Misconduct999 Independent Objective Factual Information About Police Misconduct and Officer-Involved Criminality Tel: 0161 818 2090
On November 5th 2024, BT admitted that my site was temporarily inaccessible while they took outside instructions to block access while it was being checked. Hopefully my regular readers will understand when and why it is unavailable in the future. It is subject to regular police scrutiny. Obviously western style democracy needs 24/7 ‘protection from unacceptabls posts and comments. R J Cook
December 3rd 2024
Lisa Summers and Megan Bonar
BBC Scotland News
- Published3 hours ago
Senior doctors working at a Glasgow hospital have asked for a ‘major incident’ to be called this week but had their request declined, BBC Scotland News understands.
Emergency medicine consultants described conditions in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) as “grossly” unsafe with no room to take in new patients on Monday evening.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said it has a “robust system” in place to deal with additional pressures which were implemented.
Last week, NHS Grampian declared a ‘critical incident’ because Aberdeen Royal Infirmary was full.
A critical incident sees a level of disruption to services at a local level that may put patients and staff at risk of harm.
In comparison, a major incident has a range of serious consequences that present serious threat to the health of the community, where an emergency responder’s ability to respond is constrained.
‘Considerable pressure’
Documents seen by BBC Scotland News describe the whole hospital site at the QEUH in Glasgow as being “completely overwhelmed” on Monday evening.
The emergency medicine consultants said a lack of capacity in accident and emergency left one patient waiting almost six hours in the back of an ambulance with a fractured hip.
At the same time five ambulances were on route and a further 19 expected to attend the hospital.
The document states that NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde chief executive Jane Grant was involved in discussions about whether a major incident should be called, but it is believed she declined the request.
The health board say the situation was resolved without involving the chief executive.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said all of its services are under “considerable pressure” with the arrival of winter bringing additional challenges.
In a statement, the hospital’s board said: “The A&E department at the QEUH has experienced particular pressures in recent days, and we would like to apologise to anyone who had to wait longer than they would have expected.
“NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has in place a robust system of escalation policies to help mitigate additional pressures, and these were implemented yesterday.
“The possibility of declaring a major incident was raised during a discussion around pressures on the department and hospital capacity, but given the mitigations that had been put in place that discussion was taken no further.”
What is a major incident?
A health-related major incident is described as any occurrence presenting a serious threat to the health of the community.
It is defined in the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (JESIP), external as: “An event or situation with a range of serious consequences that require special arrangements to be implemented by one or more emergency responder.”
It is likely to involve disruption of services and require the implementation of special arrangements by multiple agencies such as hospitals, ambulance, and primary care trusts.
All hospitals are required to have plans in place in the event of a major incident being declared. This might include measures such as non-urgent procedures being cancelled or ambulances being diverted.
Health boards can also declare business continuity incidents and critical incidents.
Universities enrolling foreign students with poor English, BBC finds

Paul Kenyon and Fergus Hewison
BBC File on 4
- Published3 hours ago
Yasmin – not her real name – came from Iran to study for a master’s degree at a new university in the UK, but she was “shocked” to find many of her fellow students had limited English, and only one or two were British.
“How is it possible to continue this coursework without understanding a British accent or English properly?” she tells BBC File on 4.
Most students paid other people to do their coursework, she explains, and some would pay people to register their attendance at lectures for them.
Yasmin’s experience reflects a growing concern. The University and College Union (UCU) says some institutions are overlooking language skills to receive high fees from overseas students, and one professor tells us 70% of his recent master’s students had inadequate English.
Universities UK – which represents 141 institutions – rejects the claims and says there are strict language requirements for students coming from abroad.
Jo Grady from the UCU, which represents 120,000 lecturers and university staff, says it is an open secret that students who lack English skills find ways to come to the UK to study.
“When we speak to members we hear about the tricks that are pulled in order to have people pass the relevant language test and get on to courses,” she says.
About seven out of 10 students studying on master’s courses in England are now from overseas, far higher than on other types of higher education course, says Rose Stephenson from the Higher Education Policy Institute, an independent think tank.
In England, university tuition fees for undergraduate domestic students are capped at £9,250, rising to £9,535 per year in 2025-26. Each of the other UK nations set their own fees. But fees for overseas students studying in England have no upper limit.
“You can charge a foreign student as much as they’re willing to pay,” says Ms Stephenson.
Post-graduate fees are not capped either, so a master’s degree at an elite university could cost £50,000.
Because undergraduate tuition fees for domestic students in England have not kept up with inflation, there has been a real-terms cut in university funding, says Ms Stephenson – with international students, in effect, subsidising the below-cost fees of home students.
File on 4: The International Student Scandal
Universities in the UK are facing a financial crisis. Falling numbers of international students, who pay higher fees than their domestic counterparts, is partly to blame for the funding gap.
Listen on BBC Sounds – or on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday 3 December at 20:00 and Wednesday 4 December at 11:00
BBC 100 Women 2024: Who is on the list this year?

3 December 2024
Comment U.K Universities became UNIS when Thatcher used them to relieve the dole queues. So from the idea of free thinking wide ranging study in an academic universe, they became a haven for politically correct censoring mind numbing humanites, re writing history for the unification in idiocy culture that gave us the hysterical response to the Greg Wallace affair. Over the years they became a magnet for young migrants.
These migrants, at taxpayers expense, because foreign students are under no pressure to repay loans and are ripe for benefits, feeding and bloating the coffers of the university network. This was until indigenous students realised that grade inflation, which started with the GCSEs and A Levels, was no guarantee of a worthwhile career. All it guaranteed was debt. U.K University admin systems and vested interests work overtime, protecting their interests amd inflated salaries. Their cover stories cannot be taken seriously. I write as a teacher of nearly 20 years experience, graduate of the University of East Anglia and a University of London Post Graduate. R J Cook
December 1st 2024
Gregg Wallace hits out at ‘handful’ of accusers of misconduct

Noor Nanji
Culture reporter
- Published1 December 2024, 04:33 GMT
Gregg Wallace has hit back at allegations of historic misconduct, saying they have come from a “handful of middle-class women of a certain age”.
The MasterChef presenter said in a video on Instagram, external on Sunday morning there had been “13 complaints” from “over 4,000 contestants” he had worked with in 20 years on the BBC One show.
He stepped aside earlier this week after a BBC News investigation revealed a string of allegations of inappropriate sexual comments and inappropriate behaviour against him, with broadcaster Kirsty Wark among the complainants.
The investigation heard from 13 people across a range of ages, who worked across five different shows, one of whom was on Celebrity MasterChef.
“I’ve been doing MasterChef for 20 years – amateur, professional and Celebrity MasterChef – and I think in that time I have worked with over 4,000 contestants of all different ages, all different backgrounds, all walks of life,” Wallace told his more than 200,000 followers.
- MasterChef’s Gregg Wallace steps aside after allegations
- Published2 days ago
- Gregg Wallace was ‘fascinated by my sex life and made lesbian jokes’
- Published2 days ago
- ‘Rigorous’ law firm to lead Wallace probe – MasterChef producers
- Published1 day ago
Radio host Aasmah Mir said she complained to the corporation that year about inappropriate comments Wallace had allegedly made during filming of the programme.
In an internal email, BBC executive Kate Phillips, who now heads up unscripted programmes for the corporation, said that his behaviour on set was “unacceptable and cannot continue,” the Sunday Times reported., external
She added that she would make sure that she was “informed straight away” should further allegations be made against him.
Mir later sent an email that was copied to Phillips, saying: “This must not happen again to another woman.”
Some of the allegations against Wallace in the BBC News investigation relate to events after 2017.
A BBC source commented on Sunday that “it would be wrong to report the BBC has done nothing if or when matters have been raised with us”.
“We continue to urge caution about pre-judging any of this, particularly the involvement of BBC staff members and any inference they have not acted appropriately,” the source told BBC News.
Women Need Sex – By R.J Cook

Having risen to the glory of leading warmongering institutionally corrupt United (in idiocy and hypocrisy) Kingdom, Starmer responded to questions about the Malkinson case with the line “Now is not the time to discuss it”. Under his regime, it never will be. To me, their is something very alarming about having the former chief State Prosecutor in charge of the nation. The fact of that prosecution service being so institutionally corrupt in tandem with equally corrupt U.K Police Service makes matters worse. The U.K righteous war for the defence of equally corrupt Ukraine is a perfect smokescreen for a government in search of scapegoats and a smokescreen for doing nothing about what is really wrong with this country.
Starmer heads a bogus Labour Party trading on a glorious history of real Labour risiing to defend the interests of the British Working Classes. Thatcher killed Labour in 1979 along with a once proud working class. Draconian anti Trade Union laws destroyed Labour’s power base. So along came the anti racists and feminists as new under dogs. With them came the new card game called fighting sexism and racism. The Tories and their diverse supporters never got this. That is why Starmer’s reformed New Labour is back in power. Women and the pro immigration lobby know their tide is on the rise and their surf boards are out in force. The likes of Greg Wallace need to wise up. As former Labour MP, turned independent, Dianne Abbot told her fellow BBC panelists combined to condemn Wallace, told the nation today,. “The World has moved on”. This arch feminist should tell that to her Islamist friends whose religious way of life is stuck in the the 7th century when Prophet Mohanmed rewrote the Old Testament. Moving on does not automatically mean progress and enlightement.
Though I have no academic qualifications in English literature, as a teenager, I became engrossed in the work of 1920s Nottinghamshire writer D H Lawrence. He had the lightest touch for the dreary heaviness and pretensions of sex, as when he wrote : “She was nobody, there was no reality in herself, the reality was all outside of her, and she must apply herself to it.”
― D.H. Lawrence, The Rainbow
“On the whole she scorned the male sex. But here was a new specimen, quick, light, graceful, who could be gentle and could be sad, and who was clever and who knew a lot…
And he scarcely observed her.
Then he was so ill, and she felt he would be weak. Then she would be stronger than he. Then she could love him. If she could be mistress of him in his weakness, take care of him, if he could depend on her, if she could, as it were, have him in her a arms, how she would love him!”
― D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers
Lawrence was obsessed with women. In my view it was more about his domineering ever complaining judgemental middle class mother’s condescending treatment of her coal miner husband. Women are very subtle in their use and abuse of power. Men are not supposed to notice they are doing it. In Women in Love, Lawrence mentions a woman’s risk when she reveals her scarlet. He is talking about the harsh brutal livid hungry reality of the woman’s sex.
Women know, and so should men if they favour eroticism, that the male and female sex organs are best dressed up. The woman should hide her scarlet under fancy titillating wrapping rather than let it be seen for how ugly it is, until the last moment before consummation and the mind numbing process of orgasm – once the ultimate drug.
So after the baby boom, the drugged up swinging sixties and spaced out silly seventies, Germaine Greer et al have established the western world hegemony of fascist feminism. As clear examples of Freud’s penis envy, they built feminism on the basis of twisting communist Karl Marx’s concept of false consciousness and the need to make women aware of their true species being and thus escape their male imposed position as an underclass. This approach, to feminist truth, was far simpler than the turgid work of French writer Simone de Beauvoir with her opus magnum ‘The Second Sex’ and ‘La Sacred Femme.’
They plucked their epistemological position from nowhere, with all the fire and fury of mediaeval religion. Like the new breed of British Muslims, they want laws to ban criticism and dislike. Meanwhile, Muslims who have a special place for women are temporarily good bedfellows for feminists because they both see white men as the enemy of their moral hegemony. The greedy obscene reality behind feminism is incessant competition and put downs for white men. They need sex pests etc. to enhance their morally pure image. Their careers and egos take priority over having and caring for children.
That is why the late 1960s and early 1970s films and TV series on D H Lawrence’s works are now never repeated. They are poison to the ever expanding global feminist hegemony. That is why women of Ukraine are so keen on sending their men to die for the sake of liberating themselves from Russian conservatism. To them it doesn’t matter how many men die fighting for Ukrainian women’s privileges to be part of the sexy munificent EU, under NATO protection. Their men will have been blinded, crippled or killed for the glory of La Sacred Femme. These men’s mothers, wives and ssters will have good cause to feel proud of what their men have sacrificed for the female cause, so long as they don’t swear or curse anyone but Russians in the process.
The message from D H Lawrence by today’s liberal elite standards, as with their take on transsexuals, is that Lawrence fetishised and stood for oppressing women. His texts are very clear about what he thinks of them. For example : “Yet there she stood under the self-accusation of wanting him, tied to that stake of torture.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers
Back in 1969, I was working in a paint factory warehouse. One summer morning, I was taking my morning break sitting on a pallet still part packed with the gallon cans of paint I had been unloading. In between relishing mum’s cheese and tomato sandwiches, washing them down with lemonade, I was reading my latest library book. I hadn’t noticed work mate and good friend Barney Dunphy coming up behind me, before he said “What are you reading Bob ?” I turned, looked up, then said : “Selected Literary Criticism by D H Lawrence.” He wanted to know what it was about. So I told him it was about women, love and the beauty of sex. He could not help smirking, laughing and saying “What a load of old bollocks. There is no more to it than in with the prick.” Barney was a no nonsense hardbitten Dubliner ( see Buckingham Voices by Robert Cook & Des Tunks 2001 ). Why should he not be allowed to say this when feminist comedians like Joe Brand, can tell such jokes as ‘What’s the best thing to come out of an erect penis? The wrinkles.’
The answer is that women as a gender and agent of the power elite, have a running tap of new laws on their side. They can vent as much as they like with no responsibility for anything or need for evidence. So when males from ages ranging from pre school to the edge of the grave want to proclaim their innocence of past, present and future crimes, and fall for the prospect of sex change.
This is a very dangerous move because I made it. I went way too close to the edge of experience with my novel ‘Man Maid Woman’ (2003) after talking to lots of trans women. As Shakespeare warned :’He who sups with the Devil should use a long spoon.’ The idiom was first used in literature by Geoffrey Chaucer. In The Squire’s Tale in The Canterbury Tales (1386)
I have always been meticulous about research and with an aversion to dogma. All fascist feminists have to say about trans women , without any grounding in truth, at best using deranged transvestites as evidence, is to condemn these desperate males as rapists seeking the ultimate disguise.
Women, for biological health, reproduction and political purposes need to exploit their sex more than ever. They are a blob, funded by the likes of billionaire George Soros. They are the leaders of the moral west that also needs there to be no solution to third world poverty and corporate exploitation beyond Oxfam, religious bigotry and importing an ever expanding unsustainable surplus population. Their virtue signalling is all that matters.
Meanwhile, back here in Blighty, women are expected to toe the feminist dictatorship line. They will be told what they are by media, education and law enforcers 24/7. Mums ( Moms for my large U.S readership ) will be called toxic if they are known to be deviants bringing up boys old style so causing lots of problems for their perfect world in the making.
Women en masse are perfect receptacles for state indoctrination. They must be kept in constant fear of men. They have a biological imperative to stay safe because they evolved as the baby carriers. Though feminists complain about this, they oppose research into growing babies in bags. As one woman put it on BBC Radio 3: “We can’t have that because we would lose all of our power. “
Any man outside of the ruling wealthy elite and their well paid public servant enforcers, will be openly or secretly be recorded and made unemployable as an abuser if he raises his voice to wife or children. So, in this context, is it any surprise that men are turning away from sex with women. The notorious ongoing story of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is a wonderful example of this life and culture destroying phenomenon. That is why we have feral youth, drug abuse, mental illness, gang crime and young people killing themselves. Money won’t cure that and feminism will male matters worse by burying the truth. Starmer and his virulent feminist Home Secretary Yvette Cooper have decided that women offenders are usually abuse victims pushed into crime by men. So they don’t need jail and family’s can’t function without them.
Even with normal men shunning the inevitable feminist dictatorship, bankruptcy and criminalisation after marrying a modern woman, women still need sex to proclaim their worth as human beings and will lie to achieve this. They are also likely to claim sexual discrimination and harassment if they don’t get their way in the workplace.
With so many such women hanging out in town and city bars after work, getting drink, the drink spiking allegations have created a new avenue for sex allegations. Personally, I have never left my drinks unattended in public bars and cover them with my hand when in close quarters with others because I don’t want anyone spitting or dropping anything else in them. I never leave them unattended. If I buy beer , I prefer it from the bottle because as barman I learned how carelessly glasses are washed. But women claim all the safe spaces and special treatment in an age where men need keeping safe from them. The danger starts in schools which should return to segregation.
There are all sorts of reasons why women lie about rape after a drunken girls night out, but we have to accept that women never lie because that is essential to contemporary police state social control. Whichever way you look at it, women need sex more than ever. That is why they expect their partners to use Viagra on pain of losing them if they don’t submit to what is effectively rape. Men are ridiculed if they ‘can’t get it up.’ But is that really any surprise ? Women have a right to say not tonight because I have a headache or shout ‘stop’ part way through. They also have the right to rape men by forcing them to take Viagra. This is not equality. It is reality.
Hopefully Greg Wallace, disgraced by feminists, and others will accept their station in life and find a new hobby. Many have said that sex is an overrated pass time. It is. Stop pandering to women’s egos. Sex should be left to Africa, Latin America and the Indian sub continent. There are better safer things to do. Of course that would crash the female beauty industry and fashion racket, and a good thing to. The problem is that left unmedicated, testosterone is like magma. So there needs to be something in the water. There already is something in the water, up to a point, with all the PCBs and female personal waste causing a wider feminisation of nature. However , once the west gets rid of its world of masculinity, what will feminists leaders do then. This is because being a woman will have no meaning at all. I am not sure African male and Muslim immigrants will be too happy about that, but white males are getting to the stage where they are past caring.
They, including me and my son face a daily struggle to survive. Meanwhile, it is a fact that U.K Police reserve the right, via an interesting and highly motivated restraining order, to define and edit my life as a long term alcoholic, gay whore working for my son, violent domestic abuser, paranoid schizophrenic, bi polar and delusional personality. They have never needed any evidence. They have spent the last near 17 years refusing to supply any evidence for their prosecutions. My GP Dr R Kamble has worked hard to help them, informing the tame psychiatrist Dr C R Ramsay of Aylesbury’s Whiteleaf Mental Hospital, that I am long term alcoholic lunatic who refuses to take the anti psychotics. I am very ill now, so next week’s 74th birthday will probably be my last. That is how the U.K corrupt establishment goes about killing in their very respectable way. If I survive, I will publish my memoirs, currently being written under the working title ‘The Vulnerable Witness.’ One of my regular handful of U.K State Body readers will know why I have chosen those words. I can’t say more at this stage for legal reasons . That is life in Police State Britain

White Male Privilege, Cold Winter night Blecthley late November 2024. This man told me that his wife took regular men friends, abused their children, attacked him and eventually kicked him out of their home. He said the council gave him a place in a hostel full of drunks and drug addicts, where it was not safe to fall asleep at night. Typically feminists response to the above display of white male privilege is that it is the man’s fault that he is on the street. When feminists have important things like getting male so called sexists ( not the female ones ) off TV, then homeless men freezing and dying on the street is of no concern to them. Women’s tears say more than real evidence ever could – until it is the likes of Prince Andrew and Al Fayed..
Image by R J Cook / Appledene Photograhics 2024.
R J Cook December 1st 2024
November 28th 2024
Illegal Immigration
Daniel Khalife was a British soldier who spied for Iran and dreamed of fame
Daniel Sandford
UK correspondent
Just after 07:30 on 6 September last year, Skye Vokins was driving along the dual carriageway south of Wandsworth Roundabout, in London.
Scarcely believing her eyes, she saw a man land on the road beneath the rear axle of a delivery truck stopped in front of her car at a pedestrian crossing.
“I saw him drop to the ground and then do a kind of pencil roll,” Ms Vokins recalls.
The man stood up and walked slowly to the nearest pavement.
“I remember him flicking his fringe back and behaving very casually – as if nothing had happened.”
The man was Daniel Khalife, a former British Army soldier who was supposed to be in prison awaiting trial for spying for Iran.
He had just hitched a ride out of HMP Wandsworth by clinging to the underside of the lorry using a makeshift sling made from a pair of trousers.
Earlier that morning, Khalife had been working in the prison kitchen. When the daily food delivery lorry arrived he walked out of the kitchen and strapped himself under the truck, partially hidden from view by its tail lift mechanism.
As the lorry drove towards the airlock – a secure area between the inner and outer gates of the prison – Khalife heard one of the kitchen staff asking: “Where is that young boy?”
The lorry driver remembers hearing prison security staff say someone was missing, and said two guards checked his vehicle twice using a torch and a mirror, before eventually waving it through.
“I said: ‘Are you sure I can go?’ I thought there should be a lockdown if someone is missing.”
Khalife was born in London in 2001, to a British-Iranian mother and a British-Lebanese father. His parents soon broke up, and he has had little contact with his father.
At secondary school in south-west London, many of Khalife’s friends came from well-off families and he felt ashamed of his relative poverty. He had struggled to focus at school but managed to get 10 GCSEs.
Aged 15, Khalife was caught stealing goods from a shop by using a powerful magnet to remove security tags.
“I have always had a gift for exposing flaws in security,” he told the jury during his recent trial.
He said his mother was very strict and that he “wanted to get away from home” and “to feel what it would be like to be free”.
So in September 2018, at the age of 16, Khalife joined the Army.
A soldier who trained alongside him at the Army Foundation College, in Harrogate, told the BBC Khalife stood out for his cockiness, arrogance and over-confidence.
“He seemed to want the spotlight. He liked to be the centre of attention and be the big show-off character,” he said. “He tested the patience of most of us – especially the corporals.”
Comment Imagine the multi cultural chaos if Britain’s mini empire forces are depatched to fight Russia before MI6 and CIA can complete their plans to work the same elitist fragmentation on Russia, with all its sexy images of freedom and democracy. Most interesting in the above account is the boy’s non relationship with his father and choosing to spy for his domineering mother’s native Iran. Ultimately women have the real power over men, especially mothers.
R J Cook
These figures are horrendous, says Faragepublished at 13:4913:49

Earlier, we heard from Labour and the Conservatives, and we’re now getting reaction from other political parties.
Lisa Smart, home affairs spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats, says the previous Conservative government “made a total mess of our immigration system” and “shattered public trust”.
As a reminder, the figures released today are from when the Conservatives were in power, and are far higher than they promised voters.
Reform UK’s leader, Nigel Farage, calls the figures “horrendous” and says he is “pretty angry” – adding that he’s had “enough of being lied to by the Conservative Party”.

Five key facts from today’s data…published at 14:0414:04
- Estimated net migration to the UK – the difference between numbers arriving and leaving – was 728,000 in the year to June 2024
- Some 1.2 million people came to live in the UK in this period
- Estimates for net migration in previous years have been revised upwards – the total for the year to June 2023 now stands at 906,000
- About 1.3 millionpeople came to live in the UK during that period and 414,000 left
- Elsewhere, Home Office figures show 99,790 people claimed asylum in the year ending in September
Kirsty Wark: Gregg Wallace used sexualised language
Kirsty Wark: Gregg Wallace used sexualised language
Gregg Wallace is to step away from presenting MasterChef while allegations of historical misconduct by individuals are investigated, the show’s production company has said.
It comes after BBC News sent a letter to Wallace’s representatives on Tuesday setting out allegations of inappropriate sexual comments by 13 people who worked with him across a range of shows over a 17-year period.
Broadcaster Kirsty Wark, who was a Celebrity MasterChef contestant in 2011, said he told “sexualised” jokes during filming.
Wallace’s lawyers say it is entirely false that he engages in behaviour of a sexually harassing nature.
Masterchef’s production company Banijay UK has launched an investigation and said Wallace is co-operating.
Czech billionaire closes in on deal to buy Royal Mail

Simon Jack
Business editor, BBC News
- Published28 November 2024, 00:02 GMT
Updated 6 hours ago
The sale of Royal Mail to Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky’s EP Group is close to being finalised and could be confirmed in the next two weeks, according to sources close to the deal.
Kretinsky has agreed to make extra concessions in order to clinch the takeover, the BBC understands.
Unions have been meeting with Kretinsky’s advisors this week, and while some sources say they remain “wary” of him, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) said meetings with the EP Group have been “constructive”.
The deal will still have to be approved under the National Security and Investment Act although officials carried out a similar review when he increased his stake in the company.
The entrepreneur has already offered the following guarantees in a bid to secure the deal:
- Maintaining a one-price-goes-anywhere “universal service”, which means it has to deliver letters six days per week, Monday to Saturday, and parcels Monday to Friday
- Not to raid the pension surplus
- Keeping the brand name and Royal Mail’s headquarters and tax residency in the UK for the next five years
- Respecting union demands for no compulsory redundancies to take place (until 2025)
It is thought additional safeguards may include extending the duration of the guarantees he has offered.
The BBC understands they have been sufficient to satisfy the UK government that Daniel Kretinsky is a suitable owner for this historic and important organisation.
Which benefits does the government spend most money on?
As the government pledges to clamp down on the ‘bulging’ benefits bill, we take a look at where most money is spent.
Updated Mon, 25 November 2024 at 6:07 pm GMT
Sir Keir Starmer has pledged to tackle the “bulging benefits bill blighting our society”, as the government continues looking for ways to slash its spending.
In 2024 to 2025, the UK is forecast to spend £319.1bn on the social security system — a figure the Labour government says it is determined to cut.
Here’s what we know about what payments make up the benefits bill, what is the largest expense, and how the UK’s welfare spend compares to other countries.
What do we spend most money on?
According to official statistics, the department for work and pensions spent £285.7bn on welfare in 2023-24. In comparison, NHS England’s budget was around £100bn lower at £171bn.
Of that, the single benefit that ate up the largest amount of cash was the state pension, which cost the UK around £125bn – 44% of the total welfare spend.
Other benefits claimed by the elderly included pensioner housing benefit (£6bn), pension credit (£5bn) and winter fuel payments (£2bn), meaning the total benefits bill in 2023/24 for pensioners was £138bn – around 48% of all welfare spending.
And the UK’s state pension bill is going to keep increasing. That’s partly due to the triple lock guarantee, which means that pensions increase by inflation, average earnings, or 2.5%, whichever is higher.
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The UK universities in financial crisis
Spiralling costs and fewer international students is leaving universities in serious financial trouble

A combination of high inflation, frozen fees and falling student numbers has left many universities set to operate at a loss, and “few expect that the government would step in to bail out a university in serious financial difficulty”, said Hannah Rose Woods in The New Statesman.
How bad is the problem?
There have been warnings for years of a looming crisis in university funding. Last week, the Office for Students (OfS), the regulator, forecast that up to 72% of England’s universities could be running budget deficits by next year. In the last academic year, a third of the UK’s 150 or so higher education institutions only had enough funds to last for 100 days; it has been reported that a handful are now on the point of going bust. It was against this backdrop that this month, Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson announced an increase in tuition fees in England for the first time in eight years – from £9,250 per year, to £9,535 – in order to “bring stability to university finances”.
New plan to cut benefits bill announced |
Read now |
1,100 jobs at risk at Vauxhall Luton factory Read now |
Comment I visited that plant in 2001 while researching my book, The Vauxhall Bedford Story. The car plant had already been shut down by the struggling GM monolith while van production was on borrowed time. Those job are not at risk. They have gone. R J Cook. |
Oppose Vauxhall Luton plant closure! Defeat Unite’s alliance with Stellantis and the Labour government! For a global fightback! The brutal restructuring at Vauxhall in Britain is part of a global jobs massacre by Stellantis and other transnational car producers. Unite officials will be working with the company every step of the way. Read more |
Read now
Postal workers oppose CWU-Labour government collusion with Kretinsky Royal Mail takeover
There is major disaffection with the CWU bureaucracy among postal workers, but this must take an organised form in the workplace and be united across the Royal Mail network.
November 26th 2024
Women Lie & Abuse Children & It Is Not Always A Man’s Fault
Mother of child hidden in drawer from birth jailed

Katie Barnfield & Ewan Gawne
BBC News
- Published26 November 2024, 17:56 GMT
A mother who kept her baby daughter hidden in a drawer for the first three years of her life has been jailed for seven years and six months for “extreme neglect”.
The girl, who prosecutors said had “never known daylight or fresh air”, was only discovered when a visitor to their house in Cheshire heard her crying.
To protect the girl, neither she nor members of her family can be identified.
The girl’s mother, who admitted four charges of child cruelty at a previous hearing, was sentenced at Chester Crown Court.

