting with her, possibly to break up with her, may have contributed to her suicide is legitimate speculation.
While there is ample evidence that Hoover used the information in his files for blackmail, there was usually no need for it. Simply the perception that he had such information was enough to keep politicians in line.
In the end, the answer to why Hoover did not go after organized crime until he was forced into it is the same reason he maintained files on members of Congress. Above all, Hoover wanted to keep his job. Many members of Congress—not to mention powerful local politicians—had ties to organized crime and might try to unseat him if he went after the Mafia. The Mafia was as powerful as the president. Moreover, as a perfectionist, Hoover did not want to risk losing a case against a powerful figure.
For the same reasons, for purposes of prosecution, Hoover would not investigate corrupt politicians. As FBI director, Hoover had an obligation to go after both Mafia figures and corrupt politicians. Yet until he was pressured into investigating organized crime, those two targets were sacrosanct.
On May 1, 1972, Helen Gandy, Hoover’s personal secretary, handed him the first in a series of exposés by ++Jack Anderson++[], whose column appeared in The Washington Post. Previously, Anderson had enraged Hoover by assigning a reporter to rummage through his trash at home. The resulting column revealed that on Sundays, Hoover ate a hearty breakfast of poached eggs and hotcakes. It also revealed that he brushed his teeth with Ultra Brite, washed with Palmolive, and shaved with Noxzema shaving cream. Now, in his latest column, Anderson revealed that the FBI had conducted surveillance of Martin Luther King Jr.’s sex life.
Besides attending sex orgies, King was having an affair with a young woman in his office, says an agent who monitored wiretaps on King’s office and home phones.
“Besides his home, King had an apartment,” the former agent says. “On Tuesdays, he’d go to the apartment, ostensibly to meditate and write sermons.” In fact, King’s girlfriend would meet him there for sex.
For a man whose lifelong mantra had been “Don’t embarrass the bureau,” the continuing stream of unfavorable disclosures had to be unnerving. Yet Hoover rarely revealed his true personal feelings. Sphinx-like, he projected the same persona to his friends and family as he did to the general public. The only difference was that in person, he showed a sense of humor.
Occasionally Hoover cracked a smile or played a prank. James H. Geer, who would later head the Intelligence Division, recalled the time when a nervous new agent went to shake Hoover’s hand after graduating from training, and mistakenly introduced himself as “Mr. Hoover.”
“Very nice to meet you, Mr. Hoover,” the director responded, smiling.
Shortly before six in the afternoon of May 1, 1972, Tom Moton, Hoover’s FBI chauffeur, drove him to Associate Director Clyde Tolson’s apartment, where the two had dinner. Moton drove Hoover home at 10:15 p.m.
By 8:15 the next morning, Annie Fields, Hoover’s housekeeper, became concerned. By then, she should have heard the sound of the shower. Hoover’s toast, soft- boiled eggs, and coffee were getting cold. James Crawford, Hoover’s previous FBI chauffeur, had come over to plant some roses. Checking on him, he found Hoover’s body sprawled on the oriental rug next to his bed. He touched one of his hands; it was cold.
After examining Hoover’s nude body and consulting with his doctor, the District of Columbia medical examiner, Dr. James L. Luke, attributed the director’s death to “hypertensive cardiovascular disease.” As part of the speculation about his love life, a rumor had gone around that Hoover had an underdeveloped sex organ. That was not true, Dr. Luke tells me.
When Hoover’s will was probated, it turned out that Tolson received his estate, estimated at $560,000, including his home. It was the equivalent of $2.9 million today. Gandy received $5,000, Annie Fields $3,000, and James Crawford $2,000. The bequest to Tolson was the final word on the closeness of their relationship.
Hoover preached that even the appearance of impropriety must be avoided. He disciplined agents for losing their handcuffs. Yet after the death of the imperious FBI director, a Justice Department and FBI investigation found that over the years, Hoover had FBI employees build a front portico and a rear deck on his home at 4936 30th Place, NW, in Washington. They installed a fish pond, equipped with water pump and lights, and they constructed shelves and other conveniences for him. They painted his house, maintained his yard, replaced the sod, installed artificial turf, and planted and moved shrubbery. They built a redwood garden fence and installed a flagstone court and sidewalks.
