January 16th 2025
Comment Revised January 18th 2025 at 14.10
Police chief suspended for alleged gross misconduct
Ethan Gudge
BBC News
- Published16 January 2025, 15:51 GMT
The head of one of England’s largest police forces has been suspended from his role with immediate effect.
The Independent Office of Police Conduct (IOPC) confirmed it was investigating Thames Valley Police (TVP) Chief Constable Jason Hogg for gross misconduct.
It said concerns that Mr Hogg failed to adequately investigate allegations around the improper retention of sensitive police information between 2016 and 2020 were being probed.
Thames Valley Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber said an interim appointment would be made by the end of January.
In a statement, Steve Noonan, the IOPC’s director of operations, said the investigation related to concerns that Mr Hogg had failed to properly investigate allegations that a former senior TVP officer retained a significant amount of sensitive police information after they left the force.
Mr Noonan said the investigation did “not mean that disciplinary proceedings will necessarily follow”.
“At the end of our investigation, we will decide whether any officers should face disciplinary proceedings,” he said.
He also emphasised that no criminal offences had been identified.
A second senior TVP officer was also under investigation for potential misconduct, Mr Noonan added.
In a separate statement, Mr Barber said the IOPC investigation related to alleged “breaches of the standards of professional behaviour amounting to failure in duties and responsibilities, and a lack of honesty and integrity”.
“This announcement will come as a shock to many across Thames Valley, especially to our hard-working police officers and staff, but it is right that any allegations of this serious nature are dealt with consistently and investigated properly and thoroughly,” he added.
“I emphasise that the decision to suspend is a neutral act.”
“It has no bearing on any indication of guilt and should not be seen as such,” he said.
Mr Hogg was appointed as TVP’s chief in April 2023, and has been with the force since 2016.
The force serves a population of 2.34m people across Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire and is the fifth largest police force in England, with about 1,200 officers and staff.
Current Deputy Chief Constable Ben Snuggs will lead the force until the interim appointment is made, Mr Barber said.
He added that there was no criminal investigation into the Chief Constable.
The IOPC said an investigation into the former senior TVP officer who allegedly retained the sensitive information had concluded, with a file presented to the Crown Prosecution Service – which is now considering the case.
The BBC has contacted TVP for a comment.
“It wasn’t my homosexiality that caused me problems in the police. It was my honesty”. (Brian Paddick, ‘In the Line of Fire’ )
Revised January 18th 2025 at 14.10 .
Comment by R J Cook. I have had many incredible experiences of corrupt Thames Valley Police due to one of their former Chief Superintendent’s, a former family member and his crooked colleagues. He, his wife and sister created false malicious records of myself and eldest son Kieran, violently stalking him and family over the weekend of October 3rd / 4th /5th 2008 when my son and I can still prove being hundreds of miles from his Shropshire home, alleging, without evidence, throwing in unsubstaniated domestic violence straight on to the PNC., that the violence threat was allegedly so serious that he needed enhaced security. His allegations have remained unquestioned, two police forces persistently lying about having all been investigated and getting me a life destroying Section 59 PNC Criminal Vehicle Marker, against all the rules.
It was an instant criminal record, but was all kept secret during my divorce from his sister. Following prosecution and acquittal after making another request for investigation on the basis of new evidence, Thames Vaslley prosecuted me 2015-16 when Jsson Hogg was the Deputy Chief Constable, Thames Valley Police began a process of enhanced harassment, a ‘Managing Robert Cook’ strategy having been established with WMP in 2011.
This culminated in me being set up and arrested for being a ‘gay’ prostotute working for my son ‘and his associates’ in a home based brothel. being so insane that I informed the police et al accordingly. The evidence they claimed to have gathered from investgation was entirely fabricated. Rather than admit their malice, I was prosecuted and given a 6 month conditional discharge, for leaving increasingly angry messages on the arresting officers phone because he refused to talk to me. Thames Valley Police went on to record this malice as a conviction for their original alleged offences.
They had absolutely no evidence to connect me with malicious communication which was recorded as including a picture of ‘Robert Cook wearing stockings and suspenders’ and nothing else. They refused to investigate the obvious source of their so called evidence, informing my doctor that I was arrested for these offences, advising them that the London Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) and Whiteleaf Mental Health Facility should be informed of this insane criminal behaviour. They had previously advised my GP to that I was a long term alcoholic whose liver would not stand female hormones, and long term mentally ill. This has been a recurring theme with Thames Valley Police.
Even now, I am denied disclosures regarding that outrage. My former family member and police chief in an area not local to me, had turned my caring fatherly response to my exploited younger OCD suffering son, then shut in this police chief’s house, into a 3 day violent stalking event as a basis for a highly convenenient PNC vehicle marker so that his police underlings could watch me anywhere I drove in the nation., with corrupt records inetended to make me unemployable. Strangely this god of U.K anti terrorist policing took no photos and did not call for back up for his and family claims to have seen me and my eldest son behaving in a threatening manner within 100 metres of his home. There was no restraining order extant and my son and I were hundreds of miles away over the weekend of October 3rd/4th/5th 2008 when this corrupt officer reported seeing us there, but took no overt action. The marker was placed on my car and driving licence on October 9th 2008 and an harassment campaign dated from my first compliant on October 12th 2008.
Obviously, as soon as I had an idea of what was going on, initially through so many crazy police chases and stop and search routines, I made more compliants. Police refused to disclose anyhting and made threats. I persisted because my son and I were going bankrupt due to background checks, professional and social ruin. My first clue came from a rare honest cop, CS Mike Tighe from TVP a senior colleague of the former family member when they were at Thames Valley Police together.
After warning these, this corrupt senior police officers’ employers in 2010, that I would publish the story on the internet, and a leaflet if they did not disclose the PNC and October 2008 files, they ignored me, so forcing my hand due to desperation. Their reponse was prosecution and a Restraining Order. Up until this time I had been told nothing of fabricated bogus domestic violence allegations from my ex wife and this senior former TVP officer brother of hers, now lording it over his new police force and telling officalised secretive lies about me during my divorce. His senior police officer powers being so great, even at ACC level, he had and still has total protection. He could log what he likes on the PNC with senior colleagues support. As a Chief Constable, he expects to do exactly as he likes. So through his interference in my life, starting with my divorce, everything I have said or written after that, was and still is misinterpreted as a breach of restraining order, even though the order quite clearly only prohibits complaints that are malicious and without foundation, or having been subject to previous correspondence. Note the careful corrupt police and CPS wording, which carefully omits the phrase ‘previous investigation.’
The May 2011 order even criminalises me complaining to the IOPC. It also references protecting the so called victims from my violence, even though I was never confronted for any such crimes because they never happened. After being prosecuted for my complaints and lies about donestic violence, police poodles Trinity Mirror published devastating lies that I chased my entire family out of the marital home, including my much loved elderly mother, in a violent drunken rage, after ‘trashing the house’ even though I was hundreds of miles away. Whiteleaf’s Dr C R Ramsay took all of this at face value.
The in law and police story, from 2008 -11, was passed to my local area newspapers, destroying me professionally. so that I was put at risk, socially, domestically and my house was attacked. I was not home at the time of the alleged March 16th 2008 alleged domestic violence, and did not discover anything like the full extent of the criminal lies and police misconduct until 2013, when West Midlands CPS disclosures, while I was being prosecuted for trying to stop my ex wife repeated contacts with my home in 2012.
The 2013 new evidence became the basis for me making another attempt to have my ex brother in law and family investigated for perjury, conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and misconduct in public office. Instead Thames Valley Police, seeing a chance, chose to prosecute me under terms of the May 2011 Restraining Order instead. After another two years and seven terrifying Crown Court Hearings, while doing a very demanding HGV job for an employer who knew me well before my divorce and during it, I was acquitted of six Thames Valley Police malicous charges. These charges had been made on the basis of me having made the same complaint six times. Thames Valley Police had no case against me, though a certain sneedng party fobbed the CPS defeat of as the judge and court having lost the case file. Now they and the ambitious CPS needed revenge.
My acquittal in May 2016, followed Thames Valley and my ex brother in law’s other former police force, interferring in two of my relationships with women. Claire’s Law has many uses. It is open to abuse by corrupt police forces like Thames Valley Police who also covered up for the Oxford grooming gang scandal. So, having written the publsihed novel ‘Man Maid Woman’, I came to the conslusion that I might just be another abused woman, Such idenity destroying stress can drive anyone mad, especially in a world where all commion men are guilty until proven guilty. A drowning man will clutch at straws.
So I sought sex change treatment. It is notable that my ex wife admitted to police, having hit me on four occasions she could remember. What she was doing to my youngest son Edward was even more alarming. I passed police and NHS copies of her signed contact,dated 2001, agreeging to help our son Edward kill himself if his life got any worse. It was one of the reasons I sought outside help from the Whiteleaf Psychiatric Hospotal, which my ex wife cancelled, telling them that I was the problem amd needed an analyst.
On pain of divorce, I saw a private analyst who advised me ‘to find the woman within.’ That was before my divorce, of whch my inability to accept what my ex wife was doing to son Edward, was the major reason. She eventually had sectioned in 2020, through fear of violence, after having been shut away with her and sometimes her family, since 2008, I am an avid and professionally recognised photographer. I have a grear deal of photographic evidence.
So we come back to the ‘fairy’ story of Thames Valley fabrcating evdidence that I was working for my eldest son Kieran and his criminal associates in a home based brothel as a gay whore in 2017 -18. By this time, local Whiteleaf psychiatrist Dr Christopher R Ramsay, head of AOH at Whiteleaf, backed by my GP, had referred me to the local Gender Reassignment Clinic as verified transsexial. But it is obvious that overesteemed crudely trained police officers at all levels, do not know the difference between a transvestite and a transsexual. To them, espcially their best brains, they are all pervert gays’. I have spent years researching the matter, and was working on a new book; ‘The Woman Within’ inspired by my experience of my then wife forcing me to see an the analyst, when my marriage ended. A major literary agent wanted exclsuive rights. That ended when my ex brother secretly and instantly criminalised me and my eldest son, whose dreams of being a barrister, were also destroyed in October 2008.