Judge Steven Everett said the woman had “starved that little girl of any love, any proper affection, any proper attention, any interaction with others, a proper diet, much-needed medical attention
“An intelligent little girl who is now perhaps slowly coming to life, from what was almost a living death in that room,” he added.
‘Overwhelming horror’
The court was told the mother concealed the baby’s presence from her siblings by hiding her in the drawer of her divan bed, and kept her secret from her partner, who often stayed at the house.
Rachel Worthington, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said the child did not respond to her own name when found, and had been left alone for long periods to “fend for herself” without enough food.
“Every man is entitled to one big mistake” by R J Cook
Today’s U.K News made a big issue of Yvette Cooper’s moral war on the abuse of women and girls. The bulletins talked about prison being no help to female offenders, adding the point that such women are usually the victims of domestic violence and abuse. There are no such excuses for men because only feminists and political lackeys speak the truth. Women never lie.
As with all recorded offences against women, when there are 100 recorded, feminists and media inform us that for every 100 recorded there are 10,000 women who do not come forward. They work the maths by divine instinct.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper promises to make U.K Streets safe for women who are in constant danger of physical and sexual abuse. Image by F.S West Country Correspondent 2024.
So that means police and courts must double down to discourage abuse while encouraging more allegations, including rape, where convictions are at an all time low. In my view that is no way to run and fund a justice system.
The case of Andrew Malkinson is long forgotten along with so many others in the cause of keeping all women safe. Women should not be jailed because that would wreck whole families. Mothers are all-important and families are better off without fathers. So why did they jail Lucy Letby ?

R J Cook 1974
I know a woman who shut her 15 year old son away and abused him for 5 years before his mental health so deteriorated, he ended up sectioned. I showed police the suicide contract the mother had signed in 2001, to help her son kill himself if his life got any worse. In case the police,who monitor this site every day have problems with that, I still have that copy contract filed in several places, including with my lawyer.
Back in the 1980s, when I lectured in criminology, I observed that the majority of criminals were not caught and that could be because police were only chasing male suspects. But our culture is obsessed with worshipping women, as if they are all the same and virtuous in extremis. As we saw with Colin Stagg, Metropolitan Police decided he fit the profile for Rachel Nickels killer, so they fitted him up for prosecution. They only care about convicting people they don’t like.
So it is no wonder that so many boys and even middle aged men are queueing up for sex change so that they can join the chosen ones. Unfortunately that bubble has burst and the escape route blocked by the likes of TERF feminist guru and fantasy writer J K Rowling. Rowling, using her magic powers, pronounced that males take all the libido reducing breast growing hormones, then castration and penis inversion just so they can get into the average irresistible women’s safe spaces to rape them.
Thirty one years of mainly unhappy marriage under my wife’s bullying command killed my sense of sexual desire. It was worse than that, including her admission of hitting me on four occasions that she could remember. But no worries. Conventional quasi legal wisdom is that female domestic violence ( aka IPV ) against their partners is always provoked by the man and well deserved. They pulled this stunt with Caroline Flack, including a TV documentary.
The years of my married misery provoked me into writing my novel ‘Man Maid Woman’ in 2003 and my lesser known work ‘Little Terrors’ about an abusive wife and mother also in 2003. This was when I first considered that I could not cope with what passed for my male role, so considered that I might be transgendered. That is another, very long and interesting story.
My wife didn’t like this, promising to respect my concerns if I dropped the idea. That did not happen. Her coercive controlling behaviour got worse. So I hung myself from a door handle in March 2007. I could have died, so sought help. But my wife insisted on being in on my psychiatric assessment with Dr Leslie Robertson at Tindal Hospital Aylesbury. Dr Robertson decided that I was not mentally ill, just very unhappy, for which condition there are no pills. She added that being sane, I was more likely to make a success of my suicide and that there was no way of stopping me. There are reasons, currently subject to Crown Court proceedings,why I could not talk in front of my then wife. I had been told what would happen to me if I did not do as I was told and who was going to sort me out if I didn’t.
So I went home seeking solace in writing. But I was told that I could not write my teaching memoirs because it would get my wife the sack from her top educational administration job. Then one of my old music pupils returned from the army. He wanted me to play lead guitar in his band and help write songs. I asked him “Why do you want a wrinkly old git like me.?” He replied: “Because you know what you are doing and will add character.

R J Cook 2007
So we started practising in my then large study. It lasted for a few months until in January 2008, my wife burst in, furious and ranting “I’ve got to tell you, Robert is an alcoholic.’ I had an open bottle of wine on my desk to help me relax into improvising and working out lyrics – there is evidence of my skill in that direction elsewhere on the site. My bandmates had beer. They all laughed after she had left the room. But I could not focus because I knew I was in for hell when they all went home. She pounced on me snake like, hissing that I was ‘only in that band to run off with young women.” I was ordered to quit the band.
Divorce was just around the corner and I lost my enthusiasm for music in spite of my old friend Christine Halpin’s and guitarist’s best efforts to get me back to work. She dragged me around the pubs and clubs for 2 years from 2008-10, where I managed to perform after a fashion. Still there is no music to describe the hell of my life and years of hard manual work in trucking and warehousing that have wrecked my hands and general health.
The only way to avoid divorce, rape and abuse allegations is to stay well clear of women and never get married. Arguing or raising your voice to a woman is now coercive controlling behaviour and abuse.The joke about Divorced Barbie coming with all Ken’s stuff rather sums it up. As my ex father in law opined in his beautiful languid way, a few days before my wedding in 1977 : “Every man is entitled to one big mistake”. He was a wonderful man and father figure to me for a few precious years.
R J Cook
November 26th 2024
Reeves snubs Thatcher Chancellor pic for ‘Red Ellen’The Spectator › article › reeves-snubs-Womenthat…
30 Oct 2024 — The swapping out of Nigel Lawson’s portrait for one of Ellen Wilkinson was revealed after the Treasury published a picture of Reeves in her No. 11 study ahead …
What to know about ‘Red Ellen’, the radical MP whose …The Conversation › what-to-know-about-red-…
6 Nov 2024 — Rachel Reeves swapped a portrait of Nigel Lawson, Margaret Thatcher’s chancellor, with one of Ellen Wilkinson.

Rachel Reeves hangs portrait of communist hero Ellen … – › news › rachel-reeves-portrait-c…
30 Oct 2024 — Rachel Reeves hangs portrait of communist hero Ellen Wilkinson in No 11 Downing Street. Chancellor Rachel Reeves has been pictured ahead of ..
Man arrested over property damage after tractor driven …
A man has been arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and dangerous driving after a tractor was driven through a flooded high street in Tenbury Wells in Worcestershire, causing damage to properties. West Mercia police said the 57-year-old man had been arrested and released on bail while inquiries continued.

Hartley grandmother fined £500 for fly-tipping after leaving …Kent Online › dartford › news › i-was…
4 days ago — A grandmother has been fined £500 for fly–tipping after leaving a neatly folded bag of clothes next to a British Heart Foundation donation …
The owner of Vauxhall has announced plans to close its van-making factory in Luton, putting about 1,100 jobs at risk.
Stellantis, which also owns brands including Citroen, Peugeot and Fiat, said it would combine its electric van production at its other UK plant in Ellesmere Port in Cheshire.
Rules imposed to speed up the transition to electric vehicles (EV) in the UK partly drove the decision, the company said.
It comes amid growing concerns among car manufacturers over EV sales targets, with many, including Stellantis, calling for the government to do more to boost consumer demand.
Following the Luton plant announcement and intense pressure from industry leaders, Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds said the government would consult on changes to EV sales rules, which is officially called the zero-emission vehicles mandate, because it was not working as expected.
“I get the seriousness and the urgency of the situation,” he said, adding that the decision to close the Vauxhall van factory was a “difficult day for Luton”.
As part of the shift to electric, manufacturers are required to sell a certain percentage of cars and vans that do not emit any emissions.
Current rules state EVs must make up 22% of a carmaker’s car sales, and 10% of van sales this year.
For every sale that pushes it outside the mandate, firms must pay a £15,000 fine. There are flexibilities in the system, allowing manufacturers who cannot meet the targets to buy “credits” from those that can.
But car brands with factories in the UK have been urging the government to relax the rules, arguing that EV demand is not strong enough and more incentives are required for drivers to go fully electric.
Stellantis’s Vauxhall plant in Luton currently builds petrol and diesel vans and had been due to start making its medium-sized Vivaro electric van from 2025, before the decision to close it.
Electric models from other Stellantis brands, including Citroën, Peugeot and Fiat, were also set to be built there. Vauxhall’s Luton director said at the time it would be a “fitting way” to mark the factory’s 120th anniversary.
Now, the electric model that had been scheduled for manufacturing at Luton will move to Ellesmere Port, which is to get a £50m cash injection.
- Electric car targets could be eased as demand flags
- Published3 hours ago
- Car firms demand more help to meet 2030 petrol ban
- Published25 July
Three years ago, Stellantis invested £100m into revamping the Ellesmere Port site to make electric vehicles. It currently builds a range of small electric vans.
Production of Stellantis’s conventional vans will be transferred to France
The company said the closure of Luton in spring next year would “potentially contribute to greater production efficiency”. The decision to consolidate production is subject to consultation.
It said hundreds of permanent jobs would be created at Ellesmere Port and that it would provide relocation assistance to workers who wanted to transfer from Luton.
Luton’s Vauxhall factory opened in 1905, with the first vans being assembled there in 1932.
At its height the plant employed 37,000 people, but that number has been falling since the 1960s. The final car rolled off the production line in 2002, though van manufacturing, with the production of the Vivaro model, continued.
Earlier this year, Stellantis chief executive Carlos Tavares warned that the future of both Luton and Ellesmere Port were in doubt.
In July, he announced a review of the future of both plants, citing the impact of the EV sales mandate.
Comment Petrol and diesel are not the problem. Trees and plants need CO2. But forests have to go to accommodate booming non white ethnic populataion. As I have said, COP29 is a cop out, blaming and guilting the western masses for empire, globalisation, neo colonialism, reckless deforestation to accomodate rampant religion and ignorance driven third world overpopulation. The smug self righteous greedy faces of international COP 29 fat cats is just latent tension management and scapegoating.
R J Cook
Children told refugees ‘enrich our country’ and drive ‘ …The Telegraph › news › 2024/11/24 › chil…
2 days ago — Children and their parents are being told in an Usborne book that refugees “enrich our country”. Usborne has published a book for ages seven …
The Fiscal Impact of Immigration in the UKMigration Observatory › briefings › the-…
25 Oct 2024 — This briefing provides an overview of research regarding the impact of immigration on government finances in the U
Very First Questions & Answers: Why should I say sorry?Usborne Books › very-first-questions-answers-why…
This lift-the-flap book explores the power of saying sorry, when to do it and how to really mean it. A handy tool which supports social and emotional …
£7.99 · In stock
The UK aid budget and support for refugees in the UK in 2022 …The House of Commons Library › cbp-9663
10 Jul 2024 — The UK spent £3.7 billion, or 29% of its aid budget, supporting refugees in the UK in 2022. This drew criticism from aid groups.
NewsUKUK Politics
Who are the 2 million people demanding a general election? Crunching the numbers behind the viral petition
Starmer insists he’s ‘not surprised’ by election petition with two million signatures as he rules out another vote
Sir Keir Starmer has ruled out calling a general election after a petition calling for another vote was signed by more than two million people.
“I would like there to be another general election,” the petition reads.
“I believe the current Labour government have gone back on the promises they laid out in the lead-up to the last election.”

Sir Keir says he’s not surprised many people want an election re-run (PA Wire)
Asked about the petition on ITV’s This Morning programme on Monday, Sir Keir dismissed calls for an election by saying that it is “not how our system works”.
“I am not surprised many of them want a re-run.”
The government must respond to all petitions with over 10,000 signatures, and petitions reaching 100,000 signatures are considered before parliament.
The petition comes amid growing backlash over Labour’s budget, which has sparked controversy for hikes to national insurance and extension of inheritance tax to include farms, among other unpopular proposals which aim to fill the spending black hole.
Among the famous faces to have shared the petition are billionaire Trump-ally Elon Musk, who has repeatedly criticised Sir Keir since he came to power, and British actor Michael Caine.
Who wants to call a general election?
The petition was only set up on November 20, but has already received over 2,184,000 signatures at the time of writing.
The majority of signatories to the petition are concentrated in Conservatives or Reform safe seats.
Many of the names in these seats may seem familiar, as vocal critics of the current Labour government. The MPs in constituencies where the petitions have received the most signatures include leader of the opposition Kemi Badenoch, former leadership hopeful James Cleverly, and topping the list, Alex Burghart.
The petition is highly popular among constituents of Reform leaders Richard Tice and Nigel Farage, with 9,550 signatures between the two constituencies.
However, over a million signatures have come from constituencies with a Labour MP.
The Labour MP representing the most constituents calling for a general election is Kevin McKenna, with 4,609 constituents signing the petition.
Mr McKenna won his constituency of Sittingbourne and Sheppey by just 355 votes in July.
The constituency had a low voter turnout of just 51.9 per cent and was historically Conservative.
It is likely that his narrow win made many residents unhappy in an area with high Tory support; but even so, it is unclear whether those signing the petition would be able to oust Mr McKenna in another election.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer dismissed the petition on ITV’s This Morning today. (ITV)
No Labour seat has seen more than 6 per cent of constituents sign the petition.
However, this discontent may still cause some concern for Labour MPs with small majorities. In the Derbyshire Dales, Labour MP John Whitby won by 350 votes, and over 4,426 of his constituents have signed the petition to call an election. MPs in Ribble Valley, Middlesborough South, and Redditch face a similar dilemma.
November 25th 2024
An Example to the U.K ?
By Fergal Keane and Larissa Kennelly
BBC News
- Published24 November 2024
The three Gardai – Irish police officers – walk down the rows of passengers on the bus, a few kilometres south of the border with Northern Ireland.
Observing this is the head of the Garda National Immigration Bureau, Det Ch Supt Aidan Minnock.
“If they don’t have status to be in Ireland, we bring them to Dublin,” he explains. “They’re removed on a ferry back to the UK on the same day.”
Asylum applications in Ireland have risen by nearly 300% so far this year compared to the same period five years ago. A spike in arrivals from the UK has been driven by various factors, among these the UK’s tougher stance post-Brexit, including the fear of deportations to Rwanda, as well as Ireland’s relatively healthy economy.
Most asylum seekers coming from the UK to the Republic of Ireland enter the country from Northern Ireland, as – unlike the airport or ferry routes – there is no passport control. The Garda checks along the 500km-long (310 miles) border are the only means of stopping illegal entry.
Det Ch Supt Minnock told the BBC that 200 people had been returned to the UK this year as a result of these checkpoints, thought to be only a small fraction of those crossing the porous border illegally.
More than 2,000 people who arrived in Ireland illegally have been issued deportation orders so far this year, a 156% increase on the same period in 2023. However, only 129 of those people (just over 6%) are confirmed to have since left the state. The government has said it will begin chartered deportation flights in the coming months, and free up more immigration Gardai from desk work.

Onboard the coach near the border, the Gardai question a young man about where he lives. He is Algerian – a student, he says. The police are suspicious and he is taken to the detention vehicle while his identity is checked.
A veteran of war crimes investigations in post-war Bosnia – as part of an EU police team – Det Ch Supt Minnock knows well the violence and poverty that drives migration.
“This is growing at such a scale because of the conflict and instability right across the world,” he says.
Public concern over immigration is closely linked to Ireland’s chronic housing problem. The Republic now has the worst record in the EU for housing young people.
The CEO of the Irish Refugee Council, Nick Henderson, says the crisis is a “perfect storm”, created in part by the failure to build enough housing stock over decades, and a government unprepared for the upsurge in asylum seekers – known in Ireland as International Protection Applicants (IPAs) – needing help with accommodation.
‘I had no idea being a social drinker would damage my liver by 31’

Hazel Martin
BBC Panorama
At 31 years old, I was told by doctors that if I didn’t stop drinking alcohol, I could die.
I was shocked because I didn’t drink every day, I never drank alone and I drank because I enjoyed it as a social activity, not because I felt alcohol-dependent.
But by definition, my alcohol consumption from my late teens to late 20s would be considered binge drinking. It felt normal because people around me were doing the same – and now it was catching up with me.
I’d recently become a mum and had gone to the GP because I felt tired all the time. This led to blood tests and a liver function check.
Further tests revealed I had severe alcohol-related liver fibrosis, or extreme scarring on my liver, most likely because of my drinking habits.
I trundled home from the hospital in a daze, with my daughter in her pram. This might have happened to me, I thought, but I could not be the only one.
I wanted to know what this said about the UK’s drinking culture and began looking into it for BBC Panorama.
Alcohol-specific deaths are at their highest levels in the UK, external since records began in 2001.
While the problem is undoubtedly bigger in men – particularly older men – more women under the age of 45 are dying due to alcohol-related liver disease, or ARLD, than ever before, according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures from 2001-22.
Comment To Follow, concerning my ex wife telling my GP that I am a serious ling term alcoholic at what is now called 3W Health Winslow, for very malicoious reasons,. She convinced her former employer, Dr J P Fairfield, in 2006, that I am a long term alcoholic. I know why she did that. Below is a recent letter from Dr R Kamble from the same practice. He just won’t give up on Thames Valley Police’s persistent efforts to portray me as a long term alcoholic wife depraved beating lunatic. The story won’t make complete sense due to the protected status of the people involved. However, if I survive their current legal action, my story will make my best book yet, of which posts like this are production notes. The only thing I have ever been addicted to is writing. R J Cook.

November 24th 2024

Illegal immigration: a drain on our economy and taxpayers. And a Damascene conversion. First, the Damascene conversion. On Thursday, the former editor of the Spectator, Fraser Nelson, wrote approvingly in his Daily Telegraph column (see article of the week below) about Sweden’s success in reducing net migration to zero and cutting refugee intake by 80 per cent. Five years ago, in an editorial in the 9 November 2019 edition of The Spectator, he wrote: “Britain has become the most successful melting pot in Europe, absorbing 2.5 million people over this decade without the far-right backlash seen in much of the continent…” Fast forward to last Thursday and he readily admits to having been a fan of mass migration: “I’ve long been a supporter of mass immigration, thinking every economy needs to be open to the world and its talents… In general, immigrants flatter most social metrics and now make up one in five workers. We have managed all this with far less of the xenophobic backlash recently seen on the Continent.” At this point, one senses a ‘but’. And lo and behold: “But those of us who argue that immigration is a net benefit need to be honest about what we mean. Yes, we can list the advantages. But we ought to admit to the drawbacks – and who suffers them. Those who employ immigrants (as cleaners, bartenders, nannies) will have a different view than those who find themselves competing with the newcomers for housing, school places, GP appointments or jobs.” Familiar words? They will be to longstanding supporters of Migration Watch because we have been making this precise argument over many years, as shown in the BBC 2 programme, Immigration: How British Politics Failed that we wrote about in last week’s newsletter. Lest we have any doubt that Fraser Nelson is commending Sweden’s immigration policies, he ends his piece with this: “If Sweden can do this within the EU’s free movement rules, Britain ought to be able to manage with full Brexit powers. But it would first require the political will: and a sober look at the situation and the Ghost of Christmas Future laid out today by the DWP data [showing the number of working-age people on long-term sickness benefit had hit 3.2 million and was heading for 3.8 million in five years’ time.] On current trends, a country struggling to build houses will be welcoming 1.5 million immigrants over the next five years while consigning 840,000 off to long-term sickness benefits. Does this sound like a sensible way to run an economy – or society? If not, it’s time to get thinking.” It seems Fraser Nelson is the latest convert to join others (like the Adam Smith Institute and Mark Littlewood, erstwhile director of the IEA) along the road to Damascus. We bid them all a warm welcome. One final point; Mr Nelson refers to a post-budget forecast of net migration settling at about 300,000 a year for the foreseeable. We don’t think this is likely to happen during this parliament and unlikely after that, unless the necessary measures are introduced, along with a cap. Nevertheless, even if net migration were to fall back to a steady annual 300,000 (plus the children that will be born to migrants), we would still be looking at a projected growth in our population of around nine million people well before 2050, (i.e., in the next 20-25 years.) With net migration of 600,000 a year (plus the children of migrants), population is projected to grow by around 20 million in the same period. Moreover by 2050, with such scales of migration, we will be well on the way to the majority becoming the minority. |
Illegal migration This week, it emerged that our new (we are going to solve it all) Labour government has not only failed to reduce the number of hotels housing illegal migrants but has actually increased their use since coming to power. The number has risen from 213 to 220, with only seven hotels closing while 14 new ones opened. Meanwhile, the recent report from the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI), An inspection of contingency asylum accommodation, exposes even more shocking details of the mismanagement and waste propping up this broken system. At 115 pages, the report reads like a script for a dark comedy, except the punchline is your hard-earned tax money being set on fire. The report covers the period November 2023 to June 2024, so all under the Conservatives and Rishi Sunak’s watch. Here are some highlights (perhaps lowlights would be a more fitting description) The £250m “cost-saving” disaster Remember the Bibby Stockholm? The government spent £250 million setting up migrant sites like this, all under the guise of saving money. The result? Costs per person ended up being higher than they would have been had they stayed in hotels. Meanwhile, 30,000 migrants are staying in hotels at a cost of £4.2 million a day. That’s £1.53 billion annually – enough to fund over 50,000 new social housing units, that would ease the housing crisis. Instead, it goes on B&Bs for people who probably shouldn’t even be here. To make it seem like they were “closing” hotel accommodations, the government started cramming people into shared rooms. Efficiency gains? Nah, just another PR stunt. Freebies galore while Brits struggle Migrants enjoy en-suite rooms, free meals, and even private dental care, while ordinary Brits struggle to put food on the table, keep warm and get on the housing ladder. Complaints about the quality of food provided in holding accommodation abound – with food described as inedible. Migrants also come and go from so-called ‘secure’ sites as they please. Some do so by being non-compliant, while others are unable to read or write, making it harder to enforce oversight. At one hotel for female trafficking victims, unidentified men were reportedly sneaking in through a side door. A system in chaos The Home Office doesn’t know where all the migrants are. Record-keeping is so poor, with contractors being paid for empty rooms. Departments fail to communicate, leading to migrants being shuffled between sites with no proper records. Contractors running these sites regularly fail inspections for overcrowding, unclean facilities, and safety risks. Emergency measures allow the government to open sites without consulting local communities. This sparks lawsuits and protests, adding to costs. Meanwhile thousands of those whose asylum applications are rejected remain housed indefinitely because they cannot be removed, usually because they lack documentation. The bottom line In 2022-2023, asylum spending hit £5.42 billion, up 39% from the year before. Crossings are at record levels. Beyond securing additional accommodation for the next ten years, the government seems bereft of ideas as to what to do about the chaos. We’ve noted that there is much less talk of ‘smashing the gangs’. We wonder why? Here’s the truth: Billions are being wasted on people who mostly shouldn’t be here. Local communities are ignored. Security and oversight appear to be totally inadequate. The consequences of this chaos can be dire. Just last month, Rhiannon Whyte was murdered by a migrant staying at one of these sites. Staff face daily threats, assaults. It seems the system is neither humane nor functional. |
ECHR madness: protecting criminals over victims As for our courts and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the latest absurdity we learned about involved ‘MD’ a paedophile from the Democratic Republic of Congo, who had been convicted of sexually assaulting his stepdaughter and two other girls. He was sentenced to be deported but, despite being deemed a continuing risk, a tribunal ruled this would breach his right to family life and allowed him to stay and live alongside his family and victims. Madness. The ECHR is simply no longer fit for purpose and yet it remains embedded in UK law through the Human Rights Act. Both have to go. |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
Fraser Nelson, The Telegraph – Sweden has reduced net migration to zero – here is how they did it “If Sweden can do this within the EU’s free movement rules, Britain ought to be able to manage with full Brexit powers. But it would first require the political will: and a sober look at the situation and the Ghost of Christmas Future laid out today by the DWP data. On current trends, a country struggling to build houses will be welcoming 1.5 million immigrants over the next five years while consigning 840,000 off to long-term sickness benefits. Does this sound like a sensible way to run an economy – or society? If not, it’s time to get thinking.” |
This week, our Executive Director, Dr. Mike Jones, discussed with Nick Ferrari on LBC the government’s inability to reduce the use of hotels for housing illegal migrants. Despite promises to cut reliance, the number of hotels increased from 213 to 220, with only seven closing and 14 new ones added: |
The Iron Chancellor? Can Rachel Reeves Ride Out The Storm As Budget Criticism Grows?
Her decisions on tax and winter fuel payments have led to a wave of criticism.
22/11/2024 05:03pm GMT
According to friends, Rachel Reeves is maintaining her sense of humour as she endures growing criticism of the decisions she has taken since becoming chancellor in July. She is certainly going to need it in the years ahead.
In barely four months, Reeves has managed to anger millions of pensioners, Britain’s farmers and some of the country’s biggest employers as she seeks to repair the public finances.
It seems that voters have noticed. Polling by Savanta seen by HuffPost UK found that the chancellor’s approval ratings have plummeted since the election, while Labour’s lead over the Tories on who is most trusted to run the economy has fallen dramatically.
However, Reeves seems determined not to row back on any of the controversial decisions she has taken in the past four months.
She had hardly got her feet under her desk at the Treasury before she announced that the winter fuel payment, previously a universal benefit for every OAP in the country, would instead be means tested.
At a stroke, 10 million pensioners were told they would no longer receive it – a move which the Department for Work and Pensions admitted this week will push 100,000 of them into relative poverty.
Reeves justified the decision by saying Labour had to make a start on filling a £22 billion black hole left by the last Tory government, but that did not shield her from the political backlash which followed.
Undeterred, she doubled down in the Budget last month, closing a loophole which saw farmers exempted from inheritance tax, while hiking the employers’ rate of National Insurance.
The unpopularity of those decisions was shown in the past week, with thousands of farmers protesting on Whitehall, while some of the UK’s biggest companies putting their names to a letter warning that the NI changes will cost jobs and push up prices.
But despite the criticism, there is no indication from the top of government that any U-turns are on the cards.
A Labour source: “Rachel promised at the election she would be an iron chancellor that would put the economy back on track – and that’s exactly what she is doing.
“We have always said that there would be tough decisions to clean up the mess we inherited, including the £22 billion black hole in the nation’s finances. If we duck those tough decisions we will be doing precisely what the Conservatives did: party first, country second.
“But Rachel is equally clear about the prize on offer: a Britain that is better off. That’s why the Budget was all about delivering for working people: fixing the NHS, rebuilding Britain and protecting people’s payslips from higher taxes.”
Another senior insider told HuffPost UK: “Rachel is patient, shrewd and has confidence in herself and the people around her.
“People shouldn’t mistake her calmness and that rational approach for a lack of ambition for the government and the country, or an unwillingness to be bold.
“She had a shaky start with the winter fuel payment announcement but she’s learned from it that presentation and follow-up is key, which is why the Budget was so well-managed at every stage.
“Undoubtedly there will be choppy waters ahead, but I couldn’t think of anyone better to be at the helm to steer the government and the country through.”
Nevertheless, there are some in government who despair at Reeves’ determination not to plot a difference course, regardless of the political headwinds she is facing.
They point out that previous chancellor, such as Gordon Brown, Nigel Lawson and Philip Hammond, all showed a willingness to change their minds when the situation demanded it.
Reeves’ decision to put Darren Jones, the chief secretary to the Treasury, in charge of the “phase one” spending review outlining departmental budgets for the next 12 months, has also drawn criticism.
HuffPost UK has been told that Jones’ “high-handed” manner in one-to-one meetings when outlining where the axe would need to fall angered virtually all of his cabinet colleagues.
“You will not find a single minister, with the possible exception of Wes [Streeting], who has a good word to say about him,” said one senior figure.
It is essential, government sources say, that Reeves herself is at the helm of the three-year spending review which is still to come, rather than her deputy.
Some in cabinet are also worried at the apparent lack of an overarching strategy for achieving the economic growth which is meant to be the government’s number one mission.
A Woman’s Tears Say More Than Real Evidence Ever Could – By R J Cook