FBI employees also reset Hoover’s clocks, retouched his wallpaper, and prepared his tax returns. Many of the gifts Hoover received from FBI employees, such as cabinets and bars, had been built by them on government time. Hoover also ordered FBI employees to write Masters of Deceit for him under his name. He pocketed part of the proceeds.
When the FBI and Justice Department finally investigated the abuses in the mid- 1970s at the direction of FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley, “a number of these agents had already retired from the bureau, and we were running all over the country interviewing them,” says Richard H. Ash, who headed the FBI task force. “The agent being interviewed would say, ‘Wait a minute.’ And he would go over to his files, pull out a log about all these things they had done, because it was eating at them that they were being used that way.”
“Hoover [and some of his aides] would be prosecuted under today’s standards. No question of it. And should have been,” Buck Revell, formerly the bureau’s associate deputy director over investigations, says. “Hoover for the money he kept from the books he supposedly wrote but didn’t write. Using government funds and resources for personal gain. And use of government employees to maintain his residence. Again, that is fraud against the government. Taking vacations and putting in vouchers for expenses. Agents have been prosecuted for that. Those things that were somewhat taken for granted back then would be prosecuted today.”
“Hoover did a good job for many years,” says John McDermott, the former Washington field office special agent in charge who became deputy associate FBI director. “He went wrong along the way. He became a martinet. In seeking to prevent embarrassment to the bureau, he equated the bureau with himself. Everyone told him how good he was. He came to believe the exorbitant praise he was receiving. Anybody who can be conned by a flatterer has a character weakness.”
Hoover ran the FBI for forty-eight years. Never again would one man so dominate the bureau.
In 1975 and 1976, the Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, headed by Senator Frank Church, held hearings on FBI and CIA abuses. These included surveillance of Martin Luther King Jr., illegal wiretapping and mail openings, and surreptitious entries or “black-bag jobs.”
Prior to that, members of Congress took the position they did not want to know what the FBI and CIA were doing. The Church Committee hearings, as they became known, exposed real abuses and a lack of focus that undercut the mission of those agencies. The hearings ultimately improved both agencies and established an effective oversight mechanism.
When creating the FBI on June 29, 1908, as an unnamed investigative bureau of thirty-four special agents within the Justice Department, Congress had been leery of creating a national police force. Because of that, agents initially were not even empowered to carry weapons.
Despite limitations on its power, questions arose very quickly about the extent of the bureau’s authority and methods. Yet whenever a new threat arose, those questions would be set aside, and Congress would entrust the bureau with new powers.
Reproduced with permission from Crown Publishers.
We Found The Guy Behind the Viral ‘Drunk Pelosi’ VideoKevin PoulsenDid Jesus Poop?Candida MossMueller Screwed Up by Staying Silent So LongDavid R. LurieTrump Pardoned Billionaire but Left His Prison Buddy BehindSam SteinInside the Pretty Sober, Extra Bro-y Cannabis World CongressAlaina Demopoulos
We Found The Guy Behind the Viral ‘Drunk Pelosi’ Video
The video that racked up millions of views and sparked a national conversation was uploaded by a sports blogger from the Bronx, currently on probation for domestic battery.
Kevin Poulsen06.01.19 7:59 PM ET
On May 22, a Donald Trump superfan and occasional sports blogger from the Bronx named Shawn Brooks posted a video clip of Nancy Pelosi on his personal Facebook page. The clip showed Pelosi at her most excitable, stammering during a press conference as she voiced frustration over an abortive infrastructure meeting with the president. Brooks’ commentary on the video was succinct: “Is Pelosi drunk?”
Thirteen minutes later, a Facebook official told The Daily Beast, Brooks posted a very different Pelosi video to a Facebook page called Politics WatchDog—one of a series of hyperpartisan news operations Brooks runs (with help, he claims). This clip had been altered to slow Pelosi down without lowering the pitch of her voice. The effect was to make it sound as though the Speaker of the House was slurring her words drunkenly while criticizing Donald Trump.