This information about me being arrested as a gay whore, so drunk and insane that I sent offensive material to my wife and ex in laws, was rapidly passed to my eager GP Dr Rahl Kanble of 3W health in Winslow MK 18, with advice that I had sent porn images , with videos, of myself and ex wife. According to TVP’ DC Bellamy, I did it because the police knew I was insane. None of this material existed and there has so far been no disclosed evidence of invetigation. It was used to enhance malicious long term mental health and domestic violence allegations, originated by my wife and inlaws, along with assertions that I am a long term alcoholic and wife abuser. There was no mention of this during my divorce. It was all lapped up by the Court, CPS and my lawyer CDMK of Queensway Milton Keynes – no one should hire the latter if they are innocent because their speciality is plea bargaining with minimum work. They employ an ex Thames Valley Police Offircer as laison with the police.
Interestingly, in the wake of Thames Valley Police doing their best to fit me up for being a gay whore working for my son and his criminal associates in a home based brothel, in 2018 and telling my GP to inform the Gender Identity Clinic that I was so alcoholic ( letters dated 2017) ) ; they called on Dr C R Ramsay head of AOH Whiteleaf, to back their insistence that I was and still am clincally insane. All through this mightmare, I had been holding down a demanding job in warehousing and logistics, working very long hours and most certainly not stalking my in laws in their remote and expensive rural home 158 miles away.
I had barely arrived home at 12.00 after a long overnight shift delivering in Gloucestershire, Hereford and mid Wales, on March 19th 2019, when Dr C R Ramsay arrived 15 minutes later, with a burly black male mental health nurse, a a trainee psychiatrist. Bespectacled Dr Ramsay opened proceedings with the line; “Don’t worry. We have not come to put you in hospital yet.” This was the man who referred me for gender reassignment ( sex change ) in 2016. During a one hour one way session, with constant interruptions whenever I tried saying anything, he went away to upload a psychiatric report onto my National Health records three says later. He conluded, citing pressured speech ( talking fast ) was a key sign of paranoid schizophrenia, delusion and bi polarism. He made two more visits to dot the ‘Is’ and cross the ‘Ts’. On these occasions he kept referring to ‘they want a stronger diagnosis’. They turned out to be Thames Valley Police.
After careful investigation and routing for documents, it became clear that TVP’s post 2018 forwarded correspondence to Whiteleaf had found its way to the GIC. The GIC’s Dr Kirpal Sahota and Dr Andrew Davies then confronted me in February 2019, with the necessity to attend Dr Davies special course of group therapy seesions and thence Whiteleaf’s Ramsay. I had refused the former, but had the latter forced on me by Dr Ramsay’s unecpected visit on March 19th 2019. The GIC action was related to the fact that I was overdue for genital reconstruction surgery. They had to move things forward one way or another. I was told that taking POWERFUL anti psychotic drugs was a condition for completing my transition.
Such drugs diminish memory, affect balance, motor control, weaken bladder and bowel control. Obviously Ramsay, Dr Kirpal Sahota, Dr James Barrett, head of the GIC et al had bought into the police bigotry that I was a sexual pervert transvestite who wanted to get off on wearing female clothing, no doubt advised by my ex brother in law who has a police funded BSc in suspect profiling and other methods of nailing suspects without evidence. On one of his statements, he boasts getting the Queen’s Medal for Policing for pioneering new methods of evidence gathering. The latter began his insanity aspersions and defamation in 2008 for certain, but possibly earlier because he put on an ex post facto 2010 police statement regarding non existent 2008 offences, that : ‘ I always thought Cook odd.’ That and the rest of his family statements were withheld until 2013. They were the reaons I was acquiited after being prosecuted for again asking corrupt Thames Valley Police to investigate in 2014.
My ex brother in law went on to be promoted to Deputy Chief Constable in another force where his old Thames Valley Police Deputy Chief Constable had been promoted to Chief. Then after an embarassing incident covering for three cops who told major lies to the Media, and facing gross misconduct hearings. For his efforts, he was moved sideways to another force before getting the Chief’s job.
British police are institutionally corrupt. Like a fish they rot from the head down, as the Chief Constable Sue Sim’s victimisation demonstrated. What we see is the tip of the iceberg because the stories are rarely collated and when they are, like Tom Harper’s substantial ‘Broken Yard’, they are not widely publicised in the media. I bought my copy 18 months ago in a remainder shop, a favourite of mine, in Oxford’s Magadelen Street. It cost me £5 for a bulky piece of excellent research, inluding a chapter on WMP’s Deputy Chief Constable’s Plebgate cover up.
There is a major politcal and associated media problem with a class and media clique that does not want us lower beings to know just how corrupt, self serving and inefficient U.K Police are. Government needs a corrupt target driven CPS that will frame vulnerable men like Andrew Malkinson. That guarantees so many rape and other politically correct convictions, regardless of evidence, as possible. That is why Sir Keir Smarmer former head of the CPS, with his feminist Home Secretary, Yvette Snooper, leading him, wants to close female prisons to make room for the upsurge in white male offenders – blacks and other male ethnics already comprise 21%% of the male prison population. This is out of proportion to their current presence in U.K demographics. The figures are much higher for under 18 blacks offenders at 53%.
The main thing about white liberal new ‘New Labour’ theory is that women only offend because men make them, so should not go to jail because men lead them astray. Given the minefield that U.K Police officers work in, I am not suprised they form corrupt cliques, leading potentially good officers, who aren’t forced out, astray and the very worst of them get promoted. This latest police scandal comes hot on the heels of Northamptonshire’s Chief Cosntable Adderley being sacked for being a liar. ‘Furious’ Northamptonshire police officers say sacked chief …Northamptonshire Telegraph › News › People
28 Jun 2024 — ‘Furious’ Northamptonshire police officers say sacked chief constable Nick Adderley has ‘spat in the faces’ of war veteran cops.
I was arrested on August 24th 2020, for writing up this story to then date, on this site and am awaiting trial. It has been delayed due to CPS and CDMK having, secretly from me in 2020 agreed a process that I am so mentally ill that I am unfit to plea and must therefore face trial of their agreed facts, my presence at court not needed due to my insanity making me more of a nuisance than a help to their agreed outcome. Meanwhile I was fighting to prove my sanity and so return to being a GIC patient. My normone treatment had been cut off, with terrible side effects, in 2019 because I would not accept being a paranoid schizophenic and take the zombie drugs.
So I wrote more about my despair on this site and was, four years after Ramsay’s police stitch up, visted over a 12 plus month period by another Whiteleaf psychiatrist. She did the correct longitudinal and collateral tests, exonerating me from all mental illness. Dr Maganty had done the same, as a court witness in 2013, when my ex brother in law’s then police force wanted to destroy my credibility as insane.
I will have more to say about Thames Valley Police corruption in due course. Check out their former Chief Constable Sara Thorton’s infamous role in the Oxford Grooming Gang scandal. As the rare Chief Consatable Sue Sim, forced out of Cleveland Police by a conspiracy of senior officers, for her honesty, and intent to reform her force, said, “The Police are rotten to the core.” Another rare bird in police upper echelons, Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Brian Paddick said :”It wasn’t my homsexuality that caused me problems in the police, it was my honesty.”
With the former head of the corrupt CPS, whose achievments included jailing two innocent men for 17 years for rapes they did not commit, now Prime Minister, in charge of an institutionally corrupt U.K, along with a virulent feminist Home Secretary, we cannot expect any worhwhile improvment to the country’s police and justice system. As U.K’s one time top New Labour Law officer Harriet Harman said : “It is better to send an innocent man to jail than let an guilty man go free. That is what the Smarmer’s CPS and Labour Government targets are all about and it is getting worse. New Lockdown rules are in the making and anyine who does not respond to their I Phone State alarms will have their phones locked. The Smarmer has signed a 100 year pact to support Ukraine. The elite allowed the drift to war in 1939 because of mass poverty, social unrest with communsim spreading along with fascism. It is all happening again. The Bilderberg Group will do what they have to which is why Biden et al have been so busy. The U.K’s diverse masses are expected to rally to the call. The Police have a key role defending the elite, so that is another reason why the significance of this latest exposure of high level feral police corruption has to be played down and forgotten, like its victims as soon as possible.
Thames Valley Police are welcome to argue the facts of my allegations inside or outside court, but on the basis of evidence and full disclosure. They have already pushed me into two nearly successful suicide attempts, December 2016 and Augsut 2020. No real democracy would tolerate the likes of the U.K Police but it works wonders for the ruling elite for whom Sir Robert Peel created it in 1829. Technology may have moved forward, but humanity is just as savage, greedy and hypocritical.
Magadelen Street Oxford. The city is home to institutionally corrupt Thames Valley Police at Kidlington.
Whiteleaf Mental Health Hospital, Bierton Road Aylesbury, on a dull winter afternoon, and secure facility, where Dr Christopher R Ramsay is head of AOH. December 2024. This Oxford Area NHS facility has close triage links with Thames Valley Police. Dr Ramsay’s corrupt Thames Valley Police directed Paranoid Personality Disorder Diagnosis in March 2019 got me fired from my HGV driving job costing me many thousands of pounds to date. These malicious intrusions into my health care found their way to my publishers, so that four books produced between 2022 and 2024 had publicity cancelled and another contract cancelled. The same happened to my freelance magazine work..
Image by R J Cook Appledene / Photographics.
War hero fantasist sacked chief constable Nick Adderley used his lies to posture for the top job heading Northamptonshire Police.
Roberta Jane Cook, 2016, referred to as ‘Robert Cook’ on the charge sheet when arrested by acting DC Bellamy of Thames Valley Police. He said his men had been watching my remote home for 3 months before the arrest, because I was so insane that I had outed myself as a gay whore etc. I was coming up for gender reassignment surgery referral, after living as a wman for over 2 years, and had worked as a commercial driver since 2008, but that did not fit a police back story begun in 2008. Bellamy and Thames Valley Police deliberately discredited me as a violent alcholic wife beating lunatic and are still hanging on the evdence that no court or defence lawyer can see.
If you are nuts, courts and defence lawyers must not listen. This picture was described on Bellamy’s February 5th 2018 arrest paper work as ‘Robert Cook wearing stockings and suspenders.’ It was yet another effort to pervert the course of justice for the most vile and disgusting police reasons. There was only one other person who had a copy of that photo, an ex partner who had been warned under a Claire’s Law application in 2014 of my alleged violent criminal past. She said she was advised to keep in touch but ‘let sleeping dogs lie.’ She said ‘you can have your sex change so long as you keep your penis. Soon she became increasingly abusive to my son because I would not cast him out of the family home.
Thames Valley Police refused to investigate her as the author of fabrcated prostitution evidence. It suited their purpose. It included a typed letter written in style of a well wisher warning Thames Valley Police about myself and my eldest son’s brothel, along with a lingerie clad image of a blonde woman, entitled ‘my wife’ along with porn videos, which when I asked to see them, Bellamy admitted that they did not exist.