A Woman’s Tears Say More Than Real Evidence Ever Could – By R J Cook
U.K Police Chiefs routinely manipulate the media, as was the case when West Mercia Police launched a press release in 2011, stating that I had chased my wife, elderly mother and sons from my house on March 16th 2008, when I was demonstrably not at home. My home was and still is in North Buckinghamshire, but I would be immediately be arrested under terms of a West Mercia created restraining order if I named the then senior West Mercia Police (WMP) officer, now promoted to higher things, who went on record stating that I had trashed the marital home that evening, driving my family out in a drunken rage. He knew this even though he lived 158 miles away at the time, but was known to me socially.
I was never arrested or charged for any such offences by my local Thames Valley Police and am still denied disclosure of any records of investigation. This was a long time ex post facto cover up because the same person et al gained, via WMP, a Section 59 PNC Criminal Vehicle Marker on October 9th 2008 for he and his family suffering a allegedly October 3rd/4th/5th 2008 weekend of stalking with intent to commit acts of violence.
Once again there is incontrovertible evidence that I was 200 miles away from this person’s Shropshire Home at the time. Such markers are very serious devices, justifying nationwide police chases, stop and search anytime, anywhere. The late Chris Kaba had one such marker on his car. Criteria for these markers include arms offences, violence, drugs and female impersonation. It took me until November 2009 to get an admission from my local Thames Valley Police that West Mercia Police created the marker for alleged criminal harassment, with violence, in the West Mercia Police area, where I have never lived and only visited under duress from my ex wife for reasons I cannot disclose due to ongoing litigation.
I am tired of people telling me that the police are much worse in Russia. I don’t live in Russia so that is not my problem. Anyone in Russia or Ukraine who believes Britain’s elite care for democracy with free speech, are idiots and have no right to judge. Young Eastern Europeans are attracted to the U.K because they see it as sexy and affluent. This is particularly the case for young females who are eager to enjoy the power and privileges of feminism. The best one can say about these people is that their false beliefs tell me just how bad Eastern Europe is, with Ukraine the most corrupt. Over one in five EU citizens live in dire poverty under a regime run by and for, ‘fat cats.’
All of these deceptions, and more, are guaranteed by the ruling elite, their mainstream media and the corrupt police who enforce the law, arrest the usual suspects, fabricate evidence where needed, for the Sir Keir Starmer’s one time and still corrupt Crown Prosecution Service ( CPS ) who routinely withhold evidence if it helps the defence.
With Starmer mindful of his prosecuting past, loyalty to police and legal friends, he will do nothing about police accountability. As far as the Nottingham Chief is concerned, there is another problem. This is rather like the way Thames Valley Police Chief Sarah Thornton et al covered up for Asian grooming gangs. Senior officers put their jobs before justice in a multi cultural environment where white liberal sensitivities rule. We see that with how these patronising leaders of the New World Order are doing a lot more than protesting the outcome of the U.S Presidential Election. They are rooted in the Anglo U.S mainstream media which reserves the right to undermine and dispose of any government it disapproves of.
So this problem with the female Nottingham Police Chief covering up for the fact that a so called student and black asylum seeker had been reported for stalking white people, is par for the course, added to the fact that U.K Police have a knee jerk response to anything they cannot justify. So they cover it all up. The U.K has 25% of all the world’s security cameras in an advancing police state. This should make my readers, including my 24/7 state monitors, wonder why they have no video or photo recordings of my alleged offences, let alone the appropriate paper work. But the U.K is country where a woman’s tears say more than real evidence ever could.
R J Cook
November 22nd 2024

Don’t be worried about being left out. Sir Keir Starmer and his equalising policies is setting up a deal with Putin’s Russia to kill us all lower order folk. After what I have had to put up with from nearly 17 years of police state harassment, I am rather looking forward to moving on into peaceful oblivion. My son is looking forward to it as well. There are some prime Anglo U.S targets in my area. A nuclear hit within 30 miles should do the trick. R J Cook

What did John Prescott believe in ? Why doesn’t the U.K elite and mindless masses take Vladimir Putin seriously. It is all so 1914 and 1933.
Privileged White Males

Dead Men talking, Privileged White Males, Winslow War Memorial. Image by R J Cook November 21st 2024.

Image by R J Cook /Appledene Photographics November 22nd 2022
What’s true on Rachel Reeves’ CV – and what’s not?London Evening Standard › lifestyle › rachel-reeves-c…
2 days ago — “Rachel Reeves lying on her CV is literally the most relatable thing about her,” said Les the Croc. Some people referenced a previous drama …
People of Glasgow give their views on Rachel Reeves …The National.scot › politics › 24735530.peo…
3 days ago — RACHEL Reeves has found herself at the centre of fresh controversy after she was found to have “lied” on her CV.
POLL: Should Rachel Reeves resign after ‘lying’ on her CV …Daily Express › News › Politics
3 days ago — The Chancellor is facing multiple accusations that she has been misleading about her claims of a career as an economist before entering politics …
Comment It is pointless asking whether Reeves should resign because modern politicians never resign For them it is all about power, privilege, money and tax free freebies. As for the economy, she has well paid civil servants and Starmer to advise her on that. These people have a very nasty agenda, forcing family farms to sell out to big estates and corporations, doing more destruction to rural communities which must be opened up to more development to house migrants and single mother families.
Guardian journalist Will Hutton says farmers have hoarded land for too long and should be forced to sell and give the countryside a better brighter future. This attitude is the essence of Starmer’s Labour Government poisonous philosophy. He is not worried about food security when it can be imported. His government is using the Anglo U.S led Ukraine proxy war on Russia as an excuse to frghten the U.K into rejoining the EU. These people have plans for all of Eastern Europe, Russia and China. Reeves is loyal to the programme, so will never resign. R J Cook
Farmers have hoarded land for too long. Inheritance tax …The Guardian › commentisfree › nov
5 days ago — Farmers have hoarded land for too long. Inheritance tax will bring new life to rural Britain. Will Hutton. Will Hutton. Prices and rents will …
November 21st 2024
UK weather live: Storm Bert to bring 70mph winds and batter Britain with heavy snow, Met Office warns
The UKHSA have issued amber health alerts across England while drivers have been warned to stick to the main roads and prepare for breakdowns
The Met Office has named the latest storm to hit the UK, with Storm Bert forecasted to bring heavy rain, disruptive snow and strong winds over the weekend.
Commuters can expect more travel chaos with National Rail warning of four days of disruption as heavy snow is expected to continue falling over the weekend.
The Met Office has named the latest storm to hit the UK, with Storm Bert forecasted to bring heavy rain, disruptive snow and strong winds over the weekend.
Commuters can expect more travel chaos with National Rail warning of four days of disruption as heavy snow is expected to continue falling over the weekend.
Comment The authorities never mention the climate impact of NATO Ukraine proxy war on Russia, where propaganda about freedom and democracy overwhelms the ugly and greedy truth. Things can only get worse because the fat cats will never let any of Ukraine go and are determined to regain Crimea from the Russian sphere of influence. “This is a man who wants destruction not peace” – Sir Keir Starmer speaking about Vladimir Putin as he tells Parlaiment that “Britain will double down on support for Ukraine for as long as it takes.” The harsh reality that Mr Putin might double or triple down on U.K is outside his imagination, as this one time head of the corrupt CPS and beneficary of substantial tax free gifts,plays to the galary.
R J Cook
Moment locals explode in fury as they are told migrants … – › news › moment-locals-explode…
13 Nov 2024 — A public meeting has exploded into chaos after locals were told that migrants were going to receive free private healthcare.
Revealed: ‘Migrant hotel king’ rakes in £4.8m a DAYDaily Mail › news › article-14034971
03:20 EST 03 Nov 2024 , updated 10:23 EST 04 Nov 2024 By EMILY … article image. Contracts to house asylum seekers have become far more expensive due to a …
UK asylum system would descend into chaos without more …The Guardian › uk-news › 2024 › nov
The latest figures from June show there were nearly 30,000 migrants living in more than 250 hotels at a cost of £4.2m a day. Since then, more …
We’re leaving once-beautiful village after ‘migrants turned it …The Sun › News › UK News
The Manor Hotel in the Berkshire village of Datchet has been turned into a holding centre for asylum seekers. Advertisement. Sign up for The Sun
Moment chaos erupts as residents are told hotel migrants …The Sun › News › UK News
13 Nov 2024 — Moment chaos erupts as residents are told hotel migrants ‘will get access to private healthcare‘. Watch the moment in the video below. Ryan …
UK asylum system would descend into chaos without more …The Guardian › uk-news › 2024 › nov
The latest figures from June show there were nearly 30,000 migrants living in more than 250 hotels at a cost of £4.2m a day. Since then, more …
I’ve been waiting a year to get out of my tiny council flat …The Sun › News › UK News
2 Nov 2024 — A mum-of-two has been waiting a year to get out of her tiny council flat – while Bibby migrants are being put into hotels.
Fury as Bibby Stockholm migrants ‘jump the queue’ for …The Sun › News › UK News
31 Oct 2024 — Asylum seekers will be shifted to a hotel and rented accommodation as Labour ministers rush to close the floating centre by Christmas.
A quarter of migrant hotels will be returned to public use by …The Sun › News › Politics
24 Oct 2023 — A QUARTER of migrant hotels will be returned to public use by the spring. More than 47,000 asylum seekers are housed in 400 hotels across …
Rise in hotels used by asylum seekers, says ministerBBC › news › articles
16 hours ago — The number of hotels being used to house asylum seekers has risen by seven since the general election, the government has disclosed.
Missing:sun | Show results with: sun
November 19th 2024
An Insight Into How Average British People See The Run Up To World War Three – pretty much as they saw the world in 1914 and 1939.
NATO has to decide whether it wants to stop Russia.
I for one think that Russia killing people on our soil, waging cyber warfare against our institutions and spreading social media fear and hatred means we need to take serious action against them and stop being a bunch of cowards and hypocrites.
Too many in the West have appeased the war criminal Putin for their own ends, including in the UK
Moscow being all oooh escalation by the US…. like they are not getting troops and missiles from north Korea, Iran and so on, putin and his staff are so use to lying they have become delusional and even genuinely think they are the victims in this.
Reply by Matt at 16:05
Reply by Matt at 16:05
to Damien
Well they just updated their policy that anyone being supplied by a nuclear power and firing on Russia counts as a nuclear power/double attack on Russia, and warrants a nuclear response.
Possibly the most worrying thing they’ve done around nukes since the start of the war.
NATO has to decide whether it wants to stop Russia.
I for one think that Russia killing people on our soil, waging cyber warfare against our institutions and spreading social media fear and hatred means we need to take serious action against them and stop being a bunch of cowards and hypocrites.
Too many in the West have appeased the war criminal Putin for their own ends, including in the UK
Reply by Chris at 16:16
to Bunwell
Comment by The_Rabid_Rabbit at 15:56
Putin needs to go. He’s the one ramping up the nuclear threats. Take him out.
Reply by Iceman at 15:59
to The_Rabid_Rabbit
Don’t imagine that getting rid of Putin will solve anything. There are even more deranged individuals ready to take his place
Vyacheslav Volodin, Ramzan Kadyrov & Sergey Surovikin to name but three.
The US know this, yet they refused the obvious strategy of Ukrainian neutrality, that was supported by the majority in Ukraine, who had voted for Yanukovch on that basis.
Comment by Spurd at 15:56
Excellent. Arm Ukraine with as many missiles as possible, so they can hit legitimate russian military targets hard and fast.
Reply by David11 at 15:59
to Spurd
And then Russia will wipe out Ukraine and innocent civilians. is that what you want? we need peace not war
Reply by Lichkingsmum at 15:59
to Spurd
Put your boots on and get out there and fight if youre so keen to get people killed.
Reply by Spurd at 16:02
to David11
No, they won’t, because the West will retaliate.
Reply by Spurd at 16:02
to Lichkingsmum
No need – the Ukrainians are doing an excellent job defending their homeland. I simply support their right to exist.
Reply by Ratatouille at 16:04
to David11
They already are in case you hadn’t noticed…
Reply by Sam Vimes at 16:05
Sam Vimes
to David11
What is your path to peace?
Reply by Kev7722 at 16:06
to David11
What do you think Russia has been doing for the last 1000 days?!
Reply by Tortuga at 16:06
to David11
War is not the answer, for only love can conquer hate…….as someone once sang.
Reply by cobalt at 16:06
to David11
They already trying that….for quite a few years.
Didn’t hear you complaining before?
Reply by JackNapier at 16:08
to David11
Putin’s sole objective in this war is the conquest of Ukraine.
Even if he agrees to a ceasefire on condition that Russia keeps hold of it’s current gains it’s beyond naive to believe he won’t be back for the rest later.
Reply by gimpey at 16:10
to David11
They have been killing innocent civilians since the invaded,a peaceful country
Comment by AngryMikeCultureWarrior at 15:54
Donald Trump claims he can stop this war.
Presumably by surrendering to Putin ?
Reply by Iceman at 15:57
to AngryMikeCultureWarrior
And how would you all be reacting if Trump was on his way out, and authorized the firing of long range & powerful missiles into Russia for the first time…. just as Biden/Harris were talking about prioritising a peace deal in their first days in office.
I think you’d all be apoplectic with rage.
And rightly so.
Comment by Political Agnostic at 15:55
Political Agnostic
More Kremlin rhetoric about nuclear retribution, it’s becoming meaningless and tiresome.
Reply by milk of amnesia at 15:58
milk of amnesia
to Political Agnostic
The emptiest vessels make the most noise
Comment by Magoo at 15:53
Good. About time.
Reply by Resistance Writer at 16:06
Resistance Writer
to Magoo
I’ve never known a major conflict where no one is calling for peace talks, until Ukraine.
Not even the UN
And the Global Media remain resolutely on side with this war that should never have started.
Comment by bedroom tv at 15:55
bedroom tv
Red line number 243 crossed…
Reply by vinesd at 16:15
to bedroom tv
On day 1000 of Russia’s 3 day ‘Special Military Operation’
Comment by Engleby at 15:58
It’s tome someone called Putrids bluff. He’s a Nazi if ever there was one. He even terrorises his own people. Smacks of the 1930s in Germany
Reply by Jay at 16:02
to Engleby
You do realise Russia lost 35 million people fighting the Nazis right?…..
Comment by vix_dixon at 15:56
Another cast iron Putin ‘red line’ crossed.
About time everyone ignored him to be fair.
Reply by Liam at 16:22
to vix_dixon
It is all fun and games till they give Iran and the Houthis hypersonics.
Comment by Freeman at 15:55
And they made a very big bang when they arrived….
And despite Kremlin protestations to the contrary, lots of secondary explosions as well.
No more ammunition dump.
Reply by ChinnA at 16:13
to Freeman
Well, Biden actually knows what hes doing, Firing these missiles at Trumps money man.
This is retaliation for Putin supporting Trump.
Comment by Kev7722 at 16:04
This is just US retaliation for the serious Russian escalation of putting DPKR boots on the ground… frankly there should never have restrictions on Ukraine firing missiles into Russian territory; they need to be able to hit supply lines, ammo depots and staging posts in order to mount an effective defense.
Reply by wnms31 at 18:07
to Kev7722
Get rid of the bridge, cut the supply chain.
Comment by TheChrisS at 15:55
I have a feeling this isn’t going to end well for anyone.
Reply by cobalt at 16:09
to TheChrisS
Have you been thinking that for the last 3 years ‘ I was alright Jack’s?
Comment by Freeman at 15:58
I wonder what the next red line will be?
Putin is all mouth and no trousers. He is terrified of NATO.
Reply by Iceman at 16:12
to Freeman
1990 Gorbachev promised NATO will not move 1” eastward.
1999 Poland, Hungary Czech Rep join NATO
2000 Putin asks to join NATO
Between 2004-2020, 11 more countries join NATO
2010 Yanukovych, wins election on Ukraine must be a “neutral state” ticket.
2014 US actively encourage the overthrow of Yanukovych
2021 US rejects Russia/US security agreement.
2022 US rejects Istanbul Peace Plan
Comment by Jim Bly at 15:59
Jim Bly
Aim for the North Koreans.
Reply by YeManHeheLol at 16:03
to Jim Bly
Yeah, aim for those impoverished brainwashed soldiers! Disgusting comment.
Comment by Cheesoid at 16:09
Ukraine aren’t firing missiles into Russia, they’re just conducting a special military operation. Remember when you tried to get the world to believe that rubbish, Putin?
Reply by Shadders_X at 18:27
to Cheesoid
If Putin keeps on threatening nuclear bombs, and the west capitulates, that is all he has to do, is threaten nuclear bombs and no one will challenge him.
Putin can then carry on progressing the land grab of other nation states.
The claim the west is at war with Russia must mean that North Korea too is at war with the west, as is China and Iran.
Maybe more sanctions are required.
Comment by stuart at 16:22
Russia says 6 ATACMS were fired into Russia. She hit all 6 of them with her air defenses, destroying 5 of them completely. There was no damage to Russian assets.
If the ATACMS are as useless as Russia claims, why are her politicians making so much fuss?
Reply by ClaNell at 16:26
to stuart
putin denied that 2 russian agents were responsible for poisoning a British citizen on British soil. I’ve a feeling he tells lies
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Free speech |
Welcome to Thought-Police Britain Kafka predicted our age of petty tyranny |
Nearly 40.000 more U.K Illegal Immigrants Since January.

How Migration Watch led and shaped the immigration debate Following this week’s, rather good, BBC 2 programme broadcast on Monday 11 November, we thought you would welcome a word from our President and co-founder (with Professor David Coleman), Lord Andrew Green. If you weren’t able to watch, it can be found on The BBC iPlayer: Immigration. How British Politics Failed, episode 1. Here’s what Lord Green wrote: “After more than 20 years on the case I found its coverage of Migration Watch truly remarkable, indeed it quoted me 21 times! In doing so it provided an informed and balanced account of immigration to the UK in the first ten years of this century. Indeed, most of the numbers quoted were taken from our material. Nigel Farage quoted it in his interventions as did Jeremy Paxman when interviewing David Blunkett, the Labour Home Secretary at the time. David Cameron himself referred to a private meeting with me and said that MW had brought rigour into the debate. Our suggestion of a cap on net migration set at 100,000 a year was given some prominence. Looking ahead, the need for Migration Watch to set the pace in this critical debate is now even greater after the total failure of the Conservative government to get a grip on the inflow of migrants. It is clearer by the day that the whole nature of our country is being changed by the sheer scale of net migration. Indeed, on current projections the majority community in our country could well become a minority within some 40 years. If that seems a long time ahead remember that the political influence of immigrant communities is also growing rapidly as some political parties seek their votes. It is against this background that I now make this appeal to you to help finance a major effort by Migration Watch. £10 a month or more, if you can manage it, from thousands of our supporters would provide the resources we need. I realise, of course, that you will have many other financial commitments, but this is a really critical period for the future of the country that we have inherited and which has shaped us as individuals. We surely owe it to our children and grandchildren to make a major effort to preserve it.” Thank you, Andrew. As the good Lord says, we owe it to our children and grandchildren. And in Remembrance Sunday week, we surely also owe it to the hundreds of thousands of young men who gave their lives serving our country and the cause of freedom, our freedom. |
Britain’s unprecedented migration surge In the wake Remembrance Sunday and as if to underline what Migration Watch has been warning about for over 20 years, the latest OECD country analysis revealed that last year, Britain took in more new migrants than any other wealthy nation except the United States. A staggering 746,900 “permanent-type” migrants moved to the UK, marking a jaw-dropping 53% surge from the previous year. This came on top of the ONS announcement only last month that the population of the UK increased by 1% (622,000) in just one year. You would have thought that such staggering numbers (think of all those extra houses, GPs and hospitals that will be needed) the Prime Minister and his ministers would be gagging to tell us how they’re going to deal with it. Did you hear anything? We didn’t either. There are times when we want to knock on the No 10 door and ask if there’s anybody in. What about your manifesto promise Sir Keir: to bring immigration under “proper control?” Whatever that may mean. Why won’t you bite the bullet and commit to a net migration target or set a cap on worker visas, family migration, or international students? Then there’s the Human Rights Act. As it stands, this law prevents the UK from deporting most illegal immigrants, as it grants them ‘rights’ that makes removal all but impossible. Until this is addressed, removal will remain limited, and the illegal migration and asylum crisis will get worse. There’s been a lot blather and waffle with ‘smashing the gangs’ but all that has amounted to is confirmation what we sensed all along, that the government was clueless on how to deal with the problem because they had little (close to zero) understanding of the problem itself. |
The scope of the surge How serious is the situation? Well, permanent migration flows to the UK more than doubled from pre-COVID levels. In fact, since 2019, the number of migrants has shot up by 110%, and the growth rate shows no signs of slowing down. Net migration is simply out of control and will very likely remain at damagingly high levels for the foreseeable future, unless the government has the courage and will to put in place the policies and measures necessary to reduce it. This of course assumes Sir Keir Starmer and his Home Secretary want to reduce immigration. So far, they have shown little sign that they do. Immigration will therefore go on adding to our population – with all that this means for services, housing, schools and congestion. The nature of our society will go on changing and its cohesion put at serious risk. Indeed, it is already at a flashpoint. How on earth will we manage another 20 million people (what annual net migration of 600,000 will lead to) within 25 years or so; many of whom will be from very different cultures and not prepared to integrate? |
National security Mass immigration and a porous border also raise security concerns. That’s not to say all migrants pose a threat, they don’t. But some do, as we have seen repeatedly. Migrants making their way here illegally having discarded or destroyed documents that might identify them are invariably given the benefit of the doubt, put up at our expense, given pocket money, a mobile phone, medical treatment and ultimately permitted to stay. While many of those denied asylum abscond, disappearing to work in the black market or criminal gangs. |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
Allister Heath, The Telegraph – Starmer’s Britain is no longer a free country – it’s an Orwellian dystopia “The Left-wing human rights project so beloved of Tony Blair and Keir Starmer has failed to prevent outrages such as the probe into Pearson, and our membership of the The European Convention on Human Rights has gone hand in hand with the collapse of our ancient liberties. We live in a country where thousands are now routinely deemed guilty in the most opaque of manners of “non-crime hate incidents” (NCHIs), an extraordinary, controversial concept originally formalised by the Blob, not by MPs through legislation.” We also liked this piece by the Sam Ashworth-Hayes, also writing in the Telegraph. |
This week, our President, Lord Andrew Green of Deddington, spoke to the BBC for their new immigration documentary series. In this clip, Andrew explains why we asked the Conservatives to pledge to cut immigration to less than 100,000 per year: |
‘At my signal, unleash hell!’ What the Gladiator films tell us …The Guardian › lifeandstyle › nov › wh…
5 hours ago — ‘At my signal, unleash hell!’ What the Gladiator films tell us about 21st-century men ; He waves his sword around in the arena · Pugnacious …
Dr. Mike Jones, Executive Director of Migration Watch UK, joined Nigel Farage on GB News to discuss the latest OECD figures showing a massive rise in permanent migration to Britain. The UK experienced the sharpest percentage increase in new arrivals among wealthy nations last year, sparking intense debate about border control. Dr. Jones reiterated a key point championed by Lord Green: without a firm cap on immigration, genuine control is impossible: |
Mike also spoke to Martin Daubney on GB News about the London Assembly’s motion to give illegal migrants free transport. Mike’s contribution was also quoted on the GB News web site: “Labour have been busy slashing the winter fuel allowance and raising the price cap on bus fares from £2 to £3 but here they are now in the London Assembly urging Sadiq Khan to subsidise the travel costs of illegal migrants. These are people who have destroyed their documents, abused Britain’s hospitality, entered into deals with criminal gangs while failing to claim asylum in other countries. It’s another case where the political class are completely at odds with the British public.” |
Finally, Alp Mehmet, Chairman of Migration Watch UK, spoke to The Sun about the record-breaking figure of seven million immigrants now working in Britain, accounting for one in every five jobs. “We said in late 2019 that the loose points-based system, introduced in 2021, without a cap, would mean 9million full-time UK jobs being exposed to a massive pool of cheaper foreign workers. “Jobs here are still open to foreign workers and Labour won’t do anything about it.” |
As this week’s BBC programme reminded us, Migration Watch UK has for over 20 years led the debate on immigration, warning of the dangers of uncontrolled mass immigration. Our forecasts and projections have been spot on throughout. Indeed, everything we warned would happen if left unchecked has, repeatedly come to pass. We called it right on on two million migrants coming here in the first decade of the century, and we were right about the surge from eastern Europe following the EU’s expansion and later when Romania and Bulgaria gained free movement rights. We warned about the far-reaching effects of the Human Rights Act, predicting how activist lawyers and sympathetic judges would stretch its interpretation. We highlighted the flaws of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) before it became fashionable and the bogus consultation that gave us the current points-based system. And we were right on the disastrous removal of Theresa May’s migration cap on non-EU visas. Our voice today is as needed as it has ever been. The future of our country is at stake. Do keep pressing your MP to demand accountability from Keir Starmer’s government. And please consider contributing to our cause today. |
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below. Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is: |
What Comes Naturally To Men – By R J Cook
Comment The truth of this left wing fake liberal patronising drivel is that the very same people cry rapist at every man who takes male self hatred to the extreme.
According to the rampant army of transphobic feminist, sex changing men can never reach the officially exalted state of womanhood and so join the precious opinion making sisterhood.
According to trans and all men hating feminist bigotry, these women know for certain that men take female hormones with anti androgens, grow breasts, are castrated and have penises inverted because men find women so desireable and hate them so much that they want such a convincing disguise to get into women’s toilets and other man built female safe spaces because they just have to rape them.
Feminist facism, using the likes of the Guardian, defines men by what they shouldn’t be, not with any rational explanation of what they should be. It is a media based super version of the nagging that men have always had to endure, as befitting the age of mass and social super media overseen by a police stae army and plethora of new laws and sanctions against what comes naturally to men.
R J Cook
World War Three To Solve All Problems
Ministry of DefenceGOV.UK › Organisations
Development of battle-winning hypersonic technology accelerated under new AUKUS deal.
UK accelerates hypersonic missile development with £1bn …UK Defence Journal › Air
14 Aug 2024 — The goal is to have the missile operational by 2030 as part of a broader strategy to bolster the country’s defence capabilities.
Britain’s hypersonic challenge: Strategic opportunities and …Council on Geostrategy › Research
10 Sept 2024 — William Freer explains what hypersonics weapons are, why countries want them and the British development and use cases for such systems.
Missing:unleash | Show results with: unleash
November 18th 2024
The Mail has continued its coverage with a piece, “How to tell if your dog is ‘racist’: Experts reveal best way to handle awkward incidents – after call for pet-free zones in Wales to make the outdoors more ‘inclusive'”. However, there are no plans to ban dogs from any part of the Welsh countryside.
Drive to ban ‘racist’ dogs from the Welsh countrysideDaily Mail › news › article-14080303
4 days ago — Labour-run Wales has been told to ban dogs from parts of the countryside to help make the outdoors ‘anti-racist‘.
Parents should ask their baby’s permission before …The Independent › … › Health & Families
11 May 2018 — A sexuality expert says parents should ask their child’s permission before changing their nappies – so they can set up a “culture of consent.”
November 16th 2024
A difficult day in a difficult year – by R J Cook
Shoot To Kill: Terror On The Tube – Part Two
The nameless police fire arms officer, code name C2, who fired a fatal head shot, killing innocent Brazilian Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes, a 27-year-old electrician, appealed for understanding. He appeared a two part Channel 4 TV documentary. He had been a key part of a blundering Metropolitan Police operation against a suspected terrorist living in a small South London apartment block that had been linked to one of several Muslim bearded suspects who planned to target the capital’s transport network

Identical Twins as far as Robo Cop C2 was concerned when he slaughtered innocent Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes, pictured left, apparently mistaken by C2 Robo Cop Hussen Osman pictured right. Incredibly, as mentioned in part one below, the police had only one copy of the Osman pictue for the whole operation. So plain clothes C2, with no police ID, had to memorise the picture, keep it in his head and then locate the target in busy multi ethnic South London.,
This police killing happened a fortnight after the 7/7 London bombings when suicide bombers had targeted three Tube lines and a London bus on 7 July 2005, killing 52 people. C2 has defended his action,talking about the toll on his life because he was simply doing his duty to protect innocent Londoners. When asked what he would say to his victim’s family, he said he never wanted to meet them and had nothing to say.