Fifteen minutes after that, the same doctored video appeared on a second Facebook page Brooks manages, AllNews 24/7. This clip was identical to the Politics WatchDog video on every way, except that it didn’t carry the Politics WatchDog branding that was superimposed over the earlier video. Whoever posted it had access to the director’s cut. On both pages the clip was accompanied by the exact same dispassionate, newsy prose: “House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on President Trump walking out infrastructure meeting: ‘It was very, very, very strange.’”
The video was an instant social media smash, surging through the internet’s well-worn ley lines of credulity and venom. It was shared more than 60,000 times on Facebook and accumulated 4 million page views from links. “Drunk as a skunk,” mused actor turned alt-right curmudgeon James Woods, whose tweet of the video scored 17,000 retweets and 55,000 likes. “What is wrong with Nancy Pelosi?”, wrote Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, in a tweet linking to the AllNews 24/7 post. “Her speech pattern is bizarre.”
Brooks, a 34-year-old day laborer currently on probation after pleading guilty to domestic battery, claims that his “drunk” commentary on an unaltered Pelosi video had no connection to the now-infamous fake clip that premiered less than 15 minutes later. “I wasn’t the individual who created that Pelosi video,” he insisted in a telephone interview.
It’s conceivable that someone else actually edited the clip. But a Facebook official, confirming a Daily Beast investigation, said the video was first posted on Politics WatchDog directly from Brooks’ personal Facebook account. “I couldn’t believe it… The president’s lawyer, what the hell? If he believed that [Pelosi] was really drunk, and he shared it, that’s kind of bad. Somebody that high up.”— Shawn Brooks
Brooks acknowledged that he’s involved in the management of both Politics WatchDog and AllNews 24/7, the Facebook pages that sent the bogus video on it’s viral tear. To the outside observer, the two pages are unconnected, but after a tell-tale link on one of the pages led The Daily Beast to Brooks, he admitted that the ad revenue for both outlets goes directly into his personal PayPal account.
In the first hint at a possible motive for the Pelosi smear, Brooks volunteered that the video brought in nearly $1,000 in shared ad revenue.
That number would have been higher, he said, except that Facebook cut off any future earnings when the company’s fact-check partners ruled the clip a hoax about 36 hours after its Politics WatchDog debut. “It makes money for Facebook too,” he groused. “I’m sure that’s their motive for not taking it down.”
In a statement, Facebook disputed that, saying, “We have zero interest in making money from fake news and our policy is to not allow people to make money from content that has been rated false by a fact-checker.”
Over the course of an hour-and-a-half interview, Brooks insisted repeatedly that he wasn’t the one who posted the Pelosi clip on Politics WatchDog. He claimed he’s just one of half-a-dozen administrators who jointly control the page and its content. It was one of the others, he said, who debuted the doctored video. “It was a female admin who posted it.”
He declined to identify the “female admin” or any of his other supposed colleagues. And a Facebook official told The Daily Beast that they simply don’t exist.
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According to the official, there were indeed six other accounts registered alongside Brooks as page administrators, but the company determined last week that all six of them were controlled by Brooks. Facebook deleted those accounts under its real-name policy, the Facebook official said.
Politics WatchDog ran an online poll as the furor crested, asking if the page should keep the video up. (58 percent of respondents said yes.) Now, Brooks professes concern over how easily prominent figures like Rudy Giuliani were fooled by a little audio trickery. “I couldn’t believe it,” he said “I was reading an article and it said, the president’s lawyer, and I was like, what the hell? If he believed that she was really drunk, and he shared it, that’s kind of bad. Somebody that high up.”
The Daily Beast started looking for Brooks last week after noticing a donation link at the bottom of AllNews 24/7’s “about” page that had “ShawnBrooks32” plainly coded in the URL. Brooks personally outed his connection to Politics Watchdog in a May 24 tweet first noticed by Manic News. In it, Brooks responds to PolitFact’s pants-on-fire debunking of the video hoax, which singled out Politics WatchDog. “I’m one of the admins for the page,” he wrote. “I did not post the video. I deal with the inbox and emails. I notice you said you tried to reach the page but didn’t get a response. Why did you lie about reaching out?”