As a consequence of this malice and gross misconduct, I was visited on March 19th 2019 by a Thames Valley Police briefed consultant psychaitrist Dr C R Ramsay and two others and laballed paranoid schizophrenic, delusional and bi polar. Completion of GRS and continuation of hormones was cancelled because I refused to accept the diagnosos. That diagnosis stuck until totally discredited in by psychiatric reports in 2023 and 2024. However, the same vested interests refused to accept this. They cost me my job, and a fortune because my HGV and car licence were invalidated. Their behaviour was intentionally highly provocative for a purpose. The GIC’s Dr Kirpal Sahota told me during consultation on August 6th 2008, that the six plus years delay caused by Thames Valley Police intrusion into my Gender Health care, given my now age, means that the operation will be much more dangerous, is unlikely to be sucessful and effective. It runs a high risk of bladder damage and the need for a catheter. All thanks to corrupt self intgerested Thames Valley Police.
PM Starmer at work, flanked by the top two members of his team.
R J Cook
Surveillance tech is changing our behaviour – and our brains
From self-service checkouts to public streets to stadiums – surveillance technology is everywhere.
This pervasive monitoring is often justified in the name of safety and security.
But our recent study, published in Neuroscience of Consciousness, reveals a disturbing side effect. Surveillance isn’t just changing our behaviour – it’s altering how our brains process information, operating largely outside our awareness.
Our research shows that simply knowing we are being watched can unconsciously heighten our awareness of other people’s gaze. These findings have potentially significant implications for mental health and social interaction.
They also urge for a deeper consideration of how constant monitoring might shape us – not just consciously, but also in the silent circuitry of our brains.
Subtly amplifying an ancient survival mechanism
Humans have evolved the crucial ability to detect another person’s gaze to navigate social situations. This allows us to discern friend from foe, interpret emotions and understand intentions.
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Surveillance may be subtly amplifying this ancient survival mechanism, placing our brains on high alert for social cues.
A total of 54 people participated in our study – all of whom were undergraduate students. They performed a visual task while being monitored by CCTV cameras. A control group performed the same task without surveillance.
Participants in both groups were shown images of faces that were either looking directly at them or away from them.
Using a method called continuous flash suppression, these faces were rendered temporarily invisible by presenting them to one eye only and with a rapidly flashing pattern (a visual mask) presented to the other eye.
The time taken for a participant to register the face under these conditions helps reveal how our brains process this information before we are even aware of it.
A targeted enhancement of our social radar
While participants in both groups detected direct-gazing faces more quickly overall, participants who knew they were being watched became hyper-aware of these faces almost a second faster than the control group.
This perceptual enhancement occurred without participants even realising.
Crucially, the faster response to visual stimuli was not observed when participants viewed neutral images like geometric configurations.
This specificity to faces highlights that surveillance taps into a more fundamental neural circuit evolved for social processing. It’s not simply a matter of increased alertness; it’s a targeted enhancement of our social radar.
Profound consequences
This seemingly subtle shift in perception may have profound consequences.
A hyper-awareness of gaze is a hallmark of several mental health conditions, including social anxiety disorder and psychosis.
Individuals experiencing these conditions often feel intensely scrutinised, leading to heightened anxiety and paranoia.
Our findings suggest that pervasive monitoring could exacerbate these tendencies. It could add an unseen layer of stress to daily life and potentially contribute to broader mental health challenges.
Furthermore, our study revealed a disconnect between conscious experience and the brain’s response.
Many participants reported feeling relatively unconcerned about being monitored, even though their brains clearly registered the surveillance.
This disconnect underscores how easily we normalise constant observation, accepting it as a ubiquitous feature of modern life. We rarely register the presence of cameras. Yet our brains are constantly adapting to their presence and subtly shaping our perceptions.
Striking a balance
Our findings are especially timely given recent pronouncements by tech industry leaders for more surveillance. For example, Larry Ellison, the world’s fifth richest man and CEO of computer technology company Oracle, has pitched his vision for an always-on, AI-powered surveillance state.
This vision raises serious questions about the balance between security and personal freedom.
Research has established that people tend to behave differently when they believe they are being watched. For example, they become more generous and less likely to engage in antisocial behaviour.
The findings of our new study highlight the potential unintended cost of constant monitoring: a subtle but pervasive shift in how our brains perceive and interact with the world.
The 18th century philosopher, Jeremy Bentham, proposed the Panopticon as a prison design where the mere possibility of observation encourages self-regulation.
Indeed, a large body of psychological research over the past 50 years has shown that the implied social presence rather than a true presence of an observer is key to eliciting behavioural changes.
As surveillance becomes increasingly integrated into the fabric of our lives, we must pay heed not only to its intended effects, but also its subtle, unconscious impact on our minds and wellbeing.
Published: January 14, 2025 12.33am GMT
January 15th 2025
Weekend Dispatch How Britain forgot Keighley’s grooming gangs The town is a case study in exploitation JACOB FUREDI 8 MINS |
Anglosphere |
Britain’s post-imperial delusion We can no longer rely on our American Cousins |
Comment Britain’s white upper middle classes and media elite are worried about the dangers of Trump’s pragamtism in dealing with Russia. Biden’s gangsters and propogandists aim to ensure Trump can’t make a deal before his urgent despatch of weapons has put Russia on its knees. That is why they are villifying Trump as the greatest living criminal. They don’t want anyone to talk about the Clinton Whitewater scandal or Saint Bill Clinton the pervert sex pest who had vulnerable young Monica Lewinsky smokiing his cigars in his Oval Office, using her vagina muslces to smoke them. Soon Putin must face up to the death of his nation and trial as a war criminal. He will soon have only the nuclear option to stop this. Meanwhile, posh smug Mary Harrington will not feel safe until the U.K is back in the bosom of the EU, where it can rival Germany for the new EU Imperial leadership and totally ban the Afd before clamping down on Le Pen’s National Rally.
R J Cook
January 14th 2025
Police probe if London bus passenger’s heart attack is linked …
The Independent › … › News & Advice
The 78-year-old was taken to hospital and died seven days later on January 4, the Met said. The bus driver is “assisting police with inquiries”, and there has been no arrest, Scotland Yard said. Transport for London (TfL) would not confirm if the driver in question has been suspended.
Comment The U.K Police State is everywhere and grows like debilitating cancer. R J Cook
January 13th 2025
Ryan Giggs cast an unsavoury shadow over Salford’s big day …
Ryan Giggs domestic abuse trial was case without winnersThe Guardian
18 Jul 2023 — Giggs was charged with using coercive and controlling behaviour. Two further charges of assault, against Greville and her sister Emma, were also …
Ryan Giggs ‘deeply relieved’ after domestic abuse charges …The Guardian
18 Jul 2023 — Ryan Giggs is “deeply relieved” that domestic abuse charges against him have been dropped after his former partner declined to give evidence, his barrister has …
“Although Giggs was not convicted of any criminal offence, the court case revealed deeply unedifying behaviour, and any club would have to weigh that up when considering whether he would be a suitable appointment.
Comment Giggs was a hero of the 1990s on relatively low player pay of only £80,000 a week. Still it is an obscene amount for a man whose only talents seemed to be kicking a ball about and seducing women, including his brother’s wife. However, he was convicted of nothing because his aggrieved ex partner decided not to test her evidence. Therefore there is no reason to believe that she was doing anymore than getting revenge and with an eye on Giigg’s money.
Most Premier League footballers have limited skills beyond a game that brings out the worst in them. But if millionaire Giiggs has no criminal record, then the system should either let him get on with his life or execute him on the grounds that every time a woman makes allegations against a man, her tears say more than real evidence ever could.
R J Cook January 13th 2025
January 12th 2025
Elon Musk: Labour MP Lola McEvoy threatens to ban X …GB News › politics › elon-musk-labour-…
A Labour MP has suggested Sir Keir Starmer’s Government could ban X after Elon Musk attacked Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips for her role in …
Labour MP says platforms such as X could be banned in … › Archive › Politics
A Labour MP has said platforms such as X could be banned in the UK following a barrage of posts from Elon Musk towards Keir Starmer.
‘Full force of the law!’ Labour MP threatens to BAN Elon …MSN › en-gb › news › uknews › full-fo…
A Labour MP has suggested Sir Keir Starmer’s Government could ban X after Elon Musk attacked Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips for her role in the …
Child grooming scandal deepens as cases rocket by nearly …The Sun › News › UK News
CASES of kids being groomed for sex have shot up by nearly 550 per cent in eight years, figures show.In 2016, there were 1157 reported cases …
Child Grooming Scandal Deepens with 550% Surge in Cases … › Crime
England: Wow, can you believe the numbers? Reports of kids being groomed for sex have skyrocketed by nearly 550% in just eight years.
Child sex abuse and grooming gangs: What we know, and …Sky News › story › child-sex-abuse-and-gro…
Recent debates over grooming gangs have been marked by accusations of lies and disinformation – this is what the data actually tells us ..
New Caroline Flack Documentary In Development For …WhatsOnDisneyPlus.com › new-caroline-flack-do…
… documentary “Caroline Flack: Her Life and Death”, which was previously created for Channel 4. “Caroline (w/t)” will be executive produced by Dov Freedman ..
Comment Caroline Flack and her vacuous boyfriend are icons of their age, good timers and party goers.. There are alway excuses for female abusers, like my ex wife. If women persist in absurd generalisations of equality, then they should take responsibility and pay the price. Flack headed the moronic anything but ‘Love Island.’ That should be on her tombstone. Her only talent was for posing in figure hugging grotesque glittering clothing and patronising men. She took that to extremes when she thought it acceptable to beat her sleeping toy boy lover, over the head with a heavy table lamp.
R J Cook
January 11th 2025
Nigel Farage reported to Commons authorities over …The Mirror
6 hours ago — Nigel Farage reported to Commons authorities over grooming gang donation claims … Keir Starmer warns Tories to ‘think twice’ over grooming gangs …
Nigel Farage brands ‘dictators’ postponing elections an ‘ …Daily Express
20 hours ago — … disciplinary committee was due to sit on Monday.” Mr Yusuf also said the … Nigel Farage tears into Keir Starmer over grooming gang slur.