The Blair Government justified police killing innocent Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes, as collateral damage in their justified war on terror.
C2 who shot Mr de Menezes 8 times, defended his actions, saying he was certain “we were going to die” if he did not act.
On July 22nd 2005, Mr de Menezes was followed by officers and shot seven times by two marksmen in a train carriage at Stockwell Tube station in south London. C2 said without noticeable emotion ; “Reliving it in this detail is painful,” the officer, known only as C2, said on Channel 4’s documentary Shoot To Kill: Terror On The Tube.
“I want to make sure that people understand these decisions, although they’re taken quickly, they’re not taken lightly.” C2 said .It is noteworthy that he carried no police ID, and like his back up team, wore no uniform.
C2 said that he had joined the police to be ‘one of the goodies’ fighting ‘the baddies.’ Which was an infantile statement from a man obviously licenced to kill with no questions asked,putting his own safety first. Rather self pityingly, he asked to camera : “How do you suppose I felt about this ?”

Police Gunman Robo Cop C2 appealing for people to understand what he did and why he did it.
When accounting for the moment C2 met Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes in the tube train carriage, when he was on his way to work, expressionless monotone robotic C2 , said that there was something odd about how the target stood up without using his hands, keeping them pressed to his sides. “It wasn’t quite right.” In C2’s opinion that was a sign that he was about to detonate himself.
In the previous part of this documentary, C2 reprised the Metropolitan Police knee jerk cover up lies that Jean Charles was running away from them. This excuse of suspicious behaviour had already been used to explain why Jean Charles got off the Number 2 Bus at Brixton, walked to the tube station, went in, then came back and returned to re board the Number 2 bus, heading for Stockwell. From living in this neighbourhood, I know it well. Jean Charles had discovered that there was no way on to the train at Brixton, so he was off to the next station at Stockwell. But Robo Cop C12 and his spotter decided that this was classic villain evasion technique.
So they roared off in their high speed unmarked powerful police car, after the bus with renewed enthusiasm. A spotter was ahead of C2 when he ran onto the platform,marking Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ‘s chosen carriage with his foot sticking out toward the platform while he rested in the carriage doorway.

Now C2 Robo cop had lied to viewers in part one of the show, that the unfortunate Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ran into Stockwell Tube station, vaulted the ticket turnstile, ran down the steep escalator and bolted for the train. This was a very big lie but typical of U.K Police in the U.K Police State. Conveniently the relevant video tapes had disappeared by the time there was an inquiry, but data resurfaced to show Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes sauntering toward and into the station,minding his own business, using the turnstile in a civilised way.

Above metropolitan Police message transcripts show the appalling state of communication on the day Robo Cop C2 killed Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes. As events revealed, this man and his colleagues had no idea who they were following, but like rabid dogs, chased and slaughtered him anyway. Then they set about a cover story duly pushed out through their Press Office. I know how that works from direct experience and nearly killed myself because of the consequences of my son and I losing all hope of justice, our existence close to a living death. U.K cops are not heroes as C2 overwhelming demonstrated.But they are very good at lying and all too often believed..
However, Metropolitan Police, who transported quarantined witnesses from the train from the shooting scene, to a police station where these lies were corroborated, apart from one man, who,with his girlfriend, was prosecuted at the Old Bailey for telling the truth to his ITN employer. They went on to broadcast the truth. His name was Neil Garrett, a young ITN news producer with quite a story to tell because he was there.

ITV News producer Neil Garrett was prosecuted, along with his girlfriend, for publisising the truth about the State killing of Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes. That is life in police state Britain where you are all free to vote for the consensus.
Cressida Dick bore ultimate responsibility for what was effectively state assassination. One member of C2’s team messaged that he wasn’t sure they were chasing the right man. C2 Robo cop had an answer to that. He told the camera: “You do not question orders. You do as you are told. Dick was promoted, going on to be another incompetent Metropolitan Police Commissioner.

Dame Cressida Dick, the very epitome of diversity in London’s Metropolitan Police, had the final call on the ill informed decision to kill Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes,
So, fearing for his life, C2 Robo Cop didn’t like the way Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes stood up and was about to walk toward him. Radios didn’t work well according to C2, and not at all underground. So the code red instruction was carried out on C2’s decision. Not mentioned on the show was a woman who had been sitting next to Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes on the train. She saw no evidence of of threat.

Looking like an action hero in his intimidating uniform that demands unquestioning respect and obedience; Disgraced Metropolitan Police Commissioner, high handed Sir Ian Blair, on a substantial six figure salary, said, regarding police slaughtering Jean Charles, he “was not going to apologise for a single event on a difficult day in difficult times.” The U.K Public can expect no meaningful police reforms, especially now that the former head of the corrupt Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) Sir Keir Starmer is U.K Prime Minister. Here in the U.K , Police and CPS have a symbiotic relationship. At least Blair was eventually forced to resign. Judging Starmer’s defence for taking a fortune in tax free freebies, that will never happen to him. Life has moved on in Police State Britain.
So she had to be discredited by police checking out her sexual past, rubbishing her as a prostitute. She saw C2 Robo cop fire the fatal head-shot and 8 more to ensure the target was dead. That is all Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ; a target, not a son or boyfriend with his whole life ahead of him. C2 said he felt contaminated by all the mess from Jean Charles exploding 27 year old body. He was in the U.K supporting his struggling family back in Brazil. He was the wrong kind of immigrant.

These two images taken from security cameras at Stockwell Tube Station, show the 27 year old Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes walking very calmly, wearing no coat, and no beard. He was a Catholic, not a bearded Muslim.

Prime Minister Tony Blair told the programme makers that it was an unfortunate outcome of the war on terror which he and George Bush Jnr. That war had been caused with lies about Iraq planning to use weapons of mass destruction that he never had. That fact caused the suspicious death of U.N Weapons inspector Dr David Kelly. He proved Blair et al a liar after he had led illegal war on Iraq.

Robo Cop C2 leads the pack, hunting down innocent young Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ?
Asked for an apology for the ‘unlawful killing’ of Jean Charles , Metropolitan Police Commissioner, Sir Ian Blair arrogantly declaimed that he was not going to apologise for a single event on a difficult day in a difficult year.

As these two images of the plain clothes gun cops converging on Stockwell tube station turnstiles, C2 wants to push his bulk through first.

The ticket man sees no sign of police identity, only the bulge of the Robo Cop C2’s powerful life destroying gun. So he stands back as C2 seeks to play the goodie hero. He is the one vaulting the turnstile to get down to the tracks and kill the baddie Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ?

Almost there. Our would be hero sprints to the carriage where a spotter had blocked the carriage door to mark the place where Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes sat and would soon be dead..
One wonders at the intelligence of these police officers and their national firearms lead officers, many would be or failed soldiers no doubt. They claim to be protecting the public. C2 argued that Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes stood up in the carriage in a suspicious way, then walked towards him with his hands suspiciously straight, resting by his side. He said it was as if Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes was about to detonate himself. The idiot still thought Jean Charles was the wanted bearded Hussen, having put in a lot of effort to trap him, so allegedly called out “Armed police” while brandishing his weapon. C2 did not strike me as a quck thinker. Therefore he hadn’t realised that a real suicide bomber would have had more than enough time to cut his losses and blow them all up.
It is horrifying to think such people are roaming an increasingly violent anomic gang ridden London, so scared for themselves that they shoot from the hip. This ‘shoot first and ask questions later’ is very much the Brazillian police model in cities like Sao Paulo where 10 million super rich have to be protected from the desperate 140 million super poor . So at least U.K CI Robo Cop would have made Jean Charles last moments feel just like home.

The debris left on the tube train killing floor where brave hard working young Brazilian Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes’s life was stolen by C2 Robbie Cop, who described himself as a goodie in the police war on baddies. What a moron. He said he felt contaminated by what squirted and broke away from his victims broken body. He said he needed to wash it all off as quickly as possible. But like Lady Macbeth, he will never wash the real contamination and filth of what he did, away, no matter what disinfectant he uses. HGV drivers handle potentially lethal weapons everyday for the public good. I recall my HGV instructor berating me for jutifying every error, with the words “I assume”. HGV drivers would lose their licences and face jail if their assumptions led to death. the same goes for police officers. They, like my life as a teacher and then truck driver, are doing potentially life threatening jobs.
We did not deserve medals and nor do police officers. Public servants get well paid, as I was, for what they do. Such officers have peculiar motives for choosing their work, but it is not about being a hero. That is their fantasy for public consumption. For the majority it is just a secure job with a pension. For an ambitious minority of graduates, as with teaching, its is about getting promoted up and away beyond the hard routine drudgery of everyday policing.
Once promoted above it all, they have almost absolute power and prvilege because politicians are afraid to upset them. Only when their face does not fit with senior officers, or they are exposed in the national press, do they get fired or worse. Senior officers are very rarely held to account. That is why Robo Cop C2 was soon back on duty. As former Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick, who contributed wise words to the programme, said in his memoirs,”It wasn’t my homsexuality that got me into trouble in the police. It was my honesty.”

Which one of the above real 7/7 terrorists looks like Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ?Amazingly when they actually caught the real Osman Hussen, pictured above, C2 was still suspended, so they didn’t shoot him !!!. As I told the lying Thames Valley Police Officer who raided my home on February 5th 2018 with 6 colleagues while I was on my HGV fortnightly rest day, and falsely arrested me using fabricated evidence, for allegedly working as a ‘gay’ whore in a home based brothel, then prosecuted me for saying, among other things ; “If I did my job as badly as you, I would get fired.” But U.K Police work hard to cover their crimes, looking after their own is number one priority, as they did with rapist killer PC Wayne Couzens, also a firearms accredited officer. So in 2018, the upset officer, in my case, asked for damages for hurt feelings, even though my remarks had been left privately on his phone message, in response to his gross misconduct toward me.

Which one of the above real 7/7 terrorists looks like Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes ? There are no excuses for what Robo Cop C2 did in the service of Police State Britain. I know from personal experience and considerable research just how corrupt and unaccountable U.K Police are in what is far from Democracy. I reserve judgement on the more recent killing of young black gangster Chris Kaba which received far more adverse publicity for the police. Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes was the wrong kind of immigrant, working hard for his poor family back in Brazil. U.K Police, its mainstream media ,hypocrisy, fake justice, disingenuous fake equality, and political system disgusts me.

Members of Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes grieving family in 2005.

The heart broken father of Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes . Cowardly C2 who described himself on the Channel 4 documentary as a ‘goodie’, has nothing to say to his victim’s family and doesn’t want to meet them.
R J Cook
Increase in attacks on U.K Police
The BBC submitted Freedom of Information requests to every police force in the UK, which showed there were 37,786 physical assaults on the police in 2023 – an average of 103 every day and an 11% rise from 33,864 in 2021.
The numbers are expected to be even higher, because only 35 of 45 police forces provided the figures.
Durham Constabulary recorded 522 attacks on police officers in 2023, up from 111 assaults in 2021 – a 370% rise.
That is the biggest increase in the UK, but the force said officers were now being encouraged to report attacks, which would be reflected in the numbers.
The Metropolitan Police recorded 7,856 assaults last year, an average of more than 150 a week, while police in Scotland saw 5,224 attacks in 2023 – a 23% increase compared with 2021.
Comment I was warned about police officers being used as punch bags, back in the 1970s, when I had opportunity to enjoy the Metropolitan Police graduate accelerated promotion scheme to Inspector in 3 years.
University degrees were a useful currency back in those days. For various reasons, I turned down the chance, including having to return to my native North Buckinghamshire to look after my widowed mother.
With two cousins in the police at the time, I believed in them implicitly. I even worked with them on the Buckingham & Dstrict Crime Prevention Family and had pleasant acquaintances in the job. One was the Chief Superintedent who wanted me on the crime prevention panel. They had also helped me with my work as an author and journalist.
But that world has changed and perhaps was never the ideal I thought it was. But there has been a qualitative change, much to do with the process of recruiting more graduates and the miasma of science. It is the breeding ground for getting the wrong people at the top, leaving the footsoldiers as scapegoats for an appalling leadership and a hot bed of corruption from the top down. R J Cook
November 16th 2024
November 15th 2024
World War Comes Closer To U.K
Royal Navy monitors Russian seabed spy ship Yantar …Navy Lookout › royal-navy-monitors-r…
6 hours ago — There are important interconnector pipelines that supply natural gas to Ireland from the UK as well as internet cables in the area.
U.S. Air Forces in Europe announced Nov. 8 that four B-52s have deployed to RAF Fairford, U.K., for a Bomber Task Force. Air & Space Forces Magazine previously reported that B-52s were deploying to Europe, but the Air Force had not disclosed the total number or their operating location
Nearly 15 Percent of Air Force B-52 Bombers DeployedAir & Space Forces Magazine › photos-nearly-15-…
Three police officers guilty of gross misconduct over access …Sky News › story › three-police-officers-guil…
6 hours ago — Three Metropolitan Police officers have been found guilty of gross misconduct after they accessed files relating to the Sarah Everard case …
Met police officer sacked as three guilty of gross misconduct … › news › three-police-officers-gu…
5 hours ago — Metropolitan Police officers found guilty of gross misconduct after accessing of files relating to the case of Sarah Everard. Picture: LBC.
Comment U.K Police is run by very strange people. According to a national police college report, like recruits and promotes like. These particular offenders must be some kind of sexual perverts. R J Cook
November 14th 2024
Toxic Boy Mums & Toxic Femininity.

This woman is not the right kind of woman or black person as far as the white liberal media are concerned.

U.K PM Sir Keir Starmer, a perfect modern man flanked by two of his admiring cabinet members. I am sure he isn’t an example of ‘toxic boy mom syndrome.’
Black Women are supposed to behave as black women are supposed to behave, following Saint Kamala Harris’s wonderful example.
5 Nov 2024 — They can only imply a belief on her part in her own superiority and a resulting belief that she has a right to impose her views upon everyone …
How Right is Kemi Badenoch?

· › 2022/07 › how-right-is-kemi-bade…
15 Jul 2022 — Badenoch as the next Tory leader have revealed that she has considerable support from traditional leftists by virtue of her stance on the culture wars.
Kemi Badenoch and the reality of Tory inclusivity

· › politics › nov › kemi-ba…
7 days ago — It rejects liberal values but, in principle, is open to all ethnicities – as the numerous Conservative ethnic-minority leaders demonstrate. It …
“I’m not really left-leaning on anything…I always lean right …· › news › im-not-really…
21 Oct 2017 — Badenoch describes why in 2005 she decided to join the Conservative Party and “couldn’t stop reading ConHome”.
Prison officers deal drugs and ask inmates for sex, BBC toldBBC › news › articles
4 hours ago — Some of the reasons for these dismissals include sex acts and other inappropriate behaviour with inmates, as well as selling drugs and phones – …
PC who sexually assaulted six-year-old girl jailedBBC· › news › articles
23 hours ago — Prison officers deal drugs and ask inmates for sex, BBC told. 2. ‘Major supplier’ of people-smuggling boats arrested.
Girl, 17, dies on M5 after leaving police vehicleBBC· › news › articles
2 days ago — A 17-year-old girl died after being hit by a car on the M5 shortly after getting out of a stationary police vehicle, the police watchdog has …
Comment Having been an unfortunate and frequent travller in police vehicles, I ask the question what was she doing in the car, why was she not restrained and the front seat controlled rear door locks activated ? What was she desperately running away from that she crossed one of U.K’s busiest motorways. As a truck driver, I came to know it very well in all weathers. R J Cook
Privileged White Males
King Charles celebrates 76th birthday by opening food hubs
By Reuters
November 14, 202412:07 AM GMTUpdated 11 hours ago

LONDON, Nov 14 (Reuters) – Britain’s King Charles will celebrate his 76th birthday on Thursday by opening two food distribution hubs which are part of his project designed to cut waste and support charities that help those who are hungry.
Last year, the king, an outspoken campaigner on environmental issues and supporter of a sustainable economy, launched the ‘Coronation Food Project’, his mission to ‘bridge the gap between food waste and food need’.
On Thursday, the monarch will open the initiative’s first two food hubs – distribution centres which are designed to save and circulate tonnes of surplus food.
He will visit one of the hubs in south London which will host a ‘surplus food festival’ making meals created from food which would have gone to waste, as well as virtually opening the other site in northern England.
Their aim is to make it easier for food charities such as FareShare and the Felix Project to provide support for those in need, Buckingham palace said.
Comment. This is a pathetic attempt to jusify the anti democratic parasitic Royal Family. The super rich are why so many people are so super poor. The idea that King Charles is actually helping to relieve a socio economic disease, of which his class are part, is absurd. R J Cook
November 11th 2024
Bishop calls on Welby to resign over Church abuse scandal
A Church of England bishop has called on the Archbishop of Canterbury to resign, calling his position “untenable” after a damning report into a prolific child abuser associated with the Church.
Bishop of Newcastle Helen-Ann Hartley is the most senior member of the Church to call on the Most Reverend Justin Welby to stand down, following the “horrific, horrendous and shocking” report.
Mr Welby is facing mounting pressure to resign after it emerged last week that he did not follow up rigorously enough on reports of John Smyth QC’s “abhorrent” abuse of more than 100 boys and young men.
A review of the Church’s handling of Smyth’s case said the archbishop “could and should” have reported the case to authorities when details were presented to him in 2013.
Mr Welby acknowledged he should have more rigorously followed up the details and said last week he had considered resigning, but decided to stay in his role.
The Makin review, external into Smyth’s case said he might have been brought to justice for decades of abuse before his death, in 2018, had he been formally reported to the police in 2013.
Smyth is believed to be the most prolific serial abuser to be associated with the Church of England, having subjected as many as 130 victims to traumatic physical, sexual, psychological and spiritual attacks.
Smyth’s abuse took place over almost five decades and across three countries, according to the report. He targeted boys who attended summer camps he ran for young Christians.
Smyth abused 26 to 30 boys and young men in the UK in the 1970s and 1980s, the report found. He then relocated to Africa, where he abused a further 85 to 100 “young male children aged 13 to 17”.
The report says that from July 2013, the Church of England knew “at the highest level” about Smyth’s abuse in the UK and should have “properly and effectively” reported him to the UK police and the relevant authorities in South Africa.
Inaction from the Church represented a “missed opportunity to bring him to justice,” the report says.
One of Smyth’s victims, Bishop of Guildford Andrew Watson, previously described the “excruciating and shocking” abuse he experienced.
A report detailing Smyth’s abuse was presented to some Church leaders in 1982, but no report was made to the police.
He was encouraged to leave the country and moved to Zimbabwe and later to South Africa, where his abuse continued in the years leading to his death in 2018.
Smyth was charged with the manslaughter of a 16-year-old boy at one of his summer camps. He was not convicted of the offence.

Smyth died aged 75 while under investigation by Hampshire Police.
In a statement, Mr Welby said he was “deeply sorry that this abuse happened” and “sorry that concealment by many people who were fully aware of the abuse over many years meant that John Smyth was able to abuse overseas and died before he ever faced justice”.
Comment The fact that this man served as a judge says it all about top public servants.There is a similar problem with the police. Britain is institutionally corrupt with the people in charge unaccountable, flourshing in appalling often criminal informal social structures. John Smyth is typical of the British Ruling classes.
R J Cook
Another cover-up of the police killing of Jean Charles de …World Socialist Web Site › articles › 2007/08 › mene-a06
6 Aug 2007 — It subsequently emerged that de Menezes was the victim of a shoot-to-kill policy—Operation Kratos—secretly adopted by the police and the highest …
Neil GarrettWikipedia › wiki › Neil_Garrett
The shooting was the culmination of a catalogue of police surveillance and operational failings which had led to De Menezes death. This scoop earned ITV News …
Shooting to Kill
There were a number of things Channel 4 forgot to do with their documentary, Shoot to kill. They forgot to mention that the innocent victim was not wearing a ruck sack or middle aged. They forgot the woman sitting next to him, witnessing the killing, they didn’t explain how the Stockwell Tube Station videos disappeared.

Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes left, Hussen Osman ( right ) identical twins !!!
Incredibly, the police gunman explained the single grainy picture taken from a gym membership card, left behind in a failed rucksack bomb, was the only one copy given to his team. SWAT team officershey had to memorise it. He added that you never question authority when receiving orders from superior officers (sic). He told Channel 4 that, radios didn’t work properly, and he carried no police ID.
Unfortunately Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes a young Brazilian had been identified as Islamic terrorist Mr Hussen Osman, when he left his block of flats in South London. He was being followed by Metropolitan armed police SWAT officers and was about to be swatted.
The imbecile officer who was lead gunman, said on last nights documentary, that officers like him were highly trained to spot techniques used to shake of surveillance officers. So Jean Charles sealed his fate simply because this moron saw him get off a number 2 bus in Brixton, South London and suspiciously get back on again. He said this was a classic evasion move. The boastful retired police marksman talked excitedly how he and a colleague chased the bus in a high speed police car.
He never mentioned how he and his team chased the innocent tee shirt wearing Jean Charles who carried no sign of a bomb in a bag, down the deep escalator to the trains. There was no mention of the woman sat close to him when he was repeatedly shot at close range, being rubbished as a prostitute so an unfit witness. Nor was there mention of how the platform video tapes disappeared.
My suspicion was that the documentary was made to exonerate and boost morale of London’s armed police, in the wake of the questionable killing of young South London gangster Chris Kaba. But the difference is that Kaba was a known criminal and arms offender.
As far as Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes executioner was concerned the clincher was the suspicious way the young Brazilian stood up when he entered the carriage in civilian clothes carrying a gun. This plain clothes officer was so fearful for his life that one can only assume that these people only volunteer for the extra money and pretence of bravery. So telling this to his TV audience, this arrogant imbecile said that the ultimate sign that Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes was about to detonate a bomb was the way he got up out of his train seat not using his hands to get up, then walked towards him. That seems incredible because even at 74, I can still get out of my seat without using my hands. Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes was 27.
However, the frightened cop had a plain clothes supervisor in the carriage by the carriage doors, who gave him the signal to take the head shot, followed by many more to ensure death had been achieved. This dreadful man was seeking approval, pledging how he struggled with the memory, repeated that the way his soon to be victim looked at him and walked towards him was enough to go to code red and justify the fatal head shot, followed by 8 more to ensure he was dead enough not to detonate the bomb he didn’t have.
To add insult to injury, the killer cop talked about being covered in contamination of blood, skin, bits of brain from his victim and needing to wash. The idea of the programme was to justify the lethal restraint of young black gangster Chris Kaba, a very different cup of tea to Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes who was a Brazilian.
R J Cook
Met police chief refuses to resign | UK newsThe Guardian › menezes.jamessturcke3
1 Nov 2007 — Sir Ian Blair says he will not quit after force found guilty of breaking health and safety laws in killing of Jean Charles de Menezes.
Shooting of Jean Charles de MenezesWikipedia › wiki › Shooting_of_Jean_Ch…
Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes was a Brazilian man killed by officers of the London Metropolitan Police Service at Stockwell station on the London …
Jean Charles de Menezes marksman: ‘I thought we’d die’BBC › news › articles
2 days ago — A police marksman who shot a man wrongly suspected of being a terrorist after the 7/7 London bombings said he was certain “we were going to …

This is the one grainy image of the man cops were supposed to kill, left on a gym membership card, copied only once for the Metropolitan Police’s SWAT team to memorise. The SWAT cop who shot the innocent Brazilian carried no police ID nor did he wear uniform. I will be commenting more fully in due course. This is life in Police State Britain. R J Cook

This is the real Jean Charles da Silva e de Menezes. Many wiser than me have said that the words U.K Police and intelligence are contradictions in terms. R J Cook
November 9th 2024
Elon Musk reportedly makes surprise appearance on Trump-Zelenskyy call
X chief, who campaigned hard for Trump, spoke to Ukraine leader after being handed phone by president-elect
Johana BhuiyanFri 8 Nov 2024 20.41 GMTLast modified on Fri 8 Nov 2024 20.44 GMT
Elon Musk reportedly made a surprise guest appearance on a call between Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy, solidifying the Tesla chief executive’s role as the most influential civilian in the country come January.
Musk was present with Trump during the call for roughly 25 minutes, according to Axios, which first reported the call. Trump handed Musk the phone and Musk and Zelenskyy spoke briefly. On the call, Zelenskyy thanked Musk for the satellites he had been providing Ukraine through his company, Starlink, according to AFP. Musk said he would continue to provide satellite internet connection, the report said.
Musk, who campaigned vigorously for Trump, has a mixed record on matters relating to Russia’s war on Ukraine. The billionaire initially provided Ukraine internet connection through Starlink satellites for free, with the help of funding from several other entities including the US government.
Zelenskyy’s call with Trump was, reportedly, otherwise reassuring for the Ukraine president. Trump told Zelenskyy that he would continue to support Ukraine, though he did not go into details, according to Axios. In a statement, Zelenskyy said he praised Trump and his team for their successful campaign.
“We agreed to maintain close dialogue and advance our cooperation,” he tweeted. “Strong and unwavering US leadership is vital for the world and for a just peace.”
Which @elonmusk do you like more?— Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) October 3, 2022
Musk’s words and actions have at times been ambivalent regarding support for Ukraine. According to a biography by Walter Isaacson, Musk later refused to activate the satellites over Crimea in response to an emergency request from Ukraine. Musk said the refusal was to avoid making SpaceX, Starlink’s parent company, “complicit in a major act of war and conflict escalation”.