A review of Brooks’ personal fan page reveals him as an avowed conservative and a proud member of Trump’s razor-thin African-American support base. A couple of Brooks’ Instagram posts feature misogyny. The strongest example is a post last year featuring a photo he evidently snapped of a woman sitting next to him on the subway. “This dumb bitch sitting in front of me on the E-train continues to kick me without saying excuse me,” he wrote.
He runs other pages as well. An ardent New England Patriots fan, Brooks has a long history of online ventures around athletics, including a Facebook page called Out Kick the Sports. Brooks’ sparse LinkedIn profile lists him as an “Analyst at Sports Blogger,” a long-shuttered blog platform where Brooks once blogged under his current Twitter screen name, “SportsGurufsr.”
At first Brooks didn’t respond to emails, phone calls, text messages, Facebook messages and a direct message over Instagram, and he blocked this reporter on Twitter. On Friday he called back, explaining that he was worried over the prospect of being publicly linked to the video fakery.
“I’m in New York City,” he said. “Very liberal. People make judgments. I just don’t want to be linked to a conservative right-winger and be potentially denied services and stuff… People are nasty. You should see some of the messages that are coming in.”
As he tells it, Brooks’ gravitated to conservatism after seeing first hand the failure of liberal policies during the Obama era. “I’ve traveled around and seen too many things, and I don’t like the way things have been run,” he said. A key personal turning point came years ago when he was working in a warehouse in Queens doing “forklift work, loading, unloading, labeling,” he said “Basic stuff.” He’d started the job off-the-books, but eventually became an official hire. Then the managers began supplementing their workforce with undocumented immigrants willing to do the same work for less, he claimed.“He’s deeply into politics… He has this thing with being a secret agent and working for the government.”— Brooks’ former girlfriend
“I was working there four or five years and I was being paid pretty well,” he said. “And then they “starting bringing these guys in vans through the side door. This was going on for months. Then all of a sudden they told me, ‘We can’t pay you anymore.”
Since then he’s struggled to find steady employment, taking temporary jobs in light construction or janitorial work. In 2017 he uprooted from his apartment in the Bronx and relocated to Greenville, North Carolina where he found work cleaning hotel rooms. When that didn’t work out, he headed west to California and turned up on the doorstep of an ex-girlfriend. He crashed at her Riverside apartment for about a month, the woman told The Daily Beast. “We got into arguments and fights all the time,” she said. “He has a lot of issues going on. He has a lot of anger issues.”
That October one of those fights ended with Brooks being arrested on a misdemeanor domestic battery charge. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 20 days in jail, 20 hours community service and three years of probation, and ordered to enroll in a 52-week domestic violence program. His ex-girlfriend took out a restraining order, and she said she hasn’t seen or heard from him since.
The woman, who asked not be named in this story, said she never had much interest in Brooks’ Facebook activities, but knew he was passionate about politics. “He’s deeply into politics,” she said. “That drew me into him more because he’s smart on politics.” His other obsession, she added, was spycraft. “He has this thing with being a secret agent and working for the government,” she said. “He always said, ‘Oh I want to be a secret agent.’”
When he got out of jail Brooks promptly moved back to New York, where he’s been ever since. He said he had permission to move, but failed to complete the court-ordered domestic violence program. “I did probably 10 weeks of it and I couldn’t afford doing more classes,” he said. Court records show that In February 2018 he was written up for a probation violation, and a California judge issued a warrant for his arrest. A spokesperson for the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department confirmed the warrant is still outstanding.
Throughout all of this, Brooks was leading a second life on Facebook. “As the 2020 election draws closer there’s an urgent lesson in the Pelosi video hoax: Fake news is the most egalitarian of fields, where even a hastily produced, low-budget fraud can fool millions if it lands just right.”