‘What have they got to hide?!’ fumes Nigel Farage as …GB News
3 days ago — Nigel Farage has fumed at Labour MP’s who have voted down a proposed national inquiry into the grooming gangs scandal, asking “what have …
By winter oak on January 11, 2025 by W.D. JamesTo turn, turn will be our delight’Till by turning, turning we come round right.-‘Tis the Gift to Be Simple, American Shaker Hymn‘Revolution’ will be a central concept in any thinking about political change. Usually, it is thought of in terms of an abrupt, usually violent, change in political regimes. Hence, it would be contrasted with reform, evolution, or conservation.I tend to think about political change in terms of Spirit: either spiritual energy within a society is waxing or waning, producing a dynamic cycle of change which is not morally neutral. Entropic change caused by the waning of spiritual energy and organic cohesion is the historical norm: usually that energy is leaching out of a society. This is characterized by decay or decadence. In a society experiencing spiritual decadence the strictly material aspect of existence, power (as the ability to effect control), and wealth progressively come to predominate. While, from the spiritual perspective, such a society is in a process of spiritual decay, it may reach new levels of achievement in these materialistic areas. The modern era is such a time in Western civilization. Since Spirit provides the true basis for organic cohesion within a society, that society’s attempt to maintain order as Spirit ebbs away will entail an increasing use of hard and soft power within the society: with internal energy largely gone, external power seeks to stave off collapse but lacks the creative energy to affect an actual renewal.‘Revolution’ represents the centripetal dynamic of political change, the growth of Spirit or of spiritual energy within a society. It is the positive turning back towards internal cohesion and creativity. As such, it may represent a relatively greater or lesser degree of spiritual power to return society to a healthier condition and it may succeed to greater or lesser degrees. A genuine revolution, then, represents and inaugurates a period of spiritual, cultural, and moral renaissance—a turning, or, more accurately, a re-turning (‘revolution’ means to revolve). A revolutionary movement or a society experiencing revolution will, therefore, tend to emphasize the spiritual or ideal side of things. It will represent a time and process of cultural creativity and human wellbeing will be reestablished upon a more sure foundation. Because the basis of society’s cohesion is internal to itself, it will tend toward decentralized structures.No doubt this way of thinking of revolution can lead to some confusion in that many of what we are used to calling ‘revolutions’ will not be seen as such on this view. Further, it is not completely an either/or situation: at any one time, there are probably entropic and centripetal dynamics occurring within the same society. Modernity and revolutionModernity as a whole represents a time of militant anti-Spiritism, of accelerating entropy. As the Traditionalists would put it, we are at the bottom of a large spiritual cycle. Modernity has also witnessed an unusual number of political revolutions. I suggest that these two things are connected.As Modernity realized its project of the disenchantment and technological control of nature and of society, people naturally rebelled against that. The liberal revolutions (American and French) sought to reassert the dignity of the human being against that onslaught, but in a degraded form of positing atomistic individuals, not integral persons.The Marxist revolutions sought to correct this by reasserting the claims of community. Marx himself sought to formulate a materialist philosophy of revolution but its (partially) saving grace was that he never succeeded in exorcising the Hegelian Spirit from his thought. His overall views of human community and purposes within history were essentially spiritual in conception.From Proudhon and Bakunin forward, the Anarchist revolutionary tradition saw the collectivist and totalitarian dangers of Marxist thought. Consciously or unconsciously, Anarchism ultimately staked its hopes on a natural or organic solidarity which would, ideally, affirm the claims of both the community and the individual through spontaneous processes.I see all of these as relatively limited revolutionary projects. They represent the attempt to recover something of the Spirit within the context of modernity, but none of them, in their core representatives, fully moved beyond the confines of modernity itself. Hence, they would represent, at best, smaller epicycles of recovery or renewal within the larger cycle of decadence. Cyclic revolutionIf we back out to a perspective capable of seeing the last genuine cyclical revolution, of a more or less full turning, we are driven back to what many term the ‘Axial Age.’ This represents primarily the period from about 800-200 BC, but with Christianity and Islam representing late flowerings of the movement.For the vast expanse of human history, predating the Axial Age development, humanity seems to have universally existed within a spiritual framework of what I’m fine calling Paganism. This could be considered the primordial human spiritual condition. This essentially is made up of animism and Nature worship. Many peoples have remained in this ‘original condition’ until quite recently.Whether the development of ‘civilization’ is taken as a sort of fall from primordial innocence or as a genuine advance in humanity, the Axial Age religions and philosophies represent the first Spiritual revolutions within recorded history. As human societies developed in complexity, they entailed both the emergence of new forms of domination and centralization and new developments in human culture.The Axial Age revolutions represent a genuine reemergence of the Spirit within complex human societies. It is amazing to note that within a span of several hundred years, within the broader context of the 300,000 year or so existence of our species, the great spiritual teachers of most of our traditions emerged. That is in a span of less than 1/3 of 1% of our existence: basically at the same moment.Confucius and Lao Tzu in China. The Hindu Vedas and then the Upanishads and eventually the Buddha in India. Judaism in the Near East. The Mystery Religions and philosophy in Greece. Eventually Christianity and Islam make their appearance.Each of these had the spiritual power to shape a spiritual civilization in its image. These are the only full-fledged revolutions we have record of. Increasingly, the spiritual energy of these traditions is sapped. This is what we term global modernity.Hence, we are due for a revolution! Whether that will be a robust turning, revolving, of a whole cosmic cycle with something like a new Axial Age, or yet another limited revolution constituting an epicyclic turning is yet to be seen. It does seem we are pretty near the bottom of a larger cycle though. |
Immanentizing the eschaton?
The mid-twentieth century philosopher Eric Voegelin critiqued the Communist and Nationalist revolutions of that period as attempts to ‘immanentize the eschaton.’ By that he meant that modern revolutionaries were borrowing imagery and ideals from the ‘end times’ (eschaton in Greek) of the various religious traditions, but especially the messianism of Judaism and Christianity, and attempting to realize within history what had originally been conceived of as occurring outside history, in ‘eternity,’ as the supernatural consummation of history: trying to create the New Jerusalem here and now.
In general, I value Voegelin as a fellow critic of modernity. He thought that modern revolutionary movements made a technical ‘category mistake’: they conceptualized as occurring in history what ontologically could only occur beyond history. As a result, their movements usually produced horror instead of liberation: the Terror of the French revolution and the tens, if not hundreds, of millions dead due to Communist revolutions. Hence, Voegelin adopted a conservative or reactionary stance against revolution in general. The American conservative icon William F. Buckley popularized this with the motto “Don’t immanentize the eschaton!”i
Well, I’m for revolution and I’m for immanentizing the eschaton!
More specifically, I’m for incarnating the eschaton. Voegelin (I respectfully submit) made his own logical error. He wanted to hearken back to these Axial Age traditions and defend them. Fine. But, understood metaphysically and historically, they were revolutionary developments. None of them meant to leave the (at the point they emerged) decadent Paganisms in place. They all represented spiritual rebirths. I’m for that. Further, all spiritual traditions that posit an ‘end time’ of fulfillment never mean that does not inform our current lives and actions. Christianity, I think, especially, entails eternity informing our existence in time. Eternity is now. The Kingdom is within us.
Nevertheless, Voegelin was on to something. Many modern revolutions did end up eating their own children. In the case of the French and Marxian revolutions, I think both the formulation of the ideal to be sought was one-sided (ie, they failed to consider human beings in their full stature as material, intellectual, and spiritual beings) and they quickly adopted anti-human and immoral means in executing their revolutions. That is, I think the problem was not the eschaton but the limited conception of the eschaton and the employment of purely modern technological means.
Our revolution
I do not know, but I suspect, what the future holds for us. I really don’t know if the Spirit intends another epicyclic revolution or a complete cosmic revolution. Whatever it may be, I’m in: the Spirit will decide how deep it goes.
Looking back to those last deep revolutions for guidance, I think we can discern some basic guiding points for our current situation (or really any situation humans have found themselves in).
Dream good dreams. C.S. Lewis, from his Christian perspective, referred to all the myths of all the world’s spiritual and wisdom traditions as ‘good dreams’ that foreshadowed the Christian revelation. Backing out a bit, I take that to mean symbols and values, counter to those of the decaying regime, which speak of human spiritual and natural fulfillment. These are millenarian spiritual visions. The ideal. Utopia. In a sense, this is the easiest part of a revolutionary process. These visions emerge outside the structures of domination of whatever the current regime is. We must learn to dream and see visions. As the Christian Bible expresses it: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams.”
Grow organic relationships. We can start practically by building organic relationships within our families, communities, businesses, associations, and friendships. All of the above mentioned real revolutions developed from small groups to civilization-shaping influences. Let’s start where we are. Let’s carefully nourish and build within the relationships we have. Let’s give attention to living as good lives as we can manage under current circumstances. This will represent the budding of new seeds within the barren fields of the current situation. Then those relationship groups can connect with other similar relationship groups….
Build organic structures, cultures, and identities. Let that develop, organically and spiritually, into larger structures. I have previously written of the federalization of organic structures. Let a wholesome (counter-) culture develop within that. Let that form our identities as people of Nature and Spirit.
Resist Babylon. At least Jews, Christians, and Rastafarians have termed the materialistic structures of domination they have lived under ‘Babylon’ from the Biblical story of the slavery of the people of Israel under the Babylonian empire. Babylon must be displaced before the New Jerusalem can emerge. Partly this is a matter of articulating and expressing the vision of the new and partly a matter of very practically and, where historically feasible, countering and reducing the power of Babylon which has reached its own entropic crisis.
Revolution. When historic circumstance are right, let’s do it. That will represent a fruition of our good dreams, but will entail a good bit of sweat and muscle. Reflecting on the examples of the Axial Age (notice that this designation participates in the conceptualization of revolution: the axis around which something turns), those revolutions were capable of revivifying some of what was already existent in their cultures, added new things to that, and jettisoned what could no longer receive new life. That is, they partly developed from within the culture and structures of their times, but transformed what they borrowed from the past, brought in new values and visions, and rejected or left to die what could not conform to the Spirit. They were at least as much creative processes as destructive, though they did involve destruction.
Dream. Grow. Build. Resist. Revolt.
No doubt, when the Spirit moves (or continues to move, as it clearly already is) it will not look this tidy and schematic from the ground. Actual revolutionary processes do not follow a strict chronological script. Yet, these seem to be elements which typically occur. They can provide some insight into the tasks before us and also help us avoid the inhumane errors of much of the modern revolutionary heritage.