Image By F.S West Country Correspondent November 2024
November 6th 2024
What a Trump victory means for the UK

Political editor
- Published6 November 2024, 09:21 GMT
Updated 5 hours ago
Donald Trump’s win is complicated for the UK, because of the president-elect’s wild unpredictability.
The world is going to ask over and over again for the next four years, “what will he say or do next”.
Right now, in foreign ministries around the world, including in London, hypothetical game plans for this scenario are becoming the real deal.
The prep has been done. But the prep may only count for so much.
How will Sir Keir Starmer, the former north London human rights lawyer, gel with the brash New York billionaire?
The omens, in terms of character compatibility, don’t look instantly great.
What role could another brash billionaire, Elon Musk, play in a Trump administration – after his summer of goading the Labour government on X?
It looks like we are in for another rollercoaster ride when it comes to relations with Washington.
We have been here before – as I wrote about last week when reflecting on Theresa May’s experiences as prime minister during the first Trump term.
- Follow live election day updates as Trump wins
- Who did each state vote for?
- Watch: How election night unfolded
- Analysis: Result hands Trump free reign
- Analysis: Why the US gave Trump a second chance
Within government here, two recent diplomatic successes with Team Trump are pointed to.
Firstly, the dinner the prime minister and the Foreign Secretary David Lammy had with the president-elect at Trump Tower in New York in September.
Trump, sources say, re-arranged his schedule to find time to meet Starmer and Lammy, which was seen as a “good gesture” with the soon to be president.
Secondly, the prime minister managed an early call with Donald Trump shortly after he survived an assassination attempt.
Both opportunities to talk to Trump are put down to an impressive diplomatic operation at the British Embassy in Washington – led by the ambassador Dame Karen Pierce.
Those close to the foreign secretary say he has also been putting in the leg work for months – including before the election – to get to know and to understand Donald Trump and those around him.
On a visit to Washington DC in May, he pointed out in a speech that it was his seventh visit to the US capital in three and a half years.
“I’ve been to the United States more times than I’ve been to France. I’ve lived in America, I’ve studied in America, I’ve got family in America. My father is buried in Texas,” he told an audience at the Hudson Institute., external
He described Trump as “often misunderstood,” referred to the Vice President Elect JD Vance as “my friend” and added “I totally get the agenda…that drives America First,” a reference to the phrase Trump used in his Inauguration Speech in January 2017 to spell out that “every decision…will be made to benefit American workers and American families.”
Comment It nauseates me to hear Sir Keir Starmer described as a North London Human Rights lawyer. I spent a lot of time playing on the streets of North London before it became gentrified by people like him. As far as I am concerned, Starmer should be known as the lawyer who headed the most corrupt phase of the U.K Crown Prosecution (CPS) in history which saw Andrew Malkinson sentenced to life, serving 17 years for a crime he could not have committed. Not to be defeated, Starmer’s institutionally corrupt CPS withheld evidence that would have proved Andrew’s innocence. Using the feminist logic when responding to rape cases, this is the tip of the iceberg.
I have been at the mercy of the corrupt CPS too many times and am currently fighting for the disclosure of key police files. For the last 16 plus years, two police forces and CPS have conspired to undermine all of my efforts at defence, refusing answers or disclosures, relying on their entrenched position that I am a paranoid schizophrenic, delusiional bi polar long term alcoholic.
So I know what it was like for Trump on the receiving end of so many so called liberal democratic establishment’s efforts to jail him. The police are still after me to do 5 years for things I have said and written. Latest proceedings began in 2020. I suppose that is the price of living in a ‘free country.’ Starmer has extended unctious congratulations to President Elect Trump and was looking forward to hearing from him,. Rather amusingly, the U.K’s rival, Tory leader, Kimi Badenoch, reminded the House of Commons that Starmer’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy had previously publicly described the President elect as a sociopath, a racist, abuser and threat to women. Kimi, who is obviously the wrong kind of woman and the wrong kind of black, because she is not a sheeple, has been called the black face of white racism, by a Labour MP. Starmer refused to make Lammy apologise. R J Cook
Kemi Badenoch demands Starmer says SORRY to TrumpDaily Mail › news › article-14048619
4 hours ago — ‘Given the risk of increased tariffs on UK exports, which threaten our manufacturing sector, will the Prime Minister commit now to continue the .
UK premier dodges question on foreign secretary’s ‘ …Anadolu Ajansı › europe › uk-premier-dodges-qu…
55 minutes ago — … threat to the international order,’ and if he did not apologize … Lammy had previously referred to Trump as “a racist KKK and Nazi …
Badenoch makes jibes over Labour’s view of TrumpThe Guardian › politics › live › nov › k…
8 hours ago — … threat. Special relationship at risk if UK bans arms sales to Israel, says Trump adviser. 29 Aug 2024. Keir Starmer to meet Joe Biden this week …
Davey accuses Badenoch of ‘cheerleading’ for Trump after …The Independent › UK › UK Politics
3 hours ago — Her comments follow threats by Trump to impose tariffs of up to 20 … He is a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser.” Mr Lammy has sought to …
November 5th 2024
Kemi Badenoch: UK Conservatives’ new leader fighting ‘left …Al Jazeera › news › 2024/11 › kemi-ba…
18 hours ago — Following the resignation of incumbent Conservative leader Rishi Sunak, six candidates put themselves forward for leadership, their numbers …
November 3rd 2024
Vetting of sacked police chief failed, inquiry finds – BBCBBC

6 Aug 2024 — A new report said Northamptonshire Police made assumptions about Nick Adderley’s vetting status and did not verify his education and qualifications.
West Mercia Police Chief Constable retiresBBC…/uk-england-coventry-warwick…
1 Apr 2011 — Paul West has run the force for eight years but was told his extension request could not be considered.
Wrongly jailed Victor Nealon spends first night as free man …The Guardian…/wrongly-jailed-victor-n…
15 Dec 2013 — … sexual assault for which he was wrongly convicted. He said: “I’ve … Coming out of prison after 17 years isn’t an easy experience.”.
West Mercia: Record number of prosecutions against…/24637929….
8 Oct 2024 — 62 stalking crimes – including breaches of stalking orders and racially or religiously motivated stalking – were prosecuted against in West Mercia.
Royal estates ‘receive millions from public bodies and charities’

Michael Sheils McNamee
BBC News
Details about the Royal Family’s finances including rent received from the NHS, schools and the armed forces have been revealed as part of a new documentary.
In the investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches and the Sunday Times, external, it is reported that the private estates of King Charles and Prince William have received millions of pounds of income from contracts with public bodies and charities.
Over the past year, these deals with the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall have been worth almost £50 million, it has been claimed.
A spokesperson for the Duchy of Lancaster, the private estate of King Charles, said it “complies with all relevant UK legislation and regulatory standards applicable to its range of business activities”.
The Duchy of Lancaster, established in 1399, and Prince William’s Duchy of Cornwall, established in 1337, both hold large amounts of land and commercial property in England and Wales.
Their contracts with public bodies are said to include a £37 million agreement between the Duchy of Cornwall and the Ministry of Justice to lease Dartmoor Prison, and a £11.4 million deal between Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust and the Duchy of Lancaster to rent a London warehouse over 15 years to store ambulances.
The estates are not subject to corporation tax and the royals do not pay capital gains tax on the assets they sell. They voluntarily pay income tax on the surplus.
The programme, Dispatches’ The King, The Prince and Their Secret Millions, reports that details of the rental agreements have not been given to Parliament.
Read More
Family unable to grieve after ‘hospital nightmare’

Rowenna Hoskin
BBC News
- Published2 November 2024
Updated 3 hours ago
A woman says her family have been unable to grieve the death of her grandmother after a “hospital nightmare”.
Lilian Evans, 90, was taken to Wrexham Maelor hospital on 25 August after vomiting blood, but A&E staff admitted her for a UTI she did not have, said her granddaughter.
Rachael Evans, 37, said the lack of care given to her grandmother was “unbelievable” – including giving her penicillin despite an allergy and diagnosing her with cancer and Parkinson’s disease without informing the family.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board apologised for the failures.
- Woman left with stoma after traumatic birth
- Published25 May
- Mother died of sepsis after misdiagnosis – report
- Published29 August
- Cancer victim may have survived with correct op
- Published4 December 2023
Rachael, from Wrexham, said her grandmother was an independent woman who loved her King Charles Spaniel, Meg.
Lilian, who celebrated her 90th birthday the week before she was admitted to hospital, walked three times a day – even after Meg had to be put down.
Rachael said Lilian had dementia and gave A&E staff incorrect information when she arrived – something she discovered after applying for her grandmother’s records after she died.
“There was not one test that showed that she had a UTI, they completely glossed over the fact that she was vomiting blood,” said Rachael.
“That didn’t seem to be an issue for them, and they just went along with it even though they wrote down that she didn’t have any symptoms of the UTI.”
Rachael said he gran was “fully continent” before she went to hospital.
“When we went in the next morning, she was in a huge pad – not even a nappy, it didn’t close on either side.”
Lilian lost her appetite and so she was fed nutrient-rich drinks, but cream gave her stomach-aches so they requested the juice ones.
“Whenever we’d go, they’d have the cream ones in front of her for her to drink. I kept saying these are going to make her sick and give her a stomach ache,” Rachael said.
“The nurses would make her down them.”
Lilian’s medication was left in an unlocked cabinet, some of which “could have seriously hurt somebody if they’d taken them”, said Rachael.
She repeatedly asked staff to lock them away, but would find them still unlocked.
Rachael said she found out her grandmother was on end-of-life care when she happened to ask a hospital staff member how she was doing, despite nobody informing the family.
“It was absolutely horrific,” she said.
“Every day we’d go and there’d be something else.
“If I didn’t have the evidence here, I don’t think anybody would actually believe us as to what actually went on there.”

In the days leading up to Lilian’s death, a fellow patient tested positive for Covid.
Lilian was given a lateral flow test on 18 September which was positive, then a second report said the same test had been registered in error – “please ignore”, it said.
“They went on to give her blood thinning injections, and she started vomiting up blood again,” Rachael said.
“If she didn’t have Covid, she wouldn’t have needed the blood thinning injections, she wouldn’t have started bringing up the blood again.”
On the 20 September Lilian died, the cause of death given as pneumonia.
“The issue surrounding her death was very suspicious to me. I still haven’t got to the bottom of it,” said Rachael.
When Rachael and her family received Lilian’s hospital records they discovered she had been “on an intensive cancer management plan”.
In the notes of a physiotherapist that she had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and had received blood tests which indicated she had a heart attack, which Rachael said they had no idea about.
“We still don’t know if she did or if she didn’t, because the hospital are now refusing to answer my questions,” she said.
As well as this, the records show on the night Lilian died at about 22:00, the night staff signed to say they had checked on her at 00:30, 03:30 and 06:30 the next morning.
This leads Rachael to believe staff signed the form at the start of their shift so they did not have to check on Lilian again.
“This was heart-breaking as my gran was very anxious so to think of her on her own shouting for help and not getting any is awful,” Rachael said.
An assessment was taken and it was decided Lilian did not need this, however in following reports staff mention one being in place.
Rachael, her mother, father and uncle all have power of attorney, but they were not told, Rachael said.
In July she had a meeting with the health board after complaining about her grandmother’s care.
She said they tried to “gloss over” the problems and told her they would “look into it” but after 11 weeks told her they were not going to answer her questions.
Rachael said the hospital’s communication and documentation were “really bad” – often getting Lilian’s name and details wrong.
“This has taken over – just waiting – it’s been over a year now since my gran died, and we’ve still not got all of the answers.
“It is very difficult to grieve when you don’t really know what’s happened – they didn’t tell us anything when she was in hospital, and now they’re refusing to tell us after she’s died.”
Carol Shillabeer, chief executive of Betsi, said: “On behalf of the Health Board I sincerely apologise to Ms Evans’ family for the failures identified in her care and treatment, we fell short of the standard that should be expected.”
The case has been referred to the ombudsman, who has been approached for comment.
October 30th 2024
Migrant Fears

immigration |
The dangerous martyrdom of Tommy Robinson Progressive activists should be careful what they wish for |
October 29th 2024
Starmer the harmer – from F.S

Two Tier Justice under the authoritarian British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has now claimed the life of a 61-year-old grandfather, leaving blood on the hands of the authorities, establishment, judiciary and mainstream media.
Peter Lynch was a 61-year-old grandfather and proud family man who attended an anti-immigration protest outside the Holiday Inn Express in Rotherham in the wake of the unrest caused by the Southport Massacre, where three young girls were brutally killed during a Taylor Swift dance class.
He took a placard to protest perfectly legally. It called police officers, MPs and the media “corrupt”, something I wholeheartedly agree on.
Then, according to the court case, he shouted “racist and provocative remarks” towards officers, who he called “scum”, and referred to asylum seekers in the hotel as “child killers”.
He was not violent.
He did not incite any violence.
Indeed, the judge in his case, the Recorder of Sheffield Jeremy Richardson KC, made clear his sign and protest was not unlawful, but his verbal abuse to the officers crossed a line.
So in an apparently free society, what was Peter’s punishment?
Two years and eight months in prison.
The exact same judge recently decided not to send a paedophile to jail because a custodial sentence would have been crushing to him.
Well, what about Peter, who suffered from angina, diabetes, thyroid issues and had recently experienced a heart attack?
My heart breaks about what happened next.
Peter took his own life.
Even in death, the MSM have predictably tried to deride Peter as a “conspiracy theorist” because his placard referenced the deep state.
Fools! It’s very clear to me that Peter knew far more about what was going on in the world than you sheep – and he died for it.
Just like Lucy Connolly, the housewife married to a Conservative councillor grieving the loss of her own 19-month old baby after NHS neglect, who has been jailed for over two years for a solitary post on X, which she later apologised for and deleted.
POLL What sentence should the judge have given Peter Lynch? Two years eight months in prison Less than one year in prison A suspended sentence A community order |
This at a time when women beaters, paedophiles and drug dealers escape jail altogether.
The broadcast media has been virtually silent on this devastating tragedy today – it was touched on for a few seconds on Sly News, while barely being mentioned on the British Bashing Corporation or even GB News.
This story doesn’t fit the narrative.
But the free world is watching in horror as Great Britain under Starmer acts akin to North Korea or Russia.
Father Calvin Robinson posted touchingly: “Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Peter is a victim of the tyrannous Labour Government. Like many people, he was angry/upset over the state of the UK. The Government wanted to send a message. Message received.”
Comment People need to get the message. Working class protest is illegal in the U.K. The young man who murdered helpless young females and wounded others, was revealed to have islamic extremist material in his bedroom, when police searched. He had qlso made the deadly poison Ricin.However, he is not being charged under the anti terrorism act. The alleged killer was born to Rwandan born paerents where Muslims are in a minority in a predominantly Catholic country.
R J Cook
October 27th 2024
Grandmother waits 14 hours ‘in agony’ for ambulance

Eddie Bisknell
Local Democracy Reporting Service
- Published7 hours ago
A 93-year-old grandmother was left “screaming and crying” as she waited 14 hours for an ambulance, her family says.
Iris Webster had suffered a suspected hip injury at her home in Long Eaton, Derbyshire, when a visiting health professional called for an ambulance at 11:00 BST on 2 October.
Her family said after she was eventually taken to Royal Derby Hospital, she was given a bed in “a corridor” for 23 hours.
East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) and University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHBD) have apologised directly to her family.
They say they were told to expect an ambulance within four hours on 2 October and that they should not move her.
However, an ambulance did not arrive at her bungalow until 01:00 the following day, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.
‘An absolute disgrace’
Once she was taken to Royal Derby, Mrs Webster was in an emergency department “corridor” near a staff station, her daughter Julia Mends said.
According to the hospital trust, Mrs Webster was cared for within “clinical areas” while in A&E and was given hot food, a sandwich and multiple drinks.
The family also said she was taken home by ambulance four days later – despite requesting a call to collect her.
And medication and a toilet frame were sent by taxi later that night, the LDRS said.
Ms Mends said: “The whole thing was just awful. It was an absolute disgrace.

“My mother is distraught about the situation, and she doesn’t want to go into hospital ever again. She wants to die at home.
“We only went into hospital because they did not know what was wrong with her, and we still don’t know.”
Ms Mends said in future the family would only agree to pain management for their mother to stay at home.
She said: “Nobody needs to suffer for 14 hours, crying and screaming.
“If we had known it was going to be 14 hours, we would have taken the risk and taken her to hospital ourselves in my brother’s car.”
Garry Marsh, executive chief nurse for UHBD said: “We are sorry to Mrs Webster and her family for their experience, which did not meet the high standards our patients should expect, and we have asked them to contact us directly so we can fully respond to their concerns.
He added: “While patients, like Mrs Webster, are waiting in A&E, they are always cared for in clinical areas by our experienced teams who deliver care, respond to the patient’s clinical needs and support their wellbeing by making sure they have food, drink and toilet support.
“We should, and always strive to involve families and carers in discussions about a loved one’s care, treatment and discharge plans, so we are very sorry to learn that this didn’t happen for Mrs Webster and her family as it should have on this occasion.”
Comment The annual cost of housing economic migrants is £4.3 billion per year. The individual cost is £41,000 per year, excluding health and other public service incidentals such as legal aid. There is also the issue of importing crime. But to raise these issues is to be given the virtue signalling liberal left brush off as racism. A working class male pensioner asked me recently : “Why are we supposed to live on our meagre pensions and they have a £41,000 a year lifestyle?”
These are issues that concerned EDL founder Tommy Robinson. On return from Cyprus, he was immediately arrested for having previously published the forbidden story of a young migrant male who allegedly sexually assaulted young women and got beaten up by youths who were prosecuted. It is a volatile and unsustainable situation.
King Charles III has pleaded for togetherness and looking to the future. The problem is that too many lower working class white people in Britain and United States have no past, present or future worth the name. If heriditary aristocrats and the rest of the British who own 90% of the U.K really want to do something abour this terrifying problem, which is more than talking down to the underclass, then they should give up their Lions Share of the land. They should share their wealth and pay more taxes to ease the economic migrant pressure on the 90% of the popuation who live on 10% of the land and pay most of the taxes, direct and indirect.
The Southport Riots had far deeper and complex roots than a young Rwandan parented male killing and wounding young dancers at a Taylor Swift themed performance. Prime Minister Starmer, former head of the corrupt Crown Prosecution sees the answer as more laws and harsh jail sentence detrerrents. Unfortunately, when leaders play mind games with the lower classes, where broken homes are the norm and young white males villified, then they go mad. They drink alcohol excessively – stealing it if they have no money – and take whatever drugs they can get. Some do glue sniffing and others solvent abuse.
I remember back in 2011, talking to a young man in the side lane where the prison vans queue to take men off to jail, along side Birmingham Magistrates Court. He told me he was being sent to the tough Winsom Green Prison. I sympathised with him. Relaxing with a can of strong lager, he replied : ” I’m not worried. I have done the young offender centres. Now I am going to be with the grown ups. All me mates are in there now. It will be better than living in the tower block looking out over waste ground and watching all the traffic coming in an out of Birmingham on the A38 Motorway, stuck there with nothing to do except drink, smoke dope, watch telly and go out robbing. They told me I was useless at school. Mum kicked dad out and brought her boyfriend in when I was about four years old. He used to beat her up and put her on the game. That’s my life, just a piece of crap. That’s what I am and I can’t do anything about it.”
R J Cook
October 25th 2024
Healthcare | The value of the UK’s private healthcare market rose to a record £12.4bn last year as long NHS waiting lists fuelled demand from individuals and the health service paid for nearly £3.5bn of procedures to help ease the care backlog. | |
UK economy | Rachel Reeves will pledge to reverse huge cuts in public investment in her budget next week after she confirmed that rules limiting her spending power will be overhauled to enable the government to free up as much as £50bn to pay for infrastructure. |
UK news | Lucy Letby has been refused permission to appeal against a conviction for attempting to murder a baby girl, as judges ruled she was able to have a fair trial. |
‘Caribbean states say this isn’t in the past – it is something still having an impact’
Large intergovernmental events like Chogm are often cast as symbolically important affairs that have little impact on the real world, especially given that this year leaders like India’s Narendra Modi and South Africa’s Cyril Ramaphosa have instead chosen to attend a Brics summit in Moscow hosted by Vladimir Putin. But the Commonwealth summit is not just a place for world leaders to talk shop once every two years – it can provide an important space to shift frameworks and shape policy. During the campaign to end apartheid, South Africa was expelled from the Commonwealth, which spurred on further punitive measures to pressure the country into dismantling its racist system of segregation.
“Although there is no legally binding element of the communique, it does have a significant impact on advocacy for moving discussions forward on subjects like reparations. And that’s why countries, particularly those in the Caribbean, view this as a really important opportunity to bring the issue of reparations to the table, in the same way that apartheid and climate action were made part of the Commonwealth agenda,” Natricia says.
The summit is also a space where smaller countries that are often ignored or sidelined in other international events can speak for themselves, as each country has to accept the wording of the final communique. “The summit prides itself in being this space where everybody has an equal voice and has a a place at the table,” she adds.
What reparatory justice might look like
Estimates for how much Britain owes in reparations range from £200bn to £18tn. Starmer continues to bat away the idea of a monetary payout, but a Downing Street source has reportedly suggested that the government could support other reparatory measures like restructuring financial institutions and providing debt relief.
Caricom, a political and economic bloc of 21 states across the Caribbean and Americas, has long had a 10-point plan for reparatory justice that includes, but is not limited to: a full formal apology; illiteracy eradication; alleviation of public health crises; debt cancellation; and technology transfer. The prime minister of the Bahamas, Philip Davis, has said: “For me, I don’t know that money, in and of itself, could adequately compensate for the wrongs of the past. The ghost that haunts us today cannot be, in my view, dispelled by a monetary gift.”
A draft version of the final communique reported by the BBC this week stated that leaders “agreed that the time has come for a meaningful, truthful and respectful conversation towards forging a common future based on equity”.
There has been consternation among Caribbean leaders who were expecting a more open-minded approach from Britain’s recently elected Labour government. The fact the that foreign secretary, David Lammy, has in the past spoken in favour of reparations gave those nations hope there would be a shift in tone from the new administration. In 2018, Lammy wrote on Twitter that Caribbean people who were enslaved, colonised and invited to Britain as citizens do not just want an apology, but “we want reparations and compensation”. But there is no trace of this position among government ministers. The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, doubled down yesterday, saying an interview: “Look, I mean, we’re not going to be paying out the reparations that some countries are speaking about.”
There was an expectation that the UK “would be more willing to move forward with the issue of reparations”, Natricia says. Starmer asserted that he does not want to get stuck in a “very long endless discussion about reparations on the past” and instead wishes to look forward and deal with current issues affecting the countries attending the summit, like the climate crisis, which is hitting countries in the global south, particularly smaller and island states, the hardest. But there is no way to separate these issues in the eyes of many of these states. The argument for reparations and reparatory justice is about tending to the enduring scars of transatlantic slavery on the social, economic and psychological outcomes of the region. “Caribbean states are saying that this is not an issue that’s in the past, it is something that is still having an impact on us,” Natricia adds. ( Source The Guardian )
October 22nd 2024
Chris Kaba was ‘core member’ of gang and ‘gunman in …Sky News…/chris-kaba-was-core-member-of…
2 hours ago — Kaba was described as a “core member” of the Brixton Hill-based 67 gang, linked by police to shootings, stabbings and murders.
Chris Kaba was ‘core member’ of one of London’s most … –…/chris-kaba-member-londons-m…
2 hours ago — Chris Kaba was a “core member” of one of London’s most dangerous gangs and was accused of being involved in two shootings in less than a …
Comment I know a lot about the type of PNC Criminal Vehicle Marker applied to Kaba’s car because corrupt cops applied one to mine by WMP ( not my local force) on October 9th 2008, violating all the strungent rules to serve their own ends. So I knew from the outset why Kaba had been cornered. I also know a lot about South London and the Kaba types because it was my misfortune to live in Lambeth which is a stone’s throw from Brixton.
That was where I began my teaching career. I know that white liberal feminist and humanities teachers did a lot to make black boys feel like victims of historic and ongoing racism.That was the 1970s. It is worse now.
Whilst I loathe corrupt cops, in areas like South London, those in the front line have an impossible task, just as I did as a teacher. The whiz kids in charge of both professions lack on the ground experience but excel in what the sociologist Irvin Goffman called ‘impression manaagement.’ That is how they get promoted. They are a major part of a problem that can only get worse. Given the ‘me too mentality’ stirred up and enshirned in law by the female vote hungry Blairite New Labourites, it seems incredible that the Jury were denied knowledge of Kaba’s extreme violence and bad character.
There were no such privileges for comedian Russell Brand. In his case feminists and trendy media were crying out for as many women as possible to add their claims of sexual assualt coming from one woman, who said he had sexually assualted her some years ago.
Brand was judged guilty before being judged guilty This is the case with all men accused of offences against women unless they are powerful establishment fugures. But that is all down to the other elite priorities of ‘protecting the ‘communities’ and race relations. This virtue signalling top down mentality has created a hell that can only get worse.
R J Cook
October 21st 2024
“Just cos you live in hell doesn’t means there’s a heaven”. R J Cook 2009.
Lower Classes, Disabled Or Depressed Cannot Take The Euthanasia Exit Say Assisted Dying Campaigners. Only Those With Painful Terminal Illnesses May Apply If Upper Middle Classes Get Their Way, But There Is Always ‘Death By Cop.’ R J Cook

R J Cook

“A devastating moment for our family our community and the nation” said a spokesman for the justice for Chris Kaba campaign, when the Police Officer who killed him was found not guilty of murder. Mr Kaba’s car was believed to have been involved in an illegal firearms incident outside a school in Brixton. The CPS are no pursuing the officer for grosss misconduct proceedings. The Audi had been subject of a Section 59 Criminal Vehicle Marker which made it a 24/7 National target for police ANPR ( Automatic Number Plate Recognition.) When cornered, Chris Kaba rammed several police vehicles ar 12 mph.
Police officer cleared of murdering Chris Kaba
Liz Jackson & Jeremy Britton
BBC News
UK correspondent
- Published21 October 2024, 16:15 BST
A police officer has been cleared of murdering a man he shot in the head in south London two years ago.
Martyn Blake, 40, shot Chris Kaba, who was unarmed, during a police vehicle stop in Streatham in September 2022. The officer had said he did not mean to kill him but feared lives were in danger.
Mr Kaba’s family said they had been left with a sense of injustice and were “devastated”.
But Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley said “no police officer was above the law but the system of holding firearms officer to account was broken”.
Mr Blake, who denied intending to kill the 24-year-old, took a deep breath as the jury’s decision was read out, but otherwise did not react to the not guilty verdict.
The Met said the officer, who was suspended throughout the process, will be immediately reinstated.