An early version of AllNews 24/7 appeared as a WordPress blog and Facebook page in 2015. It launched in its current form in November 2016 shortly before the election. The page purports to be a straightforward news aggregation feed, describing itself as “the only News Page on the planet that never sleeps…. Unbiased and Unfiltered.” It has around 18,000 followers on Facebook. Its presence on other platforms has been touch-and-go. Prior to the Pelosi controversy, AllNews 24/7 had already been suspended from Twitter at least once, and was banned altogether from YouTube for “multiple or severe violations” of the site’s content policies. Both times it quickly returned under a slightly different account name.
Politics WatchDog is newer and more successful, boasting 35,000 followers. It was set up in February 2017 and depicts itself as non-partisan political news and commentary by a select group of anonymous co-administrators, though most of its content is on the far right.
The phoney video plunged op-ed pages and cable news talk shows into a fierce discussion of social media’s vulnerability to even half-hearted fakery. Hillary Clinton called the doctored clip “sexist trash.” Facebook responded by demoting the video’s ranking so severely it became all but unfindable on the platform, and surrounded the clip with conspicuous links to fact-checks debunking its authenticity. But the plattform refuses to remove the video, despite harsh words from critics, including Pelosi. “I think they have proven —by not taking down something they know is false—that they were willing enablers of the Russian interference in our election,” Pelosi said in a radio interview Wednesday.
But as the 2020 election draws closer there’s a more urgent lesson in the Pelosi video hoax: Russia doesn’t have a monopoly on disinformation. Fake news is the most egalitarian of fields, where even a hastily produced, low-budget fraud can fool millions if it lands just right. In the end the Speaker of the House didn’t have to look so far to find the people behind her viral hoax. One of them was just a few hours north, in the Bronx.
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Britain is already a police state. Dissent and criticism of its’ so called parliamentary democracy is severely punished. Ninety per cent of MPs are graduates from comfortable backgrounds. They are not diverse. Brexit has revealed the truth.
The referendum was a sham- I am actually a remainer, but do not like deceit- and the deal is more of the same. I would like to see Britain’s Farage et al do something to reform corrupt incompetent police state Europe, not leave it because it is too close for comfort.
But ignoring the referendum will have very serious political and social implications. Unfortunately honesty is a concept alien to most politicans.
Government launches hunt for extremists across public sector
This article is more than 3 years old
Victory for Theresa May as new counter-extremism strategy will review all public institutions to protect against infiltration
Alan Travis Guardian Home affairs editor
Mon 19 Oct 2015
A major drive is to be launched against “entryist” infiltration of the public sector, charities and businesses by Islamist and other extremists as a key part of the government’s new counter-extremist strategy.
The drive will start with a full review, to report by next year, of all public institutions – including schools, colleges, the civil service and local authorities – to safeguard them against the risk of “entryism” by extremists.
The new strategy says the drive against entryism is a key component of the new “counter-ideology campaign at pace and scale” to combat Islamist and other forms of extremism in Britain.
The proposals were immediately condemned as counterproductive by the Muslim Council of Britain, which denounced their “McCarthyist undertones”.
The hunt for extremists across the public sector follows the Trojan horse affair in Birmingham schools. The Home Office defines entryism as extremist individuals, groups and organisations consciously seeking to gain positions of influence to better enable them to promote their own extremist agendas.
The new strategy says: “The review will clearly set out the risk posed and advise on measures to guard against entryism, for example by improving governance, inspection and whistleblowing mechanisms. It will also engage charities and businesses to help them identify and tackle entryist behaviour.”
It will also include an official investigation into the application of sharia law, new powers to intervene in the activities of faith-based “supplementary schools” and a new “extremism community trigger” to guarantee the police will take seriously complaints from the public about suspected extremists
The inquiry into sharia law will focus on instances where it is applied in a way incompatible with law, such as women being pressured to reconcile with violent husbands despite legal injunctions in place to protect them from violence.
The details of the published strategy show that the tough package first proposed by the home secretary, Theresa May, back in March has survived largely intact despite objections from no fewer than six of her cabinet colleagues.
She has compromised over her initial proposal to require broadcasters to allow television programmes to be vetted for extremist content before they are shown. Instead they will be confronted “whenever extremists have been given a platform to preach harmful messages and falsehoods without critical challenge”.