People of my generation may remember the comic strip, and the newspapers it appeared in, called Bloom County. This was essentially a ‘progressive’ cartoon with Opus the Penguin as hero. Given that it was bloom county, there was apparently still some connection between the left and organic reality at that point. There was a ‘conservative’ character who was supposed to be both obnoxious and I think likable called Steve Dallas. His motto was ‘Buicks, babes, and Buckley.’ I knew those kind of ‘conservatives’ in grad school. I did always rather like Dallas though.
Shush, It Might Lose Us Votes.
Shush, it might lose us votes… 🤫 |
For a second week, the rape gangs scandal has dominated the news and politics. Accusations of cowardice have been levelled at Labour MPs. At Prime Minister’s Questions, Kemi Badenoch focused on it and pushed for a national inquiry via an amendment to the Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill. In the event, the amendment was heavily defeated, as was always going to happen. Elon Musk, the man who had drawn the world’s attention to the scandal on X/Twitter, continued with his barrage of criticism of both Jess Phillips and the Prime Minister. It has certainly enlivened the Opposition, and the Prime Minister’s change of tone and resistance to an inquiry has decidedly softened. We welcome the focus of attention on an issue brushed aside for too long and, for all we know, may well still be going on. The police, officials and politicians who turned a blind eye, for fear of being labelled Islamophobic or racist, should not just hang their heads in shame, but be held to account. They were effectively complicit, as were the politicians who warned colleagues not to say anything that might upset [Muslim] constituents and lost the party votes. A great deal has been written and said but several reports were especially noteworthy for going to the heart of the matter. Do read this brilliant article in The Spectator, “What real justice would look like for grooming gang victims”, by the peerless Douglas Murray. “During decades in which our national credo was ‘diversity is our strength’, the rapist gangs suggested that diversity is in fact a mixed bag. It may bring some advantages, but it also brings people who have a 7th-century view of women and are willing to act on it.” “Britain could remain a eunuch. Or our politicians could finally imprison, punish, deport and expel. If we did, we might just stop being the laughing stock of America. More importantly, it might bring some long-overdue justice for thousands of brutalised victims who have been ignored for too long.” Keeping to the same theme, Guy Dampier, a good friend of Migration Watch, has also written in the Daily Telegraph about how we should treat immigrants from countries described by Robert Jenrick as “with backward, frankly mediaeval attitudes to women”. Guy refers in particular to Adil Khan and Qari Abdul Rauf who were jailed for being members of a Rochdale rape gang. They were released long ago but all attempts to deport them have failed. No-one of their ilk should be able to thwart removal to the country from which they hail by simply claiming to have renounced their citizenship. If our laws stand in the way of that, then our laws must be changed. It’s time to put the British people first and the rights of victims before those of vile criminals. |
Illegal immigration 🚨 |
The Foreign and Home Secretaries issued a joint statement on Tuesday, followed up with by a speech from David Lammy on Thursday. You can read it here. Reading this and listening to Mr Lammy’s speech, we were left head-scratching. Tuesday’s statement outlined what was going to happen: a new sanctions regime designed to crack down on people smuggling ringleaders the regime would boost the ability to prevent, combat, deter and disrupt irregular migration and hold the perpetrators accountable The new regime, we were informed, “will deliver on the government’s Plan for Change and commitment to protect the UK’s borders.” Frankly, we doubt this will be the result. Truth is, this was pretend-action. It won’t discourage migrants from jumping into dinghies and chancing their arm. Nor indeed, to make their way here by other means—legally as well as illegally—and claim asylum. And if Mr Lammy and Ms Cooper think any of this will smash the gangs, they are deluding themselves. The boats will only stop if migrants and people smugglers knowthat anyone making their way here illegally won’t be allowed to stay. We welcome the additional resources for enforcement and the greater cooperation with European agencies but other than that, we don’t believe there is the remotest chance of anyone being deterred. The government should expect the numbers coming to claim asylum to go up rather than down. The only deterrence at the government’s disposal was the Rwanda scheme and they binned it within days of being elected. What’s the old saying about fools rushing in where angels fear to tread….? As for Thursday’s announcement, “Government removes highest number of illegal migrants in 5 years”, sadly, this too was more smoke and mirrors. Sir Keir Starmer’s boast that the removal of 16,400 “illegal migrants” (how did that get through? David Lammy was talking about irregular migrants) was the highest number of criminals and immigration offenders to be removed since 2018, with “just 4 volunteers”, was a exaggerated, if not misleading. What about the 606 Brazilians who received £3,000 each (including babies) to get back home in time for Christmas? The Brazil Embassy was given to believe the returns were voluntary, according to the Guardian. In fact, almost none of those removed were small boat arrivals. They were mostly foreign national offenders who had served their time and visa overstayers. Only 506 people who arrived by small boat were removed Jul-Sept (actually fewer than the previous three months) representing under 5% of small boat arrivals in that period. Letting over 95% of small boat arrivals stay is not exactly a mega deterrent. It was why the Tories brought in the Rwanda scheme and why Labour were foolish to bin it in unseemly haste. This remarkable piece of journalism by Akhtar Makoi, who infiltrated a people smuggling network that “offers new life in heart of Europe or across Channel by routes that depend on price paid”. It is an excellent insight into the complexities of people smuggling and why “smashing the gangs” is no more than a pipe dream. |
MWUK in the media |
This week, we would like to share one of our supporter’s unpublished letters that she sent to one of the dailies. “The depressing saga of the grooming gang scandal is another reminder of the monumental failure of multiculturalism. Far from being our strength, diversity has undermined the foundations of our society. Alien cultures and practices, including honour killings and FGM, at odds with our own, are prioritised and enshrined in legislation as protected characteristics. Local authorities, the police and social services have been cowed into looking the other way for fear of upsetting minorities. As a tired, white English woman of a certain age, I am expected to grin and bear it and to feel ashamed of my history and culture, while I bear in mind how fortunate I am to have enjoyed the privileges that came with such a background. I, like millions of others, am unhappy and worry for the future of our country.” We receive so many similar letters and messages. |
Our articles of the week |
This article by the redoubtable Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, who is not exactly one of our biggest fans, was written in 2010. Notwithstanding there being very little on which we would agree, what she says strikes a chord with us, she was also very courageous to write as she did nearly 15 years ago. She ends the piece thus: “Tolerant Muslims who fear and loathe the propagators of Bin Laden’s Islam can see where this will lead. Young British Muslims…will be affected unless we can find a way of stopping the ideologues. The full burka has been banned in France (where the hijab – a headscarf – is also not allowed in schools) and other European nations will follow. In Britain, where personal liberty is sacrosanct, such state actions would appear authoritarian. To me, that hands-off approach makes no sense. Why are we fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan and indulging Taliban values here? Even if it offends liberal principles, the powerful must find a way of stopping Islamicists from promulgating their distorted creed. If they don’t, the future is bleak for Muslims and the country. Many of us British Muslims care deeply about both.” |
This article too, by the terrific Sam Ashworth-Hayes writing in the Daily Telegraph, caught our eye. Lots of chickens coming home to roost, as we warned would happen 5/6 years ago… |
What can you do? |
According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) the 2021 census showed the “White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British” to be the largest ethnic group. It accounted for 74.4% (44.4 million) of the overall population in England and Wales.” In the 2011 census, this figure stood at 80.5% and at 87.5% in the 2001 census. The 1991 census had it 94.65%. To put it another way, the ethnic minority part of the population has quintupled in 30 years. Meanwhile, the proportion of native British has gone from 94.65% to 74.4% in in the same period as our population grew rapidly. Indeed, according to the ONS the population of the UK will grow by 6.2 million by 2036, it could well be more if, as we believe, net migration continues at an annual half million or more. It is now around an annual three quarters of a million. 6.1 million of the increase will be due to migrants and the children of migrants. Within the next 35-40 years that 74.4% mentioned above could well fall below 50%. The economic and social impact of immigration at its current scale will be devastating. It already is unsustainable. Moreover, pre-mass migration Britain will be no more. The British people have never been asked if they want this to happen. No doubt because if asked, any government putting the question would know what the answer will be. It comes as no surprise that recent polling has shown that some 70% of the public now say that immigration has been too high. Migration Watch will go on drawing attention to what is happening and alerting people to the dire consequences. But we need your support. Whatever amount you feel able to donate will be gratefully received. |
TAKE ACTION NOW ☑️ Write to your MP NOW☑️ Forward this newsletter to a friend☑️ Make a donation NOW |
Thank you for your continued support 🙏 |
January 7th 2025
Labour refuses to rule out axing free prescriptions for …GB News › politics › labour-free-prescri…
1 day ago — The Government could raise the qualifying age for free prescriptions to 66, aligning it with the state pension age. The potential change comes …
Labour opens door to scrapping free prescriptions for over- …The Telegraph › politics › 2025/01/06 › l…
1 day ago — The Government has opened the door to scrapping free prescriptions for the over-60s to raise more money for the NHS.
Keir Starmer ‘will take away pensioners’ free prescriptions …Nottingham Post › … › Politics
7 Oct 2024 — Keir Starmer ‘will take away pensioners’ free prescriptions and bus passes next’. Dr. Ros Altmann says urgent steps must be taken to protect the …
New fears Labour wants to scrap free prescriptions for over …Daily Express › News › Politics
7 hours ago — Labour have failed to rule out scrapping free prescriptions for the over-60s in another hammer blow for the nation’s elderly.
Comment U.K PM Sir Keir Smarer has four prorities beyond hanging on to a job he is not fit for, after blithely heading the institutionally corrupt Crown Prosecution Service ( CPS ) and refusing to talk about the consequences, like Andrew Malkinson maliciously prosecuted then jailed for 17 years for a rape he could not have committed. Then there is police covering for Asian grooming gangs and so much more. But PM Smarmer says now is not the time to talk about it.
Smarmer’s priorities are 1) Funding and promoting mass immigration and dubious multi culture which is good for more Labour votes 2) Funding and promoting the Ukraine War proxy war on Russia while pretending it has no relationship to the rapid rise in the cost of living and accelerting climate change. 3) Promoting fascist feminsm in a society where Labou says that women are always victims even when they commit hideous crimes because men are always the reason they did it. 4) Maximising secrecy, surveilance, police numbers, even more security cameras and cracking down on any one foolish enough to protest.
So, saving the bloated over managed failing NHS is an excellent smokescreen in the name of safety and efficiency when the real reason for the barrel scraping for money, is to pay for its top four priorities. Smarmer et al are doing the best to freeze us old pensioners to death. Now they are going for the free prescriptions. It is convenient to forget how much tax a 74 plus year old like me et al has paid in our long working lives – though corrupt police shortened my working life in 2020 by lying to consultant psychiatrist, using fabricated evidence, that I am a paranoid schizophrenic, bi polar, delusional and long term alchoholic. My long working life was cut down in my 70th year and I still miss the best job I ever had, trucking it up as opposed to ‘fu-king it up’ as elite polticians do, in more ways than one.