During the trial at the Old Bailey, the court heard Mr Kaba was due to be a father.
He had been followed by police because the Audi car he was driving had been linked to a shooting in Brixton the night before.
Jurors heard that Mr Kaba drove backwards and forwards trying to ram his way free, which Mr Blake said made him believe one of his colleagues was about to die, and so he opened fire to stop the car.
A fellow firearms officer known as DS87 said he would have taken a shot if Mr Blake had not, and another identified by the cypher E156 said he was “fractions of a second” away from doing the same.
Another, NX109, got the finger of his glove caught in the Audi’s door handle and just managed to wrench it free as it moved forward, telling the jury he thought he would be dragged between it and a Tesla parked nearby.
Mr Kaba died from a single gunshot wound, which was fired through the windscreen of the Audi Q8.
Mr Blake had told the court: “I had a genuine belief that there was an imminent threat to life.
“If I hadn’t of acted I thought one of the colleagues would have been dead.”
At the time of Mr Kaba’s death, the shooting sparked protests across the country, with rapper Stormzy among hundreds of protesters who gathered to give support to his family.
Signs reading “Black Lives Matter” and “Justice for Chris Kaba” were held up.
Following Mr Blake’s acquittal, Mr Kaba’s family said: “The not guilty verdict leaves us with the deep pain of injustice adding to the unbearable sorrow we have felt since Chris was killed.
“No family should endure the unimaginable grief we have faced. Chris was stolen from us, and this decision shows his life — and many others like him — does not matter to the system. Our son deserved better.”
Their statement continued: “The acquittal of Martyn Blake isn’t just a failure for our family, but for all those affected by police violence.”
The family thanked supporters and added that “despite this verdict, we won’t be silenced” and they will “continue fighting for Chris, for justice, and for real change”.
The jury of nine men and three women reached their decision after they deliberated for about three hours.
Following the verdict, Mr Justice Goss thanked them, saying they displayed diligence and care during the trial.
Sir Mark said Mr Blake had paid “a huge personal and professional sacrifice” over the past two years since the shooting.
He said the officer had made “a split second decision on what he believed was necessary to protect his colleagues and to protect London”.
Sir Mark also criticised the systems used to hold police officers who take lethal shots to account.
“I worry about the lack of support officers face for doing their best, but most of all, I worry for the public,” he said.
“The more we crush the spirit of good officers, the less they can fight crime – that risks London becoming less safe.”

Migrant Mania Continues

Boris the bluffer: a tale of broken promises and buck-passing This week’s letter begins with executive director Mike Jones’s brilliant dismantling of Boris Johnson’s specious justification of the disastrous immigration policies under his stewardship of No 10. Here’s Mike’s take: “Boris Johnson toured the studios in the past week to promote his latest book, ‘Unleashed.” The man who promised us a post-Brexit utopia, was back in the spotlight with a familiar tactic—blame shifting. Remember when he stood at the helm in 2016, declaring that leaving the EU meant “taking back control” of immigration? Or in 2019, when he confidently assured voters that the numbers would come down? Well, the opposite happened—and on a scale so staggering, it’s almost unbelievable. In an interview with The Sun, Johnson made yet another attempt to wriggle out of responsibility, claiming Britain needed “hands to do the work” and pointing fingers at the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) for calling in reinforcements for social care. But here’s the kicker: back in 2020, Brian Bell, the very chair of the MAC, was singing a different tune. He wrote to then Home Secretary Priti Patel, saying that the real solution to the workforce crisis in social care was proper funding so that higher wages could be paid. Funny how that got left out of Boris’s grand narrative. And what was Johnson saying at the time? In 2021, as many on ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) have gleefully pointed out, he was on TV blaming the fall of the Roman Empire on uncontrolled immigration. “It can happen again,” he warned with his signature blend of charisma and alarmism. Fast forward to today, and he’s conveniently trying to link the explosion in immigration numbers during his tenure to the need to “deal with inflation” after the pandemic. But is anyone buying it?” Mike is spot on. Priti Patel, another member of the Johnson government who now tries to pass the buck, made similar claims when she was angling for leadership. She argued that the post-pandemic influx of immigrants was needed to boost Britain’s workforce—specifically to tackle NHS waiting lists by bringing in more doctors. But here’s the rub: under her system, which was introduced in 2021, the number of health and care visas barely rose for doctors and nurses. Instead, the major increase was in care workers, with a system so lax that it might as well have been an open door into the UK. Let’s not forget that Boris’s grand post-pandemic explanation is also, unsurprisingly, riddled with inaccuracies. The groundwork for these immigration reforms, including much of the liberalisation of the system, was laid long before COVID-19 reared its ugly head. Much of it happened under Sajid Javid’s watch. So, to pin this on the pandemic is a convenient and transparent dodge. But why did Boris and his government really allow the floodgates to open? One compelling theory is that they were using immigration as a form of “kicking the can down the road” – importing labour to avoid making the hard, costly decisions that real growth demands. Instead of investing in homegrown talent and skills, they opted for the quick fix: bring in cheap foreign labour. And now, with the Tories pushed to the political sidelines, they’re trying to rewrite the past to save face. Just look at the HGV driver shortage in 2021. The government could’ve panicked and thrown open the borders to more European drivers. Instead, employers had no choice but to raise wages—by as much as 40% in some cases. The government also rolled out a series of smart reforms, including training programs for younger, would-be drivers. It worked. The shortage was alleviated without relying on a flood of foreign labour. It’s a perfect example of what can happen when you prioritise domestic workers over the easy option of importing cheap labour. But Boris, ever the revisionist, would rather gloss over these lessons. He’s still peddling the idea that his decisions were all about responding to crises like the pandemic. Don’t be fooled. His failure to deliver on immigration is one of the key reasons his party has crumbled in 2024. He may have been great at winning elections, but when it came to actually running the country, Boris was always bluffing. His charm and wit are undeniable—we wouldn’t still be talking about him otherwise. But let’s face it, Boris doesn’t tell it like it is. Sometimes, it seems he doesn’t even tell it like he thinks it is. And no amount of charisma can make up for the fact that he’s been woefully bad at using the power he so eagerly sought. Fact is, the present calamitous level of net migration, which added one percent to our population in just one year, has so much to do with Boris Johnson’s government not just failing to get a grip of immigration but adding fuel to the fire by caving to vested interests. If it continues at these stratospheric levels, migration and the children born to migrants will add another 20 million people to our population within the next 25 years. The equivalent of another 18 cities the size of Birmingham. And within 40 years or so, the ethnic minority element of the population (all hues) will become the majority. |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
Fraser Myers, Spiked – The slow implosion of the EU project “[It’s] not just right-populist governments that are pulling up the borders. Polish prime minister Donald Tusk was once the head of the European Council. He is a Europhile to his core. Yet last week, he took the extraordinary step of suspending the right to claim asylum in Poland. Tusk warns that any would-be refugees coming over the Belarussian border will be turned back and deported. This is a major repudiation of EU law. Perhaps more significantly, last month German chancellor Olaf Scholz introduced border controls on all of Germany’s land borders. This was in response to an Islamist terror attack in Solingen, west Germany – and to mounting pressure from voters and populist parties. The move has effectively nullified the Schengen agreement, which is supposed to guarantee passportless travel between EU and EFTA members. Freedom of movement – a core and supposedly non-negotiable principle of the European Union – is now being undermined by a founding member and perhaps the state most committed to the European Project. Take note, Sir Keir.” |
This week, Executive Director Dr. Mike Jones appeared on GB News with Martin Daubney to discuss the escalating issue of illegal migration crossings, the Labour Party’s policies, and the evolving tactics of criminal gangs facilitating these crossings: |
October 20th 2024

Detective who stole £400k of cocaine from evidence store jailed

October 17th 2024
Millionaire business owners urge Rachel Reeves to raise £14bn from rise in capital gains tax
Group of wealthy investors argue it would have no impact on investment in the UK and would raise vital funds for public services
October 15th 2024
U.K National Socialism, Freedumbs & Not Democracy – R J Cook.

Sadiq Khan

R J Cook
October 14th 2024
New World Order
parliament – Current Awarenessinnertemplelibrary.com › category › parlia…
UK immigration laws ‘cannot be uncoupled from racism‘, say minority ethnic MPs – The Guardian · Paterson v UK: Parliament and Human Rights in Strasbourg – UK …
UK immigration laws ‘cannot be uncoupled from racism …The Guardian › uk-news › oct › uk-im…
UK immigration laws ‘cannot be uncoupled from racism‘, say minority ethnic MPs … Twenty-five black, Asian and minority ethnic MPs have written …
British lawmakers urge home secretary to address racism …Anadolu Ajansı › europe › british-lawmakers-urge…
Members of parliament highlight concerns that Britain’s immigration framework ‘cannot be uncoupled from racism and the exclusion of people …

Migration surge The Office for National Statistics revealed that Britain’s population is growing at its fastest rate ever recorded. In the past year alone, 662,000 people were added to the country’s population. For the resident population, deaths outnumbered births—this hasn’t happened since 1976, aside from the pandemic-driven decline in 2020. In other words, the increase in population is not a result of natural growth but is driven entirely by migration. Net migration hit an astonishing 677,000 over the past year, a number that could well understate the reality. We’ll come back to this. Earlier in the week, we also learned that the UK now hosts the largest population of illegal migrants (745,000) in Europe. In fact, these are 2017 figures and reflect the lower end of the respected Pew Research’s findings of 800,000 to 1.2 million illegal migrants in the UK seven years ago. In 2018, we did our own analysis of illegal immigration to the UK with a breakdown of how migrants came to be living here without authority i.e. illegally. Working on Pew Research figures and what a number of senior officials had revealed about the likely number, our conservative assumption was that the illegal population of the UK was about a million people in 2017/18. We also estimated 105,000 illegal migrants were coming each year (NB this was before the illegal Channel crossings got going and removals were much higher than they are now). We further calculated an annual average of 30,000 leaving voluntarily or being removed, leaving an annual net 70,000 being added to the illegal population. That being so and taking a working assumption of one million illegal immigrants here in 2017; the number of illegal migrants in the UK today is more likely to be 1.5 or more. But back to legal immigration and population growth. Few weeks go by without our drawing attention to the calamitous (a word used advisedly) scale of immigration. Net migration of 600,000 (note it’s around 700k at the moment) means another 20 million people added to our population within the next 25 years). The latest Office for National Statistics (ONS) just make us at MW even more determined to shine a light on what is happening. We are at a critical stage and urgent action cannot wait. Sir Keir Starmer and Yvette Cooper must get their act together; the situation, and public, demand it. And yet, our 14-week-old (it seems much, much longer) Labour Government seems to want nothing to do with the issue of top public concern. They appear to be in total denial and refuse to address the problem. They have no strategy of their own and are content to keep in place failed Conservative policies (apart from the Rwanda scheme, which they were far too hasty to ditch). It isn’t just that the population explosion strikes at the heart of the country’s future sustainability and economic wellbeing, it is also about the social impact. Do read the article below under ‘article of the week’ by Rod Liddle, it includes this: “And right now we are full to the brim — and likely to get fuller. That will lead to more and more strife. Those riots we saw in the early summer might give you an indication of what is to come. We need to be firm about this. For the good of our country. And for the good of those people who have come here in the last ten years, thinking, perhaps, that the UK might be a canny place to live in. Well, it was, once. So here’s a solution. An immediate moratorium on immigration. No net inward migration for ten years, minimum. Until we have had the time to create the infrastructure to handle the number of people we have already. This is not racist, or xenophobic. It is a common-sense reaction to an emergency. Because this is a dire emergency.” Also, this clip from Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, our good friend at New Culture Forum (NCF): The figures are spot on of course. Let’s end this section with the wise words of our Executive Director. Our Mike, as we like to call him: “The challenges we face are too significant to ignore, and it is time for a national conversation that honestly confronts the role immigration has played in shaping the country’s present and future. Reducing the numbers isn’t about isolationism or shutting the door on the world. It’s about making sure that Britain remains a place where communities thrive, services function, and future generations can feel at home.” Hear, hear! |
Albanian murder suspect wins right to remain in the UK An Albanian man, wanted for murder in his home country, has successfully secured the right to remain in the UK, citing protections under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Fatmir Bleta, 64, left Albania just two months after allegedly shooting a man in the head with a Kalashnikov rifle. He was convicted in absentia and sentenced to 13 years in prison for this crime. Bleta came to the UK with his family, falsely claiming asylum as a Kosovan refugee. For this deception, he served a prison sentence of 33 months and two weeks in 2018. Despite his criminal past, Bleta fought off extradition attempts by the Albanian government, arguing that he would not have the opportunity for a fair retrial, as he was unaware of the proceedings against him. Recent court documents reveal that Bleta has successfully resisted a deportation attempt by the Home Office, claiming it would infringe his Article 6 rights to a fair trial under the ECHR. He also appealed under Article 8, which protects the right to family life, arguing that deportation would be “unduly harsh” on his loved ones. This case follows a recent report from The Telegraph about another Albanian criminal who returned to the UK after being deported, successfully arguing that his removal would also be “unduly harsh” on his family. Such incidents have reignited calls for the UK to reconsider its relationship with the ECHR. Adding to the complexity of Bleta’s situation, it has come to light that two of his children have criminal records. His son, Dorian, 37, is currently serving an 18-year sentence for cocaine trafficking, while his daughter, Sara, 28, a former actress, was jailed for four years for supplying Class A and B drugs. Bleta arrived in the UK in 1998, shortly after the alleged murder took place. According to court documents, while working as a guard at a reservoir, he pointed the Kalashnikov at the victim, who told him not to play with the gun. Bleta then shot the man in the head. Upon arriving in the UK, Bleta initially sought asylum, but although his request was denied, he was granted indefinite leave to remain alongside his wife and children in 2000. He became a British citizen in 2017 but faced legal troubles the following year for making false statements to obtain a passport and other counts of dishonesty. Judges previously rejected Albania’s extradition request, noting that Bleta was never arrested and lacked knowledge of the trial date and location. They concluded that there was insufficient assurance he would receive a retrial, creating a “real risk” that his return to Albania would violate his ECHR rights to a fair trial. After serving his sentence in 2018, the Home Office sought to deport Bleta, but his legal team argued that such action would breach his right to family life under the ECHR. In a ruling last September, two judges acknowledged that Bleta had not intentionally evaded his trial and ruled against the Home Office’s deportation appeal, citing the significant risk of violating his Article 6 rights. How utterly absurd. Why do we conclude returns agreements with countries only to refuse their extradition requests? It seems that even when we have the opportunity to get shot of criminals to where they are from, we opt to keep them to commit more crime and cost the taxpayer shedloads of money. It’s time to wave goodbye to the ECHR, or ignore it; as the Poles are now threatening to do, if the EU lets them, of course. |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
Rod Liddle, The Sun – Immigration is out of control and a real threat to our way of life “Without that massive inward immigration over the last ten years we would be in a much healthier state. There is only so much that our country can take. And right now we are full to the brim — and likely to get fuller. That will lead to more and more strife. Those riots we saw in the early summer might give you an indication of what is to come. We need to be firm about this. For the good of our country. And for the good of those people who have come here in the last ten years, thinking, perhaps, that the UK might be a canny place to live in. Well, it was, once” |
This week, Executive Director Dr. Mike Jones spoke with Mike Graham on TalkRadio about newly released statistics indicating that Britain is the top destination in Europe for illegal migrants. However, Mike cautioned that these figures are likely a conservative estimate. |
Speaking to the Daily Mail, Migration Watch Chairman Alp Mehmet pointed out that the UK population has reached 68.3 million, largely due to a notable surge in net migration. This represents the biggest annual rise since the 1970s, despite the fact that more people are dying than being born. “This is no surprise. It was inevitable given net migration of 745,000 in 2022 and 685,000 in 2023. ‘Net migration of 600,000 is projected to lead to an increase in our population of 20 million people by mid to late 2040s. That’s the equivalent of 18 cities the size of Birmingham. ‘This will make much worse the crises we are already experiencing with housing, the health and care sector and schools. ‘It also doesn’t bode well for the future cohesion and stability of our society. The government’s seeming indifference and reluctance to face up to the issue of greatest concern to the public is appalling.” Alp was also quoted in The Times on this same topic. |
It really is important to keep up the pressure on the government to get off its hands and act on immigration, there really is no time to lose. The cost to the taxpayer and the damage to the social fabric is picking up pace. It won’t be long before it will be too late to do anything about it. Contact to your MP today. One last favour to ask, do please consider helping us with whatever amount you feel able. Our work is now needed more than ever. |
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below. Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is: |

Britain needs more and more Labour. It is a Labour camp in more ways than one.
October 13th 2024

October 11th 2024
Myth that women never lie, are never violent and always victims – R J Cook.
Woman jailed for killing parents and hiding bodies
Lewis Adams
BBC News, Essex
Reporting from
Chelmsford Crown Court
A “manipulative” woman who murdered her parents and lived alongside the bodies for four years in their family home has been jailed for life.
The remains of Lois and John McCullough, aged 71 and 70, were found in sleeping bags at their house in Great Baddow, Essex, in September 2023.
Virginia McCullough, 36, admitted fatally poisoning her father – and placing him in a “homemade mausoleum” – and stabbing her mother to death in June 2019.
The defendant, who told police “cheer up, at least you’ve caught the bad guy”, will have to serve a minimum term of 36 years before being considered for release.
She ran up large debts on credit cards in her parents’ names and after their deaths she continued to spend their pensions.
Essex Police said documents at the couple’s home “built a picture of a woman who was trying desperately to keep her parents from discovering the depth of the financial black hole she continued to dig, while giving them false assurances about her employment and future prospects”.
McCollough, who previously admitted two counts of murder, was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court but she showed no emotion as she was sent down.
Det Supt Rob Kirby, head of major crime at Essex Police, said the case had “shocked and horrified” even the force’s most experienced murder detectives.
He said McCullough had created a web of lies “on a shocking and monumental scale” and described her as “an intelligent and adept manipulator”.
A missing persons’ investigation was launched in September 2023 after Mr and Mrs McCullough’s GP raised concerns about not hearing from them.
Police became suspicious of the couple’s daughter due to her constant excuses for her parents whereabouts and later executed a warrant at the family home.

Bodyworn footage showed McCullough admit the murders to arresting officers and told them: “Cheer up, at least you’ve caught the bad guy”.
She confessed to police how she created a “cocktail of drugs” to poison her parents on 17 June 2019 – days after using her father as a “guinea pig” to test the concoction.
McCullough poisoned her father with prescription medication that she crushed and put into his alcoholic drinks, prosecutor Lisa Wilding KC said.
The effects were fatal for Mr McCullough, but Mrs McCullough was given a weaker dose and was merely sedated.

McCollough then beat her mother with a hammer and stabbed her multiple times in the chest with a kitchen knife as she listened to the radio in bed the following morning.
She had decided to murder her mother out of fear she might find out what happened to Mr McCullough.
The court heard how Mr McCullough’s body had been stashed away in a “homemade mausoleum” of masonry blocks in his study.
Mrs McCullough’s body was found wrapped in a sleeping bag in an upstairs wardrobe.

McCullough told police: “When I was hitting her it was like someone badly playing the xylophone, it was willy-nilly.”
Following the murders, the defendant went into Chelmsford city centre and purchased plastic gloves and sleeping bags on her father’s bank card.
Having concealed the bodies, McCullough would go on to persistently lie about her parents’ whereabouts, cancel family arrangements and tell doctors and friends her parents they were unwell or on holiday, Ms Wilding said.
“Covid restrictions were a stroke of luck for this defendant in pursuing the deception that her parents were still alive,” the prosecutor added.

‘Very dangerous’
The court heard McCullough benefited from £149,697 as a result of murdering her parents – combined from their pensions and spending on their credit cards, as well as selling assets.
“The money appears to have been frittered away and not spent on expensive or lavish items,” Ms Wilding said, including £21,000 on online gambling between 2019 and 2023.
Richard Butcher, brother of Lois McCullough, said in a victim impact statement that his niece was “very dangerous” and that what had happened had “undermined my faith in humanity”.

Mr Justice Jeremy Johnson, sentencing, said to McCullough: “You think more of money than you do of humanity.
“Your parents were entitled to feel safe in their own beds and their own home, and they were entitled to feel safe with their daughter.
“You, nevertheless, made a full, conscious and deliberate decision to murder each of your parents.”
October 9th 2024
Royal College of Psychiatrists cuts ties with Stonewall over …MSN › en-gb › news › uknews › royal…

Diversity Does Not Work – why are lesbians allowed in female safe spaces ? By R J Cook
These are real and very modern women No man could possibly change into one of these, Why would he want to ? The Royal College of Psychiatrists has cut ties with Stonewall over fears of being associated with the controversial charity’s stance on transgender issues. So if men believing they are women are insane would be rapists and to be ostracised, why is it alright to believe in Islam or that you are made in the image of a God you have never seen – then demonstrating your right to kill infidels. This is an amazing new age of bigotry, violence, suicide, anti white racism, transphobia and intolerance masquerading as diversity.
Diversity does not work. Why are there so many lesbians and why are they allowed in women’s safe spaces ? Why are there so many mtf transsexuals ? In this age of false rape and IPV allegations, why are their no safe spaces for men ?
These days there is no statute of limitations on rape allegations against men. Then there is the matter of women being allowed to withdraw consent for sexual intercourse at any stage and even years later. Is it any wonder the extremes to which men will go to escape the dangerous and villified state of toxic masculinity ? Virulent self and gender obsessed feminists have created this situation but, like women in general, are outraged and angry if ever held to account for anyting. Nothing is their fault. This is an Orwellian nightmare. Feminists are obsessed with sex in the worst possible way.
R J Cook.
PHILIP PILKINGTONBlame Labour policies for fuelling populism Liam Byrne wants more wealth taxes to stop the rise of Reform UK