Existing legislation requiring Ofcom, the broadcasting watchdog, to immediately suspend television services that broadcast unacceptable extremist material is also to be extended to radio services.
Also missing from the revised strategy is the previous plan to publish a list of “hate preachers”. Instead, the strategy includes previously advertised orders banning extremist groups, closure orders against mosques used by extremists, and “disruption orders” issued against individual, named extremists.
These orders will mean it is set out clearly for the first time which individuals and organisations the government and the public sector should not engage with. Legislation introducing the new extremist banning orders is not expected to be introduced until the new year.
The drive marks a significant departure from the government’s previous counter-terrorism policies as it will criminalise for the first time “extremists who spread hate but do not break existing laws”.
May said: “A new approach is required to tackle this growing threat and protect people from the damage extremists cause. This strategy therefore addresses the full spectrum of extremism: violent and non-violent, Islamist and neo-Nazi – hate and fear in all their forms.
“We will systematically confront and challenge extremist ideology, exposing it for the lie it is. And we will thwart its destructive consequences. We will disrupt all those who seek to spread hate and we will prosecute all those who break the law,” vowed the home secretary.
But the Muslim Council of Britain’s secretary general, Dr Shuja Shafi, warned the strategy will backfire: “It risks being counterproductive by alienating the very people needed to confront al-Qaida or Daesh-related terrorism: British Muslim communities.
“For over 10 years we have had to contend with a misguided ‘conveyor-belt theory’ analysis that conflates terrorism with subjective notions of extremism and Islamic practices. Whether it is in mosques, education or charities, the strategy will reinforce perceptions that all aspects of Muslim life must undergo a ‘compliance’ test to prove our loyalty to this country,” he said.
“We cannot help detecting the McCarthyist undertones in the proposal to create blacklists and exclude and ban people deemed to be extremist. If we are to have such lists at all, they should be determined through a transparent process and subject to judicial oversight to prevent any discrimination and political interference based on pressure from foreign governments.”
Another leading Muslim organisation, the Ramadhan Foundation, said the strategy was a missed opportunity to work in partnership with the Muslim community against terrorism and extremism: “The Prevent strategy has failed, we have told the government that continuing to push ahead when there is such little support from the Muslim community means this latest PR exercise will fail,” said its chief executive, Mohammed Shafiq.
“What we require now is for British Muslims to be engaged without prejudice and a new approach adopted that will see Muslims as equal citizens and not some sort of aliens to be bashed from time to time for political gains,” he added.
Rough Sleepers, Portsmouth April 2019. Shortly after this picture was taken, the Council Warden came to move them on, in spite of the freezing cold day. Polly was warned not to photograph the warden during the performance of his duties. Copyright Polly State
Shoot the Messenger, that’s the British Ruling Elite’s Way of Doing Things- they call it democracy.
In the seven weeks since arrest, Julian Asange has fallen ill and lost a great deal of weight, leading prison authorities to move him to another wing.
WikiLeaks said it had “grave concerns about the state of health of our publisher, Julian Assange, who has been moved to the health ward of Belmarsh prison”.
A spokesman added: “During the seven weeks in Belmarsh his health has continued to deteriorate and he has dramatically lost weight.
“The decision of the prison authorities to move him into the health ward speaks for itself.
“We strongly condemn the refusal by the Swedish court to postpone a hearing on 3rd June on the basis of Mr Assange’s health condition.
Polly State comment: It is interesting that 80 year old British soldiers are being tried for alleged war crimes in Nothern Irealnd when they were teenagers, but Assange publishes evidence of real war crimes and he is the one on trial.
Regarding sex crime allegations, they were rather too convenient. As for the extradition orders from the U.S. it says it all about why Assange took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the first place. What a sick joke, all this talk of British and Western democracies.
Meanwhile, Assange’s every move has been watched, and who he was talking to on the landings. His sentence for bail jumping came four hours after his arrest, getting 50 weeks in Belmarsh rather than an open prison. In those few short hours, the upper class judge quickly concluded that Assange is a narcisist rather than a whistle blower who exposed U.S war crimes, which Britain was, no doubt well aware of, even if not implicated. VisibilityPublish71 Revisions Page updated.