R J Cook Truking it up, Cardiff 2018, the year before NHS Whiteleaf Psychiatrist Dr Christopher R Ramsay, turned up 15 minutes after I had returned from my long overnight shift, on March 19th 2019, at Thames Valley Police behest, via the GIC, diagnosng me as a paranoid, delusional, schizophrenic, Bi Polar Long Term Alcholic. He did all this diagnosis in 60 minutes, up loading his report to my NHS records 3 days later, guided by Thames Valley Police who had, on February 5th 2018, arrested me for allegedly informing them and former in laws, connected to police at very high level, that I was working as a gay escort for my eldest son Kieran and his criminal associates in a home based brothel. There was absolutely no evidence for false arrest and malicious prosecution.
The evidence was entirely fabricated, but they needed revenge for something that happened 2 years earlier. When they realised that they were not getting away with arresting officer Bellamy went to ground for 3 months. He had confiscated phones, computers and other key documents when he made his early morning 7 officer raid when I was on my fortnightly HGV Minday rest day – I always worked Saturdays.
So, after corrupt cop Bellamy’s 3 months silence, I left increasingly angry messages on this arresting lying officer Bellamy’s phone and was prosecuted in September 2018 for causing Bellamy alarm and distress. I was given a 6 month conditional discharge. Thames Valley Police recorded this as a conviction for the original alleged untrue offence. It should have been removed from my record after 6 months, but it was not. This was just some of the police poison passed to Dr Ramsay so that he could help them further ruin mine and Kieran’s lives. They would have been very pleased when they got me sacked. I was told to engage with the lunacy diagnosis and take powerful anti psychotics or I might be sectioned.
It took me four years to get a second opinion and have the corrupt Ramsay and TVP criminal insanity label. removed. Not surprisingly, the two police forces who have been harassing me since 2008, refuse to accept that I have never been mentally ill. Their hate crimes and harassment rely on me being officially recorded as insane. My job would have been impossible if I had been. But my GP, Dr Rahl Kamble of 3W Health Winslow Health Centre MK18, a Thames Valley Police puppet, remains insistent that I am insane. So he made a referral to Whiteleaf, without asking me, so that I could be treated for complex needs. As recently as November 8th 2024, he wrote telling me why I could still be a serious alcoholic. He has yet to reply to my strongly worded response. That is the reality of life for dissidents in Police State Britain.
R J Cook
January 5th 2025
Elon Musk asks if US should ‘liberate Britain’CNBC › 2025/01/06 › elon-musk-asks-i…
13 hours ago — … Britain from their tyrannical government.” Tesla CEO Elon Musk, Co-Chair of the newly announced Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) …
Musk says UK’s Starmer should be in prison – POLITICO.eupolitico.eu › article › elon-musk-us-says-u…
12 hours ago — The billionaire followed that up with a poll asking whether America “should liberate the people of Britain from their tyrannical government.”.
Comment Smarmer Starmer PM of instutionally corrupt U.K likes to boast of his 5 years heading the institutionally corrupt target driven white man hating Crown Prosecution Service ( CPS ). Many innocent men were prosecuted and jailed on his watch, including Andrew Malkinson. He lost 17 years of his then young life. This is because Labour thinks all real villains are men, with women only offending because in spite of equality they are easily led or forced into crime by men.
I have no doubt that Smarer Starmer’s government is a tyranny and it will get worse in a macro and micro sense. The Smarmer and his goverment only have to mention the war on sexsism, racism and Russia and their fear makes the ignorant patriotic masses putty in his hand.
Meanwhile, Starmer is like a magician who uses the art of distraction to perform his tricks So the good people of the masses won’t realise what is happening. Starmer, like Blair and Brown, learned their skills from Magic Margaret Thatcher. She made so many things disappear, like white working class communities, working class trade unions, men’s jobs, men’s self respect, marriage, industry, living wages, public utilities, immigration controls, exchange controls, council housing, natural gender identity, tolerance and regular employment. This was all to suit the bilionaire global elite whose greed knows no bounds and won’t rest until they conquer and impose their planet eating culture on Russia and China.
R J Cook
January 4th 2025
Inside the ‘priority’ NHS services for migrants
Asylum seekers receiving ‘preferential medical treatment’ despite increasing wait times for Britons Jim Norton. Sarah Knapton
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- NHS (National Health Service),
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- Department for Health & Social Care
Farage distances himself from Musk on Robinson
Hannah Miller
Political correspondent
Emily McGarvey
BBC News
- Published4 January 2025, 04:31 GMT
Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has distanced himself from Elon Musk’s support for jailed far-right activist Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson.
The tech multi-billionaire added his voice to calls to release Yaxley-Lennon, who was jailed in October after admitting contempt of court by repeating false claims against a Syrian refugee.
Farage has been proud to show off the support of Musk, flying to Florida to meet the owner of social media site X, who helped President-elect Donald Trump win the US election.
But Musk’s support for Yaxley-Lennon is uncomfortable for Farage, who has made it clear over a number of years that he does not want him in his political party.
Speaking to Reform UK’s East Midlands conference in Leicester on Friday, Farage said Musk had “a whole range of opinions, some of which I agree with very strongly, and others of which I am more reticent about”.
Nevertheless, Farage described Musk as a “remarkable new entrant” into American politics.
Musk, he said, was a “hero” for buying Twitter. “At least with Elon, we’ve got free speech back,” he added.
Farage said: “Whether we like everything he says or not, he is a hero.”
With Musk said to be minded to give Reform UK a sizeable donation, Farage believes he remains “very helpful” to the party’s cause.
On Friday, Health Secretary Wes Streeting hit out at Musk’s attack on the government’s handling of grooming gangs, calling it “misjudged and certainly misinformed”.
Musk had posted a series of messages on X, accusing Sir Keir Starmer of failing to prosecute gangs that systematically groomed and raped young girls, and calling for safeguarding minister Jess Phillips to be jailed.
Asked about his comments, Streeting said the government took “the issue of child sexual exploitation incredibly seriously”.
The Tories have also criticised Musk for “sharing things that are factually inaccurate”.
Comment Whenever consensus mainstrean politicians hear things or questions they don’t like, they trot out the misonformation, far right and racist labels. Mainstream media with all its slick, smooth, glamorous overpaid lackeys, does not have to live in the real world. They live in Wonderland, using their privileged positions to patronise and denounce those people, mainly white men, who threaten their conforts, safety and security. Nigel Farage knows that this elite media clique are on his case, watching his every move. They are ever ready to pounce and assert their moral superiority. One kind word from Farage about Tommy Robinson and his UKIP party would be finished.
Tommy Robinson, pictured above,has been jailed again. This is for refusing to remove a post where he references an alleged young Syrian sex abuser. He published a report about a Syrian schoolboy at school in the U.K, sexually attacking English girls. The offender was beaten up by English classmates to whom Robinson was sympathetic.
R J Cook
Bucks Bricks by Robert CookWaterstones › book › robert-cook
Buy Bucks Bricks by Robert Cook from Waterstones today! Click and Collect from your local Waterstones or get FREE UK delivery on orders over £25.
Buckingham and District by Robert Cook (Paperback, 1998)eBay › … › Books
This addition to the Britain in Old Photographs series brings together a collection of black-and-white pictures spanning the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
January 2nd 2025
The case for compulsory voting in the UKThe Constitution Society › Blog
9 Feb 2023 — But how representative are UK elections really? It is common to identify the glaring flaws in the First-Past-the-Post electoral system; what is …
Comment As a senior member of my local council, invited to represent the Liberal Democrats in the 1997 General Election and a responsible school teacher, I always preached the importance of voting. But the world has changed and so have I. I haven’t voted for over 17 years and will never do so again. I am sure U.K Police will help me get off any legal consequences for me not voting because they have been telling my emp[oyers and doctors that I am insane for years. Lunatics are not allowed to votes, nor are convicts.
The diversity people, especially transphobic fascist feminist supremacists, backed by big money, and the mainstream media run the show. Demcracy, as we saw with the spurious reasons for the EU overturning Roumania’s Presidential Election and what they are doing in Georgia, says the truth about fake Western Democracy. Consensus politics is about being allowed to choose approved candidates.
Approval must come from the U.S Deep State, with its billionaires and military mad men. Russia is back to being the bogey man, blaimed for rigging elections every time the results come out wrong. Compulory voting is a world wide theme.
A parliamentary sub committee is evaluating a plan for the U.K. Polling cards have ID references. If the U.K Police State is going to enforce voting, it will also be able to check who has voted for ‘Reform U.K’. Britain’s MI5 and MI6 are world leaders. Dissidents cards will be marked and the U.K will be happy to teach Europe how to do it better – assuming they don’t know already. I am sure multi millionaire Tony Blair will help make it work.
R J Cook
December 31st 2024
It would be fatuous to wish my handful of readers a happy new year, especially the cops and other officials who have been reading this ever since I gave my GP, Dr R Kamble of 3W Health, the man who still insists without evidence that I am a long term alcholic and paranoid schizophrenic, my website address. I needed to prove he was liasing with them Acadmically, I was always good at psychology but turned down an opportunity to use it in the military.
As part of a multi agency monitoring exercise, Kamble duly informed Thames Valley Police of my web address, guranteeing me a handful of police and their associates as viewers – and another arrest and more detention. So 2025 will not be a happy new year for me. It might even be my last thanks to Police State Britain. R J Cook
December 30th 2024
Why is it racist to be concerned about massive illegal immigration ? Why do ignorant people project their concerns about immigrants on to Muslims who have been in the U.K for decades, having children and grandchildren born here? I used to teach Muslim kids and never met a terrorist or sex abuser among them or their hard working parents. Islam is not a race. It is a religion.