Labour |
Who killed Sue Gray? The power struggle in No. 10 has a victor |

Weekend Analysis Britain has learned nothing from Palestine The Gaza war has deepened British sectarianism ARIS ROUSSINOS 8 MINS |
October 7th 2024
Who does he care more about? Migrants could remain in hotels for up to three more years due to a growing backlog in the asylum system. We read in The Times this week that there are 225,000 asylum claimants awaiting decisions, with some 30,000 being put up in hotels. The cost to the taxpayer has been £8 million a day. “That’s only a small slice of the bill: many more are in dispersal accommodation. “This backlog benefits nobody except the companies that make money by accommodating them….”. So wrote The Times. The money now spent on (warm) hotel accommodation for asylum seekers is over double the amount to be saved by denying pensioners the winter fuel allowance that many of them will be desperate for to keep warm. Despite Labour’s pledge to clear the backlog and “end asylum hotels,” if anything, the backlog has grown. Small boats are still coming, while the rate of clearing applications has slowed. The backlog, already huge, become worse due to a dramatic drop in productivity following Rishi Sunak’s election call. Asylum decisions plummeted from 14,148 in April to a mere 2,990 in June, even though the number of caseworkers stayed the same. Caseworkers were processing an average of just two cases per month, compared to seven in April. Meanwhile, British citizens are being sidelined as migrants coming illegally are prioritised. A recent report from the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) revealed that over 320,000 households in England are now homeless – the highest on record, representing a population larger than Nottingham. In his conference speech, Sir Keir Starmer promised to prioritise housing for veterans, young care leavers, and domestic abuse victims. All very well but, by law, asylum seekers cannot be left destitute. The government – or local authorities – are obliged to house them. Which means that migrants who make their way here illegally and shouldn’t be here at all, are permitted to stay and accordingly have to be accommodated. And that is why they will continue to make their way to the UK and won’t be frightened off by threats to ‘smash the gangs’. The boats will stop if those coming in them are detained, processed quickly and removed within days of arriving. The solution? Amend the Human Rights Act, leave the European Convention of Human Rights, (something now no lesser authority than Lord Sumption is calling for) and negotiate strict return agreements with more countries. If countries don’t cooperate, the UK must be willing to use aid and visa bans as leverage. The Rwanda deal should also be brought back. Only then will the tide of illegality across the Channel ease then stop. |
Mass migration is wiping out economic gains: the numbers don’t lie Britons are seeing their living standards fall, despite economic growth. Official data from the ONS reveals that GDP per head shrank by 0.3% from April to June this year, compared to 2022. Why? A surge in net migration. As we wrote last week and the week before, the myth of mass migration boosting prosperity has collapsed. The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) recently showed that a “low-wage migrant” costs the taxpayer a staggering £150,000 by age 66, £500,000 by age 80 and £1.2 million if they live to 100. Meanwhile, the UK is stuck with the worst GDP per capita growth since the 1970s. [comment: this is the third week we are saying this. Necessary?] Net migration hit 685,000 in 2023 (and 764,000 in 2022) so where’s the benefit? Productivity is flat, the welfare bill is soaring, and our infrastructure is crumbling under pressure. The OBR calls this a “dilution of capital stock” – more people than our systems can handle. Our population is increasing at the rate of a city the size of Birmingham every couple of years, or so, our resources and infrastructure simply can’t cope with this sort of growth. And it’s not just economic pressure. Former immigration minister Robert Jenrick warned that migrant crime data are being hidden from the public. While countries like Denmark release data on migrant crime rates, in the UK, 12% of the prison population is foreign-born, yet deportations remain pitifully low. While the ONS itself is failing to track key data on migrants. This lack of transparency is leaving us in the dark. Our policymakers need to listen to public concerns about mass migration. The public now regard immigration as their top concern. They want net migration well below 100,000 per year and limited to those who will add value to our society. And they want to help genuine asylum seekers as much as our resources will allow. What they most certainly do not want is an open invitation to the world’s poor to make their way to our door. As we have often said, living standards do not improve by simply growing the economy while GDP per head remains the same or shrinks. Take London, for example. Rapid population growth puts a huge strain on housing, services, roads, and public transport, driving up land and housing costs. The British taxpayer often foots the bill, whether through higher taxes or subsidies to make housing more affordable. Some argue that these pressures can be eased by building more homes, schools, hospitals, and roads. But the scale of immigration and the speed of the population growth it leads to is so great that it’s impossible for investment and planning to keep pace. As Emeritus Professor of Economics at Cambridge Robert Rowthorn has pointed out, finding suitable land could come at a high environmental or material cost. |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
Annabel Denham, Telegraph – The full alarming truth about mass migration is finally being exposed: “The elites expect everyone to swallow the idea that everything is fine. That mass migration is an unalloyed good, and unrelated to such issues as our chronic housing crisis. The trouble is, people no longer believe that everything is fine. They want the nation to welcome genuine asylum seekers whose survival depends on our compassion. They want our doors open to the best and brightest. What they don’t want is for Britain to open its welfare state to the world.” |
This week, Executive Director Dr. Mike Jones chatted with Martin Daubney on GB News, discussing the economic misconceptions surrounding population growth, immigration, and GDP per capita, which is the real indicator of national wealth: |
Speaking to the Daily Express, Migration Watch Chairman Alp Mehmet commented on Kemi Badenoch’s assertion that she is prepared to overhaul the ECHR rulebook to do ‘whatever it takes’ to halt illegal boat crossings: “This is very disturbing. It shows how migrants are beating the system and leaving Britain to play catch-up.” Alp was also quoted in the Express regarding health tourists costing British hospitals £100,000 each day: “And we will increase the NHS surcharge paid by those from overseas.” Alp Mehmet, chairman of Migration Watch UK, said: “Foreigners taking advantage of the NHS has long been a problem. Let’s hope Keir Starmer and Health Secretary Wes Streeting have the courage to tackle the flagrant abuse of what seems to regarded as the International Health Service.” |
As the migration crisis (legal and illegal) worsens and Sir Keir Starmer’s government thrashes about in a state of bewildered ineffectiveness, incapable of dealing with it, the public’s concern increases. That is why immigration is now the issue they see as the most pressing. Let’s keep the government’s feet to the fire. Sooner or later they will understand that reducing immigration, stopping the boats and getting a grip of the asylum system is of paramount importance, if we are to safeguard the future stability and wellbeing of our society. Contact your MP today, there is no time to lose. |
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below. Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is: |
October 5th 2024
Ex-police officer investigated over Malkinson caseBBC
A retired police officer is under a criminal investigation over the wrongful conviction of Andy Malkinson for a rape he did not commit, …
“Andrew Malkinson is that man.” By R J Cook
Comment If I had ruined lives or killed during my years as a truck driver, there would have been no excuses. If I had knowingly and deliberately harmed anyone in the course of my job, it would have meant a long jail sentence. I was supposed to understand my truck, know what I was doing and obey the law all the time. Scum Police officers, whatever their rank, should face life sentences like this piece of vile garbage did, along with scumbag colleagues, to Andrew Malkinson and God knows how many others. Why can’t we know his and his assocuates names? Russell Brand’s name has been blazed across the media with the ‘guilty before being porven guilty’ standard approach. Lying corrupt police officers who ruin and end peoples lives should face full media exposure and long jail sentences. They are among the most despicable of criminals.
t is interesteing that police do not trawl for ‘me too witnesses’ as they did with Russell Brand. They never do when it is one of their own. U.K Police are a vile interest group decades overdue for reform. The technology of crime solving has bee relentlessy advanced by the nerds but it has just put more weaponry for abuse in the hands of too many corrupt police officers at all levels.
The scandals of victimised Chief Constable Sue Sim, the wrong kind of woman, ousted for her reforming zeal and the absurd fantasising summary dismissal of Northants Chief Constable Nick Adderley are testimony to this cess pit policing. The question is, how many innocent men did Adderley and his associates frame in his rise to the top. Women are easily mesmerised by these brave protective looking men in uniform or plain clothes flashing their warrant cards etc. The Animal Rights women fell for this as did the late Sarah Everard.

The face of arrogance, bullying and deceit, disgraced fantasist Chief Contable Nick Adderley who rose to the top of an inherently criminally corrupt U.K Police and Prosecution Service where criminally minded self serving officers can have a field day exploiting advancing techology to create false records, hide and or fabricating evidence.
They are selected as a personality type and are a perfect fit for the advancing U.K Police State with its ludicrous claim to be a democracy. It should be noted that Prime Minsiter Starmer, whose landslide victory came from 52% of those who could be bothered to vote under U.K’s outdated corrupt system, was head of the CPS ( Corrupt Prosecution Service ) that jailed Andrew Malkinson. Here, corrupt police were using hearsay and a blind eye to the fact that forensic evidence had to be hidden because it implicated an entirely different person.
The Malkinson case should be a turning point for a major police and CPS reform programme. It won’t happen because Starmer is implicated in the corrupt CPS system and needs police vested interests protected. This is because without their heavy hands and unaccounatblity, he fears more social unrest His and his party’s support for the NATO Ukraine Proxy War on Russia – which will devastate Western finance and banking of they lose- plus the rising cost of what is effectively open door Third World immigration makes policing and more jail space for rioters and dissidents inevitable.
Additionally Starmer must please his predominantly feminist cabinet and rank and file MPs whose rape mantra was defined by Blair’s Attorney General. Harriet Harman, who said :”Better send an innocent man to jail ( for rape ) than let a guilty man go free.” That sums up New New Labour philosophy past and present. Andrew Malkinson was that innocent man, a martyr to the new New Labour Government. These people want more men convicted of rape. They do not want more calls for actual evidence or other scrutiny. Men don’t have to be anywhere near the women they are alleged to have assaulted. Justice must appear to be done. Females are New Society’s Godesses. They must never be officially known to lie. So if that requires dishonest police officers, so be it. Women are only one step down from non white ethic men when it comes to victim status. So it follows, that unless you are super rich high status, like Muslin Mohamed Abdel Moneim Al–Fayed, you will be sacrificed to the Neo Liberal Cause.
R J Cook
The rise and fall of Northamptonshire chief constable Nick …Northamptonshire Telegraph › News › People

3 Jul 2024 — Nick Adderley from Royal Navy Cadet to The Falklands War. Nick Adderley was born in September 1966 – and was the middle child of three sons.
Independent Office for Police Conduct – BBC NewsBBC
Ex–police officer investigated over Malkinson case · Trial set for police officer accused of killing driver · Former PCs begin appeal over athlete search sacking.
Trial set for police officer accused of killing driverBBC
Several migrants including child die in Channel
Avon and Somerset Police constable Matthew Pike, 38, appeared before Bristol Crown Court earlier accused of killing Keryl Johnson in November …

Hollie Cole
BBC News
- Published5 October 2024, 13:02 BST
Several migrants, including a child, have died while attempting to cross the English Channel, according to the French authorities.
French interior minister Bruno Retailleau said the child was “trampled to death in a boat”, saying it was a “terrible tragedy” and people smugglers “have the blood of these people on their hands”.
According to local newspaper La Voix du Nord, at least four migrants died – including a young child – in two separate incidents.
A local official is due to give a press conference in Calais later.
The AFP news agency reported that a migrant boat heading towards Britain called for assistance on Saturday morning and rescuers picked up 14 people on board, including the child.
An injured migrant on the boat was airlifted to a hospital in Boulogne, France, and the remaining passengers on the boat continued their journey, it reported.
Officials said the child was found in the boat.
Olivier Barbarin, mayor of the northern French coastal town of Le Portel, said the child was about four years old, and the Boulogne-sur-Mer public prosecutor’s office said they were “very young”, according to AFP.
October 4th 2024
Ex-police officer investigated over Malkinson case

Dominic Casciani
BBC News, Home and Legal Correspondent
- Published4 October 2024, 17:02 BST
Updated 15 minutes ago
A retired police officer is under a criminal investigation over the wrongful conviction of Andy Malkinson for a rape he did not commit, the police watchdog has said.
The former Greater Manchester Police officer is being investigated for allegedly perverting the course of justice and misconduct in public office in relation to Mr Malkinson’s trial 20 years ago, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said.
The former officer and three other officers, who are also retired, are also being investigated for alleged gross misconduct.
Mr Malkinson was exonerated last year after suffering the longest miscarriage of justice of the 21st century.

Mr Malkinson said he felt vindicated by the IOPC investigation but he would “not be satisfied until officers face real consequences”.
“If Greater Manchester Police get away with what they did to me, they’ll keep doing it. It’s as simple as that,” he said.
Judges at the Court of Appeal were told of long-undisclosed DNA evidence that showed another man must have been the rapist in an attack on a woman in 2003.
No forensic evidence ever linked Mr Malkinson to the victim and he did not bear a facial injury that she had inflicted upon her attacker as she fought to defend herself.
He did not look like her initial description of the rapist and there was no evidence to link him to the secluded scene of the crime, near Bolton.
Mr Malkinson spent 17 years in jail protesting his innocence and a major judge-led inquiry is continuing into how the wrong man was convicted.
The decision to investigate the four officers comes after the IOPC took over a review into how GMP had itself handled complaints from Mr Malkinson.
An IOPC statement said that it was looking at how GMP came to identify Mr Malkinson as the key suspect and whether witnesses had been offered incentives to pick him out.
‘Deserve justice’
The watchdog said it was also investigating whether there had been a failure to disclose information that may have helped Mr Malkinson at his trial and it was also looking at whether officers followed the “appropriate processes” in how Mr Malkinson had been identified.
The watchdog said it was also investigating how GMP handled and disposed of evidence.
During Mr Malkinson’s successful appeal last year, it emerged that the original DNA samples recovered from the victim and her clothing had been destroyed.
Catherine Bates, IOPC Regional Director, said: “Mr Malkinson is a victim of one of the worst miscarriages of justice in British history.
“Following a detailed review of evidence spanning a period of more than 20 years, we have now informed four retired GMP officers that they are under investigation for potential gross misconduct.
“One of the officers has also been notified that they are under criminal investigation for potential misconduct in public office and perverting the course of justice in relation to their actions during the police investigation and subsequent trial.
“We will continue to keep Mr Malkinson and GMP updated on our progress.”
Emily Bolton, Mr Malkinson’s lawyer at the legal charity APPEAL, welcomed the IOPC’s decision to continue its investigation.
“Andy’s wrongful imprisonment was not an unavoidable accident,” she said.
“Police accountability isn’t optional – it’s essential. Andy, his family, and the rape victim in this case all deserve justice.”
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Comment The U.K Police and prosecutors are in a symbiotic corrupt relationship. They are target driven. All that matters is their careers, massive public sector pay, power and status. Starmer was the Crown Prosecution Service, England and Wales, top man. His recent scandals compound his appalling record. He was in charge when U.K Police began their 17 year campaign to jail me for 5 years.

These are real U.K Police College Graduates. What is this fascination for women in uniform wearing stockings and suspenders. I recall a young constable confidiing in me, many years ago, telling me how he and his sergerant hung out in the police station yard, waiting for police women bicycling back to their sity base, to see whether they were wearing them. I won’t say which police station or city, but have not forgotten,
R J Cook
October 3rd 2024
Banks to put four-day hold on suspicious paymentsBBC › news › articles
21 hours ago — Banks will have the power to pause payments for up to four days to give them more time to investigate fraud, the government has said.
Access to banking services and cashThe House of Commons Library › access-to-banki…
16 Jul 2024 — In March 2024 the government published proposals requiring banks to give 90 days’ notice before terminating an account and to fully explain the …
Don’t turn us into social security cops, banks tell UK governmentpolitico.eu › article › rishi-sunak-social-sec…
British government wants sweeping powers to snoop on banks‘ customers in bid to detect benefit fraud.
How UK government plans to monitor bank accounts of …Parkinson’s UK › news › how-uk-gover…
The UK government wants the power to instruct banks to provide details of their customer’s accounts, even where there is no suspicion of fraud.
Almost 9 million claimant bank accounts to be put under …Benefits and Work › News
The DWP is to begin continuous surveillance of the bank accounts of all pension credit, universal credit and employment and support allowance claimants.
Comment The Government needs maximum tax trawl from the lower orders to pay for NATO’S proxy war on Russia and to pay for illegal self styled asylum seekers who are valued as potential cheap labour and future Labour voters. The wealthy must be taxed as lightly as possible because they need incentives, The lower orders do not need incentives, they need more laws and firmer punishments. R J Cook
Welcome to Meta’s future, where everyone wears cameras

The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses were all around Meta’s campus. It was a glimpse into a world where cameras are the new phones.
By Jay Peters, a news editor who writes about technology, video games, and virtual worlds. He’s submitted several accepted emoji proposals to the Unicode Consortium.
The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses.Photo by Vjeran Pavic / The Verge
Meta really wants to put cameras on your face. The glasses, which follow 2021’s Ray-Ban Stories, are apparently making inroads on that front, as Zuckerberg told The Verge sales are going “very well.” They aren’t full-fledged AR glasses since they have no screen to display information, though they’re becoming more powerful with AI features. But they’re perfect for what the whole Meta empire is built on: encouraging people to share their lives online.
The glasses come in a variety of classic Ray-Ban styles, but for now, it’s obvious users aren’t just wearing glasses. As I wandered the campus, I spotted the telltale signs on person after person: two prominent circle cutouts at the edges of their glasses, one for a 12MP ultrawide camera and the other for an indicator light.
This light flashes when a user is taking photos and videos, and it’s generally visible even in sunlight. In theory, that should have put my mind at ease: if the light wasn’t on, I could trust nobody was capturing footage of me tucking into some lunch before my meetings.
But as I talked with people around campus, I was always slightly on edge. I found myself keenly aware of those circles, checking to see if somebody was filming me when I wasn’t paying attention. The mere potential of a recording would distract me from conversations, inserting a low hum of background anxiety.
When I put a pair on for myself, the situation changed
Then, when I put a pair on for myself, the situation suddenly changed. As a potential target of recording, I’d been hesitant, worried I might be photographed or filmed as a byproduct of making polite eye contact. With the glasses on my own face, though, I felt that I should be recording more. There’s something really compelling about the experience of a camera right at the level of your eyes. By just pressing a button on the glasses, I could take a photo or video of anything I was seeing at exactly the angle I was seeing it. No awkward fumble of pulling out my phone and hoping the moment lasted. There might be no better way to share my reality with other people.
Meta’s smart glasses have been around for a few years now, and I’m hardly the first person — or even the first person at The Verge — to be impressed by them. But this was the first time I’d seen these glasses not as early adopter tech, but as a ubiquitous product like a phone or smartwatch. I got a hint of how this seamless recording would work at scale, and the prospect is both exciting and terrifying.
The camera phone was a revolution in its own right, and we’re still grappling with its social effects. Nearly anyone can now document police brutality or capture a fleeting funny moment, but also take creepshots and post them online or (a far lesser offense, to be clear) annoy people at concerts. What will happen when even the minimal friction of pulling a phone out drops away, and billions of people can immediately snap a picture of anything they see?
- The Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses actually make the future look cool
- Meta’s Ray-Bans will now ‘remember’ things for you
Personally, I can see how incredibly useful this would be to capture candid photos of my new baby, who is already starting to recognize when a phone is taking a picture of her. But it’s not hard to imagine far more malicious uses. Sure, you might think that we all got used to everyone pointing their phone cameras at everything, but I’m not exactly sure that’s a good thing; I don’t like that there’s a possibility I end up in somebody’s TikTok just because I stepped outside the house. (The rise of sophisticated facial recognition makes the risks even greater.) With ubiquitous glasses-equipped cameras, I feel like there’s an even greater possibility that my face shows up somewhere on the internet without my permission.
There are also clear risks to integrating cameras into what is, for many people, a nonnegotiable vision aid. If you already wear glasses and switch to prescription smart glasses, you’ll either have to carry a low-tech backup or accept that they’ll stay on in some potentially very awkward places, like a public bathroom. The current Ray-Ban Meta glasses are largely sunglasses, so they’re probably not most people’s primary set. But you can get them with clear and transition lenses, and I bet Meta would like to market them more as everyday specs.
Of course, there’s no guarantee most people will buy them. The Ray-Ban Meta glasses are pretty good gadgets now, but I was at Meta’s campus meeting Meta employees to preview Meta hardware for a Meta event. It’s not surprising Meta’s latest hardware was commonplace, and it doesn’t necessarily tell us much about what people outside that world want.
Camera glasses have been just over the horizon for years now. Remember how magical I said taking pictures of what’s right in front of your eyes is? My former colleague Sean O’Kane relayed almost the exact same experience with Snap Spectacles back in 2016.
But Meta is the first company to make a credible play for mainstream acceptance. They’re a lot of fun — and that’s what scares me a little.
All around Meta’s Menlo Park campus, cameras stared at me. I’m not talking about security cameras or my fellow reporters’ DSLRs. I’m not even talking about smartphones. I mean Ray-Ban and Meta’s smart glasses, which Meta hopes we’ll all — one day, in some form — wear.
I visited Meta for this year’s Connect conference, where just about every hardware product involved cameras. They’re on the Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses that got a software update, the new Quest 3S virtual reality headset, and Meta’s prototype Orion AR glasses. Orion is what Meta calls a “time machine”: a functioning example of what full-fledged AR could look like, years before it will be consumer-ready.
But on Meta’s campus, at least, the Ray-Bans were already everywhere. It was a different kind of time machine: a glimpse into CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s future world where glasses are the new phones.
I’m conflicted about it.
October 2nd 2024
Martyn Blake named as murder-accused police officerBBC › uk-england-london-68502539
8 Mar 2024 — A Metropolitan Police firearms officer named for the first time as Martyn Blake has pleaded not guilty to murdering Chris Kaba.
Chris Kaba was not a suspect before being fatally shot by …The Guardian › uk-news › oct › chris-ka…
4 Oct 2022 — Car driven by Kaba, killed by single shot to head fired by officer, was being followed by police.
Chris Kaba: What Happened and What Next?

Stop Hate UK › News & Events
31 Oct 2022 — Chris Kaba was killed on Sept. 5, 2022, after being shot by a police officer in Streatham Hill, London.

Section 59 Criminal Vehilce Markers are very dangerous because police have a very cavalier attitude to their highly prejudiced and frequently illegal application. This is why Chris Kaba was prusued and shot. I know the danger because West Mercia Police, who have never been my local force and I have never lived in their area, illegally applied one to my car on October 9th 2008. This resulted in very dangerous police chases and searches and made it very difficult for me to earn a living. I found out about the marker over 12 months later but police and courts still won’t tell me why I got it. My nightmare continues in Police State Britain. As we know from Sir Keir Starmer’s attitude to the appalling case of Andrew Malkinson jailed for 17 years after conviction for a rape he could never have committed, when all that mattered was that notorious Greater Manchester Police said he did it. UK PM Starmer refused to comment or apologise. This a bad time for men to get too close to women,

Andrew Malkinson: Vindicated man says police knew …Channel 4 › news › andrew-malkinson-…
7 Aug 2023 — Mr Malkinson had his conviction quashed last month after DNA evidence came to light, linking the crime to another man. The Greater Manchester …
Millionaire Starmer’s complicity with organisations reponsible for this criminal misconduct in public office alinged with the freebies scandal, lies about being seen working in his own home and pathetic excuses about taking freebies for his son, raise questions as to how he got the CPS job in the first place and why on earth he is fit to be U.K Prime Minister with so many terrible national and international problems to deal with. We hear all sorts of nonsense about deposing Putin, but what is so special about Starmer? This man also claimed no knowledge of his Crown Prosecution Service maliciously prosecuting the nation’s sub postmasters and jailing scores of innocents. So what exactly was his job and how did he do it? Were there freebies, tax free, there too ?
R J Cook
CONTENTSHillsborough Law No More Deaths campaign Grenfell Tower Fire Police: Met firearms officer on trial for murder of Chris Kaba Mental Health: Inquiry underway into 2, 000 deaths in Essex Unlawful Killing podcast Other News Family update: upcoming events and opportunities for bereaved people working with INQUEST |
Keir Starmer has committed to bringing forward a Hillsborough Law by April 2025. This is a huge step forward in providing a legacy for the 97 people unlawfully killed at the Hillsborough Football Disaster. It will introduce a legal duty of candour so that state authorities have to tell the truth in investigations and ensure that bereaved families and victims receive equal legal funding from the start. Speaking to BBC News, our Director Deborah Coles said: “This is the result of the incredible power of families standing together to demand justice accountability and change. A massive thank you to you all and we hold in our thoughts those who have been killed or harmed by the state.” Read the latest Hillsborough Law briefing. |
POLICE Chris Kaba, 24, an unarmed Black man was fatally shot by Martyn Blake, a firearms officer from the Metropolitan Police on 5 September 2022 in Streatham, London. Martyn Blake will stand trial charged with murder and it begins at the Old Bailey today on 2 October 2024. Follow the Justice for Chris Kaba campaign here. |
On 9 September 2024, a statutory public inquiry opened into the deaths of over 2,000 people in the care of Essex mental health services. Matthew Leahy, 20, died in 2012 days after being admitted for inpatient care in Essex. His mother Melanie has been fighting for a public inquiry alongside other bereaved families ever since. Speaking at the inquiry, she said she hopes it will “set an example to the rest of the mental health providers across our nation to get their establishments up to standard or I fear many, many families will suffer the same losses“. As a result of our expertise on deaths in mental health services and their investigation, INQUEST has now for the first time been given core participant status in a public inquiry. |
Listen to Episode 6 to hear more about her tireless campaign for justice for Matthew and so many others.
INQUEST is honoured to have been presented with the ‘Most Impactful Organisation Award 2024’ from the Ronaldo Thierry Johnson Foundation.
Ron was unlawfully killed in a crash following a police chase in Manchester in March 2021. His family continue to campaign to end police pursuits and support other bereaved families. Follow their campaign.
INQUEST attended an event in Manchester on 28 September organised by the Foundation celebrating what would have been Ron Johnson’s 21st birthday.
Join us and the United Family & Friends Campaign on Saturday 26 October at their 25th annual procession march to remember their loved ones unlawfully killed in prison and police custody.
Stand with families from Scotland to London demanding justice for their loved ones who died at the hands of British police and in custody.
October 1st 2024
And So It Goes On & On. This is Not a Democracy.
BBC’s Geeta Guru-Murthy Apologizes To Nigel Farage …Deadline › 2024/05 › bbc-news-geeta-guru-…
28 May 2024 — The BBC’s Geeta Guru–Murthy has apologized to Nigel Farage over remarks about a Reform UK press conference.
BBC newsreader Geeta Guru-Murthy apologises to Nigel …

Daily Mail › news › article-13467627
28 May 2024 — A BBC News presenter was forced to issue a grovelling apology today after she accused Nigel Farage of using ‘customary inflammatory language’.
Comment She should have faced worse than grovelling for her share in offering her hate speech opinions in order to influence U.K and U.S Elections. This is what the smug cossetted intolerant BBC bigots do best at the licence payers expense. Geeta Guru Murthy has been a leading light, as a Chief Presenter, campaigning for female pay rises. These people should take pay cuts with levelling down. Talent is the last thing I would associate with any form of mainstream journalism, especially TV and reading from an autocue in between asserting their opinions and patronising put downs. They sit in judgement on lower order masses whose lives and actions they will never understand. For them everything convenienty fits into the anti racist and anti sexist box. This woman is part of a very powerful and dangerous consensus. It is not democracy when an elite has the right to impose elite consensus opinions and severely punish dissenters – R J Cook