2024: a year peppered with alarming migration numbers Regarding immigration – legal and illegal – it has been a year of lows, followed by yet more lows. In his New Year message, Rishi Sunak promised decisive action in 2024 “to stop the boats and break the business model of the criminal gangs.” He made no mention of legal migration, perhaps thinking that if a semblance of control could be demonstrated over illegal Channel crossings by the end of 2024, he would be able to persuade the electorate that he could do the same with ballooning legal migration, possibly even reverting to the longstanding Tory promise to reduce net migration to the “tens of thousands”. However, in due course it became clear that the real reason for keeping schtum was more likely to have been, as we were later to find out, that legal migration was completely out of control. By the end of November, five months after Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Party swept into office, we were told by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) that net migration had risen to an astonishing 906,000 in the year to June 2023, with an inflow of well over a million long-term migrants. As 2024 wore on, one appalling statistic was followed by one that was even worse. When in late November the ONS published the migration data for the year to June 2024 and the revised figures for the preceding year, Sir Keir Starmer mocked the Tory record, accusing them of using Brexit to turn Britain into an “open borders experiment”. And yet, when a week later he revealed his “plan for change” with its six “milestones”, immigration didn’t feature in any of them. It was only after being pressed repeatedly by reporters that he said both legal and illegal migration would be driven down with “a serious plan”, that would include measures “to smash the gangs” behind illegal Channel crossings. Turning the tide? We have still to learn what the plan is. Note how Rishi Sunak’s slogan of, “breaking the business model of the traffickers” had transitioned into a catchier, “smash the gangs”. The latter will of course fail, just as the former did. The only strategy that will work is one that makes clear you will not be able to stay in the UK if you make your way here illegally, and that you will be quickly removed. Last Saturday, The Times lead editorial “Turning the Tide”, pointed to the government’s non-existent, policies to stop the boats. It also referred to the very high legal net migration. The editorial prompted a letter to the editor from our president, Lord Andrew Green of Deddington and David Coleman, Emeritus Professor of Demography at Oxford University – joint founders of Migration Watch. The Times have chosen not to publish the letter which, we believe, reflects the views of millions of people. Here it is in full: Sir, Your remarkable editorial “Turning the Tide” (28 December) is most timely. It draws attention to the absence, under the new government, of any effective policies to reduce the number of cross Channel arrivals seeking asylum in the UK. Even more importantly, it points also to legal net migration which has now approached one million a year. In the short term this will add severe additional pressures on housing, health and education. In the longer term it will, unless very strong measures are taken, change the whole scale and nature of our society. It is already a question of when, not whether, the indigenous population of England will become a minority. The public can sense this which no doubt explains why about 60% want to see immigration reduced. Very firm government action is needed soon if we are to avoid serious social tensions. Hear, hear! Turning to illegal Channel crossings, you will recall the Safety of Rwanda Bill. This was of course intended to ensure illegal immigrants could be flown to Rwanda – the cornerstone of the Tory government’s plan to deal with illegal immigration. The original plan hit a brick wall in the courts, because of “human rights” concerns. James Cleverly struck a revised deal with Rwanda’s president, addressing the judges’ criticisms. The “Safety of Rwanda Act”, despite the best efforts of the House of Lords, eventually made it onto the statute book. And yet, for all the noise and political capital spent, the promised forced returns lined up, it was all put on hold pending the election, only to become the first policy scrapped soon after 4th July. Enter Farage: the game-changer? Let’s leave aside Nigel Farage’s electrifying return to frontline politics to lead Reform and ignite an otherwise dull election campaign. Who didn’t think the Tories would lose badly and a Labour Party, led by a less-than sparkling lawyer, with little political nous, would win with a hefty majority? More importantly for us was that Farage really understood (like quite a lot of Conservative politicians and even some Labour ones) how most of the electorate felt about mass immigration and illegal immigration, its impact, and what they wanted done about it. Sadly, Sir Keir Starmer and his ministers, like most of their immediate predecessors, simply don’t get it. Or choose to ignore the will and wishes of the people who put them in office. Starmer’s promises and realities and what can we expect in 2025? So, what has Sir Keir actually delivered since stepping into No. 10? When it comes to illegal immigration, not much. He scrapped the Rwanda plan outright and replaced it with a fast-tracked asylum system – which, as we at Migration Watch have pointed out, is essentially an amnesty in disguise. Unsurprisingly, this has only fuelled more boats, more crossings, and more chaos. Since 2018, over 150,000 illegal migrants have crossed the English Channel – and this year’s numbers are up by 25% on last year. With nothing to act as a deterrent and the prospect of comfortable accommodation, free medical and dental attention as well as pocket money and little prospect of being returned, we expect at least the number who came over illegally to come again in 2025. By this time next year we could even be knocking on 200,000 since 2018. Packing planes with volunteers, by offering £3,000 per man, woman and child, as has mostly happened so far, is not going to deter anyone. As for the much more problematic legal migration, we don’t see significant reductions in the offing while existing immigration legislation and rules remain in place. There will be little control or reduction of net migration. The measures introduced by the Tories and kept in place by Labour will lead to a modest reduction of inflows but nothing like enough. For that to happen, employers and universities cannot continue to have a free hand to bring in as many overseas workers and students as they like. The Home Office has to be much firmer with those who spin out their temporary stay. The two-year post study work route must end. The scope to bring dependants has to be constrained. A cap on overall numbers is essential. The government’s objective has to be to drive down net migration, as close as possible, to zero. Our aim should be balanced migration. Otherwise, the result will be as Lord Green and Professor Emeritus Coleman eloquently describe in their letter to The Times. |
Farewell Dr. Jones Finally, a word about our brilliant Executive Director, Dr Mike Jones. Mike is moving on but will continue to research and write about immigration. Do follow him on ‘X’ and Substack; we certainly will! Mike’s first article is set to drop in the new year. Thank you for your efforts over the past couple of years Mike, and good luck. We look forward to seeing lots of you on our screens. |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
December 29th 2024
07597 351694
December 29th 2024
Effects of Hormone Therapy on Intraocular Pressure
How Two Corrupt Police Forces Destroyed My Health And Reputation – a comment on the above link by R J Cook
I was foolish enough, after years of my ex wife, a police chiefs sister, getting away with physical and verbal abuse of myself and an unnatural disturbning relationship with my youngest son, emasculated by my wife and her family, I was driven to believe I may be transsexual. My ex wife had forced me to see an analyst in 2005 because she asserted that my youngest son’s problems were my fault and nothing to do with all the time she spent with him in the bedroom and bathroom when she was lying to the authorities who employed her as a senior education officer, that he was ‘being home educated.’ ( sic ). At risk of ruinous dvorce every time I disagreed with her, I saw the analyst who appeared to have been briefed. He said that I needed to ‘find the woman within.’
I am aware that backwoods and religious bigots, moronic police officers and TERF feminists cannot tell the difference between transsexuals and transvestites.. I wrote a book called ‘Man Maid Woman’ as part of my thinking process. After my divorce, as soon as Thames Valley Police found out, they began a hate campaign fabricating evidence, with corrupt rising police star Acting DC Bellamy leading a 7 officer raid on my home, early morning on February 5th 2018, while I was sleeping on my fortnightly HGV Rest Day.
I was accused of violating a Restraining Order maliciously imposed by West Mercia Police in May 2011, to shut down my complaints and requests for disclosure. This restraining order was created without evidence other than hearsay and fabrication. It asserted all of this, but never investigated violent stalking and domestic violence allegations in my ex brother in law’s police area of West Mercia, and not local to me, along with domestic violence never made known to me but used to support a malicious Section 59 Criminal Vehicle Marker.
Bellamy lied that he had investigated the source of non existent porn material lunatic typed letters bearing the name Oliver Lazar, that I had allegedly sent to my in laws and police chiefs on December 17th 2017 because I am insane. On the occasion of my arrest, I was held in the cells for over 7 hours, had vital property and documents confiscated and missed my next shift.
These letters alleged that I was working for my eldest son and his criminal associates in a home based brothel. When their criminal lies were exposed, Thames Valley Polikce prosecited me 3 months later for leaving intemperate messages on Bellamy’s phone. That is typical of corrupt fascist U.K Police and the people who lead them. The non existent porn material was attrubuted to me Thames Valley Police, my ex in laws and West Mercia Police asserting that I am a paranoid schizophrenic, violent, bi polar and delusional alcoholic to reinforce their further criminal malice..
After being subject to malicious prosecution from 2014 – 16, for making serious criminal allegations against my ex brother in law, I was acquitted and attempted suicide because of further threats from Thames Valley Police because they refused to investigate my allegations. After a nearly successful suicide in December 2016, I was accepted as a transgender patient. That aspect is quite a story which will hopefully make a book, including mine and my son’s hell at the hands of two corrupt police forces, West Mercia, TVP and the CPS.
By February 2019, I had been on female hormones for long enough to be considered for Gender Reconstruction Surgery. However, by this time Thames Valley Police had behaved in such an extremely criminal manner that this treatement was made conditional on me accepting being a paranoid delusional schizophrenic based on a surprise visit by Dr C R Ramsay directed by tne GIC who were directed by Thames Valley Police who had been monitoring me for West Mercia Police – both having employed my ex brither in law at senior level.
Ramsay had arrived at my home 15 minutes after I had returned from a long overnight HGV shift on March 19th 2019, accompanied by a psychiatric medical student and burly male nurse from Zimbabwe. Ramsay opened up with the line “We have not come to take you to hospital yet.”
Ramsay wrote up his damnining report three days later. I have consulted professional opinion and been told that one person could not have made such a report on the basis of a one hour appointment. The key input, I have discovered was from Thames Valley Police, in association with Dr R Kamble of 3W Health who had done much to reinforce TVP assertion that I had complex needs and was a long term alcoholic whose liver would not tolerate female hormone treatment. Because I challenged Ramsay’s diagnosis and refused the powerful anti psychotics as part of what the GIC’s Dr Kirpal Sahota called a ‘deal’ to fast forward my then overdue surgery referral, I was told in writing that I did not fit the Gender Identity Clinic’s criteria. My advanced mind and body altering hormone treatment and anti androgens were abruptl;y stopped. Thames Valley Police had got what they wanted in a massive provocation for the purposes of revenge for my 2016 acquittal, getting me fired from my commercial driving job and finishing off what was left of my reputation.
After a 4 year fight to prove my sanity, while my lawyer was working behind the scenes with the CPS to prove me a dangerous psycho, a new consultant psychiatrist became involved as a result of what NHS Whiteleaf had read on the internet. She spent over 12 months in consultation before agreeing that I had never been mentally ill, so discrediting Ramsay, WMP,TVP and my malicious ex in laws. However, by this time,in 2023-24, my lawyer, court and CPS refused to budge and the GIC boss Dr James Barrett admits being invited to be a prosecution witness.
I have met Barrett only once, in Febrary 2023 when he called me in to tell me about the CPS request for him as their witness and to say that GRS surgery would have to wait until I was either jailed or sectioned for publishing what had been done to me. These Thames Valley Police corrupted parties cannot stop what they are doing; agreeing that insanity is my only defence for writing up my latest police horrors, 2017- date and once again facing 5 years in jail and losing everything I have left after giving my wife a massive divorce settlement in 2019 to get rid if her. She would not and won’t go away because she needs Kieran to nurse Edward while she has fun. CPS, and Thames Valley Police have requested several adjournments since I challenged the insanity plea.
Meanwhile, Dr Barrett believed that reinstating me as a GIC patient, along with recklessly boosted medication, would pacify me into a female fantasy world. This on off approach to hormone treatment is obviously the reason for my increasing loss of sight in my dominant eye, just as my hernias are the result of West Mercia and Thames Valley Police destroying me professioanly and forcing me from age 57- 69, into hard manual work just to survive.
The first suspicious thing I noticed during my first GIC consultation was being asked why I wanted to be a woman, not why I no longer wanted to be a man. In my view, that is precisely what is wrong with the GIC More recently, on August 6th 2024, Dr Sahota told me that the six year plus delay to my GRS referral due toThames Valley Police false arrest and malcious prosecution for allegedly outing myself as a gay whore, meant that safe effective surgery was now unlikely. She told me that I was too old to need a vagina and could make do with just having my penis and testicles cut off. She later denied this, but I had recording device in my handbag.
Anyway, after doing some research and visiting Stoke Mandeville Emergency Department on Christmas Eve, I have no doubt that Thames Valley Police malicious interference in my hormone treatment, causing the on high boost, then turned off and on again after a four year delay has upset the pressure in my eye with strong propects of increasing blindness in at least one of them. I hope these people are reading this as I am working very hard to bring these most serious matters to court and public attention. Corrupt police officers are among the most despicable people on the face of the earth. The self congratulating U.K, where Prime Minister Starmer was head of the still corrupt Crown Prosecution Service, has no grounds for critcising Russia as totalitarian state.
R J Cook
December 29th 2024
Bicester & Whaddon Hunt Meeting Boxing Day 2024 from R J Cook
All images Appledene Photographics 2024 / R J Cook
Death penalty should be option for all offenders facing custody and life long police record – by R J Cook.
Boxing Day, was very damp and foggy when I wandered in to Winslow’s Sheep Street and along the road to Home Close which is overlooked by Winslow Hall, once HQ to McCorquodale’s Whaddon Chase Hunt.
Here the hunt gathering were having their annual meeting before the chase. I have no concern as to whether they hunted foxes or killed anything As someone who has been chased and hunted by national police forces ever since my then soon to be ex brother in law and family lied about me stalking and threatening him and his family with violence in October 2008, even putting on a statement revealed to me in 2013, that he asked his good friend and Chief Constable “Don’t investigate P—, I will soak up the damage.” .
There has been no explanation or disclosure of evidence to date, I eventually discovered he had initiated an illegal PNC ( renamed PND) Section 59 Criminal Vehicle Marker placed on my car on October 9th 2008, with vile secret records to justify it when my divorce was finalised in November 2009. .
My then brother in law’s device served several purposes for him during my divorce, including having me watched and chased by police wherever I was in the country, which was very useful should his officers have been lucky enough to discover any form of misconduct, especially sexual, to aid his sister’s divorce. They even chased me into work at midnight when I was working at Bicester City Link in Charbridge Way, searching my car and costing me promotion to a job in the the offices.
Since this started, in 2008, my malicious accuser has been promoted twice, to the very top while my son and I have been socially ostracised and made unemployable by malicious prosecution and continued police efforts to label me seriously insane. Because of my complaints, NHS has believed every word, which is still on record as I discovered from seeing records while being examined at Stoke Mandeville Hospital on Christmas Eve for my eye problem.
Two police forces, both former employers of my ex brother in law and his wife, have long term interfered in my health care, labelling me a gay drunken paranoid schizophrenic wife beater, violent stalker and domestic abuser. That is why my GP Practice 3W Health ignored my request for a hospital referral for my hernia pain back in October. Everything I say to these people is dismissed as delusion and paranoia, thanks to two criminally corrupt police forces. Their people read this site daily. They know who they are. My hernia issue was so serious that I called an ambulance because my GP refused to help and am now awaiting a surgical appointment. I am in agony as I write this.
All these allegations aganst me are recorded as fact sustained by malicious prosecution, but still I am not allowed to see the records, as explained by corrupt police consultant psychiatrist Dr C R Ramsay who persistently refuses to explain his established medical malpractice on my self interested local police force’s behalf, regarding me, I cannot see all of their records because as a confirmed lunatic, in his book, those files would upset me and it would threaten their excuses for ongoing surveillance. It was also recommended that I should not be present at any future trial regarding my ongoing complaints and requests for investigations , because I am so insane, my compelling evidence and witnesses not fit for consideration.. The CPS back door input so intimidated my lawyer from the outset that they accepted the view that I am so insane that I am unfit to plea and must face a trial of their agreed facts. Accordingly, this lawyer trading as CDMK, reefuse to talk to me.
Much of this malice was released to national and local press in 2011 and remains live on the internet. It led to attacks on my property and verbal abuse in the street. Evidence has never been an issue for these brave medal ribbon wearing boys in blue, who continue to hunt me down.
My ex brother in law’s police force were not local to me when the PNC Criminal Vehicle Marker was created on October 9th 2009 and kept secret from me until I forced the issue in November 2009. Certain records of offences and warnings are legally required before creating these dangerous criminal vehicle markers which are intended to criminalise and deny recipients the freedom of the highways and by ways.
When creating and using Section 59 PNC Criminal Vehicle Markers, which have to be sanctioned by an officer on the ground, quite possibly the Chief Constable in this case, they should be subject to regular review, With PNC Criminal Markers, recipients has an instant criminal records which show up on employment and other social background checks. In this respect, the U.K Police work as a national force. For the innocent, they are life destroying. When there is deloberate, persistent perjury and other issuesof malpractice involved, serious criminal offences have been committed. PNC Crmimal Markers based on corrupt records are accesible to all forces, with ANPR flagging instant recognition and justifying car chases across the nation.
That is how I worked out that I had one, but ACRO ( Chief Police Reords Office ) were still denying this in August 2009. It was very convenient that my ex brother in law’s police force, where he rose to second in command, did not admit I had one until my divorce from this person’s sister was finalised in November 2009, when my battle to find out why I had one led to a restraining order with all of my further requests and complaints immediately criminalised and made subject of prosecution.
My ex brother in law’s then employer and the trigger police force who began the destruction of my life and my eldest son’s because he chose to live with me, are based 160 miles away from the home all parties have done their best to force me out of since October 2008. They have only malicious false records to justify what they have done. I have compelling evidence, even including hard evidence from another consultant NHS Psychiatrist that I have never been clincally insane. Clearly, the one who supported the police initiative 2016-18 to have me sectioned was reacting to police guidance was incompetent, corrupt or both.
The devastating PNC marker, breaches of procedure and vile records still have not been explained because it was a serious criminal offence derived from other serious police criminal offences with perjury and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Meanwhile, the police monitoring continues on the pretext that a lunatic like me and my son needs constant monitoring leading to jail or the madhouse. That is justice in former CPS boss Starmer’s corrupt U.K. Which is why police, including Special Branch read this site on a daily basis. Persisting with their strategy that I am insane, brain washing my lawyer CDMK accordingly. This justifies their so called rolling investigation to protect my in laws, with enhanced security, from my unverified non existent violence and alleged obsession to harm my ex brother in law and family because he informed police and NHS that I blame him for my divorce.
His family have a history of serious mental illness, imcluding his father, so he dug very deep to label and finish me off. I blame him for a lot of things, including poking his dirty nose into my affairs, smelling my money. But I lived with his sister for 31 years and know perfectly well that no person ever told her what to do, including me.
So speaking as an old fox who has been living on his wits for the last near 17 years, watching his eldest son’s decline, while aware that my ex wife used local police to have my younger son, then 32, sectioned in August 2020, after many years shut away with his mother and not allowed to see his brother ever again, since 2008. This was because his brother chose to live with me ( a vile horrible story of police backed manipulation and control ), I am a broken too long hunted man.
I have been hunted down wherever I go to survive, any more complaints or protests seized on as more evidence of delusion and paranoia. I survived 12 hard long years in warehousing and logistics ruining the hands I once used to play Classical Guitar, 2008- 2020 because police and my in laws unverified allegations destroyed me professionally. But then police intrusion got me fired from my truck driving because police directed consulatant psychiatrist Dr C Ramsay, who they had told that I wasn a gay whore working in a home based brothel for my eldest son and criminal asscociates, did their bidding to label me a drunken violent paranoid schizophrenic, delusional and bi polar..
As if that was not enough, my publisher discovered this history of damning police records rooted in my in my ex in laws perjury etc. , using a Bucks Council conduit linked to a proposed book signing. These police records and intrusion into my relarionship with my publisher, led to withdrawal of promotion and publicity for four books researched and written 2022 – 2024. A future contract was cancelled.
So it is time for me and my equally ruined eldest son to contemplate a suicide pact. I had been promoting my son to my publisher to make up for his promising legal career destroyed by my in laws as punishment by defamation and discrediting him for choosing to live with me. There is so much more to this story which police believe they have a right to suppress because a 2011 Birmingham Court restraining order was created to criminalise further complaints on the grounds that my complaints were obviously not worthy of investigation and to protect my ex wife, brother in law and family from alleged violence that never happened and was never mentioned during my divorce hearings, 2008 -2009. They knew that if they had been, there would have been no generous settlement and I would have counter sued for defamation. As an accomplished published writer and journalist, I could never have made this story up.
So writing as a hunted tired old fox suffering from a third hernia, due to very heavy work forced on me by two police forces guided by my ex brother in law ruining me professionally, and sight issues with my left eye, I am of the opinion that when officially empowered bullies and their minions want to hunt us, they should give us the quick kill rather than wearing us down I would certainly prefer this to them enjoying the thrill of running us to ground as vermin, our fear turning them on, their righteous revenge, causing terrible distress and and waiting for us to do death to ourselves – for their clear fake consciences. They are hypocrites and fake Christians who love talking down about the sanctity of God’s life.
For the wealthy of Winslow Buckinghamshire, shown in these pictures, there is only their world that matters. The rest of the world is for their patronage, exploitation, profit and amusement. They have the money, demanding ever more and protection from us lower orders.
R J Cook
December 26th 2024