The art of the deal Robert Jenrick, former immigration minister and Tory leadership contender, has proposed a bold plan to tackle illegal immigration, calling for visa bans on countries that refuse to take back their nationals. This is great news and something MW has long called for and was in our written evidence to parliament for the Immigration and Borders Bill tabled in Parliament in July 2021. Speaking ahead of the Conservative Party conference, Mr Jenrick outlined a five-point strategy to increase the number of illegal migrant removals fivefold, aiming for over 100,000 removals per year. One key part of Mr Jenrick’s plan is to impose visa restrictions and cut foreign aid to countries that don’t cooperate with the UK on returning illegal migrants. He cited Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia as examples. Despite these countries receiving millions in aid, only a small fraction of their nationals have been returned after coming to the UK or remaining here illegally. Mr Jenrick also wants to declare Vietnam, Turkey, and Brazil as safe countries, allowing for quicker deportations like the deal with Albania. He argued that these nations are not conflict zones but rather popular holiday destinations. This is something else we called for in the written evidence we submitted to the Public Bill Committee, which was referred to when the Nationality and Borders Act was published. In addition, Mr Jenrick highlighted India’s case, where despite benefitting from 250,000 UK visas in the past year, there are an estimated 100,000 Indian nationals in the UK without authority to be here; in other words, ‘illegal migrants’. He called for visa suspensions for countries that refuse to take back their nationals -student and visitor visas included. Mr Jenrick further called for reforms to the UK’s Human Rights Act, to ease deportations. He proposed too, making companies criminally liable for employing illegal migrants. Dare we say, another Migration Watch proposal. And, may here make clear that Mr Jenrick has been briefed by us, he has not? Moreover, MW Is in no way linked to the Conservatives (or any other party.) Nor are we suggesting that those eligible to vote in the Tory leadership election should vote for him or any other candidate. Nevertheless, Mr Jenrick’s robust approach is clearly going down well given polling now makes him the front runner. And, of course, he topped the parliamentary round of the process. His focus on swift deportations aligns with the desire to “take back control” of UK borders, a stance we have long called for at MW. We would also like to see firm caps on legal migration (annual net migration of no more than 100,000; preferably, considerably less.) It is clear to us that such a radical policy shift is essential if the damage already done to the UK’s immigration system is to be addressed. |
Why revising the Human Rights Act is key to tackling illegal immigration However, the first and most critical step in fixing the UK’s broken immigration system is to revise or repeal the Human Rights Act, particularly its ties to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). This move would give the UK much greater freedom, and fewer legal obstacles, to removing those without a claim to asylum or whose application has been rejected. It would also allow the negotiation of better returns agreements with countries whose nationals have entered the UK illegally. If they refuse to take back their nationals, we should ratchet up sanctions, including denial of aid. And if this doesn’t work, Mr Jenrick proposes a blanket ban on both short- and long-term visas for nationals from these countries. across all visa categories, with exceptions for state visits. We also propose the government revisits its hasty decision to abandon the Rwanda scheme, which provided a pathway to remove migrants coming to the UK illegally to a safe third country. Why not resurrect the plan and use it to remove migrants hailing from countries unwilling to accept returns? |
Donate to Migration Watch Migration Watch relies entirely on the generosity of our supporters who fund our work. If you would like to help us with our efforts, pleaseclick here to donate. |
Jordan Knight, The Critic – How the West fell out of love with mass migration “Knowing that the wind is shifting against them, the mass-migrationists are now instead looking towards stifling, stopping and outright outlawing debate. Just this month, Robert Reich in the Guardian called for the arrest of Elon Musk, while pro-migrationist professor Alan Gamlen from the Australian National University called for the establishment of “National Migration Institute” supported by “NGOs, philanthropists, and migrant communities” to “counteract misinformation” about immigration. At the same time, “tech journalists” and “investigative reporters” — who are often conveniently friendly with both anti-fascist and government agencies alike — are now turning their focus away from writing about specific figures and people in anti-immigrationist movements, toward the technology that facilitates these communities: algorithms, AI, and other digital tools. This may be a sign that pro-migrationists are on the retreat.” We also liked: Christopher Howarth, Conservative Home – Who is to blame for the Conservative failure on migration? |
Migration Watch Chairman Alp Mehmet was quoted in a GB News article about thousands of asylum seekers lying about their age to gain entry into the UK. He warned that this tactic undermines the immigration system, adding unnecessary pressure to services and making it harder to manage legitimate claims effectively: “Former British diplomat and chairman of Migration Watch UK Alp Mehmet labelled the figures evidence of a “scam” in which people “pretend to be much younger than they are” because the UK is more accepting of – people who purport to be – unaccompanied minors.” Alp was also quoted on the same issue in the Daily Express, highlighting the growing concern over asylum seekers misrepresenting their age to enter the UK and the strain it places on the system. In addition, Alp was quoted in GB News by rising star Charlie Peters on the fact that the government has yet to scrap the Rwanda Act, which remains on the statute books months after Sir Keir Starmer declared the plan “dead”: “As pressure grows, they will be forced to consider some form of off-shoring. So far, they’ve appeared unprepared and naive. On immigration — legal and illegal — the PM, Home Sec and her ministers are proving to be out of their depth and out of touch. They won’t smash the gangs and the boats will keep coming in droves. Our only line of defence is inclement weather.” Finally, Alp was quoted in an article for The Daily Express on how vast numbers of illegal migrants are entering the UK through a weak link backdoor. “This is an all too frequent occurrence that does a disservice to the public and stymies democracy. The obduracy and stonewalling of the Home Office when it comes to releasing data that we have a right to know is frustrating. Perhaps we should expect it from a once great department of state that’s become dysfunctional, inefficient and ineffective. The common travel area is an obvious gap that has been found by both traffickers and migrants. We used to work closely with the Irish even before we joined the EU. Since Brexit, and the Windsor agreement it has clearly got worse. Unless it’s plugged it will become worse still. Perhaps that’s why the HO is reluctant to reveal the data.” |
The government is under increasing pressure to tackle the escalating, out of control legal migration – remember, net migration remains at levels that will lead to an increase in our population of some 20 million people within the next 25 years. Meanwhile, illegal migration, including those illegally crossing the Channel (a twentieth of net migration) continues unabated. And as EU Member States are finally waking up to what needs to be done, with more and more of them reintroducing border checks, here in Britain we are heading in the opposite direction. By fast-tracking asylum applications and shelving the Rwanda deportation plan, Sir Keir Starmer and his Home Secretary have made the crisis worse. However, with mounting pressure, there’s a real opportunity to push them towards firmer and more effective action. Write to your MP now and demand they take migration policy seriously. Tell the Prime Minister to get real, and get a grip! |
We wouldn’t be able to continue this work without the help of our supporters. If you would like to donate, please click the button below. Our supporters are all as concerned about the future of our country as we are. Some have been kind enough to remember us in their will. If you wish to consider leaving a bequest to Migration Watch UK, or wish to discuss anything else, do please get in touch. Our email is: |
An independent inquiry has heard shocking allegations of how SAS soldiers engaged in a “widespread and systematic pattern of unlawful extrajudicial killings” – which were known at the highest levels of the UK government, even in Downing St, but covered up for years.12 Oct 2023
Whitehall’s cover-up of SAS killings in Afghanistan
The SAS Murders – and the conspiracy to cover them upBBC › … › The Story › Features
Listen to The SAS murders and the conspiracy to cover them up – Part 1 and Part 2 here. A unit gone rogue. Between 2009 and 2013, British special forces were …
SAS sought to ‘cover up’ killings of unarmed AfghansDeclassified UK › Sample Page
13 Dec 2023 — Evidence given to the Afghanistan inquiry reveals the army’s special forces unit deleted key data related to the killing of over 50 Afghans.
The SAS murders: how a senior officer exposed a war …The Times › UK › Defence
5 May 2024 — The SAS murders: how a senior officer exposed a war crime cover–up. British special forces are accused of holding killing contests and …
The Killing of Jean Charles de Menezesjstor › stable
by J McCulloch · 2006 · Cited by 28 — no terrorist or criminal convictions, and then plot to hide the evidence from … Rolston, Bill. 2006 “An Effective Mask for Terror: Democracy, Death Squads and …
Shoot to kill: what is the UK’s policy? | PoliceThe Guardian › uk-news › nov › shoot-…
17 Nov 2015 — Officers whom the terrorists had tried to kill gave the pair first aid. When did tactics change? The response to terrorist attacks was revised …
September 29th 2024
The chilling story of how the deep state arrested and then silenced one of its most vocal critics, the successful businesswoman Bernie Spofforth, even though she’d done nothing illegal
In Two Tier Keir’s 1984-style UK, the mum-of-three from Chester had committed the ultimate thought crime: Writing a post on X that the authorities weren’t happy about

Bernie Spofforth is one of the smartest and fairest people I know.
A highly successful businesswoman, entrepreneur, wife and mum-of-three, she became a superstar on the platform formerly known as Twitter during the dark days of Covid totalitarianism as @BerniesTweets and recently relaunched as Artemisfornow, a voice fighting against Nut Zero insanity, social credit schemes, free speech destroyers and globalist bad actors everywhere.
Deeply political, she backs no party but is an independent citizen journalist with her eyes wide open to the dark forces gripping society.
Her following is loyal and engaged.
There’s nothing in it for Bernie to be so public with her views and fears – indeed, she’s lost a lot, financially and personally, from being outspoken. Like me, however, she knows there’s simply too much at stake to be a passenger.

Last month, in a wave of deep state overreach sweeping the UK, Bernie’s life was turned upside down.
On August 8, three police cars and a paddy wagon arrived at her peaceful Chester farm, where the biggest disturbance previously has been when one of the sheep escape, and arrested her.
Bernie was locked in a police cell for 36 hours.

Already traumatised after an MSM witch hunt against her, she was left on a concrete slab with no access to her loved ones or even a change of clothes.
She was treated like a terrorist or a murderer, taunted about going to prison.
Given the instant police state that had introduced the most egregious Two Tier Justice in the wake of the so-called “riots” after the Southport Massacre, Bernie believed she was going to be sent down for years.
Who is the biggest enemy of free speech in the UK?
Who is the biggest enemy of free speech in the UK?
Keir Starmer
Deep State
This softly spoken, intelligent, perfect citizen, who had never put a foot wrong during a faultless life, must have done something pretty terrible, right?
Well in Two Tier Keir Starmer’s 1984-style authoritarian UK, she had committed the ultimate thought crime: Written a post on X that the authorities weren’t happy about!
I must point out Bernie is not a trained journalist, she’s a researcher and aggregator of critical information online that has in recent years been deliberately covered up by officials for nefarious reasons.
Taking on such a role in society without a big organisation behind you is perilous. There are split second choices to make about what information to share, what to park and research further, and what is, quite simply, untrue.

Notice I don’t use the terms misinformation, disinformation or conspiracy theories anymore. That’s deliberate – they have been weaponised by the elite class, MSM and far left to denigrate anyone, Bernie and I included, who challenges the mainstream narrative. Yet, in nine out of ten cases in recent years we have been proven right.
All Bernie had done to see the full force of the deep state crash down on her life, drag her family through the mud, and destroy her mental health was share a piece of information about the perpetrator of the Southport Massacre that turned out to be untrue.

Bernie never claimed she knew if the information was confirmed. As the police and officials shut down virtually any communication after the crime that stunned the nation, there was an information vacuum.
In her post, Bernie had actually clarified what she shared with the very clear caveat: “If this is true, all hell will break loose.”
She wasn’t encouraging violence or advocating for unrest in any way, simply stating a fact.
After weeks of hell, including a draconian order to silence her on all social media platforms, Bernie has now officially been given an NFA by the police, meaning no further action will be taken because she broke no laws.
But if they thought she would slink away quietly back onto her farm never to be seen on X again, how wrong they are.
In a powerful return to the platform this morning, Bernie declared: “I am just an ordinary person and I think you should know how ordinary people have been treated. They searched me, arrested me and held me for 36 hours in a concrete cell with a concrete bed like a terrorist. They held me even though I told them that the evidence they needed had already been found by data experts. I explained my post was political, as almost all of my posts are, and my post was aimed at the government and its failing policies. I had not and would not make something up. But perhaps the authorities and the activists didn’t actually care about the truth, they just wanted me punished as an example to you.”

Then, in a chilling illustration of how far the state went to silence critics, she added: “My bail conditions included that I couldn’t engage on social media. They didn’t want me to speak to you about anything at all. The authorities gained the silencing of you because so many of you were afraid to speak. It’s very clear that a vocal part of our society wants the opinions of ordinary people like you and like me suppressed. They say they support free speech but they mean only the speech they agree with. They say they support dialogue but only the dialogue that agrees with their world view. And they say they want equality but they don’t mean for people who think differently to them. Without free speech there is no democracy and without democracy there really is only tyranny. To be treated as a criminal when you know you are innocent by the authorities, journalists and activists is terrifying and reputationally devastating.”
Disturbingly, it’s not the first time Bernie had been forcibly silenced.
A hero during the Covid pandemic, her then-Twitter account (at the time known as BerniesTweets) had been shut down by the big tech giant.
During her campaign against vaccine passports in November 2021, she had written: “It’s illogical to push the narrative that the vaccinated are protected from Covid, but not protected from the unvaccinated. It’s also dense. But you know that right?”
Yup! Bernie was stating a fact yet, again, it got her shut down.
She made her first appearance ever on television that week, appearing on my former GB News show to make this impassioned plea: “If you push people who don’t agree with you underground then that narrative becomes dangerous. You must allow people to speak freely. They must have their opinions and be able to talk about it. If you’re censored and pushed down, it’s a very dangerous place to be.”

What’s incredible is what has changed in the three years since that interview.
Twitter is now a free platform, transforming into X under Elon Musk, the bête noire of the Two Tier Keir.
And when that big tech company – a rare defender of our right to expression – wouldn’t censor Bernie, it was the British government who did.
So let me leave you with this line from her powerful video: “The process is the punishment and it will silence millions. And when we are silent that is the end of our free speech. So to those who celebrated my arrest, don’t enjoy it too much because it could easily happen to you, and the difference between us is that I would fight for you.”
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We must oppose Two Tier Keir Starmer’s chilling mission creep to shut down debate with every fibre of our being.
This Outspoken Substack is now the exclusive home of my original journalism and columns. With the corrupt MSM now controlled by billionaire corporate overlords and dark establishment forces, by contrast I am no longer owned by anybody other than you. Subscribing allows you to read all the posts exclusively for paid members, access to the full archive, the ability to comment on articles and engage in debate with me, join my regular chats on the Substack app, and send me direct messages. In these dark times of censorship and a crackdown on free speech, it also means you are supporting an independent media revolution, for which I will be forever grateful.
Starmer’s Labour about greed and power – Duffield
Media caption,
Speaking to the BBC, Rosie Duffield said voters were being “completely taken for granted”
Presenter, Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg
Damian Grammaticas
BBC Political correspondent
- Published28 September 2024
Rosie Duffield has told the BBC that Sir Keir Starmer’s team cares “more about greed and power than making a difference” in her first broadcast interview since resigning from the Labour Party.
In her resignation letter, published by the Sunday Times, external, the Canterbury MP lambasts the prime minister for accepting gifts worth tens of thousands of pounds while scrapping the winter fuel payment and keeping the two-child benefit cap.
In an interview on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Duffield said Labour voters and MPs are being “exploited” and “taken for granted”.
Duffield, who will now sit as an independent MP, said leaving the party was “not at all where I wanted to be”.
- Labour insiders frustrated at Starmer’s ‘breathtaking’ wardrobe row
- Published21 September
- How much is the winter fuel payment and who can still get it?
- Published3 days ago
- How much is child benefit worth and who can claim it?
- Published3 September
Speaking to the BBC, Duffield said Labour was “in my heart and in my soul”.
“It is so profoundly disappointing to me as a Labour voter and an activist… to see this is what we have become,” she added.
She said after days of revelations about donations and the leadership’s refusal to apologise, that the leadership seemed “more about greed and power than making a difference…I just can’t take any more”.
Duffield, who has clashed previously with the party leadership over women’s rights and transgender issues, resigned on Saturday.
She said: “We all had our faith in Keir Starmer and a Labour government, and I feel that voters and activists and MPs are being completely laughed at and completely taken for granted.”
Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he protected Jimmy Savile
Kit Klarenberg·July 6, 2024

Sir Keir Starmer c,laims the right to freebies and the privileges of Prime Ministerial Pleasure. Meanwhile his government is moving in on taxing tips for restaurant staff. Tips were always legally taxable, as I discovered when I was in charge of taxing employees of Warner Leisure on Hayling Island while employed by what was then called HM Inspector of Taxes. It was easy to see that the U.K Tax system picked on the little people
R J Cook
As the UK’s new, MI6-aligned prime minister takes power, questions are resurfacing about how key files on infamous British pedophile Jimmy Savile disappeared under his watch.
In October 2012, a documentary exposed how veteran British media personality Jimmy Savile sexually abused vulnerable, underage girls throughout his lifetime. This led to an eruption of reports of abuse, spanning decades, and official inquiries into multiple institutions to which Savile was linked. Today, the full extent of his crimes, and the total number of his victims, is unknown. It has nonetheless been confirmed that the BBC, NHS, British police, and many journalists had full knowledge of his pedophilic and necrophilic perversions well before his death.
Keir Starmer faces renewed scrutiny over allegations he …The Grayzone › 2024/07/06 › keir-starmer-sc…
6 Jul 2024 — Starmer’s irresistible, corrupt path to power · In April 2014, Levitt was rewarded for her CPS service with a lucrative job at high ranked law …
The Corruption Behind Starmer’s Rise Has Finally Been …

Novara Media › 2023/11/14 › the-corruption…
The Corruption Behind Starmer’s Rise Has Finally Been Exposed. The media omertà is breaking. by Joe Guinan. 14 November 2023. Labour leader Keir Starmer.
CPS has destroyed all records of Keir Starmer’s four trips to …Declassified UK › Sample Page
29 Jun 2023 — During Starmer’s time in post, the CPS was marred by irregularities surrounding the case of the WikiLeaks founder. The organisation has admitted …
Starmer under fire over failure to charge Fayed as chief …The Telegraph › news › 2024/09/19 › star…
19 Sept 2024 — Bruce Drummond, a barrister from a legal team representing several of the women, said: “The spider’s web of corruption and abuse in this company …
Keir Starmer denies he knew CPS was prosecuting post office operators
Labour leader was director of public prosecutions when three cases brought by CPS resulted in convictions
Ben Quinn Political CorrespondentWed 10 Jan 2024 22.30 GMTLast modified on Thu 11 Jan 2024 02.30 GMT
Keir Starmer has denied he was aware of Crown Prosecution Service prosecutions against post office operators caught up in the Horizon IT scandal when he headed the agency.
The Labour leader’s comments came as calls grew for the former Post Office boss Paula Vennells to hand back £3m in bonuses earned during her period in charge.
Starmer, who was director of public prosecutions between 2008 and 2013, addressed questions about what he knew about up to 38 prosecutions of post office operators initiated by the CPS.
“No, I wasn’t aware of any of them. I think there was a small number within a 20-year window, that’s all I know,” he said.
September 28th 2024
A Dagger to the heart of sanctimonious Sir Keir Starmer ‘ The Harmer’ and his clique of ‘Animal Farm Style Hypocrits’. This is the resignation letter of MP Rosie Duffield, a person of principle with a mind beyond feminism because she knows all things in this world are connected. R J Cook
Dear Sir Keir,
Usually letters like this begin, “It is with a heavy heart…” Mine has been increasingly heavy and conflicted and has longed for a degree of relief.
I can no longer stay a Labour MP under your management of the party, and this letter is my notice that I wish to resign the Labour Party whip with immediate effect.
Although many “last straws” have led to my decision, my reason for leaving now is the programme of policies you seem determined to stick to, however unpopular they are with the electorate and your own MPs.
You repeat often that you will make the “tough decisions” and that the country is “all in this together”. But those decisions do not directly affect any one of us in Parliament. They are cruel and unnecessary, and affect hundreds of thousands of our poorest, most vulnerable constituents.
This is not what I was elected to do. It is not even wise politics, and it certainly is not “the politics of service”.
I did not vote for you to lead our party for reasons I won’t describe in detail here. But, as someone elevated immediately to a shadow cabinet position without following the usual path of honing your political skills on the backbenches, you had very little previous political footprint. It was therefore unclear what your political passions, drive or direction might be as the leader of the Labour Party, a large movement of people united by a desire for social justice and support for those most in need.
You also made the choice not to speak up once about the Labour Party’s problems with antisemitism during your time in the shadow cabinet, leaving that to backbenchers, including new MPs such as me.
Since you took office as Leader of the Opposition you have used various heavy-handed management tactics but have never shown what most experienced backbenchers would recognise as true or inspiring leadership.
You have never regularly engaged with your own backbench MPs, many of whom have been in Parliament far longer than you, and some of whom served in the previous Labour government.
You have chosen neither to seek our individual political opinions, nor learn about our constituency experiences, nor our specific or collective areas of political knowledge. We clearly have nothing you deem to be of value.
Your promotion of those with no proven political skills and no previous parliamentary experience but who happen to be related to those close to you, or even each other, is frankly embarrassing.
In particular, the recent treatment of Diane Abbott, now Mother of the House, was deeply shameful and led to comments from voters across the political spectrum. A woman of her political stature and place in history is deserving of respect and support, regardless of political differences.
As Prime Minister, your managerial and technocratic approach, and lack of basic politics and political instincts, have come crashing down on us as a party after we worked so hard, promised so much, and waited a long fourteen years to be mandated by the British public to return to power.
Since the change of government in July, the revelations of hypocrisy have been staggering and increasingly outrageous. I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding about how you have made us all appear.
How dare you take our longed-for victory, the electorate’s sacred and precious trust, and throw it back in their individual faces and the faces of dedicated and hardworking Labour MPs?! The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.
Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp — this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister.
Forcing a vote to make many older people iller and colder while you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for — why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment or remorse?
I now have no confidence in your commitment to deliver the so-called “change” you promised during the General Election campaign and the changes we have been striving for as a political party for over a decade.
My values are those of a democratic socialist Labour Party and I have been elected three times to act on those values on behalf of my constituents. Canterbury made history when its voters elected their first woman, and only non-Conservative, MP since the seat was created in the thirteenth century.
My constituents elected an independent-minded MP who vowed to put constituency before party, and to keep tackling the issues that most affect us here — Brexit fallout, funding for our universities, our desperately struggling East Kent NHS, dire housing situation, repeated sewage pollution and protecting our vital green spaces.
I am confident that I can continue to do so as an independent MP guided by my core Labour values.
Sadly, the Labour Party has never shown any interest in my wonderful constituency in the seven years that I have been in Parliament. But I am proud of my community and will continue to serve them to the best of my ability.
My constituents care deeply about social issues such as child poverty and helping those who cannot help themselves. I will continue to uphold those values as I pledged to do when I first stood before them for election in 2017.
As someone who joined a trade union in my first job, at seventeen, Labour has always been my natural political home. I was elected as a single mum, a former teaching assistant in receipt of tax credits. The Labour Party was formed to speak for those of us without a voice, and I stood for election partly because I saw decisions about the lives of those like me being made in Westminster by only the most privileged few. Right now, I cannot look my constituents in the eye and tell them that anything has changed. I hope to be able to return to the party in the future, when it again resembles the party I love, putting the needs of the many before the greed of the few.
Yours sincerely,

I wouldn’t insult the pius Starmer by calling him the New Cromwell. That is because Oliver was a man of principle. Now Hitler was something else – R.J Cook
It’s no beer Keir! As Labour reveal latest attack on booze …

Daily Mail › news › article-13884921
4 days ago — Along with the government’s plans to overhaul licensing laws, scientists have also suggested that the size of pints should be reduced, raising …
Small beer: Study calls on government to shrink pints

BBC › news › articles
18 Sept 2024 — Labour MP Josh Simons – an ally of prime minister Sir Keir Starmer – said he would not back any plans to remove pints as the top measure of …
Experts call for ban on pints of beer following new study › Archive › News
19 Sept 2024 — However, the Labour government have said there are no plans to outlaw beer being sold in pints. One of Sir Keir Starmer’s allies, Labour MP …
16 Jan 2022 — Last May Starmer was pictured drinking with party staff, with the image having been taken outside the window of a constituency office in Durham …
Sir Keir Starmer defends beer-drinking photos saying …
Manchester Evening News › uk-news
Beergate: Footage shows Starmer drinking beer with …Facebook · Sky News440+ reactions · 2 years ago

Sir Keir Starmer will be investigated by police over “beergate” – the allegation he broke lockdown rules while drinking with colleagues.
Comment This is more about saving the NHS from the natives because it is overwhelmed by massive complex migrant demands and massive pay rises for Junior doctors, following those to consultants last year and with more demands from nurses to come. This is Third World Britain and it will get worse, assuming Nuclear War with Russia does not put an end to everything beforehand, which will also be an event we can thank ‘Starmer the Harmer’ for..
R J Cook
Starmer suffers major blow as Labour MP Rosie Duffield …GB News › politics › keir-starmer-labou…
2 hours ago — Starmer suffers major blow as Labour MP Rosie Duffield quits over ‘sleaze scandal and cruel policies’ · The Canterbury MP has been at odds with …
MP Rosie Duffield quits Labour over ‘sleaze, nepotism and …

Daily Mail › news › article-13902273
2 hours ago — MP Rosie Duffield has resigned the Labour whip after accusing the Government of ‘sleaze, nepotism and greed’ and attacking its ‘cruel and …
MP Rosie Duffield resigns Labour whip over ‘hypocrisy and …

Nation.Cymru › news › mp-rosie-duffield-resigns…
2 hours ago — She added: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish …
As Former Head of Corrupt Crown Prosecution Service that routinely withheld evidence that would help defendants for the sake of convictions, like David Malkinson’s, now turned Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer will not be reforming equally corrupt U.K Police any time soon. Him and his crew of like minded ministers have their minds set on more mail jails and convictions because they fear more riots. R J Cook

R J Cook.
21 Jun 2024 — A police disciplinary panel has found allegations of gross misconduct proven against Northamptonshire Chief Constable Nick Adderley today …
Commissioner asks how lying police chief got job

21 Jun 2024 — Northamptonshire’s police, fire and crime commissioner has said she does not understand how the county’s disgraced former chief constable got …
Nick Adderley: Northamptonshire Police chief constable …

Sky News…/nick-adderley-suspended-chief-…
21 Jun 2024 — Nick Adderley, the chief constable of Northamptonshire Police, had been suspended on full pay since October for exaggerating his own rank and length of service.
Series of errors made in vetting checks of disgraced chief ……/series-of-errors-made-in…
6 Aug 2024 — Series of errors made in vetting checks of disgraced chief constable, review finds … Nick Adderley’s policing career ended in disgrace.
Northants Police Chief Constable dismissed for gross …

Banbury FM…/northants-police-chief-consta…
21 Jun 2024 — Former Chief Constable Nick Adderley has been found to have committed gross misconduct and breached the standards of professional behaviour.
‘Furious’ Northamptonshire police officers say sacked chief …

Northamptonshire Telegraph › News › People
28 Jun 2024 — Police officers who worked for disgraced Northamptonshire chief constable Nick Adderley have spoken of their feeling of betrayal after he was sacked for gross …
Comment on dismissal of Chief Constable Nick Adderley

Northamptonshire Police…/comment-on-dismiss…
21 Jun 2024 — An independent panel decided that Chief Constable Nick Adderley had breached the standards of honesty and integrity and should be dismissed without notice.
Series of failures when vetting sacked former chief …

Northampton Chronicle and Echo › News › Crime
6 Aug 2024 — A review, published by Northamptonshire Police, has found a series of failures that occurred during the vetting process of sacked former chief constable, Nick …
September 26th 2024
Labouring The Point by R J Cook

September 25th 2024
New New Labour New New Danger – By R J Cook

A British paratrooper flies the flag as he approaches the Arnhem earth last Saturday as part of celebtrations for one Britain’s greatest military defeats, costing 4000 allied troops lives. Read ‘A Bridge Too Far’ by Cornelius Ryan or watch the video of the same name.

This British Army Parachute Colonel was at last Saturday’s Arnhem ‘Bridge too far’ Celebrations as part of the ongoing British ruling elite softening up and rabble rousing preparations for their fantasy NATO ground war on Russia. Small minded ranting egomaniac idiots Napoleon and Hitler destroyed themselves and slaughtered thousands of their people in this megolomanic delusion. The West has so many such morons who want to do it all again. They have started. U.S is providing the satellite intelligence to destroy Russian arms dumps, with another $8 billion of weapons funding approved this week. The U.K and EU are promising more, even if it robs the poor of benefits and sanctions stifle all trade with Russia, raising unemployment. There is no thoughts to the existential crisis for Russia if they run out of conventional ordnance and weapons. I know what I would do if I were Putin, Lavrov and their government. I also know what China could do to the satelliets. I can’t spell it out because the U.K is effectively at war with Russia and U.K aurthorities need little invitation to arrest and detain me again. That is life in authoritarian United Kingdom.

Home Secretary Yyvette Cooper’s performance at the recent New New Labour Rally put me in mind of Nuremberg in Hitler’s heyday. There was a lot of gurning and gesticulating to massed cheering from the mesmerised party faithful ( fatefull ).

10000 Brits urged to leave Lebanon immediately ‘while …MSN › en-au › news › other › british-p…
14 hours ago — Britain is moving 700 troops to Cyprus to be ready for an emergency evacuation of UK citizens of Lebanon as Israel’s military pounds the region.
Terrified Brits race to escape Lebanon: Trapped families …Daily Mail › news › article-13889581
11 hours ago — Britain’s Ministry of Defence is ramping up contingency plans for a desperate evacuation of UK citizens from Lebanon, with a 700-strong force of …
British warships and aircraft on standby to evacuate LebanonUK Defence Journal › Air
16 hours ago — The UK government has issued an urgent call for British nationals in Lebanon to leave immediately, as the conflict between Israel and Lebanon …